
My Dog has Diabetes

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Feb 27, 2006
Just found out last night that my dog has diabetes.
I''m a little angry that this wasn''t defected sooner.

The vet said he''s been trying to contact us with four phone calls since December!! Don''t you think they would send a certified letter?!! if it was THAT serious that he could die????!! This doesn''t make any sense to me because Mike phone does work....
Last night we talked to him he said he''s a little over weight, so I stopped feeding him and much, last night he weight 18 pounds less than in November and he told me he''s wasting away!!!
He has been getting oozy on walks and sometime his legs will just give out and I chalked it up to his medication from the seizures, which I think it was due to his ridiculously high blood sugar count! He''s at 600 and 100 is normal. Vet says the seizures have nothing to do with it. I''m surprised he a great vet with a great reputation in the area.
MY b/f thinks that he''s had this for years, when 3-4 years ago his eye wouldn''t heal properly, he said there''s something causing this, there''s something wrong. Now, the next two weeks are critical, I have to give him insulin twice a day and take a pee test in the morning to regulate his sugar. Hopefully his sugar will gradually come down. Diabetes is fairly uncommon, it affects 1 in every 500 dogs and normally past age 7.

I really need to think positively, it has gotten bad, and hopefully the insulin will help

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He is just magnificant!!!!

I''m so sorry to hear that...I would be PISSED BEYOND WORDS...I would think that is malpractice for sure..
I hope he gets better soon...
So sorry to hear this....he is absolutely gorgeous and I hope that this treatment will work for him!
Time for a second opinion. Why the first vet may be right about the diabetes, the responsiveness to getting your dog healthy again seems very poor - maybe another vet cane be more helpful on a consitent basis. I mean our vet calls and sends reminders if you miss setting up a teeth cleaning appointment.
We get reminders is the mail about rabies and distemper, but 4 phone calls? When our phone works? no message ever left... grrr!!!

I think it''s too late for a second opinion
I also think that the vet seems guilty for not detecting this sooner. He said we never told him about his frequent urination, when we did!! We are very open and not shy about it. I''ll say, hey he''s going this, how come?
We were even in there last weekend picking up anti-seizure medication (that''s probably brought on by the diabetes IMO!) And the receptionist said nothing!!! Wouldn''t it come up in our chart with red ink??

I''m digusted and he was putting a guilt trip on us, like we''re bad parents for ignoring his phone calls...
I got a crash course is diabetes last night and gave my first injection this morning.
My Boomer, picture of him two weeks after his first seizure. He has never had them since

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Mustang, I''m so sorry to hear that your pup is in distress, and the vet should be smacked in the head for his ridiculous behavior!

Hopefully with medication and TLC (which I know you''ll give him) he''ll be fine.

He''s gorgeous BTW!
oh he is just beautiful. How old is he? My childhood dog developed diabetes but it wasn''t until she was 12. I know how hard it is to go though, I really hope the meds will work and you''ll be able to control it.
Hey mustang, as a veterinary student, it sounds like your vet isnt great to be honest. I would definitely register with another one for your future check ups. Quite a lot of dogs are receiving insulin daily and your doggie will be fine. You will notice a big difference in him after he has received the insulin for a few days. I doubt that he has had it for years, as you would definitely have noticed it before now, but he will definitely be fine in the future-hes a big cutie!!
I am sorry this gorgeous dog was diagnosed with diabetes and worst- you were not notified at time. I have no experience with diabetes in dogs so nothing helpful from me here, but i do have some stories about choke chain caught up on a chair when dog was unattended. Please people take those off of your dogs, you don''t need them at home.
I am sorry. The vet sounds so irresponsible. Definitely look into another vet for the future. Hope your cutie feel better after the insulin shoots. Big HUG.
What a beautiful dog! I would be super POed that the vet wasn''t more vigilant in getting ahold of you...diabetes can do serious damage if left uncontrolled! I''m sure the insulin shots will do a lot to help your poor baby!
i don''t care about his reputation as a good vet, get your dog to another vet. it is not too late to do this.

movie zombie

You may think I am crazy, but I am a huge believer in feeding dogs like the carnivore wolf relatives they are.....a 100% meat, 100% raw diet. These diseases (diabetes, skin allergies, tooth tartar and decay to start) have only been prevalent in dogs in the last several decades, and - hello - no one fed their dog kibble, grain-based dog food prior to 1960. Remember Ramona and Beezus and Henry in those kids books by Beverly Cleary? They fed their dogs meat straight from the butcher, and I''ll bet your grandparents did too.

Anyway, I know most people aren''t comfortable with this idea. But I have switched our new corgi pup and two old cats and am thrilled with the results.

I believe the best chance your dog has to fight a disease that affects the way he processes carbohydrates it to not give him unnecessary carbohydrates. Dogs are not meant to eat grain and the increasing rates of diabetes show the affects they have on our dogs.

I feed my corgi puppy chicken, lamb, beef, pork, duck, name it. Bones and all. Yes, bones. Only cooked bones are dangerous for dogs. In fact, Winky is in the backyard right now finishing off a hunk of lamb on the bone!

This is the book that convinced me: "Work Wonders"

I know you''ll think I am crazy, but I do think you should do some research.

Here''s Winky the House Elf, our three month old Corgi who loooooooves her raw bones...

That''s the BARF diet, right? I thought about it for my feline aids Scotty but never got to give it a try...I would definitely consider it...I''ve read so much..they just grind the whole animal up, right?

And can I tell you I misread your post at first...that you were feeding your pup 2 old cats LOLOL..I almost LOST my mind LOL....
Date: 2/24/2007 5:39:19 PM
Author: moremoremore

And can I tell you I misread your post at first...that you were feeding your pup 2 old cats LOLOL..I almost LOST my mind LOL....

Oh my god I was laughing so hard at the idea of feeding Winky cats...although whenever it rains the cats pee in the house, so....maybe I should use that as a threat

BARF is right, although people do it different ways. Some do a whole veggie-ground meat mash, and some follow what is called the prey model, as in, all parts of an animal, no veggies and supplements. Which is what we do, because I can''t fathom trying to feed myself and DH, three picky kids, and making a homemade meal for pup twice a day. I literally throw a piece of meat done and I''m done!
waller, what do you feed the cats? i see the books re dogs.....

it makes sense to me....we see the rise in these diseases with humans since we changed our diet to be so inclusive of processed foods.

movie zombie
MustangFan, just bumping your thread to see how the pup is doing. Any progress?
MustangFan: I went through diabetes treatment with my last cat who developed it at 12 years of age. I had a hard time controlling hers, because there was no way to "test" her blood that I was aware of. (My vet did not offer option) After finding a diabetic cat website/support forum, I found some owners were doing earpricks to test sugar.

Get a new vet & have them work with you on how to manage it. Giving the insulin shots at first was very difficult, but I quickly became adept at it, and could administer them without her knowing in 2 seconds flat. You get good at it.

Let me know if you need anything..and I hope your beautiful baby is feeling better.

I am so sorry and hope you get it under control soon.

The vet sounds like a jerk to me. At least leave a message when you call the owners. Maybe they did not because of privacy laws, I have to sign something to say it is okay to leave results on my machine, but I cannot see how that would apply to your pet...just reaching here...but I would not like to continue with him if at all possible.

One of my vets kept telling me Maya had allergies and she had demodectic mange (non contagious, immune based) and it was only after I insisted see a specialist, who diagnosed her in two seconds, that she started to get the help she needed. It was a horrible thing, daily meds that can be dangerous, constant rechecks at the vet which involved scraping her skin til it bled...and this vet just kept saying allergies til I got a second opinion.

He is gorgeous and I am sure once you figure it all out it will be okay...
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