
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....

Betty Baguettes

Oct 17, 2022
Why are all the non-cow shoes and purses butt-ugly and cheap looking?

I finally just ordered the least offensive/least noticeable non-leather purse after searching online for over two hours. I was not even concerned about prices. Cows are like the worst for the planet so I deserve cute purses and shoes for my efforts, right?

Stella McCartney sells some cute vegan handbags.



Feb 24, 2017
After being so careful, even quarantining for a month before we came away, Mr A tested positive for covid yesterday. I’ve had to move to another cabin while he’s quarantining, and I’m getting tested everyday for 6 days. We think he got it in Singapore, where we were masked everywhere inside and socially distancing outside.

Thankfully his lungs are clear, and his BP is fine. What a pain!


Aug 12, 2005
What I forgot about when living in a house all those years... We're in an apartment right now and today's been wild. Some guy was screaming his fool head off earlier like he was being beaten to death and we were trying to decide if we should call 9-1-1. Fortunately, then he started screaming just as loud but in a happy way and we realized he was probably just drunk and watching the ball game.

Now some other guy keeps yelling that someone is a "f***ing b****." I'm halfway hoping I'll hear a big thump over there so I'll have cause to call the police and have them check on whoever he is speaking to like that. Or maybe he's watching a ballgame too, come to think of it, because I do not hear any voice answering him.

I don't miss the big extended family holidays lol. I had forgotten how there always seems to be that one person who just has to ruin everything.

I went through an absolutely awful 6 months last year when I had to move into an apartment in a less desirable complex because the place I had been renting for a couple years was being sold. Had to sign a year lease and unbeknownst to me were two of the most vile human beings living in the apt directly downstairs. I work from home and they apparently didn’t work at all; they screamed and carried on at each other all day, every day, from about 10am to 10pm. They also had 2 very small children but I never, not once, heard those children make a peep! The stories I could tell about this couple would make your stomach turn, so I’ll refrain. I’m undiagnosed but pretty sure I have PTSD from my first marriage and it was hands down the worst 6 months of my life living above them. I hope your situation was just temporary and those people were just there for the holiday and you’re back to peace again!


Mar 3, 2018
This is very important and I need to get it out there.

Just heard this wonderful song for the millionth time and it has bugged me for the millionth time: When Jim Morrison sings "Five to one, baby" this is not synonymous with "one in five." Converting odds to a fraction, 5:1 is one in six. Has this man never gambled? Setting aside the context of no one here getting out alive, and the gravity of the wartime theme, this needs to be said.


Jan 14, 2003
Yeaterday I visited my parents and bought us a 10 piece chicken bucket from Jollybees, spaghetti and mango pies. My mom (who is always “watching” what she eats) opened the bucket and took the crispy delicious skin off of two thighs and ate them but left the actual chicken in the bucket. Then proceeds to exclaim that she only wants a bite to taste.
Then she opens one of the mango pies and cuts a piece off the end and eats it and closes it back up. Then she says that it taste terrible, how can I eat it.
This is definitely some of my pet peeves. People who take the skin off the chicken and leave the actually chicken piece. Just take the whole piece.
And people who say something is disgusting or looks awful right before you are going to eat it.
Please- No commenting on my food, it’s just rude.


Sep 1, 2009
If you are standing in line in a public place, do NOT scratch your a*s!!!! Seriously!?! This guy keeps reaching back and scratching right in front of me like no one can see :eek-2:


Sep 10, 2003
In another stunning blow to the wretched awareness of aging, I read an article about super agers and discovered that I will not be among them.


Jun 26, 2007
And this is why we need the "Oxford comma." :lol-2: Spaghetti-and-mango pies, you say?

What's that (apocryphal) book dedication? "I'd like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand and G_d."

I love my Oxford comma! I went to a small school in a small town, but they taught us right!


Feb 23, 2013
Well. All vaxxed up. DH is super-vaxxed (in a high-risk group), and DH manages to contract COVID. I fend it off for a few days, then KAPOW!, it hit me overnight on Saturday. Slept Sunday, and Monday, only getting to fend of thirst/take fluids. More sleeping, on/off fever, blah-blah-blah.

Today we both feel like we're "over the hump", so we've stopped wearing masks and avoiding each other (as in staying more than 10 feet apart, and going into common areas as little as possible). Today's the first day I've been interested in food/eating.

I am quite certain that this is the same virus I had in late December of 2019. Same symptoms, same sequence, just milder this time.

As each hour passes, I feel stronger. Amazing!


Jan 4, 2010
Had a re-do of a root canal on a front lower tooth I look like I was punched in the chin, swollen and discolored. :eek2:

Good thing I can hide it behind a mask when I go out tomorrow.


Jul 7, 2013
People who moaned about a free service/activity not being done right or addressed their needs and wants, and when asked about rolling up their sleeves to help out at future events, they are nowhere to be seen or would come up with all sorts of excuses like how busy their lives are etc.... :angryfire:

Guess what? Volunteers have lives too, and they are volunteering their time and efforts for free!

DK :roll2:


Sep 1, 2009
My duck & chicken coop drama continues. It shouldn't be so flipping difficult to get someone to do a PAID job. One contractor no-showed. Another quoted nearly new car price to build a chicken coop & run. Local "handy woman" who built her own horse barn was promising except it was not her who showed up it was her limited experience husband. Plus a car full of dogs and sometimes the wife. Half of the work was awesome and half was a mess. They only showed up for an hour or two a day after a couple of promising days. Then just quit coming. So the people I had do the run part moved on to the coop. They are least show up. Sometimes an hour. Sometimes four hours. Good work. But.... They didn't come until 5:30pm today! It is dark by 4:30!!! So instead of getting the thing done in a few days during daylight hours and 40 degree temperatures, it is many more days of work lights and 29 degrees :wall: I don't dare say anything because at least they show up and do good work!
(No, no conflict of schedule. Neither works. One has kids to get to school. Dropping kids off then coming here would be trivial and have them done by end of school easily. But they both sleep until noon or later. Best days are 1pm starts except then they stop for lunch at 2....)
On the upside, ducks should be ready to move out in a day or two as soon as weather allows.


Sep 1, 2009
:wall: :eek-2: :wall::x2

The current people are out and I just went through the finishing stuff with them. So close! Anyway, also got a look at the materials left to make the chicken house. I had purchased enough to make TWO 8'x8' houses. One for ducks. One for chickens. The previous guy used short pieces instead of long. Then cut the long pieces short. Had to use chunks as doublers because he used two 6' pieces instead of a 12'. Then cut all of the plywood. So instead of it taking 6 sheets of plywood for the one building, he used 11 of the 12 sheets! Seriously! There is one uncut sheet plus a stack of about 6 that are 1/2 or 1/3 of the sheets. I had been out enough to know it was bad, but hadn't realized how bad. So now I have to buy everything for the 2nd one over almost from scratch. :x2


Sep 17, 2008
So I had to replace my HVAC Not exactly what I wanted to do (happy birthday to me apparently!) but considering I'm in FL, and things don't last long anymore I don't know , maybe I should not have been surprised. In fact, lots of things are breaking. the dryer broke (its fixed now, was a capacitor) the oven broke (I haven't fixed it because I don't use And I'm still waiting on final inspection of my solar system. (failed 4 inspections because of stupid shit....y'all.....)

I will be happy when all of these things are off my neck.

Next, going through certifications for work. They're painful. my certification test is 20 hours long. :shock:


Sep 1, 2009
So I had to replace my HVAC Not exactly what I wanted to do (happy birthday to me apparently!) but considering I'm in FL, and things don't last long anymore I don't know , maybe I should not have been surprised. In fact, lots of things are breaking. the dryer broke (its fixed now, was a capacitor) the oven broke (I haven't fixed it because I don't use And I'm still waiting on final inspection of my solar system. (failed 4 inspections because of stupid shit....y'all.....)

I will be happy when all of these things are off my neck.

Next, going through certifications for work. They're painful. my certification test is 20 hours long. :shock:

You need some serious relaxing when you make it through all that!


Sep 1, 2009
Animals are kicking my butt this week. Duck house is done. Just need to do a careful magnet sweep to make sure nothing harmful for them left behind and install the cameras. Poor little cross beaked rooster started having issues. Emergency avian vet with him last Monday evening (all night). He's been hanging out in the bathtub (the one ducks had been using) getting four meds per day plus special diet. Ducks didn't like no bath for two days so now have an oil gland issue we are dealing with. (Looks like that may clear on its own with daily baths and lots of preening.) Then one of the dogs threw up on the carpet in the living room on Thursday and then on their rug last night. Wasn't sure which one. Well, now one of the dogs isn't eating. Crud. Left message at my vet since they are closed until Monday. My secondary vet is closed until Tuesday. Emergency vets are struggling with a number no longer open every day and the rest with massive long waits if they even agree to see you. So going to try plain rice and chicken and hope that helps until I can get hold of the vet Monday morning.

Oh..... And you have to laugh or cry some days...
Called to leave message at vets office as I was sitting here with a bathtub full of preening ducks and an irritated rooster tucked in my pants :eek-2: :lol:


Sep 10, 2003
Called to leave message at vets office as I was sitting here with a bathtub full of preening ducks and an irritated rooster tucked in my pants

LOL, it's going to take me some time to recover from that visual. Hope all turns out ok with the non human family.


Sep 1, 2009
Super frustrated at most of the veterinary world right now. Regular vet did x-rays and blood work. X-rays sent for specialist reading with massive rush. $1,300+ for that stuff. Referred us to an emergency vet for ultrasound ($1,000) and possible surgery ($7,000-9,000) but they were unable to help until morning. I found one a bit closer to home at less $$$ and supposed to be good able to see him (one of our dogs) right away. Asked our vet to send all of the records and x-rays to me so I could pass on to the emergency vet if I found one before the place they set up. I got everything except the actual x-rays. Even the place they set us up with didn't get the actual x-rays. So I had to have the x-rays done all over again! WTF did we get for $1,300+ !?!?!? The new x-rays don't show anything at all concerning!

So now I wait for the danged ultrasound after declining another $800 worth of x-rays and specialist reading. Seemed reasonable in my lack of sleep. One set showed MAYBE fabric and couldn't tell if in intestines or colon. One showed nothing at all. What good would a third set do!?!? Just go straight to the ultrasound and skip doing just more inconclusive x-rays!

In the meantime, we are at about $4,500 just from yesterday and last night. Plus a possibility still of surgery. I am frustrated and worried. Grateful to have the option, but stressed over taking it out of savings and angry that they can so uncaringly hit such a huge expense and then cause even more expense by having to have it all done over again.


Jun 17, 2009
He is being prepped for surgery now. I hate this! Don't know what he got into, but it is stuck. Board certified surgeon and all that. Hoping it all goes smoothly!

Oh my gosh @TooPatient, I'm sorry about this and sending lots of good thoughts for an uneventful surgery. Your furbaby is in good hands. Let us know how it goes. <3


Dec 17, 2008
He is being prepped for surgery now. I hate this! Don't know what he got into, but it is stuck. Board certified surgeon and all that. Hoping it all goes smoothly!

Hoping all goes well during surgery and they get whatever is stuck out. Hang in there @TooPatient ...I hate vet bills but what you
gonna do??? It sucks for both you and your dog. Keep us posted.


May 15, 2014
Best of luck to your pup. Please keep us posted.


Sep 1, 2009
Hoping all goes well during surgery and they get whatever is stuck out. Hang in there @TooPatient ...I hate vet bills but what you
gonna do??? It sucks for both you and your dog. Keep us posted.

What really hit me last night (2 this morning) was when the vet said she wouldn't be able to afford that kind of deposit and offered to let me hang out while taking a bit of time to scrape together the funds. This is crazy! Most people (at least around here) can't come up with $10k+ in a 24 hour period. I can't imagine! Well, I can because most of my life I couldn't have done that either. The whole thing stinks and there is no way to know what one place will charge compared to another. You are at their mercy unless you want to start over again with a different location and hope for the best. I know there are a lot of variables on something like a surgery. Maybe a list of standard tests and their prices? Some hint as to what you might be looking at as the price might be double from one location to the next.


Feb 2, 2016

It is the holiday season and SIL has gone basically no contact with us this year. Actually the last time DH spoke to her she denied saying certain things (last year at Christmas during a huge argument) and then completely flipped out when she found out the Ring camera recorded her saying exactly what she denied.

Anyways yesterday older son comes up to me and asks what SIL should get younger son for Christmas. I said he really enjoys Lego but she should talk to DH because I have no idea what he has already. Decided to see what she texted him and after he told her to ask DH, she said she wanted to buy younger son a coat and asked what size to get him. Even though older son said he doesn’t need a coat (I saved all the coats older son used so we are more than good) she is determined to get him this coat. Why ask what he wants if you are just going to get him what you want?

My issue isn’t the coat so much as putting older son in the middle, she even said “you have to put up with my Christmas questions since you are old enough now”. I asked DH to contact her, we need to nip this in the bud, she is a grown woman and should know that this is just not appropriate.

I really can’t stand her, if I never had to deal with her again it would be a blessing.


Nov 2, 2012

It is the holiday season and SIL has gone basically no contact with us this year. Actually the last time DH spoke to her she denied saying certain things (last year at Christmas during a huge argument) and then completely flipped out when she found out the Ring camera recorded her saying exactly what she denied.

Anyways yesterday older son comes up to me and asks what SIL should get younger son for Christmas. I said he really enjoys Lego but she should talk to DH because I have no idea what he has already. Decided to see what she texted him and after he told her to ask DH, she said she wanted to buy younger son a coat and asked what size to get him. Even though older son said he doesn’t need a coat (I saved all the coats older son used so we are more than good) she is determined to get him this coat. Why ask what he wants if you are just going to get him what you want?

My issue isn’t the coat so much as putting older son in the middle, she even said “you have to put up with my Christmas questions since you are old enough now”. I asked DH to contact her, we need to nip this in the bud, she is a grown woman and should know that this is just not appropriate.

I really can’t stand her, if I never had to deal with her again it would be a blessing.

Ugh, I feel for you. I feel like my little nuclear family is always at the center and no one outside of it is allowed to insert themselves into it and cause problems. But it took a while to get to that point. Anyone I'm cut off from couldn't have contact with my kid, including sending gifts. I felt like it was too much for a kid to have to deal with and they were a detriment to my family unit in the first place (hence, the cut off).

Anyway, no idea how or if that fits with your situation. But what caught my attention was that she may be using your kid to "innocently" provoke or annoy you, re the coat. Which sounds ridiculous but isn't that how problem people are.

I hope you have a lovely Christmas, free of toxic influences.


Feb 2, 2016
@seaurchin, I agree with everything you said about protecting the nuclear family. What I’m trying to avoid is being the scapegoat for her not having a relationship with her nephews, while at the same time not subjecting myself to anymore of her abuse. That isn’t being dramatic, she is abusive.

It’s just a crap situation, but it seems like it will be a lot less dramatic of a holiday than last year :cool2:

Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday as well!
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