
Looking for feedback/suggestions...

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May 6, 2004
I'm going to be proposing on the 29th of this month. She won a "fancy date" from me in a card game a few weeks ago, so she's expecting to go to a nice restaurant and maybe do something beforehand.

I plan on starting with breakfast in bed, then I'm going to send her to a spa for a few hours in the morning. It'll help set the mood for the day and it'll give me a chance to get some things ready. After her massage, I'm picking her up and taking her to the Norton Simon Museum.

We are both artists, and on a trip through Europe last year we each drew pictures before visiting the major museums and hid them (we have our work in The Louvre!) Quite often, we'd sketch our pictures at the museum (in the garden or wherever). I'll suggest that we do it again at the Norton Simon. But I'm going to have a finished piece of art ready to swap out for my sketch when the time comes. Throughout the Europe trip, I always sketched something that had happened between us during the course of our travels. This time, I'll present her with "Chris Proposes Marriage at the Norton Simon."

After she says yes (I hope!), we'll stash the picutes in a secret place then get into a limo (champagne on board) and head down to the Ritz Carlton at Laguna Niguel.

I've made dinner reservations for that night at the Ritz (the only 5 star restaurant I could find that offers a vegetarian menu), as well as booking a room for the weekend. I've requested the rose petal turn-down service and chocolate covered strawberries for us. I've also rented a covertable to get aroud in while we're there. I'll find out what she plans on wearing to diner before she goes to the spa, so I can pack it (along with everything else she'll need) and take it to the limo before I pick her up for the museum.

On Sunday, we'll probably lounge around in the morning and either go windsurfing or take a trip to the San Diego Zoo in the afternoon. I'm open to other suggestions for Sunday if anyone knows the area, also, any advice on where to go to dinner Sunday night would be very helpful.

If anyone has suggestions or observations, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, and sorry this post is so long.
The Hotel Del Coronado is a pretty nice place for dinner....I live nearby and drive by it everyday! It's supposedly haunted and everyone from Marilyn Monroe to 12 US Presidents have stayed there...Definately get a reservation!

Take 5 South, then take the Coronado Bay Bridge exit, and turn left on Orange Ave and drive down about 2 miles! It's on the right, and you can't miss it! It's amazing..especially at night when it's all lit up!
Yeah my Aunt and Uncle stayed at the Hotel Del Cornado they really liked it. Quite fancy
What if you could have the museum display your art inside and when you look around she'll see it and "bam" down on one knee! That would be memorable...oh and maybe they could have a camera set up on the location of the art work so you can have it recorded!??
I thought about putting the artwork and ring on display in the museum but decided against it for a couple of reasons.

First, it's been done. Just about every website/book with proposal ideas mentions it. The way I plan on doing it is highly derivative, but a little less cliché.

Second, the Norton Simon is extremely picky about the art they will allow in their museum. They would never, never hang anything by the likes of me (not even for an hour). I could change the venue to someplace like the MOCA, but we went there three weeks ago and its really too soon for a return trip.

Lastly, and probably the most important, I don't want it to be one of those awkward proposals where it's so unexpected that she doesn't get it right away. I don't want to have to ask twice or explain it to her. When I propose in the garden, she'll be surprised, but she'll also be able to understand what's going on as it happens.

Thanks for the heads-up on the Prince of Wales at Hotel Del. It sounds great and we'll definitely try it out.
Just some further info...

The Hotel Del is where they filmed "Some like it Hot" w/Marilyn, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon. Marilyn is also supposed to haunt it, in one of the rooms, something with an 11 in it I think.

I love SD!!!

Only 8 more days!!! Yay!

P.S. the ring is so pretty...she's going to love it!
Zoinks! It occurred to me the other day that maybe my girlfriend doesn't want to go to a spa by herself and have strangers massage/scrub/apply weird concoctions to her body. I felt her out on the subject and I was right to worry. She's not into it. She said it'd be fun to go with her sister or a friend (I should have thought of that before), but it's too late to arrange that now.

So now I'm changing my plans just a bit. I rented a convertible Mustang to get around in while we're down there (and to drive back home in). Rental car companies don't usually like giving up their premium cars to one-way rentals, so I expect they'll try to switch the car to an escort or something when I get there. For that reason, I'm taking tomorrow off from work to go down and pick up the car a day early -- that way we don't have to deal with it on our weekend (rental car agencies aren't particularly romantic). My idea is to just pack a bag for us and bring it hotel at that time.

My biggest worry is that I'll forget something important. I've got her dress (I told her I took it to the dry cleaners so she won't miss it), and I know to pack her shoes, make-up, hair-bands, underwear, tooth bush, I don't know what jewelry to bring, and I can't take it all, so I'm going to maybe pick up some earrings & a necklace to go with her new ring. Underwear, pants, a skirt and a few shirts... Am I forgetting anything?

Thanks for the help.
Here is the picture I'm going to give her at the musuem...

Don't forget shoes and socks/stockings. And a hairbrush or comb.
she may need to wear a particular bra/underwear set with that dress (or tings may poke out or so on)... makeup? other toiletries? tampons?
Thanks for the help. Everything went perfect. Absolutely perfect. More than perfect. There were slight variations to what I laid out at the beginning of the thread, all of which actually made the weekend better. We had such a great time it was freaky.
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