
Not ready to say goodbye

Princess - I just wanted to offer some virtual hugs. I'm so sorry hon!
I am so sorry for this difficult time you and your ex and his family are going through. Prayers and hugs.
Thanks, everybody. I really appreciate this, and I know that even though they don't know they're coming, the positive thoughts and prayers are helping their family get through this.
Yes, many thoughts and prayers coming from me as well. I know how hard it is, but I'm so glad that you were able to see him. I have no doubt he (and the whole family) appreciates your support. My heart goes out to you and your ex's family.
Princess, hugs to you and your ex's family. I"m glad you had a chance to see him and that he's made this decision. Wishing him a peaceful and loving life and sending you hugs and prayers to help cope with this. You have many friends here, just know we're all thinking about you.

Thinking of you. <hug>
Thanks, everybody. M called last night and we talked for a while. He says that his dad is medicated enough that he's not in pain, and after the meeting with hospice he seemed to realize that nobody will blame him for being ready to move on. He apparently got a burst of energy yesterday and wanted to meet with his boss about starting one or two more projects around the house (their house is constantly a work in progress), and it doesn't surprise me that he would want to make sure that things will get done the right way before he lets go. Seems like there's not much time left at all, but he's got his family around him and he's not in pain. I think that's all we can hope for, so we're just thanking God for small miracles and praying that this improves the quality of whatever time he has left with his family.
Seems like an amazing man who overlooks his situation and ensures that others will be taken care of and comfortable when he's gone. What an example to set!
Hospice is such an amazing organization. They are all about keeping the patient comfortable. They were a Godsend to me trying to take care of 3 boys under the age of 5, when my husband was dying of cancer. It is not an easy place to be. But it sounds like he has come to terms with it and that somehow brings a little more peace and comfort to everyone around. Patients often get a burst of energy towards the end. *hugs* God bless him and the family as they go through this journey. I pray for peace for everyone. ;(
He passed last night. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
S, I am so sorry to hear this. He sounded like a great guy. Prayers for you, M, and his family.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you, friend.
I'm so sorry, S. I'm sure M. and his family appreciate all the love and support you've shown them.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Hugs, thoughts, and prayers headed your way, S. You know how to find me if you need to talk.
I'm so sorry Princess. Hugs to you.
So sorry for your loss. Good thoughts outgoing for you, M, and his family, my friend.
Princesss, I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you during this very difficult time.
Oh, Princesss, I am so very sorry! {{{{hugs}}}}
Very sorry to hear it...
So sorry, Princess :(
Princess - I missed your announcement until just now. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.