
Look, stupid POS don't just drive whil using their "Smart" phones!

Can’t legislate common sense.

But we can outlaw "smart"phones.

They are killing us.
Those not killed are made more stupid.

Just ban them.
Unring that bell.
But we can outlaw "smart"phones.

They are killing us.
Those not killed are made more stupid.

Just ban them.
Unring that bell.

Cant blame inanimate objects. Just saying.

Ban cars, guns, knives, GPS, over optioned vehicles, mascara, shaving, bratty kids...I dunno

Kenny I am with you. I am going to share my unpopular opinion on this topic. I know many here will disagree with my thoughts on this but going to share it anyway because I am sick and tired of people getting injured and killed because of such uncaring and stupid behavior.

My dh tells me we can't make laws making it illegal to walk and text etc but I want to throw everyone in jail who does just that. Anyone who walks and texts (very dangerous IMO-walking and texting should be illegal) or drives and texts etc. Anything similar (i.e. using one's phone while doing something else that requires attention) that can endanger others. It is thoughtless and careless behavior and actions with the attitude damn everyone else but them.

See how quickly it stops becoming commonplace when you get thrown in jail for a weekend or a week every time you endanger others with your stupid behavior. I see people driving all the time while using their smartphones despite it being illegal. Why? Because rarely does anyone get in trouble when talking (and holding) or texting on their phones while driving.They need to pay the consequences when they do this and not just have an useless law on the books that never gets enforced.

I too am fed up with this crap. It angers me how entitled some people are who think it is their right to use their phone whenever they want. Damn everyone else. They are the center of the universe and no one else matters. Don't inconvenience them or take away their rights and in their heads it is their right to use their damn phone whenever and wherever they damn well please. Grrrrrrr.

textingwalking.gif a perfect world.......

FM a perfect world.......


I know right? It's just things can be improved drastically here and they need to be IMO. I know sometimes you cannot do much about crap but IMO under these circumstances more can be done. Just like (IMO) not allowing every Tom Dick and Harry to buy a gun but I digress. But yeah we need to do better and we need to make this world less imperfect IMO. And we gotta start somewhere right?
I saw something on our news this week that hinted they were going to try make WALKING while using your cell a citable offense. Apparently there has been a huge rise in pedestrians being distracted at intersections, and then getting hit by cars. It's something I don't understand, because I'm not that connected to my phone. Are people unable to just "be" without having to resort to looking at screens? I don't mind just standing and waiting quietly and peacefully inside my own head while in lines, etc. Or I read books. Is it a coping mechanism, or an addiction, this need to be looking at screens? A way of avoiding life, other people, silences.
I think we’ve replaced smoking cigarettes with smartphone use. It’s a crutch. I’m guilty of it.
I think we’ve replaced smoking cigarettes with smartphone use. It’s a crutch. I’m guilty of it.

Monnie, when are visiting hours at your jail?
I'll come and bring you some freshly baked bread ... with a hacksaw inside. :D:D
I think we’ve replaced smoking cigarettes with smartphone use. It’s a crutch. I’m guilty of it.

I think many of us are guilty of that Monnie but what I am talking about specifically is not paying attention and texting while doing something else that can be dangerous. My motto is do whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect me or my loved ones or others negatively in any way. So smoke away (in your house -no thank you to second hand smoke) and text till your fingers are bloody (lol not a good graphic sorry!) but don't do it when you can hurt others. That's what I am saying.
Monnie, when are visiting hours at your jail?
I'll come and bring you some freshly baked bread ... with a hacksaw inside. :D:D

Well, having never visited the jail, I’m not sure what visiting hours are. Can you get me a cake with a file instead? Much more stylish than plain old bread. :lol:
Well, having never visited the jail, I’m not sure what visiting hours are. Can you get me a cake with a file instead? Much more stylish than plain old bread. :lol:

Anything for you Monnie so if Kenny cannot get you one I specialty...will this do? (File inside) :whistle::cheeky:

Well, having never visited the jail, I’m not sure what visiting hours are. Can you get me a cake with a file instead? Much more stylish than plain old bread. :lol:

Will do. :mrgreen:
I was going to bake you this one but I didn't think it would get past the guards.


Kenny I know this isn't a hacksaw but perhaps this would do the trick?


LOL sorry I'm being silly and it's fun thinking about breaking Monnie out of jail.:devil::P2
Don't worry, we'll have self driving cars (and boats?) soon enough. Then we can pay 0 attention to whats going on in everything except the tiny box in our hands!

That video was unreal. I though it was unmanned or a huge drone!


Oh I agree. It enrages me when I see a driver texting away. Or if someone comes over and spends half the time (or more) checking their phone.
Just so hard to believe that a boater could be that stupid!

I liked the part where it said, "A lawsuit has been filed". 2 tumbs up there...that boater needs to pay for his stupidity! 3 people could be dead right now.
He should be happy to accept his guilty verdict and thank his lucky stars he didnt kill anybody!
What exactly do people get from their phones that make them this addicting?
What exactly do people get from their phones that make them this addicting?

Beats me Kenny. I'm only ever online while sitting in a chair at home. I may be online a lot, but I'm absolutely not endangering anyone, or even ignoring anyone. I really don't get it.
Kenny I am with you. I am going to share my unpopular opinion on this topic. I know many here will disagree with my thoughts on this but going to share it anyway because I am sick and tired of people getting injured and killed because of such uncaring and stupid behavior.

My dh tells me we can't make laws making it illegal to walk and text etc but I want to throw everyone in jail who does just that. Anyone who walks and texts (very dangerous IMO-walking and texting should be illegal) or drives and texts etc. Anything similar (i.e. using one's phone while doing something else that requires attention) that can endanger others. It is thoughtless and careless behavior and actions with the attitude damn everyone else but them.

See how quickly it stops becoming commonplace when you get thrown in jail for a weekend or a week every time you endanger others with your stupid behavior. I see people driving all the time while using their smartphones despite it being illegal. Why? Because rarely does anyone get in trouble when talking (and holding) or texting on their phones while driving.They need to pay the consequences when they do this and not just have an useless law on the books that never gets enforced.

I too am fed up with this crap. It angers me how entitled some people are who think it is their right to use their phone whenever they want. Damn everyone else. They are the center of the universe and no one else matters. Don't inconvenience them or take away their rights and in their heads it is their right to use their damn phone whenever and wherever they damn well please. Grrrrrrr.


Definitely not enough law enforcement or jail cells available for this... not nearly enough manpower to enforce the no texting while driving laws already on the books. Cops can’t be everywhere. There just aren’t enough resources. If you see someone driving erratically while texting - get the plate # & report them. Enough reports on the same driver can lead to license suspension.
Yeah I think the answer is mandating the installation of jamming electronics in every car.
If the engine is running the phones in the car don't work.

Wanna use your phone?
Pull over and turn the engine off.

We managed to survive many decades unable to use phones in cars.
Do you have fines if you are caught using a phone when driving or operating a vehicle in the US? We do in Australia.
Do you have fines if you are caught using a phone when driving or operating a vehicle in the US? We do in Australia.

Yes, but here in Los Angeles nearly EVERYONE does it, nearly ALWAYS.
The cops can't keep up, and I suspect they've just given up.
Yes, but here in Los Angeles nearly EVERYONE does it, nearly ALWAYS.
The cops can't keep up, and I suspect they've just given up.

Exactly and it happens here too. I see so many people using their phone while driving and it is illegal but I think it is a law rarely enforced.

Definitely not enough law enforcement or jail cells available for this... not nearly enough manpower to enforce the no texting while driving laws already on the books. Cops can’t be everywhere. There just aren’t enough resources. If you see someone driving erratically while texting - get the plate # & report them. Enough reports on the same driver can lead to license suspension.

Yes I know this Kbell but would love to see it made illegal to walk and text and go from there. And I would like to see the law enforced about not driving and texting. What is the point if no one pays the consequences when doing something that is dangerous and against the law? No wonder most people don't care about this because they know they can text and drive and not get in trouble. Of course if they had any common sense at all they wouldn't text and drive but as most of us know common sense isn't that common. :cry:

As for reporting those who are texting and driving how am I supposed to do that if I am driving
while I see it happening? Where I drive generally there are no easy places to pull over stop and report others driving dangerously. I will continue concentrating on driving defensively and safely and not endanger others or myself and continue to hope others will practice safe driving as well. I will add that yes I have reported unsafe driving when I am a passenger in the car and I see it happening. It isn't a unique occurrence unfortunately. And yes I agree if one can report unsafe driving one should. We can all be a part of the solution and should because as you point out the police cannot be everywhere all the time.

It just amazes me how selfish and stupidly others can and often do behave when in situations that are critical to behave safely and still they don't care or get it. It is just so important to check one's phone and respond to a message while driving that it just cannot wait till you are not driving. As HRH Francesca would say Harumppppph.



  • Over 2.5 million people in the U.S. are involved in road accidents each year. The population of the US is just 318.9 million. At this rate, the American people could be extinct in two human lifespans. This is an astounding number of traffic accidents.
  • Of these, 1.6 million have a cell phone involved in them. That’s 64% of all the road accidents in the United States. Over half the road accidents in the States have cell phones involved, and if this doesn’t make you realize just how potent it is, what will?
  • 37,000+ people die in automobile crashes in the U.S every year
  • Every year, about 421,000 people are injured in crashes that have involved a driver who was distracted in some way.
  • Each year, over 330,000 accidents caused by texting while driving lead to severe injuries. This means that over 78% of all distracted drivers are distracted because they have been texting while driving.
  • 1 out of 4 car accidents in the US are caused by texting while driving.
  • Texting and driving is 6 times more likely to get you in an accident than drunk driving. That’s right, it is actually safer for someone to get wasted and get behind the wheel than to text and do it.
  • It takes an average of three seconds after a driver’s mind is taken off the road for any road accident to occur. This is the bare minimum amount of time it takes, and it is surprisingly small. Three seconds is the time it takes to turn your ignition when starting your car.
  • Reading a text message while driving successfully distracts a driver for a minimum of five seconds each time. This means that the chances of an accident occurring while reading a text is extremely high indeed.
  • The average speed in the US is about 55mph. Taking five seconds to read a text in this time means that the driver travels the length of a football field without looking at the road, or being distracted. There are so many vehicles on the road now that this means there is a huge chance of something terrible happening in this distance.
  • When you text while driving, the time that you spend with your eyes off the road increases by about 400%. It is already dangerous enough to be distracted by NATURE while driving. So why make things 4 times as bad by texting?
  • The chances of a crash because of any reason is increased by 23 times when you are texting. Even if the crash is another driver’s fault, you will probably have been able to avoid it if you had been looking at the road instead of the phone.
  • When you compare this to the 2.8 times more risk that dialing a number on a phone imparts, you know that you are playing with fire.
  • Every day, 11 teenagers die because they were texting while driving.
  • 94% of teenagers understand the consequences of texting and driving, but 35% of them admitted that they do it anyway.
  • Of all the teenagers ever involved in fatal accidents every year, 21% were using a cell phone at the time of the accident.
  • Teen drivers have a 400% higher chance of being in a car crash when texting while driving than adults.
  • 25% of teens respond to at least one text while driving, every single time.
  • 10% of adults and 20% of teenagers have admitted that they have entire conversations over text message platforms while driving.
  • 82% of American teenagers own a cell phone, and use it regularly to call and text message.
  • 52% of these talk on the phone while driving, and 32% text on the road.
  • When polled, 77% of adults and 55% of teenage drivers say that they can easily manage texting while driving.
  • When teens text while they drive, they veer off lane 10% of their total drive time.
  • A study at the University of Utah found out that the reaction time for a teen using a cell phone is the same as that of a 70 year old who isn’t using one.
  • 48% of kids in their younger teenage years have been in a car while the driver was texting. Over 1600 children in the same age group are killed each year because of crashes involving texters.
If not for our safety think of all the children out there. If you have children please make sure they aren't texting and driving. Please talk with them and drive (couldn't resist) this concept home. No driving and texting. If everybody realized the seriousness of this people would stop doing it and it has to start with the parents. Teach your kids from an early age and keep reinforcing it over and over.

OK I am off my soapbox now.
