
Need inspiration help for round blue stone

I'm not sure why you took it out from it's original setting - it's very unique? Anyway, you have, so .... looking at all your photos it appears they fall into two camps but both have an antique/vintage feel:-

1. Shank with diamonds (split and tapered) but all different shapes
2. Shank with larger side diamonds and then a few other diamonds down the shank - half moons, tapered/straight baguettes etc.

Looking at your original setting (and also with an eye on cost), I wonder whether a compromise of the above two would be a shank made up of baguettes length ways down the sides, with millgraining?

I just ADORE your spinel. For me, it's the perfect colour. If you decide to sell any of your set in that colour please give me a shout!

I can't wait to see the end result as this will be spectacular.
Wouldn't a setting with baguettes going down the shank be rather expensive, especially if they are tapered (graduated from wide to thin)? Rounds are easier to get although again, graduated sizing is less common than something of the same size down the shank.
I see why you un-set that magnificent spinel. It needs more bling than that setting provides it. Totally agree with you. I think the Tacori setting or some version of it would be great; also love the one in the first pic. Oh boy, I'm hot to see what you decide on too!

--- Laurie
LD|1352746050|3304458 said:
I'm not sure why you took it out from it's original setting - it's very unique? Anyway, you have, so .... looking at all your photos it appears they fall into two camps but both have an antique/vintage feel:-

1. Shank with diamonds (split and tapered) but all different shapes
2. Shank with larger side diamonds and then a few other diamonds down the shank - half moons, tapered/straight baguettes etc.

Looking at your original setting (and also with an eye on cost), I wonder whether a compromise of the above two would be a shank made up of baguettes length ways down the sides, with millgraining?

I just ADORE your spinel. For me, it's the perfect colour. If you decide to sell any of your set in that colour please give me a shout!

I can't wait to see the end result as this will be spectacular.
I think it's just too busy (?) for me LD. I have figured out that I like to add texture with bands instead of with settings. And I like accent diamonds! Who knew?

I was kind of playing with the idea of shield, baguette, round, baguette, shield. Baguettes would be N/S.
Chrono|1352746571|3304468 said:
Wouldn't a setting with baguettes going down the shank be rather expensive, especially if they are tapered (graduated from wide to thin)? Rounds are easier to get although again, graduated sizing is less common than something of the same size down the shank.
I think if I did rounds, they would be OEC or single cuts. Maybe start with 4mm? 4mm, 3mm, 2mm? That would be about full finger coverage at roughly 26mm.
Beverley K has a lot of tapered shank settings. I worked with GOG on one, and they sourced single cuts for me.
Would shields look right with your round do you think? I find it difficult to team a round centre with great looking accent fancy cut diamonds. For example, I don't think half moons work, or anything with a straight edge. So I'm not sure about shields? Is there a budget? If there is I'm guessing shields would be fairly costly????

I'm surprised you think that tapered baguettes on a shank might be too busy. I hope I've described it as it's in my head!!!! I'll see if I can find a piccie and post one up.

Chrono - don't think baguettes would be as expensive as shields or other sides. You're more likely to find baguettes at a reasonable size.
JewelFreak|1352746967|3304483 said:
I see why you un-set that magnificent spinel. It needs more bling than that setting provides it. Totally agree with you. I think the Tacori setting or some version of it would be great; also love the one in the first pic. Oh boy, I'm hot to see what you decide on too!

--- Laurie
I have been told by Fortekitty, EricaR and selkie that it needs bling instead of just the metal. We had a GTG in Irvine over the weekend and played with it.

I couldn't actually tell you the last time I wore it as it was. I wear my rings. So that was very telling...
LD|1352747619|3304499 said:
Would shields look right with your round do you think? I find it difficult to team a round centre with great looking accent fancy cut diamonds. For example, I don't think half moons work, or anything with a straight edge. So I'm not sure about shields? Is there a budget? If there is I'm guessing shields would be fairly costly????

I'm surprised you think that tapered baguettes on a shank might be too busy. I hope I've described it as it's in my head!!!! I'll see if I can find a piccie and post one up.

Chrono - don't think baguettes would be as expensive as shields or other sides. You're more likely to find baguettes at a reasonable size.
Agreed LD.

I have a tiny pair of shields.

More later. FedEx guy just arrived. With a sparkly package.
FrekeChild|1352747993|3304509 said:
LD|1352747619|3304499 said:
Would shields look right with your round do you think? I find it difficult to team a round centre with great looking accent fancy cut diamonds. For example, I don't think half moons work, or anything with a straight edge. So I'm not sure about shields? Is there a budget? If there is I'm guessing shields would be fairly costly????

I'm surprised you think that tapered baguettes on a shank might be too busy. I hope I've described it as it's in my head!!!! I'll see if I can find a piccie and post one up.

Chrono - don't think baguettes would be as expensive as shields or other sides. You're more likely to find baguettes at a reasonable size.
Agreed LD.

I have a tiny pair of shields.

More later. FedEx guy just arrived. With a sparkly package.

Sparkly package? How exciting!
I've just searched through hundreds of Google images to see if I could find what is in my head but couldn't find anything!

The nearest I can get is the image below. Imagine is either with tapered baguettes wider the nearer you get to the round centre OR with straight baguettes as is. Imagine the shank sloping upwards as well towards the centre. Love the millgraining on this!

It's probably nothing at all that you'd like but just wanted to show you what I meant!

EDIT: Aaaaah, see you already have some shields! Well that's a big help! How do they look next to the round?

Lol at the pic LD! Lookie what my sparkly package is!

And the shields are super tiny. I'll take a pic when I'm done eating lunch, if the baby can cope for a few extra minute by herself.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Well that's fate then Freke! You need a matching band for your spinel!

Very pretty new addition! Need those piccies! I'm sure the baby will oblige if you promise her that you're concentrating on a future heirloom for her! ;)
LOL! What a coincidence. I'd say wear the new sparkly for a while to see if baguettes are doing it for you before deciding if it's right for your Big Blue.
FrekeChild|1352749015|3304536 said:
Lol at the pic LD! Lookie what my sparkly package is!

And the shields are super tiny. I'll take a pic when I'm done eating lunch, if the baby can cope for a few extra minute by herself.
Oh How funny! You two must think alike. Yes pics plz.
I don't have much to contribute, but I will echo that you were right to have it taken out of that setting - it deserves something bigger! What a lovely stone... Where is it from (geographically)?
It's from Tunduru.

Here are quick snaps. I was going to put shields with the supernova. I am including pics of both the supernova and Big Blue. Sorry for the terrible quality of the pics - Was trying to eat lunch while baby was getting mad too.

And for fun, a pic of the band and my princess.



FrekeChild|1352753340|3304634 said:
It's from Tunduru.

Interesting. I have no experience with this material. I've had a lot of Sri Lankan purplish blue spinels between my hands, and while some of them were undoubtedly nice stones, the gray was too much for me. Yours seems to have a bit more saturation in some of the pictures. And the cut is very nice - and with those shields... I can easily imagine it being a very elegant ring!
Freke, your shields look stunning with the supernova but I'm not loving the proportions with Big Blue I'm afraid. They look too insignificant with him/her but with the supernova definitely hold their own. It's odd because they look much bigger with the supernova which I know isn't possible! What do you think?
LD|1352754275|3304647 said:
Freke, your shields look stunning with the supernova but I'm not loving the proportions with Big Blue I'm afraid. They look too insignificant with him/her but with the supernova definitely hold their own. It's odd because they look much bigger with the supernova which I know isn't possible! What do you think?
I think you nailed it. They are just too tiny with the round. In fact, the more I look at the supernova and the shields, the more I think they kind of belong with it. Hmmm...I was originally thinking of making this into a 5 stone, but no idea what the other two stones would be! But I'm starting to like just the three of them.
Freke - how big is big blue? I think that might be the determining factor for you because if big blue is BIG then you will need fairly substantial looking sides OR a detailed shank.
LD|1352755127|3304660 said:
Freke - how big is big blue? I think that might be the determining factor for you because if big blue is BIG then you will need fairly substantial looking sides OR a detailed shank.
8.3mm and 2.74cts
Yeah, they look better with the supernova. Nice princess solitaire by the way. Looks great with the baguettes!
Oh crikey - big blue is BIG! Mmmmm, well, depends on budget but I think you'll need some rather hefty sides if you don't want them to disappear.

Do you have any other inspiration pieces that might be an option?
Hah! Now I feel almost embarrassed for saying those shields looked good with the round. Those particular shields are perhaps on the small side, but I still think that particular shape could be very elegant as side stones - but that's maybe just because I'm seeing a top heavy ring with three huge rounds as an alternative! ;))
innerkitten|1352755258|3304666 said:
Yeah, they look better with the supernova. Nice princess solitaire by the way. Looks great with the baguettes!
Thanks IK! The stone was my mom's! I just got it reset.
Kim Bruun|1352758047|3304710 said:
Hah! Now I feel almost embarrassed for saying those shields looked good with the round. Those particular shields are perhaps on the small side, but I still think that particular shape could be very elegant as side stones - but that's maybe just because I'm seeing a top heavy ring with three huge rounds as an alternative! ;))
Don't be! I actually really like the shape, I just think they are a bit small. They look kind of intimidated. I was thinking if they were pears, they would look really pretty too!






Yup, the shields look best with the supernova oval.

Prong set, right? I think a more open setting will be good for BB even though the basket of that antique setting is fabulous.

Almost forgot to mention that I love the baguette band. It looks really great in the close up picture.