
Michael Jackson Trial ... Are You Interested?

How interested in the MJ trial are you?

  • 1

    Votes: 19 57.6%
  • 2

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • 3

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • 6

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • 7

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • 8

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • 9

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Apr 30, 2005
Jury selection has started.
Dr. Conrad Murray is on trial for manslaughter by administering a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol.

So far 100% of the jury pool of 370 was aware of the case.
Next everyone has to fill out a 30-page questionnaire about their knowledge of and feeling regarding the singer and the case.

The judge has refused to ban TV cameras in the courtroom, or sequester the jurors.

How interested are you in this trial?

Please rate your interest . . .

1 = I could not care less
10 = Riveted, Obsessed; I live for every detail
I'm not that interested in...not sure why. I'm sure after it starts and it's on the news, I'll get drawn in!
I'm not interested in it because I don't like watching stuff like that..too depressing.
I'm quite curious, so I voted 7.

I really liked MJ's music, and admit to a morbid curiosity.
How in the world could he, or anyone, have died like this?

Did he drink the drug himself.
He called it his "milk" and was known to use Profonol for a long time to help him sleep.
Reportedly he begged Murray for more milk that night.
Perhaps he drank some or knew how to put more into his IV when the doctor was not present.
Bottles of it have been found at other residences of his.

Yes, the doctor not being present while his patient was on that drug is enough to make him lose his medical license since that anesthesia should only be used by an anesthesiologist in a hospital.

I think it's really sad that Jackson was not mentally healthy enough to have people around him (family or professionals) who could tell him, "NO!"
If you were not a yes-man you got fired.

Apparently he was a rich spoiled brat, though with a child-like heart of gold.
I honestly believe he never molested kids.
I think he suffered from arrested development and was, to a great deal, a kid himself, too pure and naive for the corrupt world we live in.
I'm mildly interested because I'm an anesthesia provider, and my job requires administering many of the same drugs that were used (irresponsibly) on MJ. I'm mostly interested in the consequences for my work (for example, there's been a lot of talk about propofol becoming a controlled substance ever since MJ's death).
jstarfireb|1315696642|3014683 said:
I'm mildly interested because I'm an anesthesia provider, and my job requires administering many of the same drugs that were used (irresponsibly) on MJ. I'm mostly interested in the consequences for my work (for example, there's been a lot of talk about propofol becoming a controlled substance ever since MJ's death).

What is the difference between a controlled substance and other prescriptions?
Are there only these two categories, or are there more?
6 because if he's guilty of manslaughter, the public should know it. I'm not interested in watching the details of the trial as they unfold. It would be nice if you, Kenny, or someone else, could update us on the result. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
kenny|1315696990|3014688 said:
jstarfireb|1315696642|3014683 said:
I'm mildly interested because I'm an anesthesia provider, and my job requires administering many of the same drugs that were used (irresponsibly) on MJ. I'm mostly interested in the consequences for my work (for example, there's been a lot of talk about propofol becoming a controlled substance ever since MJ's death).

What is the difference between a controlled substance and other prescriptions?
Are there only these two categories, or are there more?

Controlled substances require a DEA license to prescribe and regular drugs don't. Under the umbrella of controlled substances, there are lists of drugs called "schedules," with most well-known controlled substances falling under Schedule II (percocet, oxycontin, and the like). Schedule I drugs have "no currently accepted medical use" - heroin, LSD, etc...although I think marijuana is on this list, and we all know about medical marijuana.

More info here:

My practice and that of all anesthesiologists would be GREATLY affected if propofol becomes classified as a controlled substance, because for all our controlled substances, we have to meticulously document the amount we use and return the "waste" (what's left in the syringe after we give a dose to the patient), and we have to get a witness to sign off on our waste. We use so much propofol in our daily routine that it would really be a huge inconvenience if it were a controlled substance. We'd get used to it in time, but we'd complain a LOT for a while.
Thanks for the link.
I was always curious about that stuff.
kenny|1315695081|3014667 said:
Jury selection has started.
Dr. Conrad Murray is on trial for manslaughter by administering a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol.

So far 100% of the jury pool of 370 was aware of the case.
Next everyone has to fill out a 30-page questionnaire about their knowledge of and feeling regarding the singer and the case.

The judge has refused to ban TV cameras in the courtroom, or sequester the jurors.

How interested are you in this trial?

Please rate your interest . . .

1 = I could not care less
10 = Riveted, Obsessed; I live for every detail
There needs to be a -456 option. I seriously could not care an ounce less, I wish the media would stop covering it. There is not a damn thing about this trial worth media coverage, AT ALL. Cover the wars we don't belong in, and the joke of congress we have right now and the fact that people are still needing help from the tons of natural disasters this country has suffered in the last few years, Katrina, the Tornadoes in Missouri, Oklahoma, Alabama, etc. Don't waste the airtime on that Michael Jackson crap.

Imdanny|1315701848|3014729 said:
6 because if he's guilty of manslaughter, the public should know it. I'm not interested in watching the details of the trial as they unfold. It would be nice if you, Kenny, or someone else, could update us on the result. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
His patients, sure. The rest of the planet? NO. Prevent him from ever practicing, move on.
I'm not interested at all in the trial. There are too many negative stories in the press these days, and I need to spend time thinking about more positive things.
I don't care very much either. Not enough to watch the trial or keep up on it. I hope the guy loses his license at the least; a few yrs in the can would not be out of line because he provided a drug irresponsibly over time to a patient who paid him well to do so, and left him alone with it. So whether MJ drank it -- though I heard yesterday that drs. say orally ingested propofol won't kill you -- or it was administered is a moot point. It was the dr's responsibility either way.

What bothers me more is the involvement of the recording co. & their representatives in making sure MJ was "happy." As in, given whatever drugs kept him willing & able to work. Revolting.
Is it terrible that I am not interested at all??
I watch a lot of court tv (True TV) so I am interested in finding out what happened. Is my interest mostly because its MJ?
No, mostly just because I like to watch each side of the case and see what the jury finally comes up with. Currently True Tv
has a case on where one guy shot another guy (died) ...bullet went through him and also killed his girlfriend. The whole
incident started because the girlfriend (the one who died) had pinched the shooter on the butt and it made the shooter
mad. He claims self defense. Havent seen the defense part of the case yet though.

So basically, two people killed over a butt pinching. Moral - Be careful who you pinch. :shock:
thing2of2|1315696110|3014678 said:
I'm not interested in it because I don't like watching stuff like that..too depressing.

I've never been interested in these sorts of things. I never follow them. The first I heard of the Casey Anthony case was here on PS.
Strangely, I'm not at all interested. I'm a Michael Jackson fan and an avid trial watcher. But I think this was assisted suicide. They should yank the Doc's ticket and call it a day.
Not. Interested.

At all.

He did it. Obviously. He should have pled out.

But then, his need to be at the 'center of the circus' got him here, so why wouldn't he want to continue the circus? It ought to be a real three ringer of one. Media coverage will be 'ad nauseum'.

I prefer to ignore it all.
I am kind of interested--I think he is guilty of gross malpractice, deserves to lose his license permanently and do some time in jail. A good, ethical doctor would NEVER have provided Michael with that drug under those conditions.

Part of me is very jealous--I can't get my doctror to give me a damn valium for anxiety and insomnia and Michael, due to his wealth and celebrity, was able to purchase a dr. to put him to sleep each night.
kenny|1315696629|3014682 said:
I think it's really sad that Jackson was not mentally healthy enough to have people around him (family or professionals) who could tell him, "NO!"
If you were not a yes-man you got fired.

To me, this is the tragedy of celebrity. Everyone wants to be liked by the celebrity (many financially depend on them) so they'll never say no. There are so many examples.