
Midterms, anyone?

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Apr 25, 2008
I am right in the middle of midterms right now. I have THREE exams tomorrow and I feel like my head may explode.

I have spring break next week, but the next couple of days is going to be hell! I can''t sleep at night, I''ve had a headache for 5 days, and my appetite has disappeared!

Anyone suffering with me, here?
aww I''m sorry ED! My projects are pretty much consistently stressful throughout the semester with a couple extra weeks of stress here and there. I''m actually in the middle of writing a paper right now and I''m anxious about it so I haven''t eaten my breakfast
Before you know it the week will be over and you''ll have a week off to relax! Good luck
My Dh''s midterms are the week of our marathon... he''s hating me for signing him up to run with me!

But... on a positive note... you''ll be super sexy skinny taking your exams!
My spring break is in 2 weeks and everyone is trying to squeeze an exam/paper/discussion in before then. I''m keeping a mental countdown in my head until the 1st, which is when i leave for Vegas! Hope your midterms go well and your headache goes away soon.
No fun! Eyes on the prize,''ll be so happy when those exams are over! Best of luck to those of you taking exams :)
I don''t have midterms but I do have a major project due next week. It''s a 15-page paper and 15 minute presentation. I am not looking forward to to avoid it altogether, I just put it off. It''s starting to really stress me out because I know I have to get on the ball ASAP.

Good luck with your exams''ll do fine, I''m sure!
Date: 2/18/2009 9:00:39 AM
I am right in the middle of midterms right now. I have THREE exams tomorrow and I feel like my head may explode.

I have spring break next week, but the next couple of days is going to be hell! I can''t sleep at night, I''ve had a headache for 5 days, and my appetite has disappeared!

Anyone suffering with me, here?

i dont have any midterms, but good luck hun! you''ll do just fine, and heres some dust for you!!
No midterms for me. I have scattered exams here and there throughout this semester (last one!) but all the prof. are on a different schedule so they don''t seem to stack up at all.

***************************Dust to those with exams *******************************
Finished with undergrad and not starting grad school yet, so no midterms for me! Good luck to everyone who has them. :)
Thanks for the support everyone!

And ***DUST*** to all who are working their bums off in school right now!

I just had a mini LIW freak out.

Midterms = Mid semester. This semester is half over?! WTF? I just though about how quickly this engagement is coming and almost threw up in my mouth.
Good luck everyone

it''s been one and a half years since i last took midterms and i can tell you, once you graduate it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO worth it :) i finally grew back all the hair i pulled out during those exams hahha
I don''t have midterms for a couple of weeks yet. So I will be feeling the pain soon enough. Your spring break is in February?!
Date: 2/18/2009 1:45:22 PM
Author: FrekeChild
I don''t have midterms for a couple of weeks yet. So I will be feeling the pain soon enough. Your spring break is in February?!
Ha! Yes. Complete with snow on the ground and everything.

Go figure.
Good luck to everyone with midterms and projects! That is one thing I do not miss about school!!!
I totally understand the pain that it midterms!!!! I have two tomorrow and yet here I am on pricescope haha.
And I thought ours was early being in the middle of March!!!

(When I was at our community college, we didn''t get spring break, and I remember one year, during the University''s spring break, it snowed, and I laughed so hard, because we got snow days, and they didn''t. Yeah....)
I''m not a LIW, but I can so relate

I had a midterm due on Tuesday, but didn''t do it. I haven''t even started it. My son has been running a constant fever of 102-104 if he doesn''t have meds. Needless to say I''ve been busy.

I can''t wait until spring break, lord knows I need it.
Me, too! I''m in the middle of midterms...I have one in 1 1/2 hours. Should I be studying? Yes. Am I? Nope. Being a horrible procrastinator as usual.
I just finished midterm hell last week. I am on Spring Break this week. So I feel your pain!!!

I am pleasantly surprised at all the ladies that are in school right now! I just started my undergrad after being out of highschool for 8 years, and Im SO glad that I did it, but man, its not easy!!! LOL

Plus trying to plan a wedding? Well.. yeah Im so there with all of you ladies.

GOOD LUCK to everyone who is going through midterms right now!!!!
Date: 2/20/2009 11:38:41 AM
Author: AprilD
I just finished midterm hell last week. I am on Spring Break this week. So I feel your pain!!!

I am pleasantly surprised at all the ladies that are in school right now! I just started my undergrad after being out of highschool for 8 years, and Im SO glad that I did it, but man, its not easy!!! LOL

Plus trying to plan a wedding? Well.. yeah Im so there with all of you ladies.

GOOD LUCK to everyone who is going through midterms right now!!!!
Awesome that you''re done! I just finished and now i''m on break!

Good Luck to those still suffering or have the torture coming soon!
Date: 2/18/2009 9:00:39 AM
I am right in the middle of midterms right now. I have THREE exams tomorrow and I feel like my head may explode.

I have spring break next week, but the next couple of days is going to be hell! I can''t sleep at night, I''ve had a headache for 5 days, and my appetite has disappeared!

Anyone suffering with me, here?


This week is my ''Spring Break'' or ''Reading Week'' as we call it here. And, I cannot believe its over already; it was not enough. My mid terms are next week in addition to my 2 thesis assignments the week after. I am totally nauseated by it all! I can''t eat. I can''t sleep. It''s like taken over my life.. as per usual.
Date: 2/20/2009 12:28:27 PM
Author: nail_polish


This week is my ''Spring Break'' or ''Reading Week'' as we call it here. And, I cannot believe its over already; it was not enough. My mid terms are next week in addition to my 2 thesis assignments the week after. I am totally nauseated by it all! I can''t eat. I can''t sleep. It''s like taken over my life.. as per usual.

Awww! Poor thing!

I''d yell at you about making yourself sick, but... hypocrisy isn''t my style.

You can do this! Just stay focused!
Date: 2/20/2009 12:30:59 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Date: 2/20/2009 12:28:27 PM

Author: nail_polish


This week is my ''Spring Break'' or ''Reading Week'' as we call it here. And, I cannot believe its over already; it was not enough. My mid terms are next week in addition to my 2 thesis assignments the week after. I am totally nauseated by it all! I can''t eat. I can''t sleep. It''s like taken over my life.. as per usual.

Awww! Poor thing!

I''d yell at you about making yourself sick, but... hypocrisy isn''t my style.

You can do this! Just stay focused!

Ditto! We will both get through it.
I keep telling myself, I always do.. but it never helps in the moment :P

My countdown till the last day of school is even motivation anymore - it''s stress! It''s like on one hand WOO only 48 days left till school ends, but then AHH because of all that must be done by then!
Date: 2/20/2009 11:38:41 AM
Author: AprilD
I just finished midterm hell last week. I am on Spring Break this week. So I feel your pain!!!

I am pleasantly surprised at all the ladies that are in school right now! I just started my undergrad after being out of highschool for 8 years, and Im SO glad that I did it, but man, its not easy!!! LOL

Plus trying to plan a wedding? Well.. yeah Im so there with all of you ladies.

GOOD LUCK to everyone who is going through midterms right now!!!!
Very very close to my situation! I''ve been done with HS since 2000, and have been going to school off and on since then. Right now I''m trying to push through and finish my BA in December, but man, going to school, trying to finish this degree AND plan a wedding?
We can all "complain " together then :)

Just wait til April comes around and then well all be dying to get out of exams!!!!!

Nailpolish - you must be in Canada (Ontario?)- like me Im on Reading Week.. have I picked up a book? NO.. hahaha
Date: 2/20/2009 3:29:52 PM
Author: AprilD
We can all ''complain '' together then :)

Just wait til April comes around and then well all be dying to get out of exams!!!!!

Nailpolish - you must be in Canada (Ontario?)- like me Im on Reading Week.. have I picked up a book? NO.. hahaha
Oddly enough, I can''t wait for finals!

Finals means 6 more weeks and I''m graduated, and likely engaged!

Like Freke, graduated in 00, and have been half-assing school on and off. Now i''m in a huge rush to graduate.
Wow.. 3 of us that graduated in 2000.. thats funny!!!

Well I hope for you that April comes as SOOOOOONNNNNNN as possible!!!!!!!

Its really not THAT long away
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