
Letter of permission?


Apr 23, 2008
I need to write a letter of permission for my parents while we are out of town so if something happens to Micah
and he needs medical attention, my parents are within their rights to make choices for him. (God forbid...ugh.)

I have no idea what to write. Has anybody else done this, and what should I put?

I am so traumatized by this trip already...the thought of leaving him for five days. This sucks! ;( ;( ;(
There are a wealth of templates and samples on the web for this kind of thing. If you googl "letter of permission" it will bring them up. Here is one of the many that I saw:
Since they suggest making the letter authorize for a specific event, but yours sounds more general, I would word it to authorize their judgment for all medical issues but specify the time frame and any DNR or heroic acts or vegetative state wishes you may have.
I've written these letters and basically for you just put that both grandparents (say in letter, grandmother MRS. MP & Grandfather Mr. MP, have all authority to make decisions re: medical care for a specific time period (add a few days in case something comes up!). Looking back now, I would have put a back-up individual in case the grandparents couldn't be reached. I also included insurance cards and indicated there were not any allergies. Also, if you have the info, vaccination records. You know, all that stuff drs. ask for.

Is Micah in preschool/daycare? Then a) inform the daycare that he will be dropped off/picked up by his grandparents and provide a letter for them and also include that the daycare is able to make medical decisions in case grandparents can't be reached. Plus copy of insurance cards if they request (ask if necessary). And again a back-up person.

***This is basically the typical info you will be providing Micah's elementary school. Usually, all they ask in addition, is choice of where you would want medical care to be (like which hospital - I always leave that blank! lol). Plus, they want DENTAL info.***

All I did was a basic letter. I didn't write anything about activities or whatever and nobody ever questioned. Most places, unlike when my children were very little, now ask parents/guardians to sign waivers so I guess you may need some sort of evidence the grandparents can take him to places that could present problems like a pool.

Include your cell #, you husband's #, and the number and place you'll be staying.

Don't worry...all will be fine!
I found this. Think it's ok? I am also leaving his insurance card with my mom.
I'm sure all will be well...I just hate thinking about the reasons for the precaution.

Name of Child : ____________________________________________________________
I the undersigned give permission for caring for the above named child to
Here is where I can be reached while away including phones and locations.
I hereby authorize the persons named above to sign for medical treatment of my child
between the following dates:
From: __________________ Until: ___________________

Parent Signature: ________________________ Date: ____________________
Witnessed By: ___________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Insurer: __________________________ Number: _______________________
Child's full name: _________________________________________________
Date of Birth: __________________ Date last Tetanus Shot: ______________________
Child is allergic to the following medications: _______________________________________ ( ) None
Child is taking the following medications: __________________________________________ ( ) None
Child is diabetic, has other chronic condition or major illness:
_____________________________________________________________________________ ( ) None
Name of primary care physician and phone number___________________________________________
Yes, looks good and just add in all the info re: where your'e staying. Like hotel info.