
Making an effort

Congratulations on your new job, Daisy! Your upbeat personality will be perfect for working the counter.
Late to the part but so happy for you!!!
Hope you had lovely first week at the new job.
Congratulations! Sounds like you will have great coworkers which is a real bonus!
Woo hoooo!!! Congratulations Daisys!!

Im sooooo tired
thank you for asking

we are having a week of thunderstorms so its a long wet walk but the hill isnt so bad
i had to buy new sneakers and boy oh boy do i have blisters on blisters on blisters
Gary says im walking like someone waiting on two hip replacements
My heels are a mess
the rain washed all the blood off my heels though

OMG ive just seen a huge blister on my toe - excuse dirt havn't had a shower yet as waited for the groceries to be delivered 16171747702241380703583.jpg
It looks terrible. I don't know what to do about them but please do something. It would be painful if they break.
Omg your poor feet! Can you get a bike or motorized scooter?
I went to the chemist right next door to the bakery and brought a whole bunch of different bandages and band aid type products
It looks terrible. I don't know what to do about them but please do something. It would be painful if they break.

One foot is almost ok now.
But ive lost a nail on that toe
Not as painful today
Should be ok by the end of next week
but getting cold feet in bed because i stick them out rather than have the sheets or duvet touch the sore bits
Omg your poor feet! Can you get a bike or motorized scooter?

I do have a bike
That's probably a good idea
its in the garage
But im a woose with the traffic
Apart from scenic shared pathways and the 4 bridges over the river we don't have bike lanes here although the main road along the river does have a wide shoulder
Ill tell you what though
i totally now get why so many of you are not wearing rings in the pandemic
between washing my hands, sanitizing them after touching cash, doing dishes, moping the floor, soaking things in bleach, using degreaser and window cleaner constantly all day long not to forget the heat of the oven and the pie warmer, my poor hands are drying out
But the locals wear some beautiful jewlery
Quite a lot of layering going on
some ladies wear gold and some silver
Some pearls
One lady had a brooch :appl: :appl: :appl:
Havn't seen any man bling though :(2
Hi @Daisys and Diamonds :wavey: I've been thinking about you! How are things going at your job?

Thank you for asking Odette
ive been meaning to update but im so tired
so tired !
Gary had his cataract opp on the first eye which is great but a day latter it felt bruised and he was very demanding
My feet are killing me from the most blisters ive ever had but otherwise im enjoying the walk - i found a road that follows the railway line all the way to our side of the river, then im less than 10min from our house, it might only be marginally quicker but its prettier and less busy, it goes down a long oak lined road with a church and school and playground (public toilets a plus)

The work isnt hard and the people are nice but im sole charge now on the Monday and Tuesday, Tuesday being my first night locking up
It took me ages even though as we continuously clean through the day it isnt hard yakka but there is a lot to get through
finish tomorrows order and ring it through, all the time sweeping and moping and wiping and washing up, then the wastage and putting things away for the night into the one cabinet that stays refrigeratored over night all the while still serving customers
I found it hard to get the shop closed on time - we have a ballet studio above us (full of dairy elephants) and after we were surposed to have closed mum's kept bringing in little girls who couldn't make up their mind and wouldn't speek up
then i had to get all the signs and stuff our side and balance the money
in my past life for 3 years i did the banking for the big box hardwear store - some days i sent 20k in cash to the bank so it upset me greatly i was $20 out and still had the floor to finish and the bins to put out for the pig farmer
I was so hungry i ate a sussage roll and a long cream passion fruit donought while i finished the dishes
I got home over an hour late, i had forgot my walking sandles to change into, and it was dark and Gary was cranky bevause the grocery delivery haf been and he wasn't surposed to bend over and pick stuff up after his eye op

i have been having trouble working out my tax code - fu*king IRD wont answer the phone - so ive had no wages yet
It didn't worry me because i know he'll back pay but im walked so far i really want my money and its not there today (yet?)
I had to spend a fortune at the chemist next door on fancy bandaids etc
Last night i had this dream we were living in Dunedin and i made a freind at work and i got to call in there after work
It was a really detailed dream, she had a husband and children and a pet pig and i visited 3 times before i woke up
how do i make freinds if im the only one working and they go home when i turn up at 1pm ?
The boss lady seems nice but she doesn't give encouragement or praise - not ment as a criticism towards here - some people are just like that and i find lots of praise embarrassing but some positive feedback and enciuagmet would go a long way right now.
I didn't hardly sleep a wink worring about the $20 so i rang at 6.30 the next morning - i had miscounted a roll of 50c coins - ive never done change and the float at the same time before and i had turned the wrong cabinet off - im not sure how much stuff had to be thrown away ?
Im worried about that
Its light was on in the cabinet so im not sure what i did wrong
Its a shame because Monday had been a good day
@Daisys and Diamonds , I think you are amazing. They are lucky to have you at that job. Your work ethic is unparalleled. I can understand worrying about the $20 and I am glad you figured it out! The job is still very new, but as time goes on it will become second nature to you. I do hope that you get paid very soon. I'm sure it will all work out and is just a processing issue. I wish someone else would work with you at the same time so you'd have a little company. I am sure you are wonderful with the customers though. Maybe you will even get to know some of the regulars? The blisters sound very painful. I hope that your feet become accustomed to the walk and the blisters become less of a problem. I can't remember - are you unable to drive? I think sometimes Gary drives if he can see okay right? Is it possible for you to use the car? I'm sorry, I just can't remember. And how is Gary feeling? I'm so glad he finally got the surgery!
I'm so glad Gary got his surgery. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Once he heals up he probably won't be so anxious. Surgery is scary!

It sounds like you're doing an amazing job but I have to admit the dance school kiddies at closing time would drive me crazy. You have the patience of a saint!
Oddly this is the 2nd time i have worked under a ballet school of fairy elephants :lol:
Thank you @OdetteOdile and @MrsBlue
Thank you for the kind words and encouragement

I dont like driving, i let my licence expire
the walk is good for me - i have 2 wardrobes of clothes that dont fit !
And its a really pretty walk
it reminds me why we moved here
i have made a few cat freinds and one very fat elderly jack russel/fox terrier freind along the way
Gary's eye gets better every day, im sure next time it rains he'll take me but for most of my working life ive just hoofed it to work, rain or shine
I just need the blisters to heal up - one heel is ptetty good now although i have a squashed little toe on that foot
the other heel is loooking much better - thats the foot with the questionable toe nail on the middle toe
OMG thats great you got the job! whoohoo! You're gonna be fine ma'am :appl: One recommendation though, if you're gonna walk all that way, get some epson salts for a foot soak at the end of your day, your tootsies will thank you!
OMG thats great you got the job! whoohoo! You're gonna be fine ma'am :appl: One recommendation though, if you're gonna walk all that way, get some epson salts for a foot soak at the end of your day, your tootsies will thank you!

Oh thank you
i have some in the garden shed - I'll retrieve it tomorrow =)2
So i got paid !
3 weeks worth !
Its just a little job but still the minimum wage is $20 p/hr these days
i know one of those weeks i worked over what your allowed to on Gary's govt super so I'll have to do battle with work & income (the govt dept fornally known as social welfare who dish out the pension)
So i can't spend much of it as i have some bills to pay
.....but i did buy some steak for tea (dinner) and ....
There has been this necklase at the chemist in the window
Ive been meaning to ask Gary to buy it for Xmas or birthday
But i was in the chemist getting his prescription and i asked how much it was
I thought $67 was a wee bit steep for a piece of coustume jewlery especially seeing as i have rings that need resized and necklases that need restringing but i have a dress, a top and a shirt that exact same colour and ive admired it for so long
So i bought it !

How pretty! Isn't it amazing to come home with something you have admired for a long time? I like the way the gems have little light beams shining from them. Reminds me of sun beams peeking through the clouds.
Very pretty, and those blue pearls look lovely!
Looking fab @Daisys and Diamonds! Loving those pearls :kiss2: I'm finding myself really getting into pearls of late.
Awsome ! :appl::appl::appl:
They are just so much more accessible than diamonds :lol:
And a not so great pearl can still be a tonn of fun in a way that
bad diamonds will never be fun

And thank you too Dandi=)2
Late to the party, however, congratulations in your new job!

DK :appl: