
My name is Ame, and I am addicted to BBW AntiBac Soaps.


Jul 7, 2004
Specifically in the Brown Sugar Fig and the Coconut Lime Verbena smells. They are on sale (even the Brown Sugar Fig!) for 5/15 and 7/20, plus I found a 20% off code online, and now have another 14 bottles to add to my 45 at home. :o
wow.... that will last you for awhile for sure~ :bigsmile:
45??? You have a PROBLEM! I like them, too, but I get about 4 at a time and they last about one season. I usually replenish when the new scents come out. Have you ever seen the show "Hoarders," Ame? :naughty: :bigsmile:
You have some clean hands, girl. Do you take you rings off when you wash your hands? Sometimes I'm crazy like that. I hate the feeling on wet rings...and wet rings with watermarks on the stone :(sad .

I worry about the over-use of antibiotics (read triclosan). Soap is by its very nature antibacterial.
I find their scents too over-powering. They make me want to scream, actually. :errrr: I am happy for you, though. :wavey:
Brown sugar fig sounds absolutely amazing right now.
Kitchen herb and kitchen lemon :love:
I JUST spent a $50 gift card there! My BF even liked the mens line they carry!! We bought like 6 little travel size antibacs too
monarch64|1314302010|2999513 said:
45??? You have a PROBLEM! I like them, too, but I get about 4 at a time and they last about one season. I usually replenish when the new scents come out. Have you ever seen the show "Hoarders," Ame? :naughty: :bigsmile:
I DO have a problem. Did you not see that pic I took a while back of my closet in my bathroom!? It's really a hoarding issue. Esp with that Brown Sugar Fig. It comes and goes. Im always scared itll go away for good.

kelpie|1314303224|2999543 said:
You have some clean hands, girl. Do you take you rings off when you wash your hands? Sometimes I'm crazy like that. I hate the feeling on wet rings...and wet rings with watermarks on the stone :(sad .
I do when I am at home, though I don't always wear them at home. If I am not at home I leave them on. I am HIGHLY anal retentive about drying my hands though, I curl up the corner of the paper towel and dab around the stone, under the stone...then I wipe with the corner under the rings. It's a process. But when I am assembling jobs, I wash my hands every 20 minutes at least, and any time I touch my arms, face, etc. Any oils can absorb into the paper and ruin it.

I will say, the "Deep cleansing" version which is what I buy, is fab for diamonds. lol It works when I don't have time for a full on scrub.
I looooove the foaming antibac soaps!

We go through about 2 a month. I bought some of the cute halloween ones and I'm dying to use them!

I have Eucalyptus Mint in the bathroom right now. Just finished up Mint Chocolate (not buying that again... made me so hungry for ice cream every time I washed my hands!)

I never have 45 in my house (they expire) but I think the most I'll have in the house is 12 or so.
I've also been using dial foaming antibac in pear too. Way less scent, and way cheaper :D
45 is definitely a generous supply! I lOve them too!
I usually go through one to two a month, esp in the kitchen. I usually wash with dish soap in there then anti bac.

I have a sickness, I think. The Coconut Lime one smells like booze. haha so I might smell like a drunkard.
I used to use them until I found out it's better NOT to use antibac soaps since they can create "super bugs"--bacteria that is resistant to being destroyed. But I sure do love the scents.
Laila- I heard that too. Sadly, foaming soap is the only thing I can use without dirtying up my diamonds right away or drying my hands out. The foam stuff is sooo gentle!
If you use 2 a month, that will take you 22 months to use all your current supply - and if you added 15 bottles, it would take 30 months.

The smell would start to degrade in the bottle - the fragrances in these products, while higher quality than the typical dime/dollar soaps, will start to degenerate too.

You may wind up not having many bottles with the smell you love after a year and a half. Unless you like the way your soap smells after you "cellar" the soap for a specific number of months
I love their soaps! Especially the ones that foam. I have a ton of them at home that I got on sale about 18 months ago. I like to stock up when they get super cheap. I think I had 20 or so at one point.

I really like the brown sugar/fig one as well and I love the Herb one for the kitchen.
TristanC|1314344654|3000016 said:
If you use 2 a month, that will take you 22 months to use all your current supply - and if you added 15 bottles, it would take 30 months.

The smell would start to degrade in the bottle - the fragrances in these products, while higher quality than the typical dime/dollar soaps, will start to degenerate too.

You may wind up not having many bottles with the smell you love after a year and a half. Unless you like the way your soap smells after you "cellar" the soap for a specific number of months
I might start using them in the shower to knock them out.
I'll be the pooper and remind everyone that anti-bacterial things are not any more effective than plain soap and water, and triclosan-resistance may be increased by usage of these products.
I am less concerned about the triclosan. I like the formula and smell most of all honestly.
Mmm, I love Verbena. I know it's not the same, but Trader Joe's carries affordable Verbena scented products.
I do like that there are so many different scents/uses. I grabbed two Island Margarita's (lime green) for my half bath that we painted "sassy green" and it smells just like the drink. No idea what I'll find for that bath this fall/winter... I got a stress relief eucalyptus and something for the kitchen sink (who isn't stressed when they're in the kitchen?) and got something manly for my SO's bathroom, and something pretty (Caribbean Rose, maybe? can't remember) for our master bath.