
Lupron Depot?

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Oct 17, 2007
Hello all. Is anyone familiar with this treatment for endometriosis? I had a laparoscopy yesterday and was told I have severe endo that is attached to nearly everything it can attach to (of course, my luck).

The doctor said he wanted to start me on the Lupron Depot treatment and aside from some google searching, I am unfamiliar with it.

Anyone have any experience or know of this?



Jul 22, 2007
I was on it for almost six months. I became the most evil woman on the planet. I made a pregnant co-worker cried (because I forbid her having snacks on the clock) and I laughed about it. DH hid from me because I was so nasty, and that certainly didn''t help our marriage. I finally told the doctor I wanted off of it. Within a month, I was back to my normal self (thank God!)

I had the surgery first, then immediately began on the shots. I had to pick up the RX at the pharmacy and then have my doctor give it to me. (once a month) I had a lot of pain at the injection site (my hip) which was unusual for me. I normally deal fine with shots. I became evil after about 3 weeks. We were told to use condoms because if we conceived, there was a really high chance of birth defects. But, I was so nasty, and everything DH did seemed to make me want to physically hurt him, there was no need for sex.

The treatment (surgery and shot I''m assuming) really helped, though. I had endometriosis and cysts in and on everything in there. My right ovary was trapped between my uterus and intestines with all that tissue. My intestines were getting strangled, too. I had miserable cramps most days out of the month, and sex was like being killed. So, as nasty as I got, I would do it again.

Good Luck!


Dec 1, 2007
I myself went through it for 6 months and I did not think it was that bad. I also had endometriosis and I went throught lupron to help me to get pregnant as I had been trying for a while and was not getting pregnant. I got pregnant with my son about a year after I went off it as we had some family things come up and it would have not been a good time to be pregnant.
It''s basicly sending your body into menopause. You have hot flashes, night sweats and moodiness.
My husband said I about froze him out of the house during that summer, but I think he was just agggrivating me. Now when I was pregnant you could practicly see your breath
but in my defense I gained 50 pounds.
My sister was on it also and she hated it. For her she said it practicly made her crazy.
How are your hormones now? Do you have a lot of moodiness?
I guess it just goes to show you everyone is different and you will not really know how it affects you until you do it.
I have since had a hysterectomy. ( I know I''m young, but no complaints now as I don''t have to worry about all that

Whatever you decide to do I wish you luck and hugs.


Oct 17, 2007
Something shiny and going crazy; Thank you for your replies. I''m slightly nervous about going on this medication and what it will do to my body. You said you were evil and had mood this common? And Going Crazy, I''m not very moody now at all, just in a lot of pain.

Also, this may sound a little bratty, but will it make me gain weight? My wedding dress is ordered and if I gain any weight I won''t fit in it....


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 12/28/2007 9:02:56 AM
Author: ang3199
Something shiny and going crazy; Thank you for your replies. I''m slightly nervous about going on this medication and what it will do to my body. You said you were evil and had mood this common? And Going Crazy, I''m not very moody now at all, just in a lot of pain.

Also, this may sound a little bratty, but will it make me gain weight? My wedding dress is ordered and if I gain any weight I won''t fit in it....

Ang, I think unfortunately everyone has totally different reactions to it. One of my best friends is on it right now and has experienced hot flashes and a bit of fatigue, but really nothing else. Her doctor warned her that it could have many other mood altering side effects, but they just haven''t happened to her. So unfortunately, I think everyone reacts differently. She hasn''t gained any weight either because of here''s to hoping you won''t either!


Jul 22, 2007
I don''t know about the weight gain. I didn''t gain any myself.

I don''t usually have PMS and I''m not generally a moody person, maybe that''s why everyone noticed such a difference in my attitude. I talked to my doctor about my evilness and it didn''t seem to be an uncommon reaction. It''s like all the sudden you''re a man. You have so little estrogen which is what makes us kind and nurturing. So, it''s like having those strong man reactions and getting irritated quickly. Estrogen is what feeds the endometriosis, so we (those with endometriosis) may have higher levels of that hormone to begin with. After the first month, the doc put me on Aygestin (to replenish some of the hormones they cut off, progesterone) and then a couple months after that, I got put on an estrogen patch. I had to replace it once a week. (It had to be below the belly button for it to absorb properly. I''m allergic to adhesive, so I had a red "belt" around me from where I had traveling patches.) It is like being in menopause (the doc told me that on Lupron, you actually have less estrogen than a menopausal woman.) I had awful hot flashes, night sweats, all that stuff. I started wearing a tank top under my work clothes so I could strip down and sit in a snow bank at work. I kept the house at 58 degrees that winter.

I imagine it affects everyone differently, hopefully yours will be more bearable.

Also, young girls are sometimes put on Lupron if they are developing too quickly. (it decreases the estrogen so they don''t end up starting their periods at 7) So, it''s been safe for many ages, too. The worst that can happen is you hate it and don''t want to continues with it. You can have the laprascopic surgery, or go on the pill as treatment, too.


Apr 19, 2004

I will be receiving this injection on the 21st of Jan a month before my endometrial ablation. My doc told me about possible weight gain and hot flashes--the biggest complaints he''s heard of. Everyone tolerates things differently, so I am hoping it isn''t too bad for the one injection I need it for. It is costly--about $300 bucks a pop. Glad we have full insurance coverage!!



Oct 17, 2007
Date: 12/28/2007 4:22:17 PM
Author: somethingshiny
I don''t know about the weight gain. I didn''t gain any myself.

I don''t usually have PMS and I''m not generally a moody person, maybe that''s why everyone noticed such a difference in my attitude. I talked to my doctor about my evilness and it didn''t seem to be an uncommon reaction. It''s like all the sudden you''re a man. You have so little estrogen which is what makes us kind and nurturing. So, it''s like having those strong man reactions and getting irritated quickly. Estrogen is what feeds the endometriosis, so we (those with endometriosis) may have higher levels of that hormone to begin with. After the first month, the doc put me on Aygestin (to replenish some of the hormones they cut off, progesterone) and then a couple months after that, I got put on an estrogen patch. I had to replace it once a week. (It had to be below the belly button for it to absorb properly. I''m allergic to adhesive, so I had a red ''belt'' around me from where I had traveling patches.) It is like being in menopause (the doc told me that on Lupron, you actually have less estrogen than a menopausal woman.) I had awful hot flashes, night sweats, all that stuff. I started wearing a tank top under my work clothes so I could strip down and sit in a snow bank at work. I kept the house at 58 degrees that winter.

I imagine it affects everyone differently, hopefully yours will be more bearable.

Also, young girls are sometimes put on Lupron if they are developing too quickly. (it decreases the estrogen so they don''t end up starting their periods at 7) So, it''s been safe for many ages, too. The worst that can happen is you hate it and don''t want to continues with it. You can have the laprascopic surgery, or go on the pill as treatment, too.

Thanks for the info. I had the laproscopic surgery on Wednesday and for some reason he didn''t want to remove it that way. He spoke with my mother as I was quite high on anesthetic. I wonder why he didn''t take it out when he was in there....


Oct 17, 2007
Date: 12/28/2007 6:03:38 PM
Author: canuk-gal

I will be receiving this injection on the 21st of Jan a month before my endometrial ablation. My doc told me about possible weight gain and hot flashes--the biggest complaints he''s heard of. Everyone tolerates things differently, so I am hoping it isn''t too bad for the one injection I need it for. It is costly--about $300 bucks a pop. Glad we have full insurance coverage!!


Good luck to you. Hopefully we can share success stories instead of horror ones!


Aug 24, 2006
You know I am SO glad that I came across this thread. In the last week after a recent US I was told that I have a cyst that is probably a result of endometriosis. I have read a lot about the condition lately and all the symptoms add up for me. My symptoms weren''t all that bad, but I never made a connection btw them and endometriosis....though now I am glad that I armed with more information. In any event, I have a consult with a specialist next week, to schedule a laparascopy which my doctor is suggesting. As yet my doctor has not recommended drugs, but I am happy to have read about the Lupron possibilities (should the laparascopy not work for me) and the side effects. Thanks to all for providing your experiences!

Ang: I hope you can fit into that wedding dress! Seriously though, I hope you don''t experience major side effects.


Dec 1, 2007
Ang, I went back and went over my post again and I am so sorry if I offended you by asking if lyou were moody now. It was a stupid question.
( i guess that''s what I get for posting on very little sleep.)
The reason I was asking though is your hormones are more than likeley messed up like mine were and anytime you go and change them it can go either way, good or bad. I guess that''s why some people have no side effeccts and some people have terrible ones.

Anyhow I just wanted to apologize.
I also wanted to add since I know you were worried about weight gain I didn''t gain any weight either.


Oct 17, 2007
Date: 12/29/2007 1:31:12 AM
Author: GoingCrazy
Ang, I went back and went over my post again and I am so sorry if I offended you by asking if lyou were moody now. It was a stupid question.

( i guess that''s what I get for posting on very little sleep.)

The reason I was asking though is your hormones are more than likeley messed up like mine were and anytime you go and change them it can go either way, good or bad. I guess that''s why some people have no side effeccts and some people have terrible ones.

Anyhow I just wanted to apologize.

I also wanted to add since I know you were worried about weight gain I didn''t gain any weight either.

No no no no no, I wasn''t offended in any way. Not at all. I don''t think I''m moody now, although FI might think differently

Thanks for the information, I guess I''ll just have to see when I go meet with my Dr. about starting the meds.

Thanks again!


Oct 17, 2007
Onedrop: I hope everything works out okay for you! Good luck to you!


Apr 19, 2004

Ang--how is it going? Did you have the Lupron?

I had it the 21st of Jan and am still having the effects--hot flashes, night sweats and migraine headaches. My doc says this is what menopause will be like....
. But these effects will be waning now the month is coming to an end (I think it lasts at least that long) and I hav had my endometrial ablation.



Oct 17, 2007
Hey Canuk: I got my first monthly shot on January 23rd. For about a week I felt like I was going to explode inside. I was crying for no reason and hyper sensitive to everything. FI asked me if I wanted chicken for dinner and I started bawling because I was thinking about a poor dead chicken! Good lord.

I was horrified at the side effects at first. I was snapping at FI and just being an all around bitch. But, about 3 weeks after I got the first shot, the strange feelings disappeared. Thank God.

I just got my second shot yesterday and I have not gotten super-emotional yet. ((Knock on wood)).

Honestly though, even in the month I have been on it I have noticed a TREMENDOUS difference in my pain. I''m not getting regular pain like I previously was, and other activities (ahem) are much more tolerable, pain-wise!

I haven''t gotten hot flashes or night sweats yet, but I have 5 more months to be on this med. So we''ll see. I might welcome the hot flashes because I''m the type of person who wears three pairs of socks and long johns under my dress clothes as I sit at my desk with a space heater on! Hahaa.

**I sincerely hope it goes smoothly for you!**


Apr 19, 2004

Ang, I am glad the Lupron is helping with your pain. That''s got to be a relief.

I must admit that I didn''t have any mood swings--but the migraines didn''t make me feel very "friendly" or "happy"; luckily I think they are on their way out as the effects of the medication is wearing off.....gosh I feel for folks who have them on a regular basis!

take care--Sharon
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