
Mini vents

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Oct 5, 2006
Where's that thread on what bugs you (?!).

I have a few mini vents. I invited some ex-colleagues round to dinner on Saturday, only those that I was rather close to when I was working in my firm. Even though we have a table big enough to sit ten comfortably, there were about 15 people altogether. The majority arrived and after a while, we decided to sit down and eat. The rest arrived later, when the first batch had finished eating. So this first batch adjourned to the living room and sat down, which is fine, because the two rooms are adjoining and this is what we normally do when we have a bunch of guests. Well, to my shock and horror, they switched on the TV (without evem asking me if I'd mind) and then proceeded to watch TV instead of talking to each other or to the rest of us!
Then, the boyfriend of one of the girls in this batch arrived, very late (like 2 hours late), barely greeted me, didn't apologise, went to get some food, sat down with the TV batch and totally ignored me, and not even asking me how I was! Well, that was the last time I invited them to our house! Appaling!!

A few of you may know that we're trying to rent out our house. This lady arrived this morning with our agent, proceeded to take pictures of our house without even as much as "would you mind if I took a few pics of yr house" and to cap it off, was about to take a pic of the dining room with me in it! Suffices to say I protested, stormed off and this lady didn't even apologise, just carried on taking the photos. She then left without even acknowledging me and left my front door wide open behind her!!

Some people are incredibly ill-mannered. It's really unbelieveable.
You know, I''m pretty easy going, not much stresses me, but bad manners and bad driving really have the ability to get me madder than hell.

Phoenix, I hear what you are saying and I would be raging too. Your guests were just downright rude and you have every reason to vent.
There''s no excuse for rudeness and bad manners.
Oh my Pheonix!!!

You have every right to vent. I am so sorry. People can be so rude!!!
, that is terrible behaviour
, I can understand why your upset - really really rude.
oooooooh thats just plain RUDE!!!!

That''s appalling behaviour and I admire your restraint - I would have disciplined the offenders in both situations.

Bad driving makes me mad and it''s so annoying being the only good driver
I used to live in a large city where I was able to "help" bad drivers recognise their mistakes by a display of hand signals, but now that I live in a very small town it''s quite different and those hand signals sometimes have to be hurriedly changed into friendly waves when you suddenly recognize the offending bad driver as the person you bump into on a daily basis. I am having to learn restraint myself - a good thing.
I agree with the general concensus that in both instances people were pretty rude
It never ceases to amaze me just how rude people can be. Don''t people learn manners anymore?
Ugh. I hear you Phoenix. That would have my blood boiling - I echo your post Gailey!
Rude, and RUDE-R!
I''m so sorry phoenix - sounds like quite a rash of bad manners you are dealing with lately! I''d be
too. So sorry you have to deal with these rude people!
It bugs me when cops write me tickets. GRRRRR
Vent away, Phoenix!!
It drives me crazy when we have our family over for the holidays (or rather DH''s family) and they turn the TV on. But I was a latecomer to the clan so I can''t stop the freight train. It left the station years ago.
That is so frustrating!! My vent today is that some #$@! drove up my 1/4 mile driveway (it has a sign that says private road) and dumped their trash
! Broken bottles, bags of trash, and old boxes! I am so mad. What is wrong with people lately?!?
Thank you, everyone, for letting me vent. I feel a bit less frustrated. I wonder why some people are so poorly-mannered. I mean, good manners do not cost a thing. Why do they behave like this? Is it just poor upbringing on their part? More to the point, it reflects badly on them.

Indecisive, that's really appalling! Our neighbour across the street some time ago decided to leave their rubbish bin on the side of our house on a daily basis. Luckily, here, rubbish is collected on a daily basis, so it's not too awful but still, the nerve of some people! The escalating point was when she decided to burn her "paper money" (it's a Chinese custom - to give money to the departed - which some people but not all practice) outside of our fence! We came home to a bunch of black ashes all over our pristine pool and front yard! Couldn't figure out what it was at first, until one night she decided to do it again when we were actually home. So hubby went outside and asked her what she was doing, and she said she didn't want the ash to get into her house!
. Well, a stern word or two from DH got that sorted out pretty fast!
I don't suppose you saw who the offender was in yr case?
Here are some random mini-vents of mine:

Got my new IN driver''s license this Saturday...apparently if you smile for your picture now, you can''t show your teeth, which I hated to hear because I just had my braces removed a couple months ago and was really looking forward to having a nice DL pic with my new smile. Also, you can''t have hair covering your ears. Ridiculous.

Completely unrelated: why is it that when you ask a fast food restaurant to leave off the meat, they leave off everything else? I always order a southwest salad from McD''s and ~50% of the time (even if I specify that I still want everything else on it) they leave off the yummy tortilla strips that actually make it crunchy and edible. Bah!

And one more: I OWE taxes this year. Ok, it''s only $108, but refund for moi. Boo.
My MIL. Nuff Said.
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