
Man beaten after hitting girl with truck

The little girl's parents should have known better. That girl was not being attended in a parking lot. What was she doing in the middle of the driving lane? She should have been inside a vehicle or been holding on to someone's hand. 5 years old is way too young to be loose in a traffic lane. That accident was unavoidable for the driver of the truck, he wasn't speeding or doing anything dangerous.

How could anyone think the driver of truck did anything other than act according to the law. The parents/adults of the 5 year old behaved badly and illegally. I hope they get charged with assault.
swingirl|1317749847|3033061 said:
The parents/adults of the 5 year old behaved badly and illegally. I hope they get charged with assault.

This. It's ok to be upset that your child has gotten hit by a truck. It's not ok to administer your interpretation of justice on the person who did it, regardless of whether he was at fault or not.
This is just awful for both the child and the driver - children do run off - make them hold your hand! accidents do unfortunately happen, but for the family to react with such violence is completely unacceptable. The driver was not at fault here and he must have been traumatised enough by the thought that he had hit a child with his car without the assault on top. They should have been too preoccupied with making sure that the child was ok to even think about someting like this - she is lucky not to have been seriously injured or worse.

I hope they face a hefty assault charge and the driver files his own lawsuit to boot.
Not very long ago, I was in a parking lot backing up when a kid darted behind my car- no one was injured, as I stopped before anything happened. Scared the beejesus out of me. I always look, look again, then very slowly back my car out. I was between a van and a truck, so didn't have the best view, but still slowly crept from my spot. My car was about a quarter of the way out when the parents of the kid started banging on the trunk of my car and screaming at me like I was trying to hit them. Now, I don't know about you, but if a car is backing up, I don't go and stand behind it if it was already in motion. And I may not have seen the kid, but I would have seen two adults behind my car. After they screamed at me, they didn't grab their son and walk into the store. They let him continue to run in the lot.

No point to this story, but I honestly was terrified, and have to say, WATCH YOUR KIDS AND YOURSELVES IN A PARKING LOT.
swingirl|1317749847|3033061 said:
The little girl's parents should have known better. That girl was not being attended in a parking lot. What was she doing in the middle of the driving lane? She should have been inside a vehicle or been holding on to someone's hand. 5 years old is way too young to be loose in a traffic lane. That accident was unavoidable for the driver of the truck, he wasn't speeding or doing anything dangerous.

How could anyone think the driver of truck did anything other than act according to the law. The parents/adults of the 5 year old behaved badly and illegally. I hope they get charged with assault.

Couldnt agree more.
If somebody harmed my child through negligence, I can't imagine how I'd feel, but I'm sure it would be very, very bad. That said, I watched the video, and I didn't see any evidence of negligence. The girls' parents were blocking traffic and standing around in the driving lane of the parking lot, and then the girl darted out RIGHT when the truck drove past. Maybe he should have gone more slowly just in case a child was going to dart out, but probably he was thinking, "Let me get around these knuckleheads before I get stuck waiting for them forever." I'd say in this situation it's 3% the driver's fault for not driving super duper extra carefully just in case a child ran out, and 97% the parents' faults for not keeping their eye on children while standing around in the middle of the driving lane in a parking lot.

But I think your point was more about how you'd react in a case of real negligence. Do you remember the case from the 80s or 90s where a car was carjacked, and the mother tried to get her son out of the backseat before the thief drove off with her car, but the son was just dangling out and was dragged to his death? :cry: IIRC, in that case some witnesses gave chase, caught up with the driver, and gave him a walloping while waiting for cops to arrive. Although I do not condone violence, in that circumstance I completely understand the impulse.
looked like a parent was chasing the kid behind the one car and the driver of the truck would never have seen the kid. a real accident and a sad one at that. glad the kid is ok but the people that did the beating should be prosecuted. had the driver not stopped, well, he would have had it coming.
Amys Bling|1317776143|3033447 said:
swingirl|1317749847|3033061 said:
The little girl's parents should have known better. That girl was not being attended in a parking lot. What was she doing in the middle of the driving lane? She should have been inside a vehicle or been holding on to someone's hand. 5 years old is way too young to be loose in a traffic lane. That accident was unavoidable for the driver of the truck, he wasn't speeding or doing anything dangerous.

How could anyone think the driver of truck did anything other than act according to the law. The parents/adults of the 5 year old behaved badly and illegally. I hope they get charged with assault.

Couldnt agree more.

Yep, me too. I hope they do get charged. It was not that drivers fault that their little girl ran out in front of him when she
should have been in a cart or being hand-held by an adult. This situation (being the driver) could happen to anyone (including
you or me).
This is very unfortunate for the child and the driver, I'm glad both aren't seriously hurt.
The parents should have had better supervision over their child, and to then physically attack the driver who actually stopped immediately, there's no excuse.
We are legally armed in our vehicle, if someone entered my vehicle and attacked me or my SO we wouldn't hesitate to forcefully defend ourselves and we'd be within our legal rights to do so.
I do not understand why charges were not pressed? The driver hitting the child was an accident, the family beating the driver was intent to serious bodily harm.
I've seen too many kids darting around the parking lot at the grocery store suddenly run into the path of a car to feel anything but pity for that driver who did stop at impact. The girls parents should be prosecuted for assault.

KEEP TRACK OF YOUR KIDS! And don't blame the other guy for your own negligence!
Gypsy|1317844424|3034041 said:
I've seen too many kids darting around the parking lot at the grocery store suddenly run into the path of a car to feel anything but pity for that driver who did stop at impact. The girls parents should be prosecuted for assault.

KEEP TRACK OF YOUR KIDS! And don't blame the other guy for your own negligence!


We had a Grandfather and his Grandson running to catch the train last year and the boy's skull got crushed between the train and the platform killing him instantly, it was horrific. Totally irresponsible of the Grandfather and it no doubt haunts him, it's also haunts everyone who witnessed it, passengers, train driver, first responders. There's train every 5 minutes, sending a small child to run for a train, especially one that's already cleared to leave, is just irresponsible.
Kids should be monitored around moving vehicles, accidents happen, but most are preventable.