
Making an effort

So sorry about Tibby!! Hope your interview went well today and hoping you feel better soon. Fur babies truly deserve to live forever ❤
I'm sorry about the loss of Tibby . Fingers crossed that things go well with your interview.
Daisy- I am so sorry about Tibby. Sending prayers.
Thank you for the prayers and well wishes
Tibby definatly deserves them

The lady was nice but im sorry she was a bit think
the other lady was younger and awsome
This lady asked me did i want cleaning work ? Or childcare work?
She asked me dumb stuff she had already asked me on the phone
I do actually have some know how behind me, my mind needs something to do again, i need to work with other people

She said i can go on a free 12 week course ....the brochure is just bull-sh*t, its making me angry reading it
And i quote
prepare for the new you
Transport planning
Budgeting service
finding suitable childcare
Practicing professionalism
Understanding bussiness etiquette

Honesty 12 F-ing weeks ????

(like for a school leaver or maybe someone who had been on the domestic purposes benifit since they were 18 )
i have had 2 years off working in the last 30 years of going to work every day
I said to her well ok but i don't need to be taught how to suck eggs

i remember when i finished high school and as i wasn't going to varsity my mother made me register down the dole office
By the time they found me a job on a supermarket checkout i had already found my own job in the garden centre
Im not hopeless
I kind of think F them, i can do it my F-ing self, im not hopeless

So anyway a person from the course is going to ring next week

See its been 16 years since ive had to apply for a job so i asked her i just need to see what a modem covering letter looks like these days
the other lady was going to write the letters for me but this new lady is into outsourcing

Anyway i did grab a brochure for a place in town that gives free communuty help with phones and laptops
I might pop along to that
i need help organising my Bruce Springsteen and Gary doesn't have the patience

Anyway my darling Tibby shouted me some job interview clothes after i missed the bus home (they changed the route name) so i had 2 hours to fill in
I walked into town but my feet were getting sore in the heat and grandma's ER was feeling tight

The whole walk into town i thought about Tibby
and when i finally got home hours latter Borris had gone out - she has just cottoned on to this carport roof Tibby used to like that they access from our back fence

Anyway ive always worn a uniform so my wardrobe is hardly overflowing in work appropriate apparel
I think i now need to buy a half slip becsuse everything is summer weight - oh speaking of weight - at least the same size still fits

Anyway the work and income lady is putting me forward for a one day a week job behind the counter at the bakery along the road in wanganui east shops
I just forget how much money the govt let's one earn before they start docking Gary's pension but that would be something to do on a friday

Oh the job lady had a Tahitian pearl pendent - completly lifeless compaired to the ones i see on our pearl threads

Anyway so i just went to a shop
in the mall that had nice aircon
they had some corporate looking stuff and the prices were cheap - i hate to think what the person in China who made it is getting paid but i can't front up in denham shorts to everything

One of the tops has a long fabouse fashion necklase attached to it - detectable for washing
im kinda excitted if long necklases are in right now

then i went to the super market we get our deliveries from
Right at the entrance they had Tibby's special biscuits at the cheapest price ive ever seen them - i never noticed before they have a tabby on the bag :(2

I think Borris wonders where Tibby is
This morning when she woke up she looked out the bedroom window for ages
On nights Tibby didn't want to stay in he would come home about 6am and mowel loudy under my window
It always made me happy he was saying Mum ! Im home ! Wake up and let me in for Breakfast !
He had a very busy life doing important cat stuff but he always found time to give me a cuddle
So our social circle just got smaller
I'm so sorry about Tibby. I hope your job search will go well.
@Daisys and Diamonds
I hope the bakery job works out. Once you get in, they might give you more hours.
I hope you are doing OK. I've been thinking about you.
I know how heart wrenching it is losing that one special baby who meant everything to you.

And just like a true PSer, you were checking out the lady's pearl necklace! I do the same thing!
I’m sorry @Daisys and Diamonds, it really does leave a huge hole in your life when they’re gone.

I hope the bakery job works out, and as @stracci2000 says, maybe you’ll be offered more hours, and just think of all the left over pastries at the end of the day!
Good luck with the job front!

There is a saying in Chinese: one rides a cow to look for a horse.

Anything is a good start to get you out and about.

I don't believe the structure/content of CVs and covering letters have changed that much through the years - I am still using the same CV format that I started to use back in the 90s.

I can post the general structure of my CV if you like.

DK :))
I’m sorry @Daisys and Diamonds, it really does leave a huge hole in your life when they’re gone.

I hope the bakery job works out, and as @stracci2000 says, maybe you’ll be offered more hours, and just think of all the left over pastries at the end of the day!

:lol: the work and income lady said that about the left over cakes too
Saddly im not really a cake or biscuit/ cookie eater
Good luck with the job front!

There is a saying in Chinese: one rides a cow to look for a horse.

Anything is a good start to get you out and about.

I don't believe the structure/content of CVs and covering letters have changed that much through the years - I am still using the same CV format that I started to use back in the 90s.

I can post the general structure of my CV if you like.

DK :))

Oh i love that !
Thank you
And good to know about cvs and covering letters
Thank you DK =)2
My cv is good - the (new) lady did say it was good (of course its good after 30 years of work !)
Its the cover letters i needed tips on but you have helped thank you =)2
I'm so sorry about Tibby. It's heart-breaking to lose a furry family member. Thinking of you and wishing you every success in your job search. Employers would be lucky to have you.
I'm so sorry about Tibby. It's heart-breaking to lose a furry family member. Thinking of you and wishing you every success in your job search. Employers would be lucky to have you.

Thank you Blingthing
Its the cover letters i needed tips on but you have helped thank you =)2

Use it to differentiate yourself in ways your resume can't. As a hiring manager, I like cover letters that are not boiler plate but speak specifically to 1) your interest in the organization/company and 2) calls out why you would be good for the job.

I once received a resume from someone who worked in an entirely different field. But his cover letter spoke to me (why he would be good for the role - liked helping people, loved technology, was the go-to person in his department for troubleshooting). I decided to bring him in only to confirm he really didn't have any of the experience needed. But as I interviewed others, I kept circling back to his attitude/potential and in the end, hired him. He was not only worked out great but has advanced beyond me in the field :)
Use it to differentiate yourself in ways your resume can't. As a hiring manager, I like cover letters that are not boiler plate but speak specifically to 1) your interest in the organization/company and 2) calls out why you would be good for the job.

I once received a resume from someone who worked in an entirely different field. But his cover letter spoke to me (why he would be good for the role - liked helping people, loved technology, was the go-to person in his department for troubleshooting). I decided to bring him in only to confirm he really didn't have any of the experience needed. But as I interviewed others, I kept circling back to his attitude/potential and in the end, hired him. He was not only worked out great but has advanced beyond me in the field :)

What a wonderful story
im so glad he worked out
thanks for the tips too =)2
Thinking of you @Daisys and Diamonds, how are you coping?
I am really sorry about Tibby’s strong!
Wishing you all the best in job seeking..
Thinking of you @Daisys and Diamonds, how are you coping?
I am really sorry about Tibby’s strong!
Wishing you all the best in job seeking..

Thank you
i miss him soooooo much it hurts alot

Im going to tell that lady im not doing that stupid course
For 28 of the last 30 years i have been gainfully employed full time- i might ask her how long has she been in the workforce ?

Honestly I'd be better off painting the house !
I know i can get a job myself
Im not some dummy or someone who just dropped out of high school
Daisy, I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your Tibby. Hugs to you and best of luck on finding a new job.
Oh Tibby. What a spunk. My heart aches for you so much @Daisys and Diamonds.

You should have seen him coming home for dinner
He had this huge physical presence walking up the footpath
He just owned it
and he would see me and his tail would go straight up and he'd break into a fast trott before rolling on his back 3 foot from my feet - Borris taught up to play that game !
And he liked being carried but as soon as we got to the front or back door he wanted to be put down so he could walk in himself

He had the most beautiful face
And for such a big boy he was so gentle
when he'd jump on my knee he knew to keep his claws in even though he always walked on his claws in the house
you could here him walking dowm the hall
I've never known a more affectionate cat
he'd wrap his arms around me and lay his head on my chest
So sorry! My heart hurts for you.
Oh! @Daisys and Diamonds, we are very sure he felt the love you gave (still giving)..... RIP Sweet Tibby

May I ask how old was he?
How long he had been with you?
Oh! @Daisys and Diamonds, we are very sure he felt the love you gave (still giving)..... RIP Sweet Tibby

May I ask how old was he?
How long he had been with you?

He lived with us for two years - it was way too short
i thought we would have forever and we would all grow old together
I remember feeling cheated because Tinky died at 15 when thw average life span of a NZ cat is 17 (and remember almost all NZ cats are allowed outside to roam freely)
I think maybe he was under 5
He had very white teeth
He was a very happy fellow
didn't hold a grudge, ate what ever was put in front of him, enjoyed his food, had beautiful manners around (most) other cats, -never came home with absesors or bite wounds, lovelly manners at meal times, ate big meals but wasn't a pig and was almost always respectful of Borris
i think once he wasn't a stray he must have been very happy to live with us
He got feed when ever he was hungry, he got exspensive biscuits, nutritionally balanced wet food and plenty of treats off our plates
He always looked pleased to see me
He loved temptation cat lollies

I could count on one hand how often he got sh*tty with me over something and he was also quick to forgive
He was kind and loving and also trusting of me
I never once growled at him for anything

I feel bad he had to die at the vets not here in his home but i am greatful that like dear Tinky, when he was sick he felt safe here at home and did not go away to die or crawl under the house
I wish i could have had a vet come here to the house so he could have passed away at home in his own bed, like my dad

Anyway Tibby was much too young
So i have an interview tomorrow for a part time job within easy walking distance at a bakery
I actually missed his call thursday for a friday position, but this one is more hours over 3 days

i was thinking that might be better for getting me back into good habbits
Im not sure how much extra money because piggy backing on Gary's govt superannuation im only allowed to earn so much before its deducted at 70c in the dollar but the threshold is changing on April 1 (strange day for govt legislation to come into effect) and I'd be paying secondary tax anyway but it would take a bit of pressure off

We do actually eat quite well - no one is hungry, meals are nutritionally balanced, but i shop to a budget, not to what I'd like

I could buy nicer bread and actual butter (and strawberry milk - that i never buy because it would be for me, not Gary) so it would be nice to treat myself in the groceries

It would pay the property tax bill which is always a financial hurdle every quarter

Tibby's vet bill is sitting on a credit card that has 3 months interest free so it would be good to wipe that

Borris could have more of the better cat food

It won't stretch to new bling but i could probably get a ring or two resized, sus out the jewlers in town

i could finish painting the toilet room - i ran out of filler

i basically just stopped buying anything at the beginning of last year except for absolute necessities like food and hot water

Anyway wish me luck
im hoping its more counter girl that scrubbing baking trays

The good news is i don't actually like most cakes and ive never bought a muffin in my life and their pies (whispering) are horrible
And it would be warm in there over the colder months

Gary's eyes are no better, when i got up this morning water was all over the bench where he had made himself a cup of tea
So half days are good
So i have an interview tomorrow for a part time job within easy walking distance at a bakery
I actually missed his call thursday for a friday position, but this one is more hours over 3 days

i was thinking that might be better for getting me back into good habbits
Im not sure how much extra money because piggy backing on Gary's govt superannuation im only allowed to earn so much before its deducted at 70c in the dollar but the threshold is changing on April 1 (strange day for govt legislation to come into effect) and I'd be paying secondary tax anyway but it would take a bit of pressure off

We do actually eat quite well - no one is hungry, meals are nutritionally balanced, but i shop to a budget, not to what I'd like

I could buy nicer bread and actual butter (and strawberry milk - that i never buy because it would be for me, not Gary) so it would be nice to treat myself in the groceries

It would pay the property tax bill which is always a financial hurdle every quarter

Tibby's vet bill is sitting on a credit card that has 3 months interest free so it would be good to wipe that

Borris could have more of the better cat food

It won't stretch to new bling but i could probably get a ring or two resized, sus out the jewlers in town

i could finish painting the toilet room - i ran out of filler

i basically just stopped buying anything at the beginning of last year except for absolute necessities like food and hot water

Anyway wish me luck
im hoping its more counter girl that scrubbing baking trays

The good news is i don't actually like most cakes and ive never bought a muffin in my life and their pies (whispering) are horrible
And it would be warm in there over the colder months

Gary's eyes are no better, when i got up this morning water was all over the bench where he had made himself a cup of tea
So half days are good

Good luck @Daisys and Diamonds. I think a part time job is great to ease yourself into new routines. Sorry to hear about Gary's eyes, hopefully he will get to see the specialist soon. Fingers and toes crossed.