
My dog decided to use the living room as his personal toilet!

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Oct 9, 2007
I could just rip my hair out right now! I left for 20 mins to pick up some water at the stone, only to come back to my house smelling like $h!t. There was so much of it, and the bad diarrhea kind either! He decided to pee in several spots as well. This iis 100x worse than I''m used to because we have carpeting in this apartment

He doesn''t usually do this. In fact the last time he did this was when he was a puppy!

The worst part is that before I left he gave me no indication of wanting to go outside. Usually, if he wants to go he barks at us, or at least whines. This time, he gave no indication whatsoever. It isn''t his time to go out for another 3 hours!

I''m not sure now if something is wrong with him, and if maybe I should take him to the vet?
I''d definitely take him to the vet - usually this is a sign of stress or illness, especially if its not his normal pattern.

I really hope nothing is seriously wrong.

I know its frustrating and gross to have to deal with, but try to remember that your dog didn''t do it to upset you or "get back" at you - dogs aren''t capable of those kinds of emotions. More likely he was just trying to tell you he is hurting or upset for some reason.
How old is he? Because sometimes as pets get older, they can''t hold their bladder as long and sometimes can''t remember to ask or hold it until they can be let out. If he hasn''t done it before, I''m sure it was an accident and he couldn''t hold it any longer...

I would also let him out everytime before you leave home even if he doesn''t ask. That''s what I would always do.
I am sorry.

If you are like me you probably want to kill him now. My advice there is what I tell myself and DH when these 'accidents' happen. "This is my fault."

I without fail send the dogs out for potty before I leave them - even for 5 seconds. This was after one afternoon when I had to run after the postman - he pushed a note in the door about a parcel. So I shoved the dog in her crate. I was gone maybe for 10-15 mins and she had the WHOLE area around her crate PLASTERED with poo. She must have flung it about. She really went to town.... I spent the afternoon washing crap off the floor, walls, crate and very miserable looking stinky dog.

Even sending a doggie out for potty is no guarantee that they will actually go. I started looking for the return address of one of the dogs when she went out to potty then came back in and peed on the floor.....
I will never know why. (Perhaps they are channelling Vera Donovan?)

Chances are, you got unlucky today.

Dog + Poo: 1
Brooklyngirl: 0

Only you know if your pooch needs the vet.
Thanks AG! It''s definitely NOT his normal pattern. We had him fixed at our local humane society 3 weeks ago, and afterwards his ''business'' hasn''t been the same. He had the runs for a couple of days, but the vet said it''s normal after the surgery, and it''s also a side effect of his pain meds. Now he doesn''t have the runs, but ''the goods'' are a bit runny (sorry TMI)

We tried giving him a bit of rice with his food, and that helps, but only as long as he eats rice.

Now I feel really bad being mad at him. Poor guy

Dreamgirl -
My dog is 2. We used to take him out to pee before we left, if we were going to be gone a while. When I was working he stayed home for 9 hours a day by himself, and now that I''m home, I don''t want to take him out too often, and get him used to going whenever he wants. But maybe I should take him out before I leave, even if I plan to be right back
Don''t feel bad, its a natural reaction, I totally had to remind myself of that when one of my kitties woke us up at 5am this morning throwing up on the carpet

I''d consider trying just chicken and rice for a few days, and see if you can''t get him back to normal on that.
Steel - We''ve had days like that when he was still a pup. He had terrible separation anxiety, and if we left him for even a second, he would fling poo all over his crate. It would be on the floor around the crate, on him, on blanket in the crate. Ugh, it was awful. We had hardwood floors back then, so clearly it wasn''t as awful as it could have been.

Sorry your dogs have been giving you a hard time, that really sucks.
AG, I wasn''t really mad that he pooped, I was mad that he didn''t give any indication that he needs to go. I could have totally understood if, I''d been gone a few hours, and I wouldn''t be mad at all in that case. I''m never mad at him if he say, throws up.

But he might be sick, since I haven''t been happy with poo after the neutering. I''ll get a sample, and take him to the vet, because this is so unlike him
Date: 2/10/2009 7:04:56 PM
Author: brooklyngirl
AG, I wasn't really mad that he pooped, I was mad that he didn't give any indication that he needs to go. I could have totally understood if, I'd been gone a few hours, and I wouldn't be mad at all in that case. I'm never mad at him if he say, throws up.

But he might be sick, since I haven't been happy with poo after the neutering. I'll get a sample, and take him to the vet, because this is so unlike him
At least you will not have to go out of your way to get a sample!

I hope you fella feels better soon. Let us know what the vet thinks.

Afterthought: If you feed him kibble/mixer a.k.a dry food, would you consider just feeding him a complete dry food for a few days to see if that dries thing up for him? (IMHO rice makes our girls verrry runny
LMAO -- Thanks
. It''s in a garbage bag along with his blanket (which he crapped all over), outside my door. I bet the neighbors are getting a good whiff of it, lol.

I have to say though, if it weren''t for our bissel wet vac, our carpeting would be covered in crap stains. That thing is a LIFE SAVER. I
You may think that dogs aren''t capable of "getting back at you", but mine does.

I can walk him and watch him do two potties, and a #2. At that point I know he''s empty.

I can leave him in the condo and go downstairs, realize I forgot something and return in less than 10 minutes and find a "surprise" right by the door. It''s Trooper''s way of saying "up yours mom". He can hold it for 8 hours when I lock him in the bathroom. You''ll never convince me he doesn''t do this to express his displeasure at being left out of the errand.
Well...hmm. I totally understand your misery. I''ve come home to similar things a few times, but not really with our current dogs.

I think you need to see the vet first because you say the consistency is off. Possibly he has some sort of bug or gastrointestinal problem. Perhaps you need to change his food. So start with this step.

Definitely let him out before you go out, and again when you come home. He''ll know he can count on this routine. He may not always ask you to go out, only our oldest dog whines if he wants out but he''s so old sometimes I think he''s not breathing, and he holds everything forever!
Good luck. I had a good laugh at this matter, sorry, but it sounded just like how I''d react too. In fact, I may have just turned around and walked right out again!
He must be sick or something is bothering his stomach. My dog was potty trained within 2 weeks of us getting her... She will hold her bladder/bowels until she actually pukes rather than go potty in the house. If she DOES go inside, we know that something is bothering her because it is so far from her normal behavior. I would see if he shoes anymore symptoms or if this happens again. If he does, I might go ahead and take him in, just to be safe.

Hope your puppy feels better!!
I've heard it can take up to a week for the anethesia to get out of their systems... same for humans. Might be the reason for the runs... I'd call the vet. (Plain yogart helps naturally replace some of the natural bacteria they lose that way too.)

I hope your pooch is alright. My dog didn't like the food we gave him... just a bad bag of it (Cannidae)... didnt know. Changed the food to a completely different brand (Science Diet), and he's never had an issue since. Hugs... trust me I'm there with you, my cav has long hair and lets just say after that mess it was one time I DIDNT want him wagging his tail when he was happy to see me....
I''d definitely get a sample just to be on the safe side. 3 weeks after the op is a long time to still have runny "goods".
We give our Edgar canned pumpkin when things are a bit runny, the fiber helps him out. Its a bonus that he loves it, too.
But definitely check with your vet, especially if its out of the ordinary.
PP -
That is INFURIATING! What do you do when you see that? Do you discipline the dog in any way?
When Bender was a puppy we had to crate him when left alone. We felt bad that he had to be left in such a small space, so we blocked off a hallway with his crate, so he would have some room to play. One day he learned that the crate can be moved, and peed on our brand new, expensive leather couch. We thought it was our fault, since we might have left an opening for him to squeeze through. The next day, the same thing happened
. Needless to say, we didn''t feel bad about leaving him in a crate after that experience!

lyra - It would have been nice to walk right back out, but unfortunately, that doesn''t make anything disappear, lol.

We feed him a dry diet. We started him off on Science diet, and he ate it very well for a while, and then got sick of it. Then we switched him to the Costco brand, and he was getting pretty sick of it, so we started mixing it with Evo about two months ago. He really, really LOVES Evo. It has a much stronger smell than food we''ve used in the past.

Thanks, Tuckins1! He doesn''t really have any other symptoms, but I made an appointment to see the vet this afternoon with a fresh sample in hand (baggie, rather)

tlh - Can''t imagine the long hair covered in poo -- short hair is bad enough for me
A week sounds about right. The vet also gave us pain meds for that week, and side effects of those are diarrhea. It''s been about 3 weeks since the surgery, so any effects of medication should have worn off by now. Hopefully the vet will won''t be useless and send me home with flagyl. I have that stuff at home, and we''ve given that to him.
bee* - 3 weeks does seem like a long time to me as well. I'm now thinking it's possible that he caught something in boarding (we left him there for 2 weeks, when we went to NYC for our wedding). We really liked the place because they allow all the dogs to play together during the day, and that's Bender's favorite activity
, but it's highly possible he caught something from one of them.

Amandine - That's a really great idea about canned pumpkin! I feel like rice doesn't have much nutritional value, but pumpkin must have some! It's something worth trying, if the vet tells me to put him on a bland diet again
Date: 2/11/2009 2:27:19 PM
Author: brooklyngirl
PP -
That is INFURIATING! What do you do when you see that? Do you discipline the dog in any way?
When Bender was a puppy we had to crate him when left alone. We felt bad that he had to be left in such a small space, so we blocked off a hallway with his crate, so he would have some room to play. One day he learned that the crate can be moved, and peed on our brand new, expensive leather couch. We thought it was our fault, since we might have left an opening for him to squeeze through. The next day, the same thing happened
. Needless to say, we didn't feel bad about leaving him in a crate after that experience!

lyra - It would have been nice to walk right back out, but unfortunately, that doesn't make anything disappear, lol.

We feed him a dry diet. We started him off on Science diet, and he ate it very well for a while, and then got sick of it. Then we switched him to the Costco brand, and he was getting pretty sick of it, so we started mixing it with Evo about two months ago. He really, really LOVES Evo. It has a much stronger smell than food we've used in the past.

Thanks, Tuckins1! He doesn't really have any other symptoms, but I made an appointment to see the vet this afternoon with a fresh sample in hand (baggie, rather)

tlh - Can't imagine the long hair covered in poo -- short hair is bad enough for me
A week sounds about right. The vet also gave us pain meds for that week, and side effects of those are diarrhea. It's been about 3 weeks since the surgery, so any effects of medication should have worn off by now. Hopefully the vet will won't be useless and send me home with flagyl. I have that stuff at home, and we've given that to him.
WOWZA I really missed that boat! Yeah, I'd call the vet, get that $60 bag of dog food... and that will clean him up right away. Plus my poochies always like the plain yogart... it makes it easier to admin the medicine! I am sorry your lil guy is sick! Hope he is better soon, and please update! You gotta pic of him all healthy???

Yup, not just the floor. TV Ceiling, Walls, it was horrible. I was like, NOOO stop wagging your tail! and covered him in a towel and took the lil guy outside.
Sorry to hear about your apartment Brooklyngirl. It''s hard to believe they''re not really trying to get back at you sometimes. I know that''s what studies say and all, but sometimes you just don''t know. My recently adopted (found) dog has left me shaking my head on so many occasions, including today when she peed on my bed while I was IN THE ROOM. She was upset because I started crating her at night (ironically for behaviors such as this
) and just sat there and peed. I JUST had brought her in from outside and she has no major health issues. Don''t tell me she wasn''t being bratty on purpose.

Btw, I know the dog whisperer isn''t a major hero on this forum, but his all natural cleaner with lemongrass oil is a GODSEND! I recommend investing in some. You have to use a lot of it, but it turns the gross pee smell into a fresh, clean lemongrass smell. It''s the only thing keeping me sane as she continues to ruin my house.
Date: 2/11/2009 2:49:26 PM
Author: tlh
WOWZA I really missed that boat! Yeah, I'd call the vet, get that $60 bag of dog food... and that will clean him up right away. Plus my poochies always like the plain yogart... it makes it easier to admin the medicine! I am sorry your lil guy is sick! Hope he is better soon, and please update! You gotta pic of him all healthy???

Yup, not just the floor. TV Ceiling, Walls, it was horrible. I was like, NOOO stop wagging your tail! and covered him in a towel and took the lil guy outside.
tlh - LOL, it happens. Sometimes I miss things when I'm reading a post, and wonder "What the h*** was I reading?" What did you mean about the food? Should I bring his food to the vet?
Bender certainly enjoys yogurt, but I was always cautious about giving him too much of it, what with him being a dog and all. We have given him pepto bismol once, and it definitely produced better poo, but it didn't work long term :-/

re the highlighted, a job for DH! My DH has always been the poo cleaner in our house, but now that I'm home, I clean poo because he's not available (if he's available he cleans it). This might push me over the edge to start looking for a job, lol.

Kelli - It really is hard to believe. The whole peeing on the couch incident really made me doubt that they're not capable of vengeance. I have to say though, he is well aware that he's not allowed on the couch, but sometimes DH would come home from work to find a) a bunch of hair, or b) a sleeping dog, on the couch. We always laugh about how he tries to do things when we're not looking. He's generally not the most quiet dog, but when he doesn't want us to notice him, he'll be very quiet!

Ouch about pee on the bed! That merits some doggie discipline of a spank on the butt, and immediate crating (given that you've already established the crate as doggie's safe place). I'm not a fan of spanking, but I will use it to discipline if shouting "NO" gets no reaction.

We have one of those natural pet odor removal sprays. It works decently well. But, not nearly as effective as our Bissel wet vac. The thing is bulky, and annoying, but it cleans carpet like nothing else I've ever seen!
I don''t ever let him have run of the house unless I''m home. I know he does it out of separation anxiety. It''s his way of letting me know he''s P.O.''d at me.

He holds it all day when he''s crated, or left in the bathroom. He holds it all day over the weekend when he''s just laying around with me. I didn''t bother to chastise him, I got his message loud and clear
We have used pumpkin as a supplement before, and it does work great. Don''t know how big Bender is, but just a couple of tablespoons if he''s big or teaspoons if he''s small is enough. Do you feed him twice a day? It sounds like he''s had a long term problem with foods. That''s how are old guy was. We finally found one food he did great on (Diamond), and he has to stay on that forever. It''s been years and years now and no problems. Obviously every dog is different, but consult with your vet about what to stay away from, and then read labels. Science Diet is not good food really. You''d think it was because you can get it at the vet, but there are much better alternatives out there. If you can, go to a place that only sells dog and cat food. They tend to have the better brands and will special order for you (which is what we have to do).

You will need to bring a stool sample to the vet. Don''t think this will be a problem. Some bugs can be passed on to humans, so i wouldn''t wait on this. It may be something simple.
PP - When we first moved to our current place, we crated him when we were away. I knew he would get anxious in a new place, so we gradually let him have more space. Right now he has maximum space, which is the living room. We close all the doors when we leave, so he can only do damage in one place. When the weather is nice we put him on the balcony. It''s well enclosed, and completely shaded by a palm tree, so it always stays cool all the time. His crate is there, along with a few large toys, and a doggie bed. It''s by far the most convenient thing ever!

lyra - Bender weighs 70lbs. I guess that would be considered medium
. We feed him once a day in the evening. I don''t know if I would say he''s had problems with food, but it looks to me like he just doesn''t like to eat the same thing for a prolonged period of time. Our vet said that it''s common for dogs to get tired of eating the same food. He actually recommended the Costco brand food, and looking at the ingredients, it''s pretty good. The Evo stuff that we''re mixing now is supposedly really goo, and doesn''t have any grain in it. Unfortunately it hasn''t been doing his tummy any good. I''ll ask the vet today if they recommend any specific food for him.

How often do you give your dog pumpkin? Is it with each feeding?
Date: 2/10/2009 6:46:49 PM
Author: brooklyngirl
Dreamgirl -
My dog is 2. We used to take him out to pee before we left, if we were going to be gone a while. When I was working he stayed home for 9 hours a day by himself, and now that I''m home, I don''t want to take him out too often, and get him used to going whenever he wants. But maybe I should take him out before I leave, even if I plan to be right back
Oh, he''s still a youngin! Hmm... Yeah, I''d let him out even if you plan on being right back cause lets face it, when you gotta gotta go. lol
Dreamgirl - Younging he is, but maybe more of an adolescent. I wonder if dogs have the equivalent of "the teen years?"


Well, we''re back from the vet. He is seemingly normal, and they sent his "goods" for testing, and will let me know what they find. The doc mentioned that due to stress (most likely caused by the neutering surgery) there is probably a bacterial imbalance in his digestive tract. She prescribed Flagyl 2x a day for 10 days, and a bland diet.

When we got home he threw up

I really hope the flagyl does the trick, I hate seeing my baby sick
Date: 2/11/2009 5:02:39 PM
Author: brooklyngirl
lyra - Bender weighs 70lbs. I guess that would be considered medium
. We feed him once a day in the evening. I don''t know if I would say he''s had problems with food, but it looks to me like he just doesn''t like to eat the same thing for a prolonged period of time. Our vet said that it''s common for dogs to get tired of eating the same food. He actually recommended the Costco brand food, and looking at the ingredients, it''s pretty good. The Evo stuff that we''re mixing now is supposedly really goo, and doesn''t have any grain in it. Unfortunately it hasn''t been doing his tummy any good. I''ll ask the vet today if they recommend any specific food for him.

How often do you give your dog pumpkin? Is it with each feeding?
Yes, each feeding. You should be breaking his allotted food for the day into a morning and evening meal btw. It causes less digestive issues, especially potentially serious ones like torsion or bloat, which can be fatal, although somewhat rare. All of our dogs get fed twice a day, except Miss Lola (5 lbs) who gets fed 3 times because she has the metabolism of a high performance athlete.
It is okay to give your dog a pepto bismal pill once in a while too. But pumpkin is all natural and does add fiber. Not pie filling, but plain pure canned pumpkin. Hope that helps. Poor guy.
Thanks! I'll definitely try the pumpkin once we get him back to his normal diet.

As far as the once daily feeding, our vet didn't take issue with it. While I would love to feed him twice a day, I'm afraid that he won't be able to hold it all day if I do that, especially since he sometimes doesn't go in the morning.

How big are your dogs? Do they hold it all day after being fed in the morning? By all day, I mean 9-10 hours.
tlh - I do have a recent pic of him. This one shows his size pretty well...

Here he is in on our balcony, a.k.a. his room with the big palm tree
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