
My daughter cracked her iPhone

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Aug 15, 2004
... after having it less than a month. The screen is all cracked but the phone is still working. Is there any way this can be fixed? We spoke with AT&T and they won''t touch it since it''s damaged. The only Apple store is up in the city and we have to "make an appointment" to see them. I''m sure this is a fairly common occurance. So, besides grounding her and making her pay for the repair or a new phone, does anyone have any suggestions?


Dec 31, 2008
I guess you didn''t take out insurance on the phone?


Dec 16, 2007
Once it''s fixed, I would be sure to have her get a case and screen protector for it. The all glass touch screens are very easy to break if you drop them...and from what I read, they are very expensive to fix. Do you have Apple Care?

Maybe, you could have her down-grade for a while? Kids love their phones--and maybe if she had to use an "uncool" or pretty basic phone for a while once she gets her iPhone back she''ll really appreciate the luxury of having such a nice phone.

Here is Cnet information on fixing a cracked screen...they are questioning if they can even fix it all...if so, it''s almost as much as getting a new phone with a new contract.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 3/10/2009 11:00:41 AM
Author: tlh
I guess you didn''t take out insurance on the phone?
AT&T doesn''t insure the iPhone...and you can purchase Apple Care which looks after your battery and such, but only covers manufactures defects...not man-made accidents. Which, sucks.


Apr 23, 2008
Ouch. Does Apple not give that replacement fee where your phone is covered if it breaks and they replace it?


Aug 15, 2004
Hubby went with her when she bought it and he "doesn''t believe in" getting insurance or warrantees on electronics. I was hopping mad!! But after talking with them yesterday they said that it wouldn''t have covered damage by dropping anyway. We can''t replace it with AT&T for six months, and then it would be full price (ain''t gonna happen). Trust me, her dropping and breaking it was the best lesson she could have learned!!! Much better than parental nagging. She will be responsible for paying to get it fixed or to get a new one, I just wondered if anyone else had advice.

Interesting point about having a cover on it. She HAS a bright pink cover (rubber) but the phone doesn''t slide into her back pocket with the cover on!!! (imagine her voice) Ironically, it wouldn''t have slipped out from between her ear and shoulder (while she was drying her hands) and smash on the kitchen tile if it were in the pink rubber cover either. (imagine my voice saying "I told you so")


Oct 4, 2007
It might be covered under your home and contents insurance but it depends on the cost whether it is worth persuing that option.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 3/10/2009 11:05:51 AM
Author: MonkeyPie
Ouch. Does Apple not give that replacement fee where your phone is covered if it breaks and they replace it?
As far as I''m aware, the only protection you can get is Apple Care...which doesn''t cover the fee of a new phone. So at this point, if her daughter replaces the screen--thats one thing (for a minimum cost of $250.00) or the other option is to buy a new iphone (upwards of $400.00). Either way, it''s a chunk of change.

iPhones are incredibly expensive...and not just the upfront purchase price.


Nov 13, 2007
I'm sorry this happened.
My mom cracked hers about a year ago, and Apple said "Tough." Her only option was to buy a new one at full retail price (She had just used the upgrade for my dad's Xmas present a few months prior). However, right before Christmas this year the screen started shaking and blacking out... so Apple replaced it.
If she can live with the crack, then I would bet pretty soon something will mess up with the screen, otherwise I think the only option is to buy a new one.


Dec 16, 2007

Date: 3/10/2009 11:09:20 AM
Author: Upgradable
Hubby went with her when she bought it and he ''doesn''t believe in'' getting insurance or warrantees on electronics. I was hopping mad!! But after talking with them yesterday they said that it wouldn''t have covered damage by dropping anyway. We can''t replace it with AT&T for six months, and then it would be full price (ain''t gonna happen). Trust me, her dropping and breaking it was the best lesson she could have learned!!! Much better than parental nagging. She will be responsible for paying to get it fixed or to get a new one, I just wondered if anyone else had advice.

Interesting point about having a cover on it. She HAS a bright pink cover (rubber) but the phone doesn''t slide into her back pocket with the cover on!!! (imagine her voice) Ironically, it wouldn''t have slipped out from between her ear and shoulder (while she was drying her hands) and smash on the kitchen tile if it were in the pink rubber cover either. (imagine my voice saying ''I told you so'')

Have her get a cover that isn''t, a rubberized polycarbonite (sp??) cover...which still gives the grippy rubber feel without being overly clingy and impossible to fit into pants pockets or whatever. You can get a slim fit case and a sticky cover for the phone which protects it from scratching...

Or, pop into Best Buy and get a "naked" clear case with a built in screen protector for heacy-duty protection.

I understant the rubber thing 100% and refuse to buy one for exactly those reasons.


Nov 24, 2003
Date: 3/10/2009 11:21:23 AM
Author: Italiahaircolor

Date: 3/10/2009 11:09:20 AM
Author: Upgradable
Hubby went with her when she bought it and he ''doesn''t believe in'' getting insurance or warrantees on electronics. I was hopping mad!! But after talking with them yesterday they said that it wouldn''t have covered damage by dropping anyway. We can''t replace it with AT&T for six months, and then it would be full price (ain''t gonna happen). Trust me, her dropping and breaking it was the best lesson she could have learned!!! Much better than parental nagging. She will be responsible for paying to get it fixed or to get a new one, I just wondered if anyone else had advice.

Interesting point about having a cover on it. She HAS a bright pink cover (rubber) but the phone doesn''t slide into her back pocket with the cover on!!! (imagine her voice) Ironically, it wouldn''t have slipped out from between her ear and shoulder (while she was drying her hands) and smash on the kitchen tile if it were in the pink rubber cover either. (imagine my voice saying ''I told you so'')

Have her get a cover that isn''t, a rubberized polycarbonite (sp??) cover...which still gives the grippy rubber feel without being overly clingy and impossible to fit into pants pockets or whatever. You can get a slim fit case and a sticky cover for the phone which protects it from scratching...

Or, pop into Best Buy and get a ''naked'' clear case with a built in screen protector for heacy-duty protection.

I understant the rubber thing 100% and refuse to buy one for exactly those reasons.
I think it''s called "silicone" case, and it comes with different colour...


Aug 15, 2004
What do you think of doing something like this?


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 3/10/2009 11:38:45 AM
Author: grapegravity

Date: 3/10/2009 11:21:23 AM
Author: Italiahaircolor

Date: 3/10/2009 11:09:20 AM
Author: Upgradable
Hubby went with her when she bought it and he ''doesn''t believe in'' getting insurance or warrantees on electronics. I was hopping mad!! But after talking with them yesterday they said that it wouldn''t have covered damage by dropping anyway. We can''t replace it with AT&T for six months, and then it would be full price (ain''t gonna happen). Trust me, her dropping and breaking it was the best lesson she could have learned!!! Much better than parental nagging. She will be responsible for paying to get it fixed or to get a new one, I just wondered if anyone else had advice.

Interesting point about having a cover on it. She HAS a bright pink cover (rubber) but the phone doesn''t slide into her back pocket with the cover on!!! (imagine her voice) Ironically, it wouldn''t have slipped out from between her ear and shoulder (while she was drying her hands) and smash on the kitchen tile if it were in the pink rubber cover either. (imagine my voice saying ''I told you so'')

Have her get a cover that isn''t, a rubberized polycarbonite (sp??) cover...which still gives the grippy rubber feel without being overly clingy and impossible to fit into pants pockets or whatever. You can get a slim fit case and a sticky cover for the phone which protects it from scratching...

Or, pop into Best Buy and get a ''naked'' clear case with a built in screen protector for heacy-duty protection.

I understant the rubber thing 100% and refuse to buy one for exactly those reasons.
I think it''s called ''silicone'' case, and it comes with different colour...
No, silicone is the rubber stuff that is almost impossible...

The polycarbonate is like a solid, hard case (form fitting) with a soft smooth coating over it. The coating is still grippy enough, but not nearly as tough to use as the sticky silicone/rubber.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 3/10/2009 12:04:22 PM
Author: Upgradable
What do you think of doing something like this?
Honestly? I wouldn''t.

Above I linked to you cnet and they had a whole little paragragh about replacement screens--they say the installation is very difficult. And it voids any/all warranties thru Apple (even her battery warranty which is does have for the next few months)

If it were me...I would "add a line" to your current plan for around $10.00 per month (letting your daughter be responsible for paying the line fee) and get her whatever phone is free thru AT&T.


Aug 17, 2005
Upgradable- sorry to hear about your daughter''s cracked phone. It doesn''t sound like there''s an easy fix.

I have a blackberry, and swear by these cases. They''re tough but smooth, so they easily fit into a pocket- unlike those cheap rubber ones!


May 1, 2007
Date: 3/10/2009 11:09:20 AM
Author: Upgradable
Hubby went with her when she bought it and he ''doesn''t believe in'' getting insurance or warrantees on electronics. I was hopping mad!! But after talking with them yesterday they said that it wouldn''t have covered damage by dropping anyway. We can''t replace it with AT&T for six months, and then it would be full price (ain''t gonna happen). Trust me, her dropping and breaking it was the best lesson she could have learned!!! Much better than parental nagging. She will be responsible for paying to get it fixed or to get a new one, I just wondered if anyone else had advice.

Interesting point about having a cover on it. She HAS a bright pink cover (rubber) but the phone doesn''t slide into her back pocket with the cover on!!! (imagine her voice) Ironically, it wouldn''t have slipped out from between her ear and shoulder (while she was drying her hands) and smash on the kitchen tile if it were in the pink rubber cover either. (imagine my voice saying ''I told you so'')
oh, Up you made my day! your sense of humor is awesome, and i seriously chuckled out loud when i read this!

(i''m sorry about the phone, unfortunately i can''t offer any advice)


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/10/2009 10:50:42 AM
... after having it less than a month. The screen is all cracked but the phone is still working. Is there any way this can be fixed? We spoke with AT&T and they won't touch it since it's damaged. The only Apple store is up in the city and we have to 'make an appointment' to see them. I'm sure this is a fairly common occurance. So, besides grounding her and making her pay for the repair or a new phone, does anyone have any suggestions?
Upgradable, I genuinely curious as to your logic here, so please don't take this the wrong way, because I'm all about "discipline."

But why are you grounding her? Wasn't it just an accident that she cracked the phone? How old is your daughter? Unless she threw it in anger or something, I'm confused as to why you would punish her in that way for an accident.

My opinion? iPhones are hot gadgets and I assume that you bought her the phone, which is a nice perk for a kid. At this point, I'd agree that she pays for the repairs or the new phone. If I were you, I wouldn't go too out of my way to find a cheaper route in fixing it. IMHO for kids (of any school age), phones are a luxury, ESPECIALLY the latest and greatest in technology. If she cannot pay for the new one, (thereby understanding the cost/value) then either she goes without one or she buys an "old school" flip phone or something off craigslist.

My two cents.


Aug 15, 2004
No, she didn't get grounded. I have no idea why I typed that? It was very much a "live and learn" lesson. She's taken responsibility for it, even so much that her dad and I keep reminding her to lighten up, it was only a phone! She kept crying and saying "but it was my fault!! I should have been more careful!!" Yes, and I'll be she doesn't do it again.

I just reread and wanted to add: no, we didn't buy it for her. She wanted it for b-day or Christmas, but she wasn't due for an upgrade until middle of Jan. We agreed that if she paid half, we'd pay the other. The upgrade cost was $199, so she paid $100 and we covered the rest. She has required chores that "credit" her for the monthly plan fee. Fixing this will be all at her cost. So I'm really just looking for all of the options out there and then she gets to choose what she is willing to pay for.

She is fifteen.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/10/2009 12:54:53 PM
Author: Upgradable
No, she didn''t get grounded. I have no idea why I typed that? It was very much a ''live and learn'' lesson. She''s taken responsibility for it, even so much that her dad and I keep reminding her to lighten up, it was only a phone! She kept crying and saying ''but it was my fault!! I should have been more careful!!'' Yes, and I''ll be she doesn''t do it again.

I just reread and wanted to add: no, we didn''t buy it for her. She wanted it for b-day or Christmas, but she wasn''t due for an upgrade until middle of Jan. We agreed that if she paid half, we''d pay the other. The upgrade cost was $199, so she paid $100 and we covered the rest. She has required chores that ''credit'' her for the monthly plan fee. Fixing this will be all at her cost. So I''m really just looking for all of the options out there and then she gets to choose what she is willing to pay for.

She is fifteen.
Thanks for the additional info Upgradable. I file this stuff in my head because I''m sure I''ll need it someday with my own kid!

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
Date: 3/10/2009 12:38:48 PM
Author: rainydaze

Date: 3/10/2009 11:09:20 AM
Author: Upgradable
Hubby went with her when she bought it and he ''doesn''t believe in'' getting insurance or warrantees on electronics. I was hopping mad!! But after talking with them yesterday they said that it wouldn''t have covered damage by dropping anyway. We can''t replace it with AT&T for six months, and then it would be full price (ain''t gonna happen). Trust me, her dropping and breaking it was the best lesson she could have learned!!! Much better than parental nagging. She will be responsible for paying to get it fixed or to get a new one, I just wondered if anyone else had advice.

Interesting point about having a cover on it. She HAS a bright pink cover (rubber) but the phone doesn''t slide into her back pocket with the cover on!!! (imagine her voice) Ironically, it wouldn''t have slipped out from between her ear and shoulder (while she was drying her hands) and smash on the kitchen tile if it were in the pink rubber cover either. (imagine my voice saying ''I told you so'')
oh, Up you made my day! your sense of humor is awesome, and i seriously chuckled out loud when i read this!

(i''m sorry about the phone, unfortunately i can''t offer any advice)
my thoughts exactly! my "imagining" was quite colorful!!!



Aug 15, 2004
parenting is such a treat for all involved!!


Mar 16, 2005
I''m sorry this happened to her. Believe me, I am such a klutz that I have dropped mine while out running on the pavement, dropped on our tile numerous times, and dropped my last one in the bathtub
. Needless to say, I got a cheapie phone for this reason. I would have her pay for the repairs for sure if she really wants another one, but also remind her that accidents happen all the time and it might happen again in a week and she would be out another $250 or whatever. I would honestly encourage her to get a cheapie phone at this point...


Jan 10, 2009
My daughter''s friend has replaced hers twice already. Unless it is an Apple defect, you''ll have to replace. The girl''s parents make her pay the $5.00 insurance each month because this phone is expensive to keep replacing


Aug 15, 2004
Where does she get insurance that replaces a broken screen?


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 3/10/2009 2:31:57 PM
Author: Upgradable
Where does she get insurance that replaces a broken screen?
Normal, everyday AT&T insurance doesn''t cover the iPhone. The only option, insurance-wise, is Apple Care...which, sadly, doesn''t cover anything that is broken due to handling. Now, if the screen got screwy on you because of something Apple did...yes, Apple Care would cover it.

I don''t know what Soocool was talking about, because having recently bought an iPhone, I got the whole insurance run down.


Jan 10, 2009
I don''t know if it was a broken screen or not. All I know from my daughter''s friend is that she pays the insurance on the phone. Maybe it is also for losing the phone. I am only repeating what I heard. But the girl''s phone was damaged twice. I just do not know whatthe problem was. I don''t have the iPhone. sorry I commented.


Jan 10, 2009
Date: 3/10/2009 2:31:57 PM
Author: Upgradable
Where does she get insurance that replaces a broken screen?
I never said she used insurance to replace a broken screen. I said unless it is an Apple defect , they have to buy a new phone. The insurance is for losing the phone, because apparently she has also lost her phone. So to teach her a lesson about responsibility, the parents make her pay insurance on her phone.


Oct 12, 2005
Well, you can buy a screen & fix it yourself BUT you have to be handy. It probably isnt worth doing though if you bought the phone full price because a new screen is expensive. My husband buys cracked Iphones for really cheap & that is the only reason he replaces the screen.


Apr 6, 2006
My daughter has gone through multiple phones. Broken, dropped, dropped in water, stolen. I have dropped my own, too. It happens. I wait for the lowest priced upgrades from att and if you have the family plan you can switch phones around. My husband gets the oldest because he never uses his. My daughter always seems to get everyone else''s upgrade. But she uses her phone the most. I think girls are natural chatters!!
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