
Meaningful dreams

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May 24, 2005
Be warned. This is LONG, so if you aren''t into dreams, I won''t blame you a bit if you don''t read this.

OMG! I cannot go back to sleep.

I have always kind of observed my dreams and my very first research paper in school was on dreams and sleep. My oldest child has always had a very hard time sleeping well, and I''ve been trying to find a way to help him with that. We were at a bookstore today and I found him a dream kit. It has a book on dreams and sleep, cards with common dream symbols and a guide to interpretation of them, a dream catcher, and a little notebook to keep by the bed so dreams can be written down. I read to him out of the book tonight (he''s a very good reader but likes to be read to before bed).

Well it must have rubbed off on me! I just had the most vivid dream. I was driving my mini van in a residential neighborhood that I was a little familiar with but in an unfamiliar part of it. All of a sudden, no sign posted, no barrier, no warning of any kind, the road dropped into a lake. I realized right as I was driving into it what was happening. I had been trying to figure out how to get to a main road, looking for street signs and at the houses to get a clue and the lake was suddenly there. The lake had no current, totally stagnant, and murky. I was able to get out of the mini van and onto a sort of rock island, and fortunately was able to get my cell phone out of my pocket before it got damaged by water. My purse, however, was still in the car.

So the mini van is the vehicle of my life. I''m not totally lost, but I''m searching. I drive into the water, which is stagnant and murky and now my life vehicle is totalled. I remember thinking I have insurance, but how am I going to get through my chores, activities, etc. without a vehicle -- will I have to rent one? Can we afford it? And how about all the stuff in my purse that I''m going to have to replace?

Here''s what is going on and why I think this dream is just so dead on. My husband is still in negotiations with an employer, so still not working. We have two boys, a nine and five (almost six) year old. The younger one is going to kindergarden this fall and we have had to decide if we will pay for all day kindergarden or do half day. All day is expensive, but would enable me to have more time to work and earn money. However, my DH just simply is too stressed out to deal with kids alone so I need to be at home when they are home, so I could only work part time, and frankly, I have to do the lion''s share of work around the house -- the housework, cooking, child care, laundry, organization, keeping our finances in order and bills paid, all of the errands and taking the kids to doctor, dentist, etc., so I am really a little resentful that I might have to add earning money to my list of responsibilities. More than half of what I would make would go to paying for all day kindergarden. Since we have no idea what salary and when he will be working, I am totally stuck. Many of our life decisions revolve around what happens, and I feel stuck and unable to move ahead until he''s employed, the kids are older, less maintenance and he''s able to manage them patiently and effectively, and I can work or our finances are stable.

It is just so fascinating to me how my dream very succinctly summed up my feelings about where I am in life right now!

Does anyone want to share a dream?
lumpkin, I don''t have a dream to share, I rarely remember mine.

I just wanted to say I''m sorry you are in such a fix, and I hope things turn around soon. {{{hugs}}}
Ellen, thank you. But don''t feel sorry for me. This is just life. There are people over in Iraq fighting a war, and other people who literally have nothing to feed their children. This is a temporary thing for us, and we will get through it. I will get unstuck.

What I think is so interesting is that my dream is the expression of all this, and it''s just so on target!
Date: 3/31/2007 7:00:55 AM
Author: lumpkin

What I think is so interesting is that my dream is the expression of all this, and it''s just so on target!
Yep, the mind is an incredible thing.
Best of luck to you and your family. Dreams can be powerful.
You might ask if there is a position at your child''s school. It''s definitely hiring season in schools and school systems (perfect time, actually!). I have always worked at my children''s schools, which pays tuition, insurance, and allows me to be off every day when they are, as well as school holidays.
That is a great idea! I will call and ask if they have anything available.
Alright, here is what you need to do. When you call, ask to speak to the principal (if it is private) or personnel director if it is a system, and ask if you could come bring your resume and talk with someone about any openings. That way, they can't just say "no" but you will have your foot in the door, so to speak, they see you in person, and they will have your resume all ready just in case someone doesn't not renew their contract or something opens up (our contracts are being drawn up this week!). If they say nothing is available now, go ahead and offer to bring by your resume anyway. Remember to write up a nice PERSONAL cover letter thanking them for talking with you (over the phone if that was your first contact), and get it to them ASAP.
Another note: This is our spring break--and all admin is off along with the teachers. It differs from school/school system to system, but don't be discouraged if you don't hear anything if it is your spring break week, too. I would leave voice mail and then go ahead and mail them your resume, so it's all there when you call back to check in.

Sometimes a paid position comes out of volunteering, too! There are so many positions in a school! Teacher's aids (help teachers with classroom duties/parent carpool/xeroxing/etc, teachers, study skills, "extended" (we have people who take care of the after school child care), library, nurses office, bus drivers, receptionist, grounds keeping, cafeteria, on and on. It's like a tight knit little community. The insurance is usually terrific. And, as I said before, you get all the same breaks (and I'm home with my kids next week for spring break!!)

This could be EXACTLY what you are looking for!!! I work 70 percent Lumpkin, which means I basically also have one day off per week for things like laundry, doctors appointments, bill paying, etc. You may be able to negotiate a flexible schedule so they get the benefit of paying you slightly less than a full time person, but you still work enough to qualify for insurance benefits. It's a win win.
I did that with my littler one''s preschool for the first half of the year. It worked out pretty well.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I have all weekend to work on it. I don''t know why I never thought about working at the elementary school. Where''s the DUH! icon??? Hopefully something will be available.
Am I the only dreamer?

Cehra, you must have been dreaming about your ring and the whole process of having it made!!! Spill!
I am having really weird and graphic dreams lately.......

About a week ago I dreamt that I was in our old church (we no longer attend as we felt unwelcome there). My husband, me, my mum and her husband were all there just sitting in the foyer.
After a little while I heard shouting from inside the church. I ran in on my own and there was a woman giving birth on a hospital bed. In the next bed there was a new born baby who was struggling to breathe. When this woman had her baby it was a healthy little boy. The nurse was shouting for someone to call 999 (or 911 for you lot over the pond lol)..... I was trying to get to the baby who was struggling but they kept stopping me. They were saying that this other baby was a spare and was only needed if the one she gave birth too hadn''t survived. I woke up at this point.

Last night I dreamt that I was in a desert type of country. I was supposed to be training elephants ( I know totally weird) but these were really aggressive animals. I kept trying to get near them but they were so angry they kept trying to bite me. At one point I was trying to get across the pen they were holding them in but one was too fast for me and it grabbed me and started to throw me around. Then it turned into a tiger and was biting me and trying to eat me!

I hate bad dreams!

Hey there,

I have extremely vivid dreams most of the time, and am able to remember many of them (unfortunately or fortunately, depending on the dream). Let''s just say it leads me to A LOT of my stories. But since my husband''s gone right now, I''ve been having some pretty awful ones along the lines of not being able to get to him or help him when he is in trouble. So those are pretty disturbing, especially since I wake up and think that they are real. Just the other day he didn''t email me, and that night I had a dream that he was sick and I couldn''t get to him, and later the next day I got an email from him saying he HAD been sick all day, and had to take the day off because he had viral bronchitis! So sometimes my dreams are right on, and they help me figure out what''s going on around me, sometimes before I even find out about it. Kind of cool, I think.

I used to be really into dreams, reading dream dictionaries and analyzing them for friends... it was just really interesting to me.

Then 6 years ago, I had an incredibly vivid dream about walking into somebody's house and feeling an immense wave of sadness wash over me... there were lots of people there, many seemed to be family members (but not my family)... everyone crying. I couldn't figure out what was going on, only that it had something to do with drinking and that somebody had fallen over a cliff. When I walked through the door, a guy was standing there (someone I had a very intense, complex relationship with)... and he stepped forward and gave me a hug (which was odd, because we had been avoiding each other for months)... then I woke up.

It was such an intense dream that I actually told the guy about it on AIM the next day, in detail... and it turned into such a meaningful conversation, I printed it off. A few days later, I was in Boston visiting a friend when I found out that one of my best friends had died in a car accident. He was drinking, and went through a guardrail and over an embankment. I flew home and went straight to his house, which was already filled with his family members and friends. When I walked through the door, the guy from my dream/AIM convo was standing there. He put his arms around me, and we both remembered the dream at the same moment.

I still have that AIM conversation, and the whole scene at my friend's house that day is burned into my memory... everytime I re-live it, it seems so impossible. I kinda stopped being into dreams after that...
Date: 3/31/2007 2:39:17 PM
Author: Maisie
I am having really weird and graphic dreams lately.......

About a week ago I dreamt that I was in our old church (we no longer attend as we felt unwelcome there). My husband, me, my mum and her husband were all there just sitting in the foyer.
After a little while I heard shouting from inside the church. I ran in on my own and there was a woman giving birth on a hospital bed. In the next bed there was a new born baby who was struggling to breathe. When this woman had her baby it was a healthy little boy. The nurse was shouting for someone to call 999 (or 911 for you lot over the pond lol)..... I was trying to get to the baby who was struggling but they kept stopping me. They were saying that this other baby was a spare and was only needed if the one she gave birth too hadn''t survived. I woke up at this point.

Last night I dreamt that I was in a desert type of country. I was supposed to be training elephants ( I know totally weird) but these were really aggressive animals. I kept trying to get near them but they were so angry they kept trying to bite me. At one point I was trying to get across the pen they were holding them in but one was too fast for me and it grabbed me and started to throw me around. Then it turned into a tiger and was biting me and trying to eat me!

I hate bad dreams!

Maisie, I think your first dream was about moving to a new church. Starting life over at another church and letting the "struggling" life at the old church end.

The second dream I really don''t know about. Maybe Ephemery could chime in....
Date: 3/31/2007 3:35:48 PM
Author: poptart
Hey there,

I have extremely vivid dreams most of the time, and am able to remember many of them (unfortunately or fortunately, depending on the dream). Let''s just say it leads me to A LOT of my stories. But since my husband''s gone right now, I''ve been having some pretty awful ones along the lines of not being able to get to him or help him when he is in trouble. So those are pretty disturbing, especially since I wake up and think that they are real. Just the other day he didn''t email me, and that night I had a dream that he was sick and I couldn''t get to him, and later the next day I got an email from him saying he HAD been sick all day, and had to take the day off because he had viral bronchitis! So sometimes my dreams are right on, and they help me figure out what''s going on around me, sometimes before I even find out about it. Kind of cool, I think.

Hey, Poptart! I think it''s only natural to worry about your husband when he''s away (is he on business or overseas in Iraq?).

Those somewhat clarevoyant dreams are scary.
Date: 3/31/2007 9:00:54 PM
Author: ephemery1
I used to be really into dreams, reading dream dictionaries and analyzing them for friends... it was just really interesting to me.

Then 6 years ago, I had an incredibly vivid dream about walking into somebody''s house and feeling an immense wave of sadness wash over me... there were lots of people there, many seemed to be family members (but not my family)... everyone crying. I couldn''t figure out what was going on, only that it had something to do with drinking and that somebody had fallen over a cliff. When I walked through the door, a guy was standing there (someone I had a very intense, complex relationship with)... and he stepped forward and gave me a hug (which was odd, because we had been avoiding each other for months)... then I woke up.

It was such an intense dream that I actually told the guy about it on AIM the next day, in detail... and it turned into such a meaningful conversation, I printed it off. A few days later, I was in Boston visiting a friend when I found out that one of my best friends had died in a car accident. He was drinking, and went through a guardrail and over an embankment. I flew home and went straight to his house, which was already filled with his family members and friends. When I walked through the door, the guy from my dream/AIM convo was standing there. He put his arms around me, and we both remembered the dream at the same moment.

I still have that AIM conversation, and the whole scene at my friend''s house that day is burned into my memory... everytime I re-live it, it seems so impossible. I kinda stopped being into dreams after that...
That is amazing. I have had some very intense dreams about other people''s deaths, and it is so frightening. I never had one that came that close. I did once dream that my paternal grandmother came to me before her death and told me she would be dying soon, but she didn''t die for another year or so, so I think it was just me realizing that she was very old and didn''t have a lot of time left (she was 94 when she died). It still shook me and upset me, so I can imagine that this one really took the fun out of dreams for you. Who wants to have another like that? On the other hand, I''m always kind of looking for a purpose to those dreams. Is there any chance they guy in your dream might have been in the car with your friend who died if you had not had that conversation? Or maybe it was needed for you and the guy in your dream to talk, mend fences, etc. before your other friend''s death so you could be there to comfort each other without reservation?

Thanks for sharing your dreams everyone! I''m off to put my kids to bed, and hopefully into more pleasant dreams!
I dream alot. sometimes (seemingly) random stuff...
but I have had a couple of terrifying dreams where I see the end of the world coming.

THE MOST real and vivid dream came one night that i don''t remember feeling stressed or anything.....
but anyways.

I remember that it was a beautiful sunny day and me and hubby were outside with our 2 little boys and somehow got seperated from one another..and then the sky started to go black, I MEAN really black with these 3 dimensional swirly clouds and then there was a big bolt of lightning and booming thunder.. The lightning started fire off in the horizon and all of the sudden there were men and chariots coming out of it, judgement day from the book of Revelation, is what it reminded me of.

But i woke up from the booming of the thunder and I REALLY felt it in my chest.
i had managed to gather up my boys and hubby around me before I woke up and we all said we loved eachother and just held on.

So when I woke up I was breathing short breaths and had to tell myself it was just a dream and calm was so scary.

I am a christian, so i am not afraid of death bc i know there is heaven, but stilll it was such a reallllll feeling dream.

So what would that dream mean???anything???
A couple of months after I moved to Houston I had a very realistic dream that still freaks me out now.

In my dream I was in my new apartment with my two roomates. The only difference was that our apartment was in a high rise building so all of the walls were glass and we could look out over the whole city. I was in awe because we don't have highrises in I was just walking around the apartment enjoying the view. There was another highrise right next to ours and I remember I could see a guy standing on his balcony. He was dressed like dick tracy except his jacket and hat were grey. Anyway, it was weird because it was like we were face to face, but both of us were in our own buildings looking at eachother.

And then he looked like he was going to commit suicide. He stood on the railing, but instead of jumping he just stared at me through my window. I could see the wind ripping at his jacket. So, I start to panic. I'm running around my apartment trying to find my roomates. I'm screaming as loud as I can...freaked out..."A GUY IS ABOUT TO JUMP! SOME GUY IS ABOUT TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!!" and even though my roomates heard me and looked right at me, they went back to doing whatever they were doing.

So I panic...and I'm running back toward the window where we were parallel...and his whole building is on fire. Now there are dozens of people on their balconies. Women, men, children.....and they are all jumping off and commiting suicide. So many people. And they were screaming, and the fire was blazing...and I was freaking out....and then I woke up.

I had that dream in July of 2001...and 2 months later 9/11 happened.

I had forgotten all about it until my mom reminded me. When I had the dream I told everyone I knew because it was so real. But I had no idea how real it was about to be.
Apparently a lot of people had dreams about 9/11 before it happened.
I had a very vivid dream about 3 mos. ago. It had to do with my best friend who passed away in July of 2004 from breast cancer. In my dream, she and I were riding in the backseat of a car. I don''t know who was driving or where we were going. I looked over at her and she was kind of transparent. (I guess she was like a ghost?) She was holding my hand. She said to me "I just want to let you know that I''m OK." It was a very comforting dream. I woke up and I was like "Wow!"

I do remember a lot of my dreams. I used to have a recurring one about how I hadn''t completed all the requirements from high school, so I had to go back. But I had to go back looking as I do now and being a more confident person.

I think dreams are fascinating.
Date: 3/31/2007 9:48:08 PM
Author: lumpkin

Date: 3/31/2007 2:39:17 PM
Author: Maisie
I am having really weird and graphic dreams lately.......

About a week ago I dreamt that I was in our old church (we no longer attend as we felt unwelcome there). My husband, me, my mum and her husband were all there just sitting in the foyer.
After a little while I heard shouting from inside the church. I ran in on my own and there was a woman giving birth on a hospital bed. In the next bed there was a new born baby who was struggling to breathe. When this woman had her baby it was a healthy little boy. The nurse was shouting for someone to call 999 (or 911 for you lot over the pond lol)..... I was trying to get to the baby who was struggling but they kept stopping me. They were saying that this other baby was a spare and was only needed if the one she gave birth too hadn''t survived. I woke up at this point.

Last night I dreamt that I was in a desert type of country. I was supposed to be training elephants ( I know totally weird) but these were really aggressive animals. I kept trying to get near them but they were so angry they kept trying to bite me. At one point I was trying to get across the pen they were holding them in but one was too fast for me and it grabbed me and started to throw me around. Then it turned into a tiger and was biting me and trying to eat me!

I hate bad dreams!

Maisie, I think your first dream was about moving to a new church. Starting life over at another church and letting the ''struggling'' life at the old church end.

The second dream I really don''t know about. Maybe Ephemery could chime in....
Wow I would never have thought of that. Its true that I need to find a new church where we will feel welcome and grow. Thanks Lumpkin!!
Date: 3/31/2007 10:17:51 PM
Author: Sophie
I dream alot. sometimes (seemingly) random stuff...
but I have had a couple of terrifying dreams where I see the end of the world coming.

THE MOST real and vivid dream came one night that i don''t remember feeling stressed or anything.....
but anyways.

I remember that it was a beautiful sunny day and me and hubby were outside with our 2 little boys and somehow got seperated from one another..and then the sky started to go black, I MEAN really black with these 3 dimensional swirly clouds and then there was a big bolt of lightning and booming thunder.. The lightning started fire off in the horizon and all of the sudden there were men and chariots coming out of it, judgement day from the book of Revelation, is what it reminded me of.

But i woke up from the booming of the thunder and I REALLY felt it in my chest.
i had managed to gather up my boys and hubby around me before I woke up and we all said we loved eachother and just held on.

So when I woke up I was breathing short breaths and had to tell myself it was just a dream and calm was so scary.

I am a christian, so i am not afraid of death bc i know there is heaven, but stilll it was such a reallllll feeling dream.

So what would that dream mean???anything???
I have had so many of this type of dream over the last few years! I am a christian too and I really believe there is a heaven. I think that when I have these dreams its like God is trying to get my attention after I have been back-sliding a little bit. (I''m not implying you are back sliding though!).

My dreams are very similar to yours - this is so weird!

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