
My dads just been taken into hospital

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I''m glad the Dr.''s are confident enough to send him home, that''s great news!! I hope the pain goes away and he feels better soon.
glad too hear he is well enough to come home.
Prayers continue.
Thanks for the update Bee! Still thinking of you and your family...
Bee good to hear. I will continue to keep you, your dad and family in my prayers.
Thanks everyone! Just waiting for him to get home now.
Date: 2/3/2008 5:24:39 PM
Author: bee*
Just waiting for him to get home now.

Excellent! Let us know how his night goes and how his appointment goes tomorrow! We'll be thinking of you!

Yay, good news! And hopefully you''ll have some answers soon, too. Not knowing is so worrying!
bee I only just saw this. I''m wishing bucketloads of good vibes down the N3 to you for a peaceful night''s rest for your Dad and a positive outcome with the urologist tomorrow.
I''m so glad it wasn''t a coronary problem and hopefully it will be something easy to treat.
Good to hear your dad has come home :)
Thanks so much everyone. He was fine last night, just dying to get to bed really after not much sleep the night before. He''s on his way back in to the hospital now, so I''ll let you guys know as soon as they find something.

I''m so glad it wasn''t a coronary problem also-he has high blood pressure anyway and my little sister''s been causing so much trouble at home that we''re always telling her not to in case he does have a heart attack so we were all really worried when he couldn''t breath properly the other day.

Thanks again
Glad to hear he is doing better and enjoyed his egg and chips!
Hope your dad gets well soon Bee
Well the urologist has sent him home on lots of tablets and thinks that whatever it was has passed. They never confirmed that it was definitely a kidney stone though
. I just think that it''s strange as if a dog comes into our clinic, he gets his consult, bloods, x=ray, (poss surgery), or meds done and he can be sent home with a definite answer of what the problem is, but my dad spends a whole night and day sitting in the hospital and is sent home without a definite answer! So moral of that story is go to your vets
I suppose that they must not be too worried if they sent him home!!

Thanks again for your well wishes everyone!
I am glad the doctor thinks all is well, bee*. He has been checked out.

I''m glad to hear he''s feeling better, bee!
My best wishes.
Well, that''s good to hear.

How old is your sister, btw?
I''m glad to hear he''s doing better.
Keep strong!
Hi Bee! I'm glad to hear your Dad is feeling a bit better and on his way to get some treatment and answers.

It's so scary when our Fathers get sick . . . as little girls, we think of them as invincible. I'm just so happy your Dad is on his way to figure out what's happening!

Prayers outgoing!
Hi bee - I only just saw this (not on PS all weekend). I''m glad to hear all worked out with your dad
Date: 2/4/2008 6:48:30 AM
Author: bee*
Well the urologist has sent him home on lots of tablets and thinks that whatever it was has passed. They never confirmed that it was definitely a kidney stone though
. I just think that it's strange as if a dog comes into our clinic, he gets his consult, bloods, x=ray, (poss surgery), or meds done and he can be sent home with a definite answer of what the problem is, but my dad spends a whole night and day sitting in the hospital and is sent home without a definite answer! So moral of that story is go to your vets
I suppose that they must not be too worried if they sent him home!!

Thanks again for your well wishes everyone!
even if they had found it and it was in an area they thought it would pass they would have done the same thing.
Pain meds and wait and see.

Glad he is going good!
glad he is home and feeling better! I''m sure this was very stressful for you and your family. Now you can all rest!
I''m glad to hear that he''s at home. And maybe this will scare your little sister into behaving like an angel. (Ok, I admit you have to work to see that silver lining, but it''s kind of there, right?)

I am so glad that you dad is home. I hope he is on the mend and won''t have anymore pain.

Big hugs to you my friend.

Thanks again everyone. He has been in a tiny bit of pain today but after taking his meds he is doing much better!

My sister is 16 and is definitely a troublesome teen! About three weeks ago, she was dating about ten different men and our biggest fear was that she would get pregnant, now last week she has come out and said that she is gay and that she has a g/f. My parents have been so worried. She confides in me a lot and I will support her no matter what goes on, but my parents have been very stressed about it all. Especially seeing as my dad has high blood pressure already! Hopefully she''ll figure it all out,but she''s being very difficult at the moment.
Glad he''s doing better! Did the hospital give him a strainer, so that he''ll know if he passes a stone or not? That''s what they would do with my dad for his stones when they were really small ones.
Thanks Joflier. No they didn''t give him a strainer. He seems to be a huge amount better today though so hopefully he''s on the mend.
Glad to hear he is doing better! Is he still enjoying his grub?
Glad to hear he''s better!
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