
Need some puppy dust!!!


Feb 3, 2008
I want this new little guy sooooo badly. We are heading to NY in a couple days and flying into Norfolk. This little guy is in VA.
I found him on the internet after almost buying another puppy from a breeder in Pismo Beach. The breeder in VA wanted me to send
a moneygram for a deposit and I just didn't feel comfortable doing that sight unseen. So when we get there on Weds. morning I will
call her and see if this little guy is still available and then we will fly back with him.

I need lots of dust that he will still be there!!! He has a sister, too. But, this one really has my heart already.

He's adorable! I hope things work out for all of you. Looking forward to pictures.
OMG, that's what I call the PUPPY EYE! sooooooooo cute~ Best luck, bring him home and take lots of pictures!!!
Awwwww I hope he's still there!! He's precious :bigsmile:

Though, if not, I rather imagine his sister might just steal your heart in his stead ::)
He's precious!!! Good luck! :love:
What a cutie! I hope you get him. Sending puppy dust your way. Safe travels.
What a tiny, precious boy! What breed is he?
OMG, how incredibly cute, those eyes make me melt!! He's the cutest thing ever, I really hope things work out. I'm also wondering what breed it is.
Oh, what an adorable little guy!! Good luck, I hope you get to give this guy a new home!!
On second thought, do you have other dogs at home? If not, please consider getting his sister, too! Our dogs have been SO much happier with a buddy! :))
DUST!!!!! :appl:
Precious! I hope you get him!
I hope it all works out for you.
He is a miniature dachshund, or a teenie weenie, as we call them. I have another at home, Maxx who is 7. We have always wanted
two. Maxx is on the small side at 8 lbs, and we wanted another about the same size. I would get a rescue dog, but I don't think
Maxx would be too happy with a dog the same size or bigger than him. He has been king for a long time so a smaller dog will be
easier for him to get used to, we are thinking.

We were thinking about getting a female, but this little guy has such a face!!!!

DH has always thought one dog was enough until we stopped at our favorite pet shop in Pismo (where we bought Maxx) and he held
another teenie weenie who just snuggled into his arms, and he was DONE! We didn't get that one, I actually talked him out of it!
I found Happy, who can resist that face!
Here are a couple more photos of the boy Happy and the little girl Oreo




aww they're both so CUTE!! And Oreo's ears... How in the world do you plan to leave with only one, luv? I'd be smuggling the other into my pocket as soon as DH turned around :love:
They are delicious little balls of puppy goodness. :love: :love: :love: