
Man I''m nervous, need a budget ring.

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Sep 7, 2006
Well I found this site about a week ago and all I can say is wow.
I have learned a lot here and it might be a bad thing. Now there is too
much info.

I started by looking in Ebay, I found this site by researching that certifaction
they use in NY, NY.

Well I will stay away from that and go with GIA, AGS, or EGL.

I decided just for the heck of it to stop off at the brick and mortar place.
I love the terminology here.

I wanted to compare the Leo diamonds to GIA. Well thay don''t have GIA.
They had I believe IGI. Well right off the bat, the Leo''s definately look better.

Then they told me I would really like this pefect symetry diamond. It was a Peerless
Cut diamond, AGS certified. I did a google search and couldn''t find Peerless diamonds.

I did like that diamond but they wanted +$7K. I liked it better than the Leo.

Does the Brick and mortar place just call there AGS diamonds peerless b/c they are at a higher standard?

Basically I Do not want to spend over $3500 on a diamond.
I''m looking for a round cut 0.75 - 1.0 k

Would prefer D-F but some H''s looked pretty nice.
Definately would want VS1-VS2 could maybe go to SI1 to get the bigger rock.

I really liked the flash of that peerless diamond.

You guys are very knowledgable, can you help me out?
Well I got the scoop on the Peerless diamonds.

They are Jared''s Ideal cut diamonds. AGS certified plus Triple high in the Gemex Cert.
What does that mean?
Is that why it was so flashy?

Anyways what makes the ideal cut?

It definately had more sparkle then the Leo.

Anyways I can sacrifice size for clearity. I know size isn''t everything but I think
she deserves a 1.0k can I still get something nice to the eye for my budget near 1.0k?

That is a nice rock JulieN

If you do a search on Ideal cut diamonds you''ll find a lot of info on here. I''ll say one thing though I think Jareds loose diamonds are way too pricey. I don''t think their settings are bad and you could always just get that there. But you could easily get an Ideal cut diamond from an online vendor and pay way less than Jareds. I got my stone, which is Ideal cut, from If you look on the diamond search there is an option that says Advanced Search. If you click on that you can search for diamonds that are Ideal cut specifically. A lot of people on here also use and amongst others!
This is what makes an AGS Ideal cut: Cool stuff.

This looks nice. There is a .9 J SI1 on GOG, but it is a little above your budget and not a noticeable spread gain over the .85 H. James Allen does not own a Gemex, but if that is important to you, it is no problem to send it to an appraiser who has one. This is a slightly shallow, GIA stone:

Should always inquire about inclusions.

If you really want 1 ct, it seems you either have to go to I1 clarity (and keep the hearts and arrows)

Or downgrade cut a little bit (an AGS1, not 0)
Thanks for all of the replies. All great diamonds you all have posted.

What do you think, go for the 1.0k or a 0.8 nice ideal cut.

I''m sure my girl will be happy no matter what I get, even a 0.5k,
but I believe she deserves more. The majority of the women just care about
karats. Would they rather have a 0.8 F VS1 Ideal Cut
or a 1.0K H SI1 not ideal cut. That is my decision right now. I did like the
Bling factor of that Ideal Cut diamond.

Most here would pick option a...the .8 ideal. Some have tried option b, but their Pricescope license was revoked, so they have stuck with a too.
I persoanlly think you can have your ideal full carat and eat it too.

Those stones at Wink''s that JulieN linked to looked gorgeous. As an owner of a VVS2, I am SO over high clarity and would snap up an Ideal I-1 clarity in a heartbeat if the inclusions couldn''t be seen once the stone was set and on a finger. A one carat ideal cut AGS0 for that price? Wow! I''m under threat of losing my license! Good job Julie and Wallerama. And Wink.
Personally I would go with the Ideal cut. I have a .83ct ideal cut and honestly it looks just as big as a some of my friends rings that have been purchased at mall stores. Whats important to me personally and a lot of women on here is the performance of the stone. How it sparkles and flashes rather than having something larger that doesn''t have those qualities. But you know your girl! Do you think she has her heart set on a 1ct?
I am all for great I1s - bought many and love them. I do think they should be purchased only if she agrees too. Now, I am sure she''d love any ring from you for what it represents...But if she has a very detail-oriented vision there are good chances she might be able to see the inclusions from the top. Not sure if that would bother her.
If you think she''d be fine with that, then I see no reason not to consider one of those beautiful stones from Wink...But if you are not sure, keep in mind that a 0.8x SI1 Ideal cut diamond is a very respectable diamond. As a matter of facts, its diameter will be close to many mall-quality 1 caraters.
I would go for ideal cut without a doubt, but I wouldn''t go below SI1 for an e-ring, personally. H color is a very good value and looks very white in an ideal cut stone and will allow you to go larger. I liked the H SI1 stones already posted.
If it were me, I''d definitely snatch up one of those beauties from Wink''s. I''m more about the size, color and cut than the clarity. A visable inclusion is masked by sparkle and can take a lot of searching to find...that doesn''t bother me at all.
Man those deals at winks are looking pretty good.

Thanks Julie I may give them a call.

You guys are great.
The winks diamond is a AGS "0" cut so it should look sparkly
and may be a good deal if the inclusions are hard to see.

I think the AGS I describe is more like a SI2 in another certification

We will see, I''m going to try to contact Winks, I''m 3 hours difference.

What I get from reading this forum is I should look for AGS certified "0" cut.

Seems to me AGS is the way to go. I also noticed in the Brick and Mortar store,
not many diamonds were DEF and not many VS1-VS2

The majority of the diamonds were HI and SI1-SI1 - I1

They still look good to me and the majority of the masses.

The only AGS diamonds they had were their Peerless. They looked good. Nice Flash and sparkle.
It was not a DEF and H or I believe it was SI1.

Seems like they sell HI Si1-I to the masses.
Good points - but please make sure she likes I1s. Again, I love them, but not everyone does, esp. on an engagement ring.
Update: the diamond is being sent here to Timmonium, MD so I can take a look at it.

I know more about diamonds then my girlfriend, LOL.
She just knows they are nice and should be sparkly.

Winks says I will not be dissapointed in this diamond.
He has been very nice.

If the cut is right all of the flash should hide some of the inclusions.
If they are very hard to see with the naked eye I''ll be happy.

Date: 9/11/2006 4:57:08 PM
Author: C-Par
Update: the diamond is being sent here to Timmonium, MD so I can take a look at it.

I know more about diamonds then my girlfriend, LOL.
She just knows they are nice and should be sparkly.

Winks says I will not be dissapointed in this diamond.
He has been very nice.

If the cut is right all of the flash should hide some of the inclusions.
If they are very hard to see with the naked eye I''ll be happy.

Wink is a great guy and if he says the diamond is beautiful, you can trust him. For sure, you''ll see a diamond that is far superior for the money than anything you''ll ever see at your local Jareds!

Good luck on this, your girlfriend will be the recipient of something really special thanks to the time and effort you''re putting into getting her the best you can get!

Good job.......
Could you please post pictures of it?? I''d love to see it.
I am back for ring hunting from early distraction.

I have pretty same criterial as C-par. But my budget is 5k including setting. whiteflash and james seems to have limited ring settng for my girl''s size 4.75 hand. Other vender failed to provide more information about the diamond. Now, I''m still no where to go...uhhh.

You should start a thread and I'm sure the kind people here will be happy to help you find a diamond in your budget:)

ETA: C-par, please do post pics of your diamond when you receive it-I am definitely a believer that gorgeous I1s are out there!
IMHO, definitely go for Cut first.. you also can find nice H, I and J colored stones, and eye-clean SI1''s, but cut is most important
I don''t post very often, but this thread caught my eye.

I''m glad you''re giving the I1 from Wink a look-see. I bought an I1 from Wink a few months ago (also for a ring) and am thrilled!

They''re not for everyone, but I''m actually a big fan of eye-clean I1s and, yes, they do exist (especially those with prong-able inclusions). I have two ideal cut I1s (one from Wink and one from Jon at GOG) and couldn''t be happier. I actually took a peek at a 1.25 I1 Wink had a few months back and couldn''t find see the inclusions at all. I think that one might be sold, though.

Anyway....Best of luck and let us know how you make out!
Date: 9/11/2006 4:57:08 PM
Author: C-Par
Update: the diamond is being sent here to Timmonium, MD so I can take a look at it.

I know more about diamonds then my girlfriend, LOL.
She just knows they are nice and should be sparkly.

Winks says I will not be dissapointed in this diamond.
He has been very nice.

If the cut is right all of the flash should hide some of the inclusions.
If they are very hard to see with the naked eye I''ll be happy.

You can trust Wink...I bought my diamond from him and I''d buy again. IF any of the I1s would have been available when I got my .92 beauty I would not have hesitated in the least. I have an Si2 that has an inclusion that can be seen to the naked eye WAY up close if you know where to look. It doesn''t bother me in the least. Really my diamond is so well cut and sparkles like crazy that the inclusion gets lost in the sparkle. Not to mention the prong is covering most of it. Paul from Infinity cuts AMAZING diamonds so I wouldn''t hesitate to get another. You are in good hands with ''Wink and Paul...I can''t wait to hear how you like the diamond
Well I did go sneak out at lunchtime and go look at the diamond.

I went to Smyth''s in Timmonium, MD. It is sorta a brick and mortar store.
It''s not a national chain.

But anyways.

The diamond was very nice. Great cut and polish. I really liked it, but I
could see one of the inclusions under the table.

Then they started talking about their hearts on fire. He brough over this
10K diamond and I thought the infinity Wink sent me looked better.
Its the inclusion bothering me. It is hard to see but I know its there.

If the inclusion was more to the side I would definately buy this diamond.
The cut was excellent.

I''m still not writing it off but I have Wink trying to find me one that is smaller
in the SI1 range.

Wink is awesome, I thank him a lot and everyone here.
eye-visible inclusions don't bother me. But then again, I'm one of those Asians with the super thick glasses who can focus without correction at 3".

So, COOL! You got to see an Infinity and a HOF. Count yourself among a teeny tiny privileged percentage of the world.
Shoot, I just noticed it was AGS 1

Dang. Back to the drawing board.

I may have to delay her ring. LOL
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