
Meet my buddy George!

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Jun 3, 2008
In the spirit of all the wildlife-themed threads we''ve had around here lately, I thought I''d introduce you all to George! He''s a tiny snail who lives in the orchid pot next to our kitchen sink. Seriously, I didn''t know snails could be this small!

DH bought me that orchid for my birthday about two years ago, and it hasn''t flowered since we first got it, but George has been with us ever since! I noticed him very shortly after DH brought the orchid home, and I thought, "OMG, he''s adorable!" I hadn''t seen him in quite a while, but he''s been coming out to say "hi" a good bit this week. He usually burrows into the moss in the flower pot, and we sometimes don''t see him for weeks at a time. He often drops out through the hole at the bottom of the flower pot, and I find him sitting on the kitchen counter when I go to put the flower pot in the sink to water the orchid, and then I have to carefully put him back in the pot! You just never know when he''ll turn up!

Here he is sitting on the edge of the flower pot he calls home:

And, being the good little PSer that I am, here's a pic of George on my e-ring! LOL! (For reference, the center stone of my e-ring is a 0.75 carat radiant, so you can tell how wee he is!)

ETA: Hello, huge pasty hands! IRL, my hands aren't this huge and pasty, I promise, so quit laughing! LOL!

He is itty bitty! Ah cute! hehe
Date: 8/6/2008 8:37:28 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
OMG! He''s tiiiiny! LOL Aw.. you have a pet snail.. AW!!!
LOL! SDL, leave it to you too find a snail emotie! I

Actually, we have several pet snails (besides George). We have three fish tanks in our house: a goldfish tank in our living room, a saltwater tank in our dining room, and a freshwater tropical tank in our bedroom. The living room tank has one snail, the bedroom tank has two snails (Goldie and Kurt
), and the dining room tank has a BUNCH of snails!
He is so wee! What a cutie.
Skippy, he is SO tiny! I think half the time he''s out and about, DH and I just don''t notice him because he''s so wee!

He is a cutie, though, and he''s not afraid of people . . . he''ll crawl right onto your hand if you ask him to!
Date: 8/6/2008 8:42:17 PM
Author: ladypirate
He is so wee! What a cutie.
Hee hee! Thanks, LP!
oh how cute is George! I didn''t realize they could get that tiny either! He fits on you diamond--how crazy!

Very sweet!
Date: 8/6/2008 8:42:23 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
Skippy, he is SO tiny! I think half the time he''s out and about, DH and I just don''t notice him because he''s so wee!

He is a cutie, though, and he''s not afraid of people . . . he''ll crawl right onto your hand if you ask him to!
Wow, how long have you had him? 2 yrs? I wonder how long they live. Just be careful not to squish him!
Date: 8/6/2008 8:44:27 PM
Author: coatimundi
oh how cute is George! I didn''t realize they could get that tiny either! He fits on you diamond--how crazy!

Very sweet!
Coatie, I know, isn''t that wild?!?! I had no idea they could be so small, let alone small enough to fit on a diamond! LOL!
Date: 8/6/2008 8:44:46 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 8/6/2008 8:42:23 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
Skippy, he is SO tiny! I think half the time he''s out and about, DH and I just don''t notice him because he''s so wee!

He is a cutie, though, and he''s not afraid of people . . . he''ll crawl right onto your hand if you ask him to!
Wow, how long have you had him? 2 yrs? I wonder how long they live. Just be careful not to squish him!
Skippy, I think DH bought me that orchid for my 28th birthday, which was a little over two years ago. (That would have been May 31, 2006.) I''m assuming George is the same snail I saw when we first got the orchid, so I guess he''s about two years old! I didn''t know they lived that long, and you''re right . . . I''m always paranoid about squishing him!!!
Date: 8/6/2008 8:51:03 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
Skippy, I think DH bought me that orchid for my 28th birthday, which was a little over two years ago. (That would have been May 31, 2006.) I''m assuming George is the same snail I saw when we first got the orchid, so I guess he''s about two years old! I didn''t know they lived that long, and you''re right . . . I''m always paranoid about squishing him!!!
It says they can live 5 to 10 years!
Date: 8/6/2008 9:02:19 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 8/6/2008 8:51:03 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
Skippy, I think DH bought me that orchid for my 28th birthday, which was a little over two years ago. (That would have been May 31, 2006.) I''m assuming George is the same snail I saw when we first got the orchid, so I guess he''s about two years old! I didn''t know they lived that long, and you''re right . . . I''m always paranoid about squishing him!!!
It says they can live 5 to 10 years!
YAY! Long live George!!!

Thanks for the snail facts, Skip!
Oh my gosh, he is adorable!! That''s so funny that you named him George... That''s what I named my turtle tattoo!
Date: 8/6/2008 9:12:02 PM
Author: Tuckins1
Oh my gosh, he is adorable!! That''s so funny that you named him George... That''s what I named my turtle tattoo!
Cool, Tuckins! You have a turtle tattoo? You should post a pic . . . as long as it''s in a G-rated place! LOL!
Date: 8/6/2008 9:09:19 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Date: 8/6/2008 9:02:19 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 8/6/2008 8:51:03 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
Skippy, I think DH bought me that orchid for my 28th birthday, which was a little over two years ago. (That would have been May 31, 2006.) I'm assuming George is the same snail I saw when we first got the orchid, so I guess he's about two years old! I didn't know they lived that long, and you're right . . . I'm always paranoid about squishing him!!!
It says they can live 5 to 10 years!
YAY! Long live George!!!

Thanks for the snail facts, Skip!
LOL, see vivacious and adorable, you are; you crack me up!!! haha
Long live George!
Date: 8/6/2008 9:18:59 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 8/6/2008 9:09:19 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Date: 8/6/2008 9:02:19 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 8/6/2008 8:51:03 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
Skippy, I think DH bought me that orchid for my 28th birthday, which was a little over two years ago. (That would have been May 31, 2006.) I''m assuming George is the same snail I saw when we first got the orchid, so I guess he''s about two years old! I didn''t know they lived that long, and you''re right . . . I''m always paranoid about squishing him!!!
It says they can live 5 to 10 years!
YAY! Long live George!!!

Thanks for the snail facts, Skip!
LOL, see vivacious and adorable, you are; you crack me up!!! haha
Long live George!
Awww, vivacious AND adorable?!?! You''re too sweet!!! LOL!
OMG. George is ADORABLE! I can''t believe he''s been hanging around for 2 years! That''s awesome!
George is cute!! Gives meaning to the saying love all creatures great and small.

He''s so adorable! I think it''s just precious how he''s lived there since you first got your plant, and the pic of him chillin'' on your ring is priceless.
I love George! But you must be keeping him on a strict diet. Snails in my yard seem to triple in size every week. This guy has kept his self tiny for 2 years!!
HA HA HA HA HA, he is so itty bitty. too cute..... wonder if he is a little baby.

Hello George!!! He is so cute!! I want one!!!
I bet his feed bill is cheaper!
Thing2 ~ Thanks! Ya know, I was worried that he was gone for a while, because I hadn''t seen him in quite some time. But, he popped out last weekend and again last night, so I''m glad to see he''s still here!

Kaleigh ~ Yep, all creatures great and REALLY small! LOL!

WT ~ Thanks! I just HAD to get that ring pic . . . I was trying to think of what I could put him on or next to to show his size, and then it dawned on me! LOL!

Swingirl ~ Actually, we never even feed him! I think he just eats the moss in the flower pot . . . I''m a horrible snail momma!

Linda ~ I was wondering the same thing! He does seem a little bit bigger each time I see him, so maybe he is a baby? If so, I wonder how big he''ll get?!?!

Maisie ~ I know what you mean! I keep telling DH that I want to get a little clear box of some sort and make him a better home . . . that way we can keep track of him, too!

Lorelei ~ LOL! Yes, George is definitely much less high-maintenance than Red is!
LMAO! You have a pet snail. He''s so little!

DH buys me orchids instead of regular flowers. There''s a store nearby that has them for really cheap. They last longer, although I still manage to kill them, LOL!
Date: 8/7/2008 9:18:30 AM
Author: geckodani
LMAO! You have a pet snail. He''s so little!

DH buys me orchids instead of regular flowers. There''s a store nearby that has them for really cheap. They last longer, although I still manage to kill them, LOL!
LOL! Dani, our orchid is still alive (in spite of the fact that I have a black thumb), but we can''t get the darn thing to flower, no matter what we do! We''ve tried natural light, artificial light, fertilizer . . . NOTHING works! It sends up new shoots and new leaves, but no flowers. Ugh! Well, at least we have George! LOL!
Date: 8/7/2008 9:40:39 AM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Date: 8/7/2008 9:18:30 AM
Author: geckodani
LMAO! You have a pet snail. He''s so little!

DH buys me orchids instead of regular flowers. There''s a store nearby that has them for really cheap. They last longer, although I still manage to kill them, LOL!
LOL! Dani, our orchid is still alive (in spite of the fact that I have a black thumb), but we can''t get the darn thing to flower, no matter what we do! We''ve tried natural light, artificial light, fertilizer . . . NOTHING works! It sends up new shoots and new leaves, but no flowers. Ugh! Well, at least we have George! LOL!
I heard humidity helps. I killed my orchid; they don''t do well here in the Southwest (no humidity). I love Orchids thoug!!! Beautiful! hehe
snail? what snail? haha. i can''t get past your GORGEOUS GORGEOUS ring!

Thanks for the tip! Maybe I''ll move the orchid (and George) to the bathroom so it has more humidity. I thought next to the kitchen sink would be OK, but I guess it''s not humid enough there. I do have one of those little mister bottles and I spray the orchid (and George) a couple times a week. Hmmmm . . . maybe I''ll have to start spraying more, too?
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