
Microderm abrasion vs. chemical peels


Feb 20, 2008
What's the difference? What do each of them help? Do you need to do a bunch of either one to see results, or will a one time shot do it?

My issues: I have reddish, splotchy skin (not really bad, not rosacea (I don't think) but I definitely look like I have a sunburn all the time), and fine wrinkles cropping up ;(
I haven't had either procedure done, but I believe that microdermabrasian exfoliates by shooting a bunch of small crystals on your face while a chemical peel exfoliates via a strong acid solution. I think there's a lot of redness and peeling with a chemical peel (like you don't want to be seen in public) and only minor redness from microdermabrasian. Sometimes they use salicylic acid for the chemical peel, so you might want to wait until after you stop breastfeeding. I don't know for sure, but they might not do any intensive procedures on you while you're breastfeeding. I know they won't do laser, which is another option.

Have you tried an AHA cream? I was looking into AHA creams the other day, and I read Walgreens actually has a good one. It's like 6 bucks and has gotten great reviews. What's the cause of your redness?

Eta: if you're looking for fewer treatments, I think the chemical peel might be better.
What makes you think you don't have rosacea? There is something making your skin red that is coming from within. I think you need to see a good dermatologist and get treated for what is causing the red before you irritate your skin more.
swingirl -- that's a VERY good point. I had a facial done and the lady said I didn't have rosacea, so I've always figured I don't. I should get a doctor to look at it. It doesn't look super sunburned, just a little red, and anyone I've ever known to have it has a different look than I do.
I've done home microdermabrasion kids (Philosophy Brand) for years and LOVE the results, but my skin isn't sensitive at all. If you're having any redness, you should talk to a derm before considering anything. Also, with microderm abrasion and other products like AHA, your skin becomes very sensitive to the sun so you HAVE TO protect your skin from the sun. So, if you're sensitive to sunscreens then be prepared to often wear a hat as an alternative (I do!) and if you're not sensitive, wear sunscreen all the time.

I've never done a chemical peel nor would do one. The only stuff I'll do is regular stuff sold at Sephora that I can try at home. I've had some MAJOR mess-ups with my hair and luckily hair grows out...can't imagine trusting my face to a "skilled professional" and risking disaster!

Like I said, if you have redness, talk to a dr. first....this is what I use:

Also, if you tend to have itchy skin, like on your legs, these products are WONDERFUL. Yeah, I use face cream on my legs. lol