
No longer waiting!


Aug 10, 2009
Sorry I took a couple days to finally post pics. Funny how when you get engaged, everyone wants to hang out and see the ring and hear how he did it - kinda like you ladies! :tongue:

So here's the much-awaited story: I got home from work Thursday, and when I came in there was a poster with "WILL" on it, and a bunch of white roses. When I came down the hall, there was another with "WILL YOU" and some pink roses by it. Then in my living room was one more with "WILL YOU MARRY" and red roses. And beside that was my now-fiance (!!!!!!) down on one knee holding some yellow lilies and looking super nervous. I stood there and he looked like maybe he was going to pass out, and I tried to just be quiet and give him a chance to actually ask me, since I didn't see a fourth poster anywhere with "me" added to the end of it. After a few seconds, I said "come here!" motioning for him to stand up so I could hug him. He said "hang on a second!" - oops. So he breathed out a couple long breaths trying to collect himself, and he said some sweet things about how he can't imagine his life without me, and asked me to marry him. :bigsmile:

He said since this is where we'll be starting our life together when we're married, he thought it would be the best place to ask me. Awwww.

The diamond is a cushion, .80ct, I color, VS2. The setting is size 7 1/4, 18kt white gold with .20ct tcw on it. I absolutely adore it! :lickout: I love taking photos but I had a hard time getting good ones of my ring. When I get better ones I'll show you ladies more.

Oh, and he is so sweet about it all. He's been mushy ever since, and he looks at how sparkly the ring is just as much as I do! He's decided he likes the term "pre-wife" better than fiancee and says he's going to call me that. And I don't know that he's stopped grinning since he asked me.



Beautiful ring! :love: :love: Congrats! :appl:
I was so anxious to hear your story. It's so sweet. I like how he put the poster of "Will you marry" right next to him. So romantic. Nice sparkly!!!! CONGRATS AGAIN!!! :love:
Such a cute proposal! And a beautiful ring! Congratulations, crossmyfingers!!! Told you #23 was lucky!!! ;) ;) ;)
Yea Yea Yea! :appl:

Best wishes and happiness to the both of you.
that is so sweet!!!! *tearing up* sounds like it was perfect!!!! congratulations!!!

oh and more ring pics please :) :) :)
Awww, absolutely adorable! I am so happy for you, and its a gorgeous ring!
Awww, adorable! Love the ring and I love your nail polish!

Aww that is such a sweet proposal! Congrats again!
yay :appl: congrats again, love the proposal and ring, so sweet :love:
Jeez that ring is gorgeous! Congrats!
Soooo sweet! I was waiting for your story to pop up!!!! The ring is amazing on you... Congratss :cheeky:
YES!! I'm so happy for you :) Your ring is beautiful! I was waiting for the pics and story - I teared up reading the story!
That is the sweetest story! I love it :P
Awesome story : ) One of my favorites by far!! I love it : )

Congratulations, your ring looks amazing! (love the blue!!)
Congratulations! Your ring is beautiful, and the proposal sounds so sweet! :)
So, congrats....and can I just tell you that my hand went straight to my heart reading your proposal story?~!?~? How wonderful and sweet. Best wishes, and I look forward to hanging with you in BWW. Your ring is fantastic, the split shank and that cushion is gorgeous! Yay!
Woooweeee! Love it! Congrats! :appl:
What a perfect proposal! Congrats to you and your "future husband" :)
Beautiful, Congrats!! That cushion looks a lot bigger than .80 ct. and I love the split shank. It's perfect on your hand! :appl: :appl: :appl:

I LOVE your proposal story. SO Sweet! YAY!
Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!
Congrats and your ring is beautiful. It's great to see another size 7 finger posting.
Congrats!!! You must be so excited! Your ring is beautiful!!
Congrats!!!! What an awesome proposal story!!! He's such a sweetheart!!! I hope you two have a long and happy life together!!! It's a gorgeous ring!!! Don't forget to give her her own thread in SMTB whenever you get a chance!
Oh wow, thanks, everyone, for all the congratulations and the sweet comments! I'm so over the moon to finally be engaged to this man, and he's just as thrilled as I am. I friggin love my ring and am so happy with it. I've been reading your replies aloud to FI and he's so pleased with it all too...

Me: Another reply saying the ring is beautiful! And another saying your proposal was sweet! And another saying they got teary eyed reading it!
Him: :bigsmile: :love: :twirl: :naughty: :sun:

It's really great to hear that other people are excited about it all, even if you ladies don't even know my or his first name. It's kinda like we're a big family here on LIW... but we mostly know each other by names like Rhubarb or Monarch, LOL. Oh, I finally get to make a SMTB thread now too! Thanks for reminding me, Lucky!

(And I think I'm going to break the "!" key on my laptop, as many as I've used in my last few posts on here!)
Congratulations! Beautiful proposal, beautiful ring!
Awwwww.... what a mushy sweetheart of a pre-husband!

Your ring is gorgeous
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! Your ring is really beautiful :)
that is so sweet! what a lovely proposal and ring!
more photos!! now you have to go post in the 'show me the bling' thread :)
Congratulations on your engagement. Your ring is beautiful!