
Losing pets is so hard ... even the littlest ones

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May 20, 2008
I going to leave work in 20 minutes to take my gerbil to the vet so he can be (most likely) put down
I'm so upset about it. Everyone thinks gerbils are just silly little animals that run around their cages, but this one had a huge personality. He loved to run around on my couch and after 15 minutes he would snuggle up next to me and take a nap. I'm going to miss him a lot! After his brother I'm not getting any more gerbils ... it's way too hard to get attached and have them pass away after only 3 years or so.

I know some of you have lost dogs and cats lately which I will admit is much much harder than a gerbil, but I just had to share this with someone because I'm at work and can't really tell anybody.


I totally understand. I had a hamster that I made my parents rush to the emergency vet, where they proceeded to spend nearly 300 dollars to try to save a hamster that cost 6 dollars. He didn''t make it.

I was in high school, and I was out of school for DAYS because I was so upset.

Big or small, it still hurts. BAD. They all have little personalities that you get attached to.

I''m really sorry about your little gerbil, El. I know it hurts.
Thanks Elle! I actually took a gerbil to get very expensive surgery a little over a year ago and it was totally worth it. In her case, she was totally healthy except for a surface tumor, so it seemed like a good idea. This guy is old and very sick, and I''m not sure I have the strength to give him twice daily antibiotics only to have him die in another 2 weeks. I dunno ... we''ll see what the vet says, but I think it''s probably just time for him to go.
Elrohwhen, I am so sorry
A smaller pet definitely does not mean that it feels like less of a loss. I'm so glad you were able to appreciate him for what he was, which was a great pet with a lot of personality. I really feel for you.

I cried quite a bit after our hampster died. I didn't call my family because I knew they'd think I was crazy since I was an adult crying over a hampster, but it was sad for me. I knew he was getting old (nearly 4) and D and I were able to say our goodbyes about 2 days before he passed. I agree that it's tough when they have such a short lifespan.

Again, I'm really sorry

ETA: My mom said the same thing about our hampster when I took him to the vet for an eye condition (cheaper to just get another), which is why I didn't call the fam when he died.
I am so sorry El, they don''t live long enough and you miss them so much, even the tiniest of our furry companions...
Thanks so much NEL. It's nice to hear from other small pet owners who had a tough time too! People really do think we're silly, but when you have a connection with any animal, it's not silly at all to grieve for them. It's especially hard because until I got my bunny, gerbils were the only pets I had had for the past 6 years since my dog died.

ETA: It's so sad that your mom said that! I think if you're going to have a pet, no matter how small, you need to be willing to pay for vet care. The hardest thing about the little animals though is that they're often so hard to diagnose that you can't do much but give antibiotics and hope
If the vet really thinks he can get better, I'll absolutely try it, but I don't want to get my hopes up. One of my other gerbils became paralyze on her back end and the doctor was ready to give her all kinds of steroids and things to see if she could get her legs back, but it just wasn't worth it ... I couldn't put her through that. It's always such a tough decision.
Aw El, I''m so sorry about your gerbil.

I have never lost a pet but I remember being worried sick about my mice when they were sneezing.

If it is his time to go, just remember he has a great mommy that took great care of him and will be by his side until the end.

And then he can go play in gerbil heaven with an endless supply of cardboard to chew and his own running wheel and he can play with all the other PSers gerbils that are now in gerbil heaven as well!

Nothing can make this easy on you, but we are all here for you during this time.

At least your bunny is in good health, I was so scared when I read the title of the thread and I was like NOO! She just got him, he can''t be sick already!
I''m so sorry

I remember what it was like when my dog got very sick and needed to be put to sleep. It was so sad - I cried for days and still get sad thinking about it even though it''s been a few years already. Every pet is important - whether he/she is big or small. I''m really sorry about your cute little gerbil - it''s not silly at all for you to be sad, and we''re all here if you want to talk.
My daughter had 2 hamsters and each one died of old age.When their time was near each time I placed a warm water bottle under a towel to keep them warm and stayed up all night until they took their last breath. And I cried and cried and still do to this day whenever I think about it. I love all living creatures no matter how small.

It's evident that your little guy meant a lot to you and brought you much happiness! Sorry for your loss.
My little Ruby (Cavalier King Charles female) is 9 months old.
I hope I will never loose her.
Same for my African Grey, called Milou and 1 year old.
I''m so sorry to hear about your little guy. It''s so hard to lose any pet, no matter how big or small, once you''ve become attached to them. I hope you find some peace in your decision.
Aw, I''m sorry about your gerbil! Little pets leave the same size hole in our hearts when they''re gone as bigger pets. We used to have tree frogs, and they died..and we buried them in the backyard under our honeysuckle vine.
no matter how big or small the critter, the love is big. sorry for your loss.

(((Hugs))) hon.
I''m sorry to hear about your hamster. I had a pet mouse for years called Lily and I remember bringing her into work when she had to be put to sleep and I had to leave and walk down to the shops as I couldn''t stop crying. All pets make a big impact on our lives, no matter how small or big they are. Sending lots of hugs.
It is sad to lose a pet, even if tiny.

I spent hundreds of dollars on a dwarf hampster, after another hampster tried to eat him. He was named "Frankenhampster" and he got the last laugh, as he outlived his attacker... a full 3 years.

I guess I just wanted to offer some comfort in that fact. 3 years is a long time for gerbils and hampsters and other small pets. I am sure you gave him a wonderful home and a magnificent life. Snuggling up to you on the couch must have made his day! Just remember your friend, as even the smallest of our fur-children will be waiting at the rainbow bridge.
I want to thank you all from my heart for being so kind and for being there when I needed someone to share with. PS really is a wonderful place.

So the vet put Rory to sleep this afternoon
I got to hold him for a bit and say goodbye and he was so skinny. No idea what was wrong with him, but the vet thinks it was probably cancer.

Looking back I really wish I had more pictures of him because he turned out to be so so special. But in my defense, it''s impossible to take pictures of something that moves so fast
By far the friendlist gerbil I''ve owned with the sweetest personality. I''m really going to miss him.

lf rory small 1.jpg
Here he is sleeping in a pile with his brothers Sebastian (dark brown) and Oliver (light brown). Oliver died last year, but I still have Sebastian. He''s friendly, though he hates to be held, and I''m glad I still have him left to keep me company. He will definitely be my last gerbil ... they just don''t live long enough and I get so attached

lf gerbils sleeping.jpg
One more with his brothers.

lf gerbils.jpg
Aww I''m sorry to hear that Rory had to be put to sleep. He''s such a cutie. I adore their tails.
I''m so sorry he had to be put down. What a cute little guy!

I am extremely attached to my cats and I''m sure I would be just as attached to any pet, big or small.
I''m so sorry to hear this sad news
Pets are a huge part of our lives and it truly marks a sad day when they pass. I totally understand how you feel -- I just lost a goldfish, which is a bit different -- but losing a pet definitely leaves a void.

Big hugs!
Aww. loosing a loved pet is never easy. No matter how little. He sounds like he has had a very well cared for life and made you happy. Sounds like a life well lived. It is very difficult to go through the "getting attached" to "saying good-bye" cycle of it all. That''s why you focus on the "attached" part.
I''m so, so sorry about Rory, elrohwen. While they may be tiny, small pets leave a massive imprint on our memories and hearts. I''ll be thinking of you, Rory was such a little spunk xx
Awww...I''m so sorry el, HUGE HUGS, and all my deepest sympathies - it is always incredibly difficult to lose a furry (or feathered) friend, no matter their size

So sorry...
I''m sorry to hear he had to be put down, El.

He was such a cutie! I''m sure he had a very happy life with you, even if those little lives are too short.
I''m so sorry..

The pictures are adorable, he was so cute!
Elrohwen -

i''m so sorry
sometimes i think there''s nothing more cruel in life than loss. i''m sorry about rory. and i totally get it re missing him; you don''t miss someone less just because they''re short!

i''m sending you love and hugs and many warm thoughts.
Aww, it doesn''t matter how small he was. He was still a sweet little creature. I''m sorry you had to put him to sleep.
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