
my baby brother...engaged

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Apr 9, 2008
I just found out yesterday my baby brother just got engaged to his Girl Friend that he met on the Internet and has only met twice... It kind of hurt a little, but I''m happy for him, it just feels weird that he''d propose and he doesn''t even know the girl... and she asked me and my sisters to be her bridesmaids... I didn''t know what to say so I said yes... But I''m not sure how I feel about this possible marriage...

Just wanted to tell someone how I feel as I can''t express this to any of my family as they would not understand...
Date: 2/9/2009 11:55:28 AM
I just found out yesterday my baby brother just got engaged to his Girl Friend that he met on the Internet and has only met twice... It kind of hurt a little, but I''m happy for him, it just feels weird that he''d propose and he doesn''t even know the girl... and she asked me and my sisters to be her bridesmaids... I didn''t know what to say so I said yes... But I''m not sure how I feel about this possible marriage...

Just wanted to tell someone how I feel as I can''t express this to any of my family as they would not understand...
Sorry you are not able to talk about it to other. We''re here for you though!

Everyone finds love in a different way. Although it is rather fast, IMO, I hope they have found true happiness and love and just realized it sooner than most.

It probably took a lot to ask both of you to be her bridesmaids, considering she''s only met him twice. Hopefully all of you will be able to get a better chance to get to know one another and it will all work out. Talk to your brother about her and try to get an idea about how he feels about her and what makes her "the one." Maybe that will help you understand why they rushed if you can see his feelings and love for her. Best of luck with it. Just try and keep your head up. :)
Wow! That is fast! I can see how you''d be a little upset. That''s normal to feel that way. Every relationship is different, so it''s tough to judge someone elses if you''re not in it. I''ve seen relationships that seemed SO wrong work out really well.

It''s really tough when someone you''re close with is in a relationship that you don''t approve of. It''s frustrating! And you can''t say anything, because they''ll only resent you... unless you have a very understanding friend/relative.

Sometimes it''s best to "fake it til you make it" and pretend to be happy for him, and be supportive. Hopefully you''ll grow to like her, and they''ll be happy.

But if things don''t work out, just try to be supportive of him!
To each his own. think about this. All the time they spent on the internet, talking on the phone, they REALLY got to know each other. Sometimes more than people that meet in person, when the weird physical stuff gets in the way. Your brother had to focus on this girl for who she was.... not just because he wanted to get into her pants.
I have a co-worker that met her DH on the internet. I must admit, this is not for me...but they are happy. They never quarrel, and they have a solid foundation for each other. They are a fantastic support system and are really in love. They have been married for TEN YEARS. They have what outsiders looking in call an "ideal marriage" even though the circumstances for bringing them together... were not "ideal". He lived in FL she lived in AZ. After courting online for six months, meeting her in person ONCE, he flew home, bought her a ring, proposed, and they were married 3 months later.
I''d just be happy that your brother met someone that he loves. Their meeting may have been unconventional, however, I think when you spend HOURS really talking to someone, you get to know them a lot sooner, than a year of dates and "going to the movies" as a distraction.
You are entitled to your feelings, and I am not judging, but my suggestion would be... vent here... not there. Spend some time trying to get to know your future sister in law, enjoy being a bridesmaid... you may just see all the wonderful qualities your brother was able to see in print. Just think, us... mere strangers on the internet, you don''t care what we look like, yet we are able to bring you comfort, and listen... maybe your brother found this... in a life partner.
I could see how that would be upsetting. I guess just try your best to support his decision and hope it all works out for him...
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