
Manometry and ph impedance testing questions....


Jun 8, 2008
I was wondering if anyone here has any knowledge or experience with either of these tests? I am supposed to have both of these done this coming Thursday and I keep vacillating between doing it vs canceling because I know they can be brutal.

I am doubtful that anyone here has experience with either of these but I figured it was worth a shot because I trust my fellow PSers. Thanks for any info or help. I am anxious to say the least about getting these done because they are quite invasive and especially since they may not shed any light on my health issues but since nothing else has helped it might be worth a shot. Any thoughts are welcome.
Hi Missy,
I am sorry to hear about your health issues and hope that you feel better fast!

I don't have personal experience, but I do remember a couple of patients who did undergo these tests said that it was more annoying than uncomfortable. I hope other PSer's can tell us more.

Wishing you the best!!
Hi Missy,

I'm so sorry for your health issues. I'm only posting because I hope you were not offended in any way when I used your name in an example of who should be getting the HPV vaccine. After, I worried that you you would think how nervy I was. Please accept my apologies if I crossed a line. I had read your post above mine so your name was in the forefront of my mind.

I do know how awful it can be when no diagnosis can be made. Just to show you how strange life can be, my friend in New York state had a stroke that Drs said was caused by Lyme disease and a tic(K)?

I hope they find it soon.

Have you already had an endoscopy (to rule out any anatomic abnormalities)?
Smores84|1399220071|3666028 said:
Hi Missy,
I am sorry to hear about your health issues and hope that you feel better fast!

I don't have personal experience, but I do remember a couple of patients who did undergo these tests said that it was more annoying than uncomfortable. I hope other PSer's can tell us more.

Wishing you the best!!

Thanks very much Smores. I heard it was pretty tough to take so that's why I have any hesitation. I prefer your thoughts on this though so hope you are right!

smitcompton said:
Hi Missy,

I'm so sorry for your health issues. I'm only posting because I hope you were not offended in any way when I used your name in an example of who should be getting the HPV vaccine. After, I worried that you you would think how nervy I was. Please accept my apologies if I crossed a line. I had read your post above mine so your name was in the forefront of my mind.

I do know how awful it can be when no diagnosis can be made. Just to show you how strange life can be, my friend in New York state had a stroke that Drs said was caused by Lyme disease and a tic(K)?

I hope they find it soon.


Hi Annette, that's very kind of you to be concerned and no please don't worry about that other thread. I didn't take it the wrong way and no apologies are necessary at all. I hope your friend is OK now. How awful for her/him. Lyme can be a difficult disease to diagnose and treat. Hope their recovery is going smoothly!

momhappy said:
Have you already had an endoscopy (to rule out any anatomic abnormalities)?

Hi momhappy, yes, I had 2 endoscopies 4 weeks apart in February and March. The first showed esophagitis and the second was clear (after treatment). However I had 2 different gastroenterologists doing them because I did not care for the first doctor at all so went for a second opinion. The second gastroenterologist did the 2nd endoscopy that was all clear and then he referred me to 2 different esophageal specialists because even though my 2nd endoscopy was clear I had troubling and painful symptoms. In between I went to my internist, a neurologist, a cardiologist, and a few other specialists and had a whole battery of tests. Good news is my heart, brain are good. Bad news I am in pain and we don't know exactly why yet.

I feel the doctors while well intentioned are taking stabs in the dark here and I don't want to endure more invasive testing without getting any answers though I do know this is the way it goes. I did see a second esophageal specialist after the first one and he thought I should get off all the meds the gastro put me on and not do any more invasive testing for now.

I am tapering off the meds as per the second esophageal specialist's advice (that was good advice to be sure) and on my own (through research and reading) started a holistic treatment involving probiotics, digestive enzymes and other supplements as well as drinking aloe vera every day which seems to be helping a bit.

Problem is I don't know which is the better way to go and that's why I am here asking for advice. I keep going back and forth because I think both esophageal specialists are good and both have valid points. The question is which is the best way for me to go at this point and time. I have been suffering since February and we are already in May and I am no closer to any relief than I was then.
<3 I have no experience to share, but I just wanna give you a big big hug.
madelise|1399237538|3666197 said:
<3 I have no experience to share, but I just wanna give you a big big hug.

Aww thank you Madelise and big (((hugs))) back at ya. I appreciate that because I need all the hugs I can get right now. :wavey:
Ok the countdown begins.Tests tomorrow May 8th around 2:30 pm.

I'm leaning towards just doing the tests. The esophageal specialist didn't call me back but he's away till today and I guess the secretary didn't deem it necessary to find out if I have to fast all day tomorrow but looks like I have to based on my research. I will do the best I can and remain strong. Thanks for your support all these months PSers. Hoping I do well. Right now I have a crushing weight on my chest and burning. Deep breaths and just another 32 plus hours or so till testing begins. Wish me luck. :wavey:
Thinking of you Missy!!!!!!!!!!!
Thinking of you as well. I am sure that it is so frustrating and frightening to not know what is causing your health problems. Medical mysteries are the worst. Just remember to trust your instincts. You seem like such an intelligent, genuine and caring person and I really hope you find the answers to what is causing your discomfort. Snuggle your furries, and try to stay centered and calm and I will be sending PS dust your way.
Hope you were able to get some questions answered and make a decision you are comfortable with.

Sending you lots of hugs and positive thoughts. I hope they find some answers for you soon!
Thinking of you Missy, and will be thinking of you throughout the day. I hope it goes quickly and you get the answers you so deserve. Dust.
Thanks Sarah- I hope your little boy is doing well!

Siamese, thank you for your good wishes and wise advice. Snuggle with my fur babies (big and small lol) I am doing!

TooPatient, thank you. I spoke with the doctor's office again yesterday and they said no food starting at midnight last night but I can have fluids till 4 hours before so I am enjoying my coffee right now.

Minou, thank you so much. I do want answers but I also want whatever it is I have to be able to be treated successfully so I am hoping for both.

7 plus hours to go till the testing begins and then hopefully I will be finished with it all in 31 plus hours...
Good luck, missy - I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible, and it gives your physicians insight as to how to provide some relief.
Will be thinking of you today missy and hoping everything goes quickly and smoothly - hugs and good thoughts being sent!
I hope today's procedures bring you some much-needed answers. Huggz to you, Missy!
Thank you Ginger, Junebug and VRBeauty. I am leaving in another hour or so. Cannot wait to be finished with all of this already. ::)

Good luck. Sending you truckloads of PS dust and positive vibes. {{{HUGS}}} too.
A lot of dust for you missy, :wavey: hope to hear some good new soon.
Thank you so much Phoenix for the good luck and the hugs. I appreciate them!
And thank you too Dancing Fire!

Good and Bad. Bad first. It's been a trying 6 hours since I had this tube put in for the 24 hour impedance ph testing. My throat is raw and the tube keeps moving around in my throat barely allowing me to move even a bit because of how uncomfortable it is. Not sure I am going to make it the full 24 hours. I almost took it out a few times now but I keep saying to myself just a little bit more, just a little bit more...

On the positive side the Manometry wasn't too difficult at all and the doctor was impressed with how I managed doing that test. And the manometry is supposed to be the more difficult of the 2 tests but go figure. But this 24 hour impedance test is pure TORTURE. I am literally being tortured by this tube up my nose and down my throat. And I am tough. The doctor even said I was because of how well I withstood the discomfort of the manometry. But this 24 hour test well, it is inhumane. Truly.

On the way home though so funny and touching. It was rush hour on NYC subways and we had to change trains 3 times because one of them went out of service. But anyway back to the funny haha situation. People couldn't get up fast enough to offer me, no insist that I take, their seat. I had multiple offers on each train because I didn't accept fast enough. LOL and I have to tell you, normally I hate that sort of thing -pity that is. However today, feeling like I do, with this horrible tube taped to my nose, taped to my cheek and looped around my ear and taped to my neck with the halter monitor strapped to my torso I accepted their kind offers. And when the first woman who offered me her seat left the train she turned to me and said to feel better and touched my shoulder. Who said NYers aren't warm and friendly? Not me.
You can get through this! Its awful, but you've come this far.

I really hope you get answers after this ordeal.
You can do it, Missy, you're more than halfway there! I admire your strength.
I've been at the beach and am behind reading here, but I am glad you were able to get through these tests, least one of them! I can't imagine having that tube! Hopefully they can find out what is going on!

My husband had some similar symptoms years ago but he also had reflux. He was diagnosed with Barrett's Espophagus. Prilosec was like a miracle drug, but I am very concerned about using it long term since it is supposed to be used for a few weeks, max.
diamondseeker2006|1399607519|3668851 said:
I've been at the beach and am behind reading here, but I am glad you were able to get through these tests, least one of them! I can't imagine having that tube! Hopefully they can find out what is going on!

My husband had some similar symptoms years ago but he also had reflux. He was diagnosed with Barrett's Espophagus. Prilosec was like a miracle drug, but I am very concerned about using it long term since it is supposed to be used for a few weeks, max.

DS -- Make sure they keep an eye on his vitamin levels. One thing I've seen from multiple sources is that Prilosec can cause your body to not absorb certain vitamins correctly (I think especially B12 and D).

My mom has been on two Prilosec per day for the last 5+ years and my grandfather about the same. Neither have had any problems on it.
You're through with the one :appl: :appl:

You can make it through this one too. I hope you're sleeping right now (you're east coast I think) and it will be over before you know it.
Thank you for the support and encouragement Chemgirl, Minou, Diamondseeker, and TooPatient!

I couldn't fall asleep till around 2 AM and I was wide (well not really alert and refreshed but awake nonetheless and going back to sleep was useless) awake at 3:30 AM out of bed at 4 AM cause I needed some strong coffee badly! Now it's 4:48 AM (EST) and I have had it in 13 hours awake most of them LOLOL. At least I can laugh about it. I have to maintain my sense of humor and perspective no matter how uncomfortable I may be feeling right now.

DiamondSeeker-TooPatient is correct. Make sure your dh is getting enough of his nutrition absorbed because the PPI's prevent lots of nutrients from getting digested and absorbed. I have been going the holistic route for approximately the last 2 weeks and am off the double PPI's they had prescribed for me that I took for approximately 10 weeks. The PPI's helped a bit in the beginning but then they caused other symptoms like chest pain and feelings of anxiety that after I read more on PPIs realized could be due to them. Plus new evidence is worrisome about bone loss while on these drugs so I decided to taper and see what happens. I just hope the results of these tests don't warrant me going back on them because I was not myself mood wise on these meds. This info I am linking here for you really helped me get myself on a more holistic healing route so maybe the info can help your dh too DiamondSeeker. Basically I am taking good quality probiotics with my main meal of the day and digestive enzymes with each meal as well as DGL, aloe vera as well as some other changes. Here is the link. I hope it can be helpful.

So if I can make it the next few hours I will be satisfied. The doctor said I could go and get it taken out around 11AM at his office but I doubt I will be able to wait that long because my throat hurts even more this morning if you can believe it and I feel like I am choking. So if I can just hang on till 9AM that will be good enough for me. And he said I could try taking it out myself and I am going to do exactly that because riding the subway again with this in well rather not. I don't want those looks of sadness from my fellow straphangers haha. Yesterday was one thing but I am over that now and I just want to get back to normal!!!

5 more hours and counting till 9AM...
you did it!!! YAY!!! Its almost over ----- stay strong, you can get thru it now - hey, at this point, you're almost DONE! :appl:

Good luck today and I hope the results give your doctors some answers --- lets get you better REAL SOON! (((HUGS)))
Enerchi|1399629985|3668925 said:
you did it!!! YAY!!! Its almost over ----- stay strong, you can get thru it now - hey, at this point, you're almost DONE! :appl:

Good luck today and I hope the results give your doctors some answers --- lets get you better REAL SOON! (((HUGS)))

Aww, huge hugs to you Enerchi. You are a good part of the reason I just stuck with it yesterday and during the looong looong night despite the pain and laying in bed awake. Your encouragement and positivity help me stay strong. You rock girlfriend and not just the diamond kind hehehe. :appl:

Awe, shucks! happy to be there and encourage you thru!! Tic Toc... its almost done... you just might score a seat again on the NY subway system!! And seriously - if you do - GET A LOTTERY TICKET!! LOL!!! :lol: