
Let''s talk about nails.

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Aug 10, 2009
Several (most?) of us LIWs are hoping for a proposal. Some of us know it won''t be for several months or even a couple years, some of us know it will be ''pretty soon'' but don''t know what that means, some of us know he has the diamond or even the entire ring, some of us know pretty much the day he will propose, some of us have absolutely no idea. Does being a LIW influence how you do your nails?

I''ve started keeping mine nice lately, just doing them myself but always keeping them polished, and actually keeping up with it instead of letting it chip and chip and chip like I did a few months ago. I think mostly for me it''s because I feel more put-together with my nails neat-looking, and I just love nail polish in loud colors. I know he doesn''t have the ring yet, so it''s not like I expect a proposal this weekend or anything.

So tell me about your nails, because I actually do wonder what all of you do with yours.

-What do you do with your nails - do them yourself, get professional manicures, chew them nonstop, only cut them whenever you realize they are turning into claws?
-If you polish them, what color/colors do you usually do?
-Do you touch them up as soon as you realize you probably should, or let them go a few more days? What if it''s really noticeable, like the polish is half-chipped off on most fingers?
-Have you starting paying more attention to your hands because you think there might be something sparkly on them soon?
-If you were 99% certain of the day he''s proposing and had plenty of time to prepare, what exactly would you do to your nails?

Feel free to add more. Just thought of you ladies while I was doing my own nails just now.
I actually got a manicure today, but only as a treat to myself for finishing a big project!

My fingers are now Essie''s St. Lucia Lilac.

I like to keep my nails polished, only because otherwise they split terribly. My favorite is Essie''s Starter Wife. Just the perfect neutral for me and very hard to mess up. Plus it is very unnoticeable when it chips. I also use Sally Hansen Hard as Wraps as my top coat.

If I knew for 99% certain a proposal was coming, I would probably go get a manicure. Best cheap pampering there is!
I''m not a LIW anymore, but I can tell you what I did do when I was one. I started taking better care of my nails when I knew the proposal was coming sometime in the near future. To answer your questions:

- I mostly do my nails myself. My nails aren''t difficult to shape, and I can do French manicures on my own, so I seldom get professional manicures. I shape, file, and buff my nails every time I polish them (every 5-7 days).
- When I was in the final waiting period, I was doing a LOT of French manicures and would touch them up almost every day.
- I was totally preparing my hands for the obligatory PS "hand shots" and for everyone looking at my hands once the sparkly was there.
- I wasn''t totally sure of the day he was proposing, so like I said, I was doing the self-French manicures for a while there. I got a little burned out on them--I rarely do them these days.

From that point forward, I''ve made an effort to keep my nails in decent shape--always polished and neat-looking. I''m not a nail-biter, so I didn''t have to contend with that, but I always feel like my nails have to look pretty to match my pretty e-ring and wedding band. I still do my nails every 5-7 days or so, and I wear mostly lighter, more neutral and work-appropriate colors on my hands (I''m a lawyer who''s in court all the time). I use all the fun colors on my toes or on vacation.
I keep my nails trimmed short, but no polish - I just can''t keep still to let it dry and I always put too much on.

I used to bite my nails as a child until I discovered it was because I don''t like the feeling of having nails longer than about 1mm.

I''d like to buff my nails, but I''m not sure where to get a nail buffer, or what kind to get. (any sugestions?)
LOL! I was just talking to my bf about this. I asked him to please send me to a nail salon before he proposes so I can have nice, fancy nails for the bling shots.

I usually keep my nails short and unpolished just because I''m too lazy to do the upkeep of long or painted nails. Sometimes I''ll get a manicure if I notice my cuticles getting too ragged and sometimes I go full out with acrylics that have the most ridiculous tips/glitter/bling/pictures/etc when the mood crosses. I hate removing them after though and the ones I get don''t tend to be too professional looking since I usually get the most colorful, glittery ones possible.

Ideally, I''d want a french manicure when he asks. Although, these Japanese acrylics look pretty neat (yet hard to do things with):
I''ve started paying more care and attention to my nails now I am a LIW for sure. Can''t be showing off that bling with manky,pleely nails!

BF bought me a DIY manicure set so I usually shape, file, buff, cuticle oil and hand lotion. If I''m making them look extra nice, I have a white nail pencil which I use to colour in the underside of my nails so it looks like a really natural french manicure (dosn''t last long but it''s pretty and foolproof). I used to use just a clear polish but buffing looks just as shiney and without the peeling. I''ve never painted them a coloured polish because it seems I''m just too impatiant and retarded to get the polish just on the nail instead of all over my fingers.

I''ve started DIY pedicures too, because my feet felt like they were missing out.
I started taking better care of my nails a few months ago when A noticed a didn''t chew on them when they''re painted all nice. Less chewing = less breaking. So I get a professional manicure between once and twice a month. I always use neutral colored polish, because once it chips, if I notice it, I will just chip and chip at it until it''s gone. So with neutrals, I don''t do that. (Not as much anyway.) Because of this, my nails are a lot stronger than they usually are during the winter, and I should be hand-shot ready whenever the proposal comes! (An added benefit...not the inital intent!)
Man I wish I had the self control to wear nail polish... I just can''t though. As soon as the first bit chips off I tend to pick the whole nail of polish off. I polish my toes constantly in the summer especially lately since my big toe has decided to grow really oddly and creates big ridges in my nail which the polish helps to cover. But I almost never polish my fingernails.

I used to bite my nails when I was little too but once I finally stopped I started taking pride in not biting them and now keep my nails pretty long so I think they look pretty nice naturally.

If I knew for sure when the day was, I''d make sure to stop picking at my cuticles the week before and I''d probably just put a coat of nice glossy polish on them. Nothing colored though.
Date: 1/20/2010 11:22:18 PM
Does being a LIW influence how you do your nails? Nope!

-What do you do with your nails - do them yourself, get professional manicures, chew them nonstop, only cut them whenever you realize they are turning into claws? I cut them pretty regularly, but they grow really quickly.... So some weeks I forget and end up with claws!

-If you polish them, what color/colors do you usually do? I don''t really use nail polish on my fingers because my job might frown on that. When I do use polish, I use clear or clear w/sparkles. I like to use either dark, sophisticated colors or bright, fun, and vibrant colors on my toes.

-Do you touch them up as soon as you realize you probably should, or let them go a few more days? What if it''s really noticeable, like the polish is half-chipped off on most fingers?Too lazy to touch up. When it gets noticeable, I just remove it all and repaint when I get a chance.

-Have you starting paying more attention to your hands because you think there might be something sparkly on them soon?No, but I know the "something sparkly" won''t be arriving for some time!

-If you were 99% certain of the day he''s proposing and had plenty of time to prepare, what exactly would you do to your nails? Nothing special. I might buff them and put on clear polish. But one thing I would DEFINITELY do is put on a good hand cream and cuticle treatment in the days leading up to the proposal!
I''ve never been one to take much care of my nails, but after this thread and recent posts (plus the fact that I''m likely to get a proposal within a month) it wouldn''t be a bad idea. I actually would like to take better care of my appearance in terms of facials, and nails (finger and toe) but I always seem to have other things to do. The times that I have gotten my nails done professionally, I always seem to chip my finger nails within a couple of days, so I don''t feel it''s really worth it. My toenails last longer and I''ll wear polish on them for as long as possible without retouching or redoing it. But I guess when y''all see handshots you can see if I actually end up doing anything different with my hands than I usually do.
This thread is perfect, since I just ordered 5 OPI colors!

-What do you do with your nails - do them yourself, get professional manicures, chew them nonstop, only cut them whenever you realize they are turning into claws? I do them myself once a week. Sometimes once every two weeks, depending on how busy I am and how my polish is holding up.

-If you polish them, what color/colors do you usually do? I do polish them. I usually wear traditional colors: French manicure, reds, pinks, and sandy colors. It also depends on my nail length. I think a French mani looks best on long nails, whereas solid colors look better on shorter nails. Shimmery and frosty finishes are my favorites! Right now, I''m wearing OPI''s Royal Flush Blush -- it''s a frosty light pink that''s so pretty and feminine!

-Do you touch them up as soon as you realize you probably should, or let them go a few more days? What if it''s really noticeable, like the polish is half-chipped off on most fingers? I''m a perfectionist, so unless a chip is hardly noticeable, I will either touch them up or remove them immediately. However, I''ve discovered OPI nail polish and it stays on for a week without chipping, which is perfect because I change my polish color weekly anyway. For any ladies with chipping problems, I definitely recommend OPI. I''ve used many polish brands and this is by far the longest-lasting.

-Have you starting paying more attention to your hands because you think there might be something sparkly on them soon? I actually started after my BF gave me a small sparkly diamond promise ring. I noticed that it looked so much better when my nails are done that I started to incorporate doing my nails into my routine.

-If you were 99% certain of the day he''s proposing and had plenty of time to prepare, what exactly would you do to your nails? Hmmm...probably a French manicure or some light shimmery pink color.
blingbunny10 - May I ask what profession you are in? I am curious since you said that your job may frown on nail polish.

I'm a grad student and TA, so I don't really wear dark colors out of fear of not looking professional when I teach. I have noticed that many of the other TA's don't wear polish at all and those who do tend to wear more traditional or neutral colors.

Your post reminds me of when I volunteered at the hospital in my hometown. During orientation, they gave us a booklet with appropriate and inappropriate attire and appearance and there was a whole section on nail colors. French manis, reds, pinks, neutrals, clears, and golds were allowed, but nothing else!
Date: 1/21/2010 12:08:25 AM
Author: sillyberry
My favorite is Essie''s Starter Wife. Just the perfect neutral for me and very hard to mess up. Plus it is very unnoticeable when it chips. I also use Sally Hansen Hard as Wraps as my top coat.
I can''t wait to be a ''starter wife'' lol!
I am SO happy crossmyfingers made another topic about nails!! I almost started one myself a few times!

Here are my answers to the questions.

-What do you do with your nails - do them yourself, get professional manicures, chew them nonstop, only cut them whenever you realize they are turning into claws?

I have bitten my nails my WHOLE life, up until about 4 months ago. Now I am trying so hard not to bite and to keep them nice.

-If you polish them, what color/colors do you usually do?

I have tried quite a few colors, but since they are somewhat short, I think the natural colors seem to look better.

-Do you touch them up as soon as you realize you probably should, or let them go a few more days? What if it''s really noticeable, like the polish is half-chipped off on most fingers?

I let them go a bit longer than I should, but I at least keep filing them. My nails peel

-Have you starting paying more attention to your hands because you think there might be something sparkly on them soon?

YES YES YESSS! Minus the soon part. The reason I have been caring about my nails is because I want to get engaged so bad. I hope my BF sees that as a subtle sign!

-If you were 99% certain of the day he''s proposing and had plenty of time to prepare, what exactly would you do to your nails?

I would get a pretty french manicure!
I keep my nails cut short. My nail beds are so long that even when I trim all the way down I hit nail when I use my fingertips - a royal pain when I was playing the violin seriously, very nice now that I''ve started to worry about how my hands look in pics

My resolutions for the wedding are to always keep them coated in something, and to stop bashing them in doors and cupboards.

FI proposed on a trip to wine country. I''d done my nails right before, since we''d be holding wine glasses the entire time... lucky chance, that!
Just wanted to pipe back in that you ladies inspired me to take care of my nails last night. I cut my nails short so they would all be the same length to grow out evenly, and even put some nail polish (a corrally pink) on my toes. I''ll have to try O.P.I. because if it can last a week without chipping, that''s fabulous!

And MermaidKelly, what do you mean that your nails pee?
Date: 1/22/2010 12:42:05 PM
Author: AustenNut
Just wanted to pipe back in that you ladies inspired me to take care of my nails last night. I cut my nails short so they would all be the same length to grow out evenly, and even put some nail polish (a corrally pink) on my toes. I''ll have to try O.P.I. because if it can last a week without chipping, that''s fabulous!

And MermaidKelly, what do you mean that your nails pee?

Maybe she meant "peel"?

I went and got a manicure today! No special reason since I''m not waiting on a proposal, but I love the occasional mani as a treat (and all my boys - BF, and the kittens - were getting on my nerves today; I needed some relaxing alone time!).

Last summer when I was working (and had money coming in) I got mani/pedis every two weeks (for about $20). I used to do pale neutrals for my nails since I was working at a law firm and fun bright colors on my toes since I wore heels all the time and they didn''t show. Though I realized it didn''t really matter towards the end of the summer and started wearing brighter colors on my nails too.

And mine can grow really quickly! Thankfully they''re pretty tough - they almost never break (knock on wood!)
-What do you do with your nails - do them yourself, get professional manicures, chew them nonstop, only cut them whenever you realize they are turning into claws? I do them myself, maybe once a week. I bit my nails something AWFUL my entire life, but I tried my hardest and managed to stop because whenever that day DOES come, I want to have nice nails!

-If you polish them, what color/colors do you usually do? Any and all!! I just wiped off a sparkly yellow and I''m replacing it with gray. Last was teal, before that baby pink, before that red.

-Do you touch them up as soon as you realize you probably should, or let them go a few more days? What if it''s really noticeable, like the polish is half-chipped off on most fingers? Half the time I just change the color because I''m sick of it and want something new. Otherwise, once it starts chipping, it goes.

-Have you starting paying more attention to your hands because you think there might be something sparkly on them soon? Essentially, yes. I have short, stubby fingers so I wanted the added appearance of length my nails give me so when I am wearing a ring, it doesn''t look gross!! I don''t really anticipate something until the end of the year, but I needed to stop biting my nails ASAP.

-If you were 99% certain of the day he''s proposing and had plenty of time to prepare, what exactly would you do to your nails? I''d do a French if I knew, definitely.
Date: 1/22/2010 11:01:42 PM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl
Date: 1/22/2010 12:42:05 PM

Author: AustenNut

And MermaidKelly, what do you mean that your nails pee?

Maybe she meant ''peel''?

Thanks, that would make a lot more sense!
I''m surprised at how many of you just use reds, pinks, neutrals, French manicures. In all the handshots I''ve seen all over Pricescope, I can''t think of any that were any colors other than those. And I know I''ve seen a ton of handshots on here. I definitely use those colors, but I also use pretty much every other color in the world. Odds are, my nails will be teal or gray or sparkly yellow, something crazy like that, when he proposes. Oh well, that''s what we''re both used to seeing on my hands. :) When my nails are a more ''normal'' color, I just think something looks wrong, hehe.

Since some of you recommended OPI, I''d like to say I just tried Zoya recently and I love it even *more* than OPI! It lasts so well and they have tons of colors.

HopeDream, you can get a nail buffer at beauty supply stores like Sally, or drugstores like CVS. They''re cheap, too!
Date: 1/24/2010 10:57:18 PM
Author: crossmyfingers
I''m surprised at how many of you just use reds, pinks, neutrals, French manicures. In all the handshots I''ve seen all over Pricescope, I can''t think of any that were any colors other than those.

You might want to check out some of Arcadian''s handshots. She uses a broader palate of colors for her nails, like black, blue, etc.
Date: 1/24/2010 11:06:31 PM
Author: AustenNut

You might want to check out some of Arcadian''s handshots. She uses a broader palate of colors for her nails, like black, blue, etc.

Thanks, I''ll keep my eye out, I''d like to know I won''t be the only one with handshots (someday) with different colors. I tried looking through her recent posts but no luck finding any handshots, other than some with pink polish.
Unfortunately, I inherited really soft weak nails that peal and tear if they get too long, so this is always a sore spot for me. I''d love to have nice nails. I keep them neat and trimmed with a clear polish that supposedly makes them stronger. Now that I''m engaged, I am paying a little more attention to them. I''m actually thinking of starting prenatal vitamins because I''ve heard that makes nails stronger. Not sure if this is true, but we are thinking of starting a family pretty soon after we get married, so it won''t hurt to make sure my body is getting the nutrients it needs.
I love that I am not the only one who had this thought! I am not getting engaged very soon, I just have horrible nails. I was painting my short, peely, stubby nails and after a few days of good polish realized that they stay stronger when painted and I want nice nails when i get that *sparkler*.

-What do you do with your nails - do them yourself, get professional manicures, chew them nonstop, only cut them whenever you realize they are turning into claws?
I do them myself. not good at it, but i figure i will get better with practice
-If you polish them, what color/colors do you usually do?
anything under the sun. Right now a steel grey, and i love it. I have dark purple on the toes.
-Do you touch them up as soon as you realize you probably should, or let them go a few more days? What if it''s really noticeable, like the polish is half-chipped off on most fingers?
I re do them, I am not very good at retouching. But i do wait a few days!
-Have you starting paying more attention to your hands because you think there might be something sparkly on them soon?
YES, but really just to help them get longer and keep them strong. not very soon :)
-If you were 99% certain of the day he''s proposing and had plenty of time to prepare, what exactly would you do to your nails?
I would get them professionally done. my cuticles are a mess.
Date: 1/24/2010 10:57:18 PM
Author: crossmyfingers
I''m surprised at how many of you just use reds, pinks, neutrals, French manicures. In all the handshots I''ve seen all over Pricescope, I can''t think of any that were any colors other than those. And I know I''ve seen a ton of handshots on here. I definitely use those colors, but I also use pretty much every other color in the world. Odds are, my nails will be teal or gray or sparkly yellow, something crazy like that, when he proposes. Oh well, that''s what we''re both used to seeing on my hands. :) When my nails are a more ''normal'' color, I just think something looks wrong, hehe.

Since some of you recommended OPI, I''d like to say I just tried Zoya recently and I love it even *more* than OPI! It lasts so well and they have tons of colors.

HopeDream, you can get a nail buffer at beauty supply stores like Sally, or drugstores like CVS. They''re cheap, too!

Cross...I would LOVE to sport fun colors on my nails...I love dark blues and purples...neons...whatever. But because I spend all day pecking at my keyboard, I tend to chip the tips of my nails rather easily and using neutrals prevents me from picking at the chiping nails since I don''t really notice it! So in the interest of having stronger nails, I put aside the bright polish in favor of neutrals.
I just bought a polish at cvs called ORLY ''Lift The Veil'' (yes I know I''m pathetic). I tried it last night and I love it! It looks like a french! It is a super sheer pinky color, and since I''ve stopped biting now I see white tips. This polish is sheer enough that it doesn''t cover the white tips!
What do you do with your nails - do them yourself, get professional manicures, chew them nonstop, only cut them whenever you realize they are turning into claws?

I am a terrible, terrible, terrible nail chewer. I am trying to get over it, but it''s super hard. So I try to keep them painted because I''m less likely to be tearing them apart if they''re a little pretty. Sometimes I get manicures for fun, but then they always kind of... berate my for the state of my nails. Which kind of kills the fun.

If you polish them, what color/colors do you usually do?

Right now, I have on Essie Alligator Purse, which is like a brick red. They''re usually red, blue, purple, green. Something dark/trendy/will make me happy when I look at it.

Do you touch them up as soon as you realize you probably should, or let them go a few more days? What if it''s really noticeable, like the polish is half-chipped off on most fingers?

I will allow them to chip to pieces. I will also chip the polish off myself if I notice chipping, which isn''t a super awesome idea.... but sometimes polish remover isn''t handy.

Have you starting paying more attention to your hands because you think there might be something sparkly on them soon?


If you were 99% certain of the day he''s proposing and had plenty of time to prepare, what exactly would you do to your nails?

Get fake nails with a french manicure. My nails are just too, too short and jacked up to show off anything pretty.
Date: 1/25/2010 10:46:58 AM
Author: monkeyprincess
Unfortunately, I inherited really soft weak nails that peal and tear if they get too long, so this is always a sore spot for me. I''d love to have nice nails. I keep them neat and trimmed with a clear polish that supposedly makes them stronger. Now that I''m engaged, I am paying a little more attention to them. I''m actually thinking of starting prenatal vitamins because I''ve heard that makes nails stronger. Not sure if this is true, but we are thinking of starting a family pretty soon after we get married, so it won''t hurt to make sure my body is getting the nutrients it needs.

They say all women of childbearing age should be taking prenatals anyway (I guess when they''re most helpful is when you don''t know you''re preggo) so I think it''s an awesome idea. I have terrible nails as well... maybe I should pick some up.
I can''t grow my nails long because I am cursed with weak nails that always break or split. I''ve only had one manicure in my entire life, when my sorority had a particularly vigilant Recruitment Chair made everyone get one for rush, hahaha. Other than that, I''ve never been bothered to get them done! If I''m going to do any hand grooming, I *might* paint them with a coat of sheerish pink-nude polish and wax the little hairs. I have to put my hands right up to my nose in order to see them, but I know they''ll probably look like great big trees in close up pics! I''ll most definitely be getting a mani for the wedding, however.
Your post made me realize I need to start maintaining beautiful hands and nails! And in response:

What do you do with your nails - do them yourself, get professional manicures, chew them nonstop, only cut them whenever you realize they are turning into claws?
I would love to get professional manicures, but most of the time I just do them myself to save the $$. At first I was horrible, but now I''m actually getting quite good at it. Nothing like a fresh manicure to make you feel beautiful.

If you polish them, what color/colors do you usually do?
I''m pretty much all over the place with glittery, nude/pink, bordeaux, red, hot pink, and pearl polishes. I just can''t do the french manicures

Do you touch them up as soon as you realize you probably should, or let them go a few more days? What if it''s really noticeable, like the polish is half-chipped off on most fingers?
If it''s really noticeable, I will just take everything off, do a touch up, or redo them in a new color depending on my laziness at the moment. Most of the time, I let the nudes, light pinks, and glittery ones go a few days though.

Have you starting paying more attention to your hands because you think there might be something sparkly on them soon?
Definitely, if only for wishful thinking!

If you were 99% certain of the day he''s proposing and had plenty of time to prepare, what exactly would you do to your nails
I would probably splurge and get the french mani or do a pretty nude color to make my fingers look longer.
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