
March snowstorm in the south and east!

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Jan 11, 2006
We''re seeing these huge fluffy flakes coming down! I hate making up snow days, but it is really beautiful! Who else is in the path of the snow storm?
Not me
And I''m in the mountains of WV. I know the Carolinas and Georgia are even getting snow!
Not us either; it was about 70 today and pretty but we sure could use the moisture.
Stay warm
We are away, so am glad to miss it. But am worried about our doggies. Pet sitter will let them out tonight. She goes 3 times a day. But may not be able to make it there tomorrow. So DD is coming home to stay with them thank goodness. She has exams to study for so the peace and quiet will be good for her. But hate to be away during all of this. I feel so guilty...

We are...should be a fun commute tomorrow morning. I heard the South is getting slammed. Here in the Northeast we often have bad late winter storms. Usually the ones in March dump more than those in December/January. I love snowstorms though. I''m looking forward to going outside tomorrow morning and having it be white, lovely, and quiet. I love the muted noise from snow.
Yeah, it is really funny that we have had no snow all winter (NC) and a big one comes along in March!

Lisa, that''s great that your daughter can come home and dog sit! Enjoy your trip!
It is coming down here in Delaware, as well. They are predicting 8-12 inches, but we''ll see! I''m not much of a snow fan unless it occurs at a time when I don''t need to be out and about. Plus I figure it''s pretty unlikely that they''ll cancel my work, since it''s difficult to close a hospital
I'm in the path for about 10-14" (according to the weather channel). I'm actually pretty bummed about it because I really need to go to work tomorrow. But, since most of my state refuses to salt the roads, it can be impossible to make the 22 mile drive. The best thing would be if they would close the office so I wouldn't have to feel guilty for not going in, but they *never* close it in the mornings. They like to make us all drive in and then close at 1pm
At least my boss doesn't complain if I take my own snow day because everyone else does it too!
Gosh, I hope you don''t have to go in, Elrohwen!

This is really weird, but it is snowing hard AND thundering!
We are expecting 14 inches of snow tomorrow - yuck!
Date: 3/1/2009 8:34:38 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
Gosh, I hope you don''t have to go in, Elrohwen!

This is really weird, but it is snowing hard AND thundering!

Thundering too? Crazy! It''s not even snowing here yet, but I think it''s going to start any minute.
I''m in WV and there''s no snow, but it''s really windy and cold. It''s 15 outside right now, and the low tonight is supposed to be 10. Hubby and I went out to dinner last night, and had trouble getting home because it was freezing rain. I''ll be glad when winter is over...I''m tired of being cold.
I''m in Atlanta. It dumped 2-3 inches mid-day and made a mess of outgoing flights. I was supposed to fly to DC tomorrow morning and my flight there has already been cancelled. My friend was flying out of ATL tonight- all flights before hers were cancelled and she spent 3.5 hours at the airport w/ delays before her plane took off.

The snow was really pretty though- it''s not something we get here much.
We''re getting big, huge snowflakes here in Chicago. I''m on the North Shore, and it is coming DOWN.

We aren''t supposed to get much accumulation though. Thank goodness, because I do not want another snow day.
And the snow here had finally almost melted . . . sigh . . . another 15" heading our way. I'm lucky that I don't need to leave the house!

BTW, I am in NH on the MA border.
I spent the weekend dog sitting for a very rambunctious puppy while my friends were in Cancun. They are supposed to fly back tomorrow morning, but now we don''t think they''ll get in on time (if at all). I don''t know how much more of this cute little trouble-maker I can take!! Haha. I so don''t have the energy for another day of keeping him out of trouble. So here''s to hoping the snow isn''t as bad as they''re predicting!
Date: 3/1/2009 10:14:51 PM
Author: DiamanteBlu
And the snow here had finally almost melted . . . sigh . . . another 15'' heading our way. I''m lucky that I don''t need to leave the house!

BTW, I am in NH on the MA border.
Yikes for you.. Is it snowing there now?
We have 4" so far this evening. Considering it will be cold tomorrow, I imagine we''ll have no school Tuesday, either. They just have no snow removal equipment here since we rarely get enough snow to remove! But I hope it moves on and we don''t get much more!
Date: 3/1/2009 10:32:48 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Yikes for you.. Is it snowing there now?

Yes, it just started - real small flakes - bad sign . . .
Date: 3/1/2009 10:28:58 PM
Author: elrohwen
I spent the weekend dog sitting for a very rambunctious puppy while my friends were in Cancun. They are supposed to fly back tomorrow morning, but now we don''t think they''ll get in on time (if at all). I don''t know how much more of this cute little trouble-maker I can take!! Haha. I so don''t have the energy for another day of keeping him out of trouble. So here''s to hoping the snow isn''t as bad as they''re predicting!

Where are you? Hopefully there won''t be so much that they can''t keep the runways clear.

However . . . your friends could be gone for a few more days than expected since the whole east coast is involved.

Give the puppy some scotch. It will make him nap more.
[I am kidding. That was a joke. Do not give the dog any scotch.]
Date: 3/1/2009 10:34:53 PM
Author: DiamanteBlu

Date: 3/1/2009 10:32:48 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Yikes for you.. Is it snowing there now?

Yes, it just started - real small flakes - bad sign . . .
Yes a bad sign indeed. The smaller the flakes the worse it will be. Sigh. Just am lucky DD was able to come home and rough it out with the doggies.
I''m in Cleveland and we (very shockingly!) have zero inches of snow right now! We''re in the snow belt, for goodness gracious. How can it snow in Georgia and not snow here!?

Off topic, but I''m surprised to see several from WV in this thread! That''s where we are from originally!
I don''t know whether I hope it snows hard enough to shut down my office or whether I want to go in to work tomorrow. Dang. Weird situation.
Date: 3/1/2009 10:42:11 PM
Author: aliciagirl
I''m in Cleveland and we (very shockingly!) have zero inches of snow right now! We''re in the snow belt, for goodness gracious. How can it snow in Georgia and not snow here!?

Off topic, but I''m surprised to see several from WV in this thread! That''s where we are from originally!

Yeah, I thought I was the only WV resident. (not originally from WV) What part of WV are you originally from?
It looks like we ended up with 6-7". No school today and probably not tomorrow because there''ll be ice on the roads in the morning.

I guess I am going to make use of the unexpected day off and start on our TAXES.
NYC here...

going back to
for a few
Should be close to 14 inches here before all is said and done! I''ll be heading out soon for work. Not too concerned because I will be taking it super slow.

My beagle mix sure did love what she found on the other side of the door this morning! She lurves her some snow!!
I think we have about 10" on the ground now (south shore of Boston) and the dogs and I have already gone out twice this morning to play in it. I LOVE snow, most likely because I can easily work from home, but poor hubby had to go into the office today. I think we''re still supposed to get another several''s still snowing hard, but is supposed to lighten up by lunch and then snow a bit more in the aternoon/evening. The only thing I won''t miss about winter blizzards is shoveling! It''s beautiful right now, though!
NEL - Your dogs must be in heaven!! Photos, if you can?
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