
last night my boyfriend told me...


Jun 9, 2011
...that he knows where and how he's going to propose to me, he just needs the ring. Eeek!
I've known for a long time that we're going to get married. Not if, but when. But I didn't really peg him as the type to be planning it out so far in advance. We've only gone ring shopping once (and it's apparent I'll probably need something custom, given my tastes) so it's not like it's going to happen any day now or something...
We are going on a big camping trip in a few weeks, but I don't think that gives us time to pick out a ring. Last night we booked a trip to Hawaii for November, but I'm not sure he has anything planned for that either, since we just started talking about that vacation on Sunday, and booked it yesterday. This makes me wonder what he's got up his sleeve... He said he didn't want to tell me anything and ruin the surprise!
How exciting!! Do you have style in mind already?
yes, bezel set. not sure if i want a RB, ascher, or rose cut stone (yes, I realize they are all VERY different! I like how a RB is classic and timeless, but I like how the other two are a little more unique), simple band with NO side stones, possibly a cathedral up to the bezel, open on the side, set very low, simple but not too modern. platinum. about a 1 ct stone. some of these details I'm a little up in the air about still... big decision to pic something that youre going to wear every day forever!


opinions? Suggestions?
I really like the JA ring too, except for underneath the stone - too modern for my tastes I think.
I like the JbEG ring also, again except for right under the stone...
I have a feeling my boyfriend is not going to be super keen on getting something online. He told me he likes to take his time and research big purchases, but he's also not the most technological guy. I don't think he's been researching diamonds etc yet, but I could be wrong, I also didn't think he was dreaming up a proposal... I feel like finding just what I want in town might be tricky though - so far none of the places we've looked really have anything along the lines of what I like, though they can do custom. There is one place in town that sells Sholdt, so I'm going to try to look into that store and see if they have this ring: (go to "Vashion," then scroll to R523-1) Maybe too modern, but maybe not, I want to see it in person. I think Sholdt is pricey though (but I'm not sure)
Also, I have no idea what he's thinking up for the proposal. Like I said, I think our camping trip is too soon, and though getting proposed to on a deserted beach in Kauai at sunset would be phenomenal, I'm not sure that's what he's planning. There are a couple places around home that are significant to us, so those are possibilities. BUT, I thought of what would be the craziest proposal he could probably dream up...
He is an RN and I am an anesthesiology resident at the same hospital. Some night when I'm on call, if he could guarantee that I'm not in the OR but am the person free for codes and airways, he could call "anesthesia stat" to an empty room, and propose... That would be elaborate and crazy... No matter what he does, I'll say yes of course!
So exciting!! Can't wait to hear how things progress :)

What's a "rose cut stone"? I haven't heard of that.
google rose cut and look at the pictures. it has a flat pavillion and a faceted crown. it reflects light but does not refract it. it is one of the oldest cuts of diamond. you get more of a "crystal" look, and they look great in low light, but are not super "sparkly" in the sense you think of when you think of a RB, for example. Antiquey, but I want a more contemporary setting, for kind of a unique look. I'm not sure this is what we'll go with though, it might just be too complicated, and I don't want to do all the ring planning, I want to tell/show my BF several examples of what I like and let him pick out what he wants to get for me.
Speaking of my dear, sweet BF, he told me tonight that a proposal in Hawaii is not the "plan." Apparently there are rumors going around his work that we're going there to get married, but that is also not the case! I think he will actually propose at a state park nearby here where we went hiking for my birthday this year - it's where and when I started falling in love with him, and a very special place for the two of us.
we're going to look at rings again this Saturday, so I'm excited. I scouted out the store we're going to about a week ago, and there were actually some rings there I liked. Surprisingly, I liked one like this: but the diamond was bezel set. it's way busier than I thought I'd like, but it was gorgeous, and "busy" in a non-gaudy way (I thought)
Congratulations! So exciting :D Hopefully you will get your ring and proposal sooner than later :D