
My dog had a seizure last night!

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Aug 12, 2005
My 3 year old beagle, Milo, had a seizure last night. It lasted maybe 30-45 seconds, and he showed all the classic signs--convulsing, foaming at the mouth, falling/paddling, etc. It was scary and awful. I called our vet as soon as he seemed to be ok, and I''m taking him in today so she can get his bloodwork to rule out things besides epilepsy which might have caused it. This is the first one I''ve ever witnessed him our knowledge he has never had one before (but he is left alone for 4-6 hrs. a day).

Anyone have a similar experience or a dog with epilepsy? I''ve been doing a bit of research on the internet, but just wanted to post here and see if anyone had any advice.

Oh no!
How scary!!!!!!!!!!!

My dog has never had anything like this so I really have no advice other than to make sure you get him checked out by the vet.

I just wanted to chime in to say I''m really sorry and I hope is nothing to worry about and he''s ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love Beagles by the way, my ''good'' neighbor has one...his name is Basil and he''s such a sweetheart and so smart!!!!!

Hugs to you and your furry little one,

Thanks Mandarine...I appreciate your concern! Btw, hope your situation is improving, I''ve been following your thread as well.
Oh no, I hope your puppy is ok. Hugs to you!
How scary Monarch!! I hope the vet gets to the bottom of this soon. I hope it''s not epilepsy. Was Milo sick before the seizure?? Let us know what the vet says, good luck!!!
Thanks everyone! I will post again after we go to the vet.

SDL: thank you for sharing that story. Now you''ve got me thinking, I did just mop the hardwood floors in the dining room with Mr. Clean a couple nights ago, but we kept the dogs out of that room until it was completely dry. I wonder if he could''ve licked the floor for some reason--I didn''t rinse the Mr. Clean off. I''ve used it so many times before and never had a problem...jeez. I will definitely let the vet know he might have been exposed to whatever chemicals are in Mr. Clean.

I did notice him whining and pacing by the back door a lot for about an hour before the actual seizure happened. I kept opening the door to let him out but he wouldn''t go outside. My DH''s been out of town for a couple of days, and sometimes Milo starts figuring out that he''s been gone for longer than normal and sort of freaks out (separation anxiety issues), so I thought maybe that''s what was going on. Who knows...I hope we can get to the root of the problem here so we can get him treated correctly.
Monarch, I am so sorry to hear about your pup. I hope that everything works out and that it''s not epilepsy.

Monarch - so sorry to hear that, sooo scary!!!! I hope it was just a one time thing and he''s totally fine!!! Our black lab actually does have mild epilepsy, and has a seizure once every couple of months. They are usually very brief, and the vet said that we just need to make sure he drinks TONS of water soon afterwards (apparently the seizure heats up their brains so they become dehydrated and they need to rehydrate fully in order to prevent brain damage? My very-very-very untechnical interpretation of what my mom told me the vet said like 6 years ago). But basically, they said that if he drinks lots of water and seems back to normal after an hour or so that we don''t need to bring him in every time. So although it is VERY VERY SCARY, we at least know what it is now, and just try to hold him still during and make sure he drinks water afterwards, and he hasn''t had any other problems because of it. So hopefully it was just a one time fluke for Milo, but please don''t be toooo freaked out if it turns out he might have epilepsy!! I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you and Milo!!!!
Oh, Monarch, I''m so sorry to hear about your baby Milo! I really hope this was a one time thing and not something more serious. My aunt''s dog had eplilepsy back when I was a child. It must have been pretty severe because I remember she had to give him a shot every day [don''t ask what it was though!]. He lived for a long time so the shot must have kept everything under control. Many positive thoughts going out for Milo!!!!
Monarch please let us know what your vet has to say. I hope that Milo is going to be okay.
Thanks ladies! I certainly hope it was a one-time thing, too. I think the only reason I didn''t get totally panicked is that I grew up with a girl who had epilepsy so I kind of knew it was a seizure he was having from the get-go. He didn''t completely fall down or lose consciousness, but the convulsions seemed very similar to a human petit mal seizure...the worst part of it was trying to keep our new puppy away from him--she just kept trying to jump on him and wouldn''t let me catch her.
I was thisclose to losing my composure just over that!
Please let us know what the vet says! Your poor baby Milo! I have an 8 year old Chihuahua, Pierre and sometimes he has these breathing problems and keeps trying to get air in or out of his nose and I completey panic !!!!!!! I would have been so scared, you are so brave!
Pierre and I hope Milo is just great !!!!!!!
Monarch, I hope your doggy gets a good report from the vet.

SanDiego Lady, thank you for sharing that. I''m always paranoid about the cleaners we use, particularly in the shower because my cat sometimes goes in there when it''s damp, then they lick their paws, etc. I hate for him to get out in the garage, too, because I''m scared of fluid leaks from the car. I hate to even think about it.
Monarch, I hope that your dog is okay!!

We used to have a dog with mild epilepsy, kind of like what Albicocca described. He''d have a seizure every few of months or so. I forget exactly what the vet said, but one of the main things was that we ideally should supervise him while it was going on and time the seizure. We didn''t need to bring him in for every seizure, but if they were getting longer or more severe that was a problem. He lived a long and happy life.
Oh Monarch64, I really feel for you. It is so scary see a "loved one" going through a seizure. Our dog a chow mix, developed a seizure disorder this past year, the first seizure last February. I was also in disbelief she had a seizure disorder, but nothing really showed up in her blood tests. We give her phenobarbitol every 12 hours. For a number of months we had to keep upping the dose, but at this point it seems relatively controlled. Our dog is about 6 years old, which is old for ideopathic epilepsy. Hopefully it is a one time thing, and if not, hopefully the kind that responds well to meds. She is still our lovely and loving dog.
Date: 1/26/2007 4:35:25 PM
Author: monarch64
Thanks ladies! I certainly hope it was a one-time thing, too. I think the only reason I didn''t get totally panicked is that I grew up with a girl who had epilepsy so I kind of knew it was a seizure he was having from the get-go. He didn''t completely fall down or lose consciousness, but the convulsions seemed very similar to a human petit mal seizure...the worst part of it was trying to keep our new puppy away from him--she just kept trying to jump on him and wouldn''t let me catch her.
I was thisclose to losing my composure just over that!
Monarch, don''t lose composure over the puppy. Some dogs are very sensitive to and can sense when seizures are coming in humans. They warn them, and the people lay down, and the dog lays with them to keep them calm. It seems to help the severity and length of the seizure. Maybe the puppy has this ability.

Thanks lumpkin, blenheim, part gypsy, and anyone else I''m missing...well, back from the vet and she took some blood, and gave us some Valium for him in case he has more seizures...they''re to be given to him after a seizure to help calm him down and keep him from having another one due to being upset. We''re supposed to call her back Monday to find out the test results.

We talked to her about the Mr. Clean being on the floor, and she didn''t seem to think that would be harmful enough to him to cause a full on seizure. She did say again that epilepsy is just more common in this breed and that it probably won''t end up being a big deal even if he does have it. So we''ll find out Monday whether we can rule out I guess what you would call environmental issues and go from there. Meanwhile he seems to be doing pretty good...eating normally and playing with the puppy, and alert as normal.

Golden, I noticed you mentioned your chihuahua having breathing problems...would you describe it as a sort of reverse sneeze? Milo has done that more than a few times since he was a puppy, and it always scares my DH to death. I mentioned it to our last vet, and he said sometimes dogs just do that. However, DH mentioned it to this new vet we''ve been seeing for about 8 months now, and he described that last episode as Milo kind of spacing out and then going into that seemingly uncontrollable "reverse sneeze" type of thing. She thought maybe that was a small seizure. I''m not saying this to scare you about your dog, but I found it interesting that you brought it up because I''ve never known another dog owner who''s dog had done that.

Hopefully we will have a quiet weekend and no more seizures!
Yes it is like a reverse sneeze- actually I think that may have been how the vet described it or maybe how my mother described it. He does it when he drinks too much water too quickly or after he is running around and gets very excited. I sit with him and pet him to calm him down, but it really scares me, when it takes longer then usual for him to be ok. Thank you for the information, I should ask the vet about it next time we see him/her. Pierre is my life, as well as my mother and my boyfriend.

A year or 2 ago we found out he has a heart murmur and that really got us upset. He had to go for an echo cardiogram, they had him for 45 minutes and I was just besides myself while waiting. Turns out it''s something we have to watch- they said he could pass out at ANY TIME! thank you God, he has not done so yet and I pray he never will. But it is so scary because I hate to leave him alone, God forbid something happens. We took him to the vet 3 months afterwards and they said everything seems to be alright, and to watch. But as time goes by, you don''t forget, but things get back to normal. Lets hope it stays that way!!!!
Date: 1/26/2007 7:43:33 PM
Author: Shay37

Date: 1/26/2007 4:35:25 PM
Author: monarch64
Thanks ladies! I certainly hope it was a one-time thing, too. I think the only reason I didn''t get totally panicked is that I grew up with a girl who had epilepsy so I kind of knew it was a seizure he was having from the get-go. He didn''t completely fall down or lose consciousness, but the convulsions seemed very similar to a human petit mal seizure...the worst part of it was trying to keep our new puppy away from him--she just kept trying to jump on him and wouldn''t let me catch her.
I was thisclose to losing my composure just over that!
Monarch, don''t lose composure over the puppy. Some dogs are very sensitive to and can sense when seizures are coming in humans. They warn them, and the people lay down, and the dog lays with them to keep them calm. It seems to help the severity and length of the seizure. Maybe the puppy has this ability.

That''s a good point, Shay. Normally I would think that she was trying to help, but she actually was trying to "hump" him while this was happening!
She has been trying to assert her dominance repeatedly with him since we brought her home a couple months ago and has a very alpha personality, so I was getting upset that it seemed like she was trying to take advantage of his weakened state by doing that. Of course i can''t be angry with her, she''s a dog, but I was having such a hard time trying to stay calm, keep him calm and grab her at the same was just one of those times I really had to grit my teeth and remind myself over and over not to lose it.
Date: 1/26/2007 8:30:58 PM
Author: monarch64

Date: 1/26/2007 7:43:33 PM
Author: Shay37

Date: 1/26/2007 4:35:25 PM
Author: monarch64
Thanks ladies! I certainly hope it was a one-time thing, too. I think the only reason I didn''t get totally panicked is that I grew up with a girl who had epilepsy so I kind of knew it was a seizure he was having from the get-go. He didn''t completely fall down or lose consciousness, but the convulsions seemed very similar to a human petit mal seizure...the worst part of it was trying to keep our new puppy away from him--she just kept trying to jump on him and wouldn''t let me catch her.
I was thisclose to losing my composure just over that!
Monarch, don''t lose composure over the puppy. Some dogs are very sensitive to and can sense when seizures are coming in humans. They warn them, and the people lay down, and the dog lays with them to keep them calm. It seems to help the severity and length of the seizure. Maybe the puppy has this ability.

That''s a good point, Shay. Normally I would think that she was trying to help, but she actually was trying to ''hump'' him while this was happening!
She has been trying to assert her dominance repeatedly with him since we brought her home a couple months ago and has a very alpha personality, so I was getting upset that it seemed like she was trying to take advantage of his weakened state by doing that. Of course i can''t be angry with her, she''s a dog, but I was having such a hard time trying to stay calm, keep him calm and grab her at the same was just one of those times I really had to grit my teeth and remind myself over and over not to lose it.
Oh, my goodness. I completely understand. It is hard (kind of like with kids, huh). I just hope that everything works out okay and that it was a one time thing.


P.S. Have you checked allergens? Is he getting a new treatment or bath?
Shay, no he hasn''t had anything different going on as far as grooming recently. We use the pet-friendly salt on our steps and sidewalks, so we don''t think it was that, either. Thank you for your words of encouragement and yes, they are so much like kids! In fact, last night after this happened I was thinking to myself, Heather, it''s going to be 10 times worse when you have children! LOL.
Monarch, I have no experience w/dogs but just wanted to say Sorry! Sounds like a scary experience. I hope this weekend is a peaceful one!
Take care!!
Monnie, I really hope Milo is fine, but if it is epilepsy, vets and new technologies and treatments are so incredible these days, I hope it will not be too big of an issue! hugs to you and Milo...
Oh no. That is so scary. I hope your pup gets better and it is one time thing. Keep us posted.
Again, thank you all for your kind and knowledgeable replies! DH and I have been discussing the possiblity here and there of how we will deal with this going forward, and have concluded that no matter what, we are most concerned about Milo''s comfort and overall well-being, so we will do whatever it takes to make sure he lives a happy and long beagle life. We don''t think a good sniffer can be kept down for long, lol! I''m in much better spirits tonight, having DH back home has helped''s so hard when your other half is away and you deal with issues like this, ya know? Anyway, we kind of consoled each other and have reached the conclusion that we just have to have a positive outlook no matter what Milo''s diagnosis ends up being, and we will see to it he has the best treatment no matter what. Hugs to everyone who''s chimed in and I will definitely update this thread Monday when we find out for sure if this seizure was caused by epilepsy.
I''m sorry - I hope it was an isolated incident and beagle baby is fine!!
I hope everything will be OK. Could he have sniffed something outside that made him ill?
Hi Monarch, sorry to hear about your poor Milo having a seizure. Several years ago our dog suddenly had two seizures one Saturday morning, without ever having had a seizure before. I took him to the vet that afternoon, he had another seizure in her office (and interestingly enough he also has a history of reverse sneezing...and after the seizure he had a terrible episode of reverse sneezing where he could barely get any air in his poor lungs, he was a mess). She drew blood and said that most likely this was idiopathic seizures and sometimes dogs develop seizures as they get older (he was 6 BTW), and we may have to medicate him with phenobarbital. I was told to wait until the following Monday for the results of his blood work. Well later that Saturday he had two more seizures and I was very concerned, I called my usual vet, she said nothing new, but I was very uncomfortable with the fact that my poor dog had just had five seizures in one day, when before he never had one in his life. So I packed him up in the car and drove to a 24hour emergency vet hospital about 30 minutes from us, they immediately were concerned and did blood tests with STAT results...his blood sugar was almost 600 and he was in diabetic ketoacidosis. Our dog had developed diabetes, and needed to be put on insulin IV and stayed at the hospital for two days to get his blood sugar under control. If I had done nothing and waited the weekend we very much could have lost him. Six years later he is doing well, twice a day insulin shots and a high fiber RX diet, he has only had one seizure since then, and after that one I immediately took him back to the vet hospital only to find his blood sugar was too low so his insulin had to be dropped down a notch. So our particular pooch is seizure sensitive when his blood sugar is either too high or too low, very unusual. He goes for regular blood sugar tests every few months. So, not that your Milo sounds at all like this, but if you feel at all uneasy about the advice you have been given by your vet, and definately if Milo has another seizure, you should consider a very prompt second opinion is in order. Good luck trust your intincts. Take care.
Monnie - I am so sorry to hear this, I had a Border Collie which had epilepsy years ago ( she was fine with meds) Hopefully that wasn''t the cause, but hang in there, Milo should be fine.
Our beagle Penny had a few seizures within a few months of each other, and we finally put her on meds-just like what people take, although there was a slight risk of kidney problems or something. She only lived to be seven , but we did the best we could with her. The seizures stopped after we got her on the meds, but I remember how scarey it was. I was home alone, and my hubby was out of town. She did have epilepsy, which is common in beagles.
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