

While I do not want pejorative things that have been said about The Duchess of Sussex to be repeated anywhere, I have to admit that I am very curious as to what has been said about her in the UK. Everyone knows she is bi-racial. I know that Princess Michael of Kent wore a racist brooch in her presence. Princess Michael is universally hated, however, and with good cause. I follow The Royal Jewels Thread so I see many photos of royal events, but I do not follow discussions about the private lives of the royals. I only see them appear at public events.
@distracts I suspect a lot of the hate she gets is fueled by racism. I’ve read comments posted online about their family and it gets very racist, very quickly. There were racist comments about Archie and he’s just a baby! People are insane. Especially online. It’s disgusting.

And the family issue was a whole other thing I had a huge problem with. People seemed to think that she should be bankrolling her father’s side because they’re family and that’s what family does. And by not doing so shes an awful person. I thought she handled that whole situation with class.

I’m disappointed the Royal Family didn’t stand up for them.

It doesn't bother me that they have a lot of money. They want to be free to choose what they do in life. I understand that. However, I doubt that the media will leave them alone. The Duke and Dutchess of Windsor were always in the news until Wallace Simpson died.

I also feel sure that this decision had been discussed within the family, but the time to announce it belonged to Meghan and Harry. I like Harry a lot. He seems such a warm chap. I don't see any reason for Harry to become a pauper, because he wants to loosen the constraints of royalty that are upon him. Life is difficult for anyone, so I wish them the best.

While I do not want pejorative things that have been said about The Duchess of Sussex to be repeated anywhere, I have to admit that I am very curious as to what has been said about her in the UK. Everyone knows she is bi-racial. I know that Princess Michael of Kent wore a racist brooch in her presence. Princess Michael is universally hated, however, and with good cause. I follow The Royal Jewels Thread so I see many photos of royal events, but I do not follow discussions about the private lives of the royals. I only see them appear at public events.

After leaving Pricescope after posting above, I went to "The New York Times" web page. I noticed this article there. It certainly provides some information on the racism that The Duchess of Sussex has faced in The United Kingdom.

The media is so awful to Meghan. I feel so bad for her. People just love to bash her like they know her personally... it’s insane. I hope they find a happier, more peaceful life.

I don't know how that happened
All was going so well, their tour here was a real sucess with lots of positive publicity highlighting causes that need highlighting
And then poof !
Its all turned to poop

Its all well and good them wanting to plan a more independent future but what's the hurry ?
Nobodies family is perfect
And i really feel when your 93 year old grandmother is the Queen and your 70 year old Dad is the Prince of Wales it would be nice to stay home ocasionally and help out especially when Grandpa has been unwell - (and im not talking about Christmas)

Edward and Sophie's kids are the youngest grandkids and its nice they spend alot of time with their grandparents because saddly just like all grandparents they won't be around for ever
@distracts I suspect a lot of the hate she gets is fueled by racism. I’ve read comments posted online about their family and it gets very racist, very quickly. There were racist comments about Archie and he’s just a baby! People are insane. Especially online. It’s disgusting.

And the family issue was a whole other thing I had a huge problem with. People seemed to think that she should be bankrolling her father’s side because they’re family and that’s what family does. And by not doing so shes an awful person. I thought she handled that whole situation with class.

I’m disappointed the Royal Family didn’t stand up for them.

That's really terrible
I just have trouble comprehending it
Its very sad
I don't understand why it should upset people that she is bi racial ?

I do beleave the Queen has not even one racist bone in her body, because she was brought up to love the commonwealth and take a look - the commonwealth has a lot of dark faces
That's really terrible
I just have trouble comprehending it
Its very sad
I don't understand why it should upset people that she is bi racial ?

I do beleave the Queen has not even one racist bone in her body, because she was brought up to love the commonwealth and take a look - the commonwealth has a lot of dark faces

Even if the queen is not racist, she probably has difficulty understanding the desire for Meghan and Harry to directly address the media and call out racist journalists. The queen is from a different generation that internalizes pain and sweeps it under the rug instead of confronting racists and bigots.
Good for them. I like Harry. People forget that he served as a helicopter pilot for 10 years and served in active combat for a fair portion of that time. He has worked tirelessly from what I can see to raise awareness about injured veterans and about mental illness (including PTSD). From the Invictus games to the events that he agreed to be a part of alongside injured vets to his willingness to show his own vulnerabilities to the media regarding his own struggles both from losing his mother and from combat related trauma. I don't see him as entitled at all. He didn't have to do any of those things. He is also independently wealthy from what I understand from what he received from Diana's estate (her family was independently wealthy prior to her marrying Charles) as well as from the Queen Mother. There is nothing wrong with inheriting money. Many many people do. And Meghan had to work in a competitive industry that is both sexist and racist, so it's not like she hasn't had a job before this as well. Given some of the threats she has been exposed to and the racism that has been directed towards her ever since it came out that she and Harry were dating, I can see why he would want to step back and protect his wife and child from all of that. There seems to have been a LOT of resentment in the British press regarding the fact that she was American, divorced, bi-racial, and not from the proper background (i.e., not one of the elite British aristocracy that would be considered appropriate) - and I doubt she will ever be forgiven for any of these things. I also strongly doubt that this was not discussed with the Queen. I suspect it was the timing and manner of the announcement that was a surprise, not the fact that it was going to happen. Harry has always been the Queen's favourite, after all. I wish them all the happiness they can find. And as a commonwealth citizen I would not begrudge them any security costs that might be needed. There are crazy people out there and Meghan has already been subjected to threats.
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In this day and age they should have the right to go their own way and not be subject to the requirements of the Royal Family. As such they should support themselves without assistance from the British people if they're not fulfilling the required role. As to them worrying about what others think of their decision - screw those folks who think they have a say. Just like anyone who doesn't like where my vote goes. Screw them too. :lol:
It will be interesting to see how the terms of their role get worked out. Edward and Sophie tried to carve out careers but that quickly fell apart and they had to be brought back under the umbrella of “working royals” being funded by the Queen.

The monarchy really needs slimmed down for the modern world. The King of Sweden recently removed the Royal titles of all his grandchildren not in the direct line, in order that they can have private lives. Princess Anne had the right idea, as it turns out.
Good for them?

I find it interesting how royalty is generally regarded with such fascination and veneration. It's like everyone conveniently forgets the centuries of inbreeding, marital infidelity, and shameful extravagance.
It will be interesting to see how the terms of their role get worked out. Edward and Sophie tried to carve out careers but that quickly fell apart and they had to be brought back under the umbrella of “working royals” being funded by the Queen.

The monarchy really needs slimmed down for the modern world. The King of Sweden recently removed the Royal titles of all his grandchildren not in the direct line, in order that they can have private lives. Princess Anne had the right idea, as it turns out.

The King of Sweden does seem to have thought it through in consultation with his children.

Im sure the Queen would never close the door on her own family - she is their mother and grandmother after all

But if Charlie slims it down too much a lot of organisations will miss out and its not just about the UK
i thoughts Harry and Megan were going to focus their work on the youth of the commonwealth ?

Its going to be 15- 20 years before George, Charlotte and Louis start taking on royal duties and with the Queen no longer traveling overseas and Prince Charles doing more of her work William and Harry are very useful but so are Edward, Sophia and Ann in the same way the Queen's cousins were two generations ago - its just the youth obseesed media give little attention to the good work of the (now) older royals only foccusing on scandle and mean spirited gossip

The commonwealth is a big place and when tragedy strikes its actually quite comforting when the Quuen sends family out on her behalf to engage with her bereaved and traumatized people
Harry is really good with connecting with the people but actually so is William and Charles and Camilla has great people skills
...oh dear what was my point

Lets just wait and see how this all turns out in a few years time
Its never been easy being the spair because what happens when one is no longer the spair ?
That's really terrible
I just have trouble comprehending it
Its very sad
I don't understand why it should upset people that she is bi racial ?

I do beleave the Queen has not even one racist bone in her body, because she was brought up to love the commonwealth and take a look - the commonwealth has a lot of dark faces

The queen may not be racist but she also didn’t come out against the racism they faced. IMO not speaking out about it just as damaging.

Also, people are insane. I’m racially ambiguous (to most people) but mostly Asian and even I’ve gotten some racist stuff thrown my way. Someone had the nerve to comment that I speak English well for someone like me. In an interview of all places. I called her out on that and she backpedaled so quickly... btw I’m born and raised in the US - it was solely because she thought I must be a moron or something. Racist people are just racist and awful.
The queen may not be racist but she also didn’t come out against the racism they faced. IMO not speaking out about it just as damaging.

Also, people are insane. I’m racially ambiguous (to most people) but mostly Asian and even I’ve gotten some racist stuff thrown my way. Someone had the nerve to comment that I speak English well for someone like me. In an interview of all places. I called her out on that and she backpedaled so quickly... btw I’m born and raised in the US - it was solely because she thought I must be a moron or something. Racist people are just racist and awful.

To be honest i can't comprehend the racism in the UK
And in my country the right wing are pro immigration

Im really sorry that happened to you
That's awful it happened in a job interview and a bad reflection on that company, good on you having her on about it, hopefully the interviewer learnt something that day

the Queen has done her bit for race relations ovee the years, but she's just from a different generation who never wore their heart on their sleeve

Ive always beleaved when she danced with the President of Ghana it was a message to South Africa


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Good for them. Now she can have a career if she wants it. Harry isn’t unskilled. They have a much higher earning potential than most people.

The racism perpetrated against Meghan and their child is absolutely disgusting. I don’t blame them for wanting to be independent. I would honestly be surprised if they decided to stay in the UK long term with how they have been treated.

This might cross the line into political, but for many reasons, racism is rampant in the UK. I’m not saying every Brit is racist, but i would argue that it’s more widespread than in North American.

DH is British and we have completely cut off his family because not a single one of them can have conversation without throwing in casual racism (sometimes it’s overt). We have asked them not to do it in our presence, but they seriously don’t even realize they’re being racist. For example they use a racial slur when talking about Chinese Food. I thought it was just them and was shocked to find out that’s what people call it in their area. We’re just the silly Canadians making a big deal about everything...

I know that was off topic, but I can imagine it being especially difficult for Meghan to live in the UK given the current climate.
The Daily Beast reported that Meghan has left the UK for Canada to reunite with Archie who she left in the safekeeping of a friend.
This article says that the royal family already knew and was working on their transition but that they moved the timetable forward because the press got a hold of the plans:

But this article says Harry was trying to make plans with his family and they were blocking him:

So who knows which it is really, but I suspect they wouldn't have done this without trying multiple times to talk to the family, and would only have gone public without getting the full buy-in if they had to.

What a week of events. Not that I consider what H & M's life plans is of interest or consequence: but 2020, what a start.

Off topic but the same reason why the tensions with Iran started? Great distraction from impeachment

Back to the topic... Anyway when the dust settles on their move I’m very curious how they intend to be financially independent.

@telephone89 so why didn’t they say that they will stop taking Prince Charles money too? He doesn’t just fund the official expenses. He funds personal expenses too. I’ve read the statement/FAQ on the new site twice and checked against non-tabloid news sites.

The problem with the plan that H&M came up and presented to the entire world with (Giving the Queen, his father and brother 10 MINUTES time to take it all in before it was blasted worldwide...SMH) is that although they tried to provide answers to all questions the public might have BUT they could not account for everything.

IMO-Change was not happening fast enough for M&H so they put this statement out without consulting the Queen and Prince Charles on all of the minutia and now they are facing this massive backlash. Meghan wanted to modernize the monarchy in a very short period of time and faced many roadblocks along the way. I truly believe that she could have gradually, maybe shake things up a bit?? Without going full force and in the end feeling alienated and without a support system.

I guess the part I just do not understand is, they just had a baby! He's under a year old. Why make this decision right now? What is this sense of urgency?
I guess the part I just do not understand is, they just had a baby! He's under a year old. Why make this decision right now? What is this sense of urgency?

I think he is the reason. She didn’t feel safe enough to bring him with her back to the U.K. when they went back. She left him with his nanny with Jessica Mulroney (her good friend) here in Canada when they went back. It is being reported here that she has come back to Canada to be reignited with him. I had heard that Archie was also the target or racist and threatening remarks.
Serious questions for our Brits regarding the threats to Megan and their son.
So, are these racist Brits threatening all Brits who are mixed race?
Or it is that they see royals as a somehow superior group, and what offends them is a royal being mixed race?

Being American I totally don't go along with the British class system mentioned in this thread.
Actually, I always thought that America was much more racist than Britain - yet somehow we elected a black president, twice.
But then we got tRump because of what I call the rubber-band effect.
Could PS Brits see one day having a black queen or king?
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Serious questions for our Brits regarding the threats to Megan and their son.
So, are these racist Brits threatening all Brits who are mixed race?
Or it is that they see royals as a somehow superior group, and what offends them is a royal being mixed race?

Being American I totally don't go along with the British class system mentioned in this thread.
Actually, I always though America was much more racist than Britain - yet somehow we elected a black president, twice.
Could PS Brits see one day having a black queen or king?

I think it’s worse for her because she’s a Royal and there’s this idea that royals should be from certain families.

Even when William married Kate there was talk of her being “Coal Miner stock”. Some argued that the Royal Family needed hardier genes so it could be a good thing. A lot of commentary making it sound like they were breeding horses and not starting a family.

I don’t even intentionally read about the royals, but last week glanced at an article talking about Meghan’s fertility and there was a line about “mixed breeds”.

There’s this sense of nationalism. I’m weirded out by a popular TV show that’s all about deporting people. Essentially it’s Cops, but instead it follows the British version of ICE while they bust people going about their day. They often target grocery stores that have a lot of international ingredients. There’s also a program about evicting people from their homes. There’s nothing in place to protect identities. People are often saying they do not want to appear on television and they’re told too bad. It’s all very sad.
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I guess the part I just do not understand is, they just had a baby! He's under a year old. Why make this decision right now? What is this sense of urgency?

I suspect it's BECAUSE they have the baby and they don't want him to have to go through the same sorts of things Harry had to go through, plus all the racism he's already been getting. If they transition out NOW, even if it's rough, he won't remember it, and there's a much, much better chance of him growing up without the British tabloids blasting racist crap about him and the pressure of being a royal, even if he's like seventh in line for the throne.

The fact that even people on here who don't know them at all think they're changing things "too fast" is imo a sign of why they had to do it this way. Like it or not, they are just people and don't owe anyone anything - adhering to tradition or living their lives the way Harry's family or the public want. The whole concept that because they were born into a certain family, they have to do things a certain way is such BS to me.
+1 to distracts' post.

Just because something is tradition doesn't mean it's good.
All countries change over time, hopefully for the better.

While few like change, M&H may be dragging Britain into a better future, one in which equality replaces a culture stratified by class and privilege.
Worse for that top 1%, but better for 99%.
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Could PS Brits see one day having a black queen or king?


dunno much about sociodynamics in the UK but i remember & really liked this depiction of Elizabeth X aka Liz Ten in Dr. Who ...hope it does not take til the 29th c. if the UK persists in having a monarchy another few hundred years

racism is unacceptable, public figure or not. i find it hard to be super empathetic re the pressure of the fishbowl for celebrities, royals, etc though

...couldn't this couple have quietly decided to have a normal life? there's a layer of pr-ness that is odd an probably offputting for some people
Even when William married Kate there was talk of her being “Coal Miner stock”. Some argued that the Royal Family needed hardier genes so it could be a good thing. A lot of commentary making it sound like they were breeding horses and not starting a family.

Ooh I remember that. I remember watching some broadcast of the wedding where they kept banging on that she was a commoner.

There was also lots of press coverage about how she was a commoner. I didn't see anything attack her outright but they loved to harp on about how she was a commoner. I thought it was very bizzare as she came from a well off family and obviously went to the same school and was in the same social circles as William.

Hubby who is quite a Kate fan said to me "He's lucky to have landed her. If she's considered common the rest of us must be trash to these snobs."
Like it or not, they are just people and don't owe anyone anything - adhering to tradition or living their lives the way Harry's family or the public want. The whole concept that because they were born into a certain family, they have to do things a certain way is such BS to me.

Have to do things a certain way - no. Have some kind of responsibility after (only recently) claiming £2.5m of taxpayer funds to refurbish their private home - yes. They can do as they please, but absolutely not whilst claiming taxpayer funds - rights come with responsibilities, for them as for us all.
I just hope the realise it’s a “two edged sword”.
If they don’t want to be “Royals” what are they?
Just a ginger headed guy with a pretty wife who used to be an actress on TV.

She was a mere starlet. Now she can become an actress with the name and the money. Royalty is the best PR. I have a feeling she once made a move à la Grace Kelly, and now she might be moving back.
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rights come with responsibilities, for them as for us all.

Amen. Seems to be forgotten nowadays.
Whatever happened to

"Noblesse oblige"