
Neti Pot

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Jul 5, 2007
Does anyone use one? I saw them on Oprah, and I just got my second sinus infection in the last three months, so I''m curious. Please let me know what your experiences are!
My mom and Dh use it regularly and I use is sometimes, and it is great! DH has bad allergies and uses Nasonex steroid spray, but would still have symptoms. Now he also uses the netipot each night and his symptoms are gone and he finds his nose is clearer. For the cost, which is very little, it is a great this to do if stuffiness is an issue for you.
Thanks, DD! Is it easy to use? I know it sounds silly, but I''m kinda worried about just snorting up water.
Per doctor instuctions, I used something similar but it was a flexible plastic bottle that you gently squeeze the water (mixed with a premeasured saline packet, very important!!) in one nostril and it flows out the other. I gotta be honest....everytime I use it I feel, for a split second, that I''m drowning.
It''s the same sensation that I got when, as a child, I accidentally sucked pool water up my nose. The Neti Pot may be better since you let the water flow from the pot with no additional pressure/force at all.

On the bright side, you do feel unusually "clean and clear" afterwards.

I''m not prone to sinus problems but I hear this is a miracle for some of those who have ongoing problems. I have even heard of some who are able to stop all medications and just use the Neti. Definitely worth a try!

Good luck!
El-my hubby and myself both use one.

They take a little getting used to(the sensation, head position, etc.) but I feel so much better after using it-so it is worth the practice :)

It is great for sinus issues related to allergies, infections, and colds.

Make sure to use warm water-it will help to alleviate that(water up your nose feeling) and warm water helps to break down the mucous easier.

The saline packets are nice, no thoughts on how much salt to add, but we just use kosher salt.

Good luck, I hope it helps :)
JD had to have his nasal passages worked on this past fall and had to use what Dianne used-the bottle w/the packet for a few days before and then was supposed to keep using it afterwards. Took some getting used to but after a while it wasn''t a big deal for him, and he did feel like he was cleaner and clearer after. I''ve never tried it-I think I''d feel like I''m drowning and be spitting and sputtering. Did help keep his nasal passages open after surgery to slow down the snoring tho, and he used it again constantly when we were all coming down w/colds and he didn''t get one.
Thanks everyone! I think I''m just going to run out and get one, even though I''m still a little nervous about use. It sounds like the result is worth it, and considering how miserable I''m feeling, "clean and clear" sounds really, really good right now!
I haven't used that product exactly, but I have gone through periods of lots of "sinus irrigation" (as my doctor likes to call it). I can't say I have seen any positive effects ... but then again my sinuses are much much worse than the average person, so it may work for you! I'd definitely give it a shot because so many doctors have told me how much it helps.

ETA: To answer your question about ease of use: Yes, it does feel exactly like snorting up a bunch of water. Lol. It's most similar to getting water up you nose in the swimming pool. It's not the greatest feeling in the world, but it's not painful or anything.
I had the same concerns before I tried it! Head position is key because you want the water to run from one nostril and out the other, and NOT to go back into your throat. To achieve this, you need to first lean forward over the sink with your head completely facing the ground, then turn your head to the left or right (depending on the nostil) until the nostil you are pouring water into is basically right above the nostril that you want the water to come out of! Always keep your head lined up so that the cheek closest to the sink is parallel to the counter (like if you put your head on the counter is would rest perfectly flat). If you head is tilted off this plane, the water will run back into your throat, but even then it doesn''t hurt or anything, you just snort and spit it out

You''ll figure it out, just give it a try!
I LOVE my neti pot. I mostly use it when I have a cold. It works even when no decogestant pills can. I don''t have allergy issues often, but when I do you can be sure I''ll use the neti pot.

It feels really weird at first, like you inhaled water at a pool. But its fun to see all the gunk that you get out and it feels super clean afterward. I swear that I smell things that are generally too subtle to smell. Its like superhuman smell power!
I find my Neti pot to be a little bit much to manage...but I highly recommend a nasal wash called Alk-alol. It should come with a little pink plastic nose cup, you mix it half and half with water, hold one nostril closed, poor the fluid into the other while tipping head back and saying keeps it from running down your throat. Then lean over the sink and let it all come out...I swear I''m not making it up.

My allergist recommended this, it is non-pharmacologic, can be bought over the counter, and works great!
Just tried it out! I would say the descriptions of it feeling like getting water up your nose at the pool are spot on, except it doesn't sting the way chlorine does. I also felt a little bit of pressure as the water was coming through. I did get saline mixture down my throat on the first couple of tries, but just a little bit, and then I got the hang of it. Result: my sinuses still feel really stuffy and my throat is sore, but my nasal passages do feel better! I need to go read the instructions again - how often can I do this?

And Mayachel, that stuff sounds really good too! I'll have to check it out as well. Anything to feel better!

Thanks all for your feedback!! It helped me a LOT - I think I would have been swallowing salt water like crazy had I not read your input!
My assistant swears by her NetiPot. The thought of it grosses me out, but I would use it in a heartbeat if I needed it.

She says it is great for preventing the congestion, but that it doesn''t really help much if you are already in the midst of a sinus headache or congestion. If you are prone to allergies or sinusitis, it''s a great preventative device.
If you still feel really stuffy, use it every two hours. I had a bad cold recently and I was super plugged up. I used it at regular intervals throughout the day and I was clear by bedtime. Once everything started draining, the next days to follow were not as bad. Its a matter of getting things moving first.
Growing up, we always used this stuff called alkalol, which is basically the same idea (you mix it with warm water and put it up your nose). It works great!

The thing you use to put it up there is called a "nasal douche". I guess they figured that neti pot sounded nicer? LOL.
LadyPirate - my DH came home and said "Seriously? You paid $20 for this?" and I said "How did you know it was $20?" and he replied "Darn! I was hoping you''d say ''It was only 10!''" - he''s convinced that all of this can be done for basically, free. I will refrain from telling him he''s right

Golden - I''d been wondering how often is OK - thanks for the 2 hr tip!

I used it a second time before bed, and I couldn''t get it to run out and my head hurt a little. Now I just tried it this morning and still nothing...I can''t figure out for the life of me how I got it to work the first time but now I can''t...?!
El-I am glad that you gave it a try! It does take some practice.

One other thing that may help is using distiller water. I was having a lot of rebound congestion when I first began using my neti pot and was told to try distiller water and it mad a huge difference for me.
I can also say when I am really stuffed, I use a little warmer water and sometimes have to hold my head(with the neti pot in place) for a little while before it will start to run.

Good luck and keep on trying.
I use it. I bought the salt mixture at Walgreens; it about $10 for a bunch of packets. I have horrible allergies and it helps clear things out but I do need to take medicine still. I find it helps some but not completely. I find I have best results using it in the morning while showering. You should try it.

here is a kit for about $13 I started with the kit and then bought the pot from Whole foods for about $15 if I remember correctly?
you can also just do a steam with essential oils to supplement or replace the netti pot.

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