
Musical PSers - just for fun

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Jul 5, 2007
A DF-like question:
Do you play any musical instruments?
If so, what do you play?
How old were you when you began?
Do you still play?

Since I asked, I suppose I can answer

I started out singing in the children''s choir at my church when I was very small, and then I wanted piano lessons (about 3rd or 4th grade). I never got to playing with chords, but I can still hammer out basic melodies on a keyboard. Then in 5th grade, I began playing flute, and played through high school. On a visit to my parents'' house a few years ago, I took my flute back with me, so every now and then I''ll get it out to play. I''ve been thinking about joining a community band or orchestra just for kicks, but so far, it hasn''t worked with my schedule.

Your turn! I''d love to know if we could put a PS band together
I play the clarinet since I was 12 years old (played through junior high and high school) and I just started learning to play piano two years ago.. (It's one of my life goal

I haven't been practicing lately because of my upcoming wedding ...

My sister plays the drums and the flute and I sometimes play duets with her...
I played piano and took lessons from 4th-7th grades and also in 12th grade. I still play now and then (although mostly easy pieces). I can still sight-read really well though - I was in choir in 8th, 9th and 10th grades and while choir in high school was nothing to write home about, my 8th grade choir was super competitive and intense.

Now I just karaoke
Singing - started when I was 2.
Piano - started when I was 11.
Still do both.
I play the piano. Started when I was 8 and still do. Mainly classical stuff. I also sang for 10 years, but these days it is only karaoke for me
Piano - started when I was 11 and still play.
I started singing in choirs when I was 6, played the piano for a year when I was 6, played the recorder and xylophone throughout primary school and started playing the trumpet at 12. I haven''t played or sang for about 2 years, but I plan on taking it up again.
I''ve been a singer my whole life. I sang with a couple different choirs and a touring choraleer group in high school. I also did some recording time in the studio. As far as instruments, I did piano as a kid, and then guitar in high school. I started to attempt the cello a couple years ago, but I just don''t have the time or patience for practicing, so that kinda went by the wayside.
I''m a classically-trained pianist and percussionist and have music part of my career as a music teacher, private instructor and freelance performer. My main instruments (other than piano) are marimba, tympani, other various percussion instruments (although those two are my favourites), voice (alto/mezzo) and the oboe. I started playing piano at 3 informally and took lessons starting at 6 or 7 years old. I began percussion at the age of 13, my first year of high school, and got my B.S. in music education with an emphasis on percussion. I started playing oboe at age 10 and played until I was about 20 years old. I still play the occasional percussion gig, but not since moving to England. I miss it.

Back in the day, I also composed and arranged music (mostly for percussion groups). I miss that too, and hope one day to get back into it.
I have learned to play many instruments... My first was the violin. I started playing that when I was 3. Then I started playing the piano, around 3 or 4... I did not continue playing either one into adulthood. (Unfortunately
) I started playing the clarinet around the age of 9 and played it all through school. I have played the guitar intermittently throughout my life... I haven''t played any of my instruments on a few years... Just got out of the habit. I have the unique ability to pick up just about any instrument and play it!!
I was one of those marching band geeks in high school--I played the clarinet. I started in middle school and played through high school. I planned to major in music, but by my senior year I was burnt out from competitions and decided to only continue music as a hobby. My best friend is a concert pianist (she was getting her Masters in Piano Performance when she developed tendonitis) and we still occasionally play together. I hardly play at all anymore, but I miss playing in a group and have often thought about continuing lessons and playing in a small wind ensemble. I also took violin lessons for a couple of years, but grew frustrated with having to start over on a new instrument.

D also planned to be a music major (played piano and trombone) before he decided to major in math instead. We''ve never played together, but we should!

To this day I would still love to take up the cello! My high school did not have enough money for an orchestra, but I have no doubt I would have played a stringed instrument if it had been an option.
I started with the piano at age 5 and continue to play it today in the traditional classical style. I picked up the violin at around 10 and played in a professional symphony for 2 years until I had to quit due to my work travel schedule.
Clarinet and piano. I started playing clarinet in 4th grade and have a Music performance degree in Clarinet performance[otherwise affectionately known as a BM]. Unfortunately I had to give up clarinet in my early twenties due to a very bad case of TMJ. At the time I was playing 8 - 9 hours a day and my jaw couldn''t take it. I played piano in high school and through music school but stopped playing as my family grew. My piano now has a lonely existence in my living room.
I play the piano-I took lessons for several years when I was in elementary school and middle school. I can still play a few good songs, but I''ve forgotten how to play most of them!

I was also in chorus in middle school and I sang in my church choir a bit back then also.
Curious, does anyone play bass guitar?
Do you play any musical instruments? Yes
If so, what do you play? Violin
How old were you when you began? 10
Do you still play? It has been a while, but I can still play it.
I have been playing classical piano since I was 7. I have a B.A. in professional music, and I work as a piano teacher.
I have been playing the piano by ear since I was 3. I was classically trained for 9 years from when I was about 8 years old. I have played for several chiors, several churches, and done several concerts. I had not been playing up until last year when I finally got my piano from my mom, and in MY HOUSE!!!

I also taught myself how to play accoustic guitar about 5 years ago. I can play all the normal chords, and do a little bit of finger picking. I''d like to get better at that. I love guitar!

I also sing, and when I was in college I learned, not only how to teach piano, but how to teach voice lessons. If I ever wanted to do something outside the home (like when kids are in school) it would be teaching music!
In 6th grade I played saxophone. Then I picked up bassoon and played until my junior year of high school. I also played percussion for a few years in band. I don''t play anymore, and I miss it.
I played the violin and piano from the age of about 5. I gave up the violin at around 14 cos I was into everything as a child and two instruments was getting too much, so I just played for fun and kept up the piano exams. I still play piano for fun, have done a few "background music" gigs, played at amateur musicals and variety shows in uni. Violin has fallen by the wayside
I bought a set of drums when I was 16 and took lessons for a few years but I wasn''t all that good. I have sang all my life, choirs mainly at first, then I went into musicals. I haven''t done any in the last two years because of where I lived but I''ll be back into amateur theatre after summer I expect!

My dad recently bought a concertina in an antique store and is currently downstairs teaching himself how to play! It actually sounds pretty good!
Former music teacher so I play trumpet, can also play a little guitar, sax, trombone and concert percussion. Haven''t had many chances to play since leaving teaching four years ago, though I occasionally play trumpet with a community band or in pit orchestra for theater.

The only instrument I really stay current on is bass guitar (Yes, Lorelei, there is at least one here
) I play that with the praise band at church three weeks a month.

Starting ages
age 9--piano (do not play well, if God meant for me to play piano, he would have given me 88 fingers)
age 10--guitar & F horn
age 13--trumpet
age 16--trombone for HS jazz band
age 19--bass guitar, saxophone, percussion
I''ve been a singer my whole life. I was super excited to get to join the choir at church when I was 5. I''ve recorded a couple of songs and been in a few community theater musicals.

I am just now learning to play the guitar. I''m not very good yet, but we''ll see how I am in a few months!
Date: 3/8/2009 12:44:30 AM
Do you play any musical instruments?
If so, what do you play?
I'm a singer. In the past I've played french horn, piano and flute.

How old were you when you began?
I started singing supposedly before I could talk (sounds like a requisite parent-brag to me, though
). I started performing (in little local stuff) when I was 5, and started voice lessons when I was 10.

French horn was 6th grade only, piano was on and off from 6-18 and flute was 4th and 5th grade only.

Do you still play?
I still sing, and do so on a professional basis from time to time. I had a performance last night, actually, in the most major venue I've ever appeared in. It was really fun! I have a few recordings as a soloist from my college a cappella days, have voiced backup lines on a couple of professional albums, and every now and then get to do soundtrack stuff.

I'm still proficient enough with piano to sight-read a melody line, but that's about it. I was never very good with 'real' instruments!
I sing. My mom says I would hum songs and mimic the radio before I even spoke. I do a few local gigs with friends sometimes or play in the streets In Old Town Frederick, a city close to here that has street festivals. Was in a band for a while, didn't last

I sang classically out throughout high school as a soprano 1, that's what they called it anyway, I don't know if that's a technical term. It's just higher than the soprano 2 melody line. I wish I could still sing classically and in that range. Darn these cigarettes. I did some gospel stuff too. That didn't last either though.

As for instruments, I can't play SQUAT! Not even a recorder!
I sing. I sang in community choruses, one or two small choruses, and my church choir until I gave them up a few years ago due to time constraints. I''m ready to start again, but I have to get my voice and breath control back in condition, because I want to step up to more challenging chorales and that means auditions! I learned music playing the cello as a child and didn''t take up choral singing until I was an adult.
My mom had me in piano lessons before I was even in Kindergarten. I was trained from then until I was 17. I was also learned to play the saxophone. I started playing in the 5th grade. I switched to the tenor sax in the ninth grade and after that, I gave it up. Band was a casualty to piano, tennis, and most importantly, my studies.

I still have the same alto sax and the piano is now being used by my little brother.
I play the piano and sing. I have been singing since age 2 and playing piano since age 6 (classically trained for about 12 years). I still do both as much as I can, but my singing is limited to cantoring at church and karaoke on occasion! Oh yes, and sometimes (like this evening, actually), I serenade my fiance, and he mostly puts up with it
Wow this is so interesting! So many musical PS'ers!!! We could have our own band, orchestra, and choir!!

Singing - done it since I was little. Was in the choir in middle school and high school, and tried to join one in college, but Engineering curriculums don't allow time for that. Joined the church adult choir though.

Piano - played since I was about 8, with lessons for a few years. Played it after that for random school events, and for a while in our school's praise and worship team.

Guitar - picked it up in high school when I got an acoustic. Also played that on the school's p&w team. Besides that, I just fool around with it. I got to where I can play most chords pretty well, but I've plateaued at that and can't get picking melodies downpat.

Violin - learned to play it in music camp one summer. Did ok with it, but never picked one up again after that summer, haha.

Flute - played for a year or two in middle school. Picked it up pretty easy, but dropped it when the schedule became too crowded with other musical things I liked better.

Handbells - probably my favorite instruments!
Was in the handbell choir in high school, and in the church handbell choir in college. So much fun!!!

You know, it's amazing how much access to music you have in school. I didn't realize that until I graduated. Now that I live on my own and have a real job, I have no access to that. I'm thinking about trying to find a handbell choir or singing choir to get in, but that's about the only choice I have right now. I'd have to buy a piano or keyboard to play one at this point. All I can really do is play with my guitar when I feel like it. I miss being engrossed in music so much!!
I began the violin in 7th grade, but because of violin lessons everyday (I was the only person in the orchestra program for my grade for 2 years due to a new program) I had private lessons 5 days a week. Because of that, and a natural talent for it, by the end of my first year, I was playing music my own teacher had been playing in her sr. year. My skills grew, but due to famiy issues, I stopped playing for a year, came back began playing again, got my skills up to par once more, got accepted into a private orchestra, and then got shipped off again by my parents. I joined the school orchestra at my new school, got accepted into the little private thing the school had, but eventually work, and everything else overwhelmed my time to I gave it up. I''m sad, but I know someday I''ll pick it up again.

What I''d really love to learn is the cello. If anyone has one sitting around that they''d like to donate that would be great! LOL!
Do you play any musical instruments?
If so, what do you play?
How old were you when you began?
Do you still play?

I sing... all the time. About everything... like Buddy the Elf!

When I was 5 I played the recorder. When I was 9-11 I played the clarinet.
When I was 10-17 I played the flute. I always wanted to play the piano... got a keyboard when I was 9... and could only play the right handed parts... couldnt read the bass music...

oh and I also played the bells and chimes from ages 9-16 for the church.

the only thing I still do... is parody sing about life.
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