
Laser Hair Removal???

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Nov 24, 2006
I was reading a post on laser hair removal and I have been hearing A LOT about it lately.

I am curious if you did it and how the results turned out? How permament is it??? I would love more info on how permament the results are? thanks a millon; swim suit season is just around the corner.
I''ve had laser hair removal on my underarms, and LOVE the results.... my package was for 5 sessions and so far I''ve had 4, but the difference is significant. Before, I felt like there was always sort of a dark shadow even when I had just shaved... now the shadow is totally gone. The hair is not comletely wiped out so I do shave occasionally, but it is much easier... just a quick stroke. DEFINITELY worth the money for me... I hated wearing sleeveless shirts and dresses and now it''s not a problem at all!!

My friend is having it done on her legs... she said it is horrifically painful there, but still worth it. Another friend is doing her bikini line. It works best on somebody with pale skin and dark hair. If you have a trouble spot and find a good package (a lot of places will put up specials to compete with each other), go for it!
Gosh, I am really strongly thinking of doing it. Are there any questions I should ask? I read somewhere that there are several different types of equipment and strenghts of laser; I wonder if I need to ask something about that????

Thank you Ephemery
Date: 2/14/2007 7:25:40 AM
Author: ephemery1

My friend is having it done on her legs... she said it is horrifically painful there, but still worth it. Another friend is doing her bikini line. It works best on somebody with pale skin and dark hair. If you have a trouble spot and find a good package (a lot of places will put up specials to compete with each other), go for it!
How come?
Date: 2/14/2007 10:52:00 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/14/2007 7:25:40 AM
Author: ephemery1

My friend is having it done on her legs... she said it is horrifically painful there, but still worth it. Another friend is doing her bikini line. It works best on somebody with pale skin and dark hair. If you have a trouble spot and find a good package (a lot of places will put up specials to compete with each other), go for it!
How come?
As it was explained to me, it is easier for the laser to hone in on dark, coarse hair against a very light background. If you have light hair on light skin, or dark hair on dark skin, it makes it much harder for the laser to target each individual hair.

From a quick Google search:

"Almost anybody who has undesirable hair is a candidate for laser hair removal. However certain conditions may complicate treatment. Laser hair removal achieves the best results with light-skinned, dark-haired individuals. Lasers with longer wavelengths are generally useful for darker-skinned patients."
I had laser hair removal done on my bikini line several years ago. The results are amazing. I am Italian with fair skin and dark hair (I know - TMI
). I now have a few strays that I feel I need to get zapped again - but if you have the means to do it, I highly recommend going for it.

They say it works best on pale skin with dark hair because it deeper pigments that pick up the power of the laser. So, if you have dark hair, the strength of the laser is absorbed by the darker hair and destroys the follicle more readily, while sparing the skin around it. They''ve made advances in the lasers so they probably have different wavelenghts, etc., to deal with other combos.

They have some creams (emla, etc.) that can be put on the areas to be treated about 1 hour in advance. It really helps with the zapping sensation...

Do it!
I have an old thread about this. I have fair/medium skin and dark hair. I completed 6 sessions on my underarms and bikini area. Was there hair loss? Yes. Total? No. I still have to shave. (even though it is not a lot) It was very painful as well. I am not sure I would do it again. Also the results take over a year not months. So even if you did start now you will not be hair free by the summer. Plus you have to stay out of the sun for pretty much the length of the treatment. The nurse did tell me I must have stubborn hair folicles
Obviously everyone reacts differently.
My mother is having her thighs and bikini area done and my sister is having her legs (from ankle to knee) and her armpits done. They love the results so far and I''m having my first session for thigh and bikini area on March 5th... I''ll tell you more then!
Also I think the results vary based on where on the bikini area you get the treatment done. The farther down the more stubborn the hair (according to the nurse). If you are just getting the edges done the results are faster/better.
Date: 2/14/2007 10:59:05 AM
Author: ephemery1

As it was explained to me, it is easier for the laser to hone in on dark, coarse hair against a very light background. If you have light hair on light skin, or dark hair on dark skin, it makes it much harder for the laser to target each individual hair.

From a quick Google search:

''Almost anybody who has undesirable hair is a candidate for laser hair removal. However certain conditions may complicate treatment. Laser hair removal achieves the best results with light-skinned, dark-haired individuals. Lasers with longer wavelengths are generally useful for darker-skinned patients.''
Ahh, makes sense I guess. Thanks!
Please let me know how it works for you and your mom. I really want to get it done. Especially my arms and legs and underarms. I am kind of light skinned and dark hair so I think I will make an appointment. I hope it works!!!

Thanks for everyones thoughts!
Date: 2/13/2007 10:38:36 PM
I am curious if you did it and how the results turned out? How permament is it??? I would love more info on how permament the results are?

SkippyGirl, I see that you have already gotten quite a few responses to your own query, but I thought I would make this thread available to you, too!

Hey, Skippy. I am currently in the process of having it done on my legs. I have been 3 times, and I would say there is DEF. less hair. It takes a lot longer for it to grow back in now when I shave, and it is thinner. I have some practically white hairs that she says probably will never come off, but it is worth it to me to have the majority of it gone. The treatments take about 1.5 hours each for just my knees down, and I must say that it hurts a good bit (it feels almost as if someone is ripping the hairs out...although what is actually happening is quite the opposite). Where I go, they coat my legs in this super cold gel stuff and then zap away. A little beep happens each time the panel (which is pretty small) recharges, so you know when the shock is coming. My lady always asks me if I want to take a break, but I would MUCH rather get it over with (despite the sharp pain). You cannot get in the sun because any extra pigment in your skin will complicate the procedure. My laser hair removal person always fusses at the girls who come in for treatments with their tanning bed tans.
Fancy, I totally agree about the pain. I have a small tattoo on my spine which hurt A LOT less than this. Ironically the underarms were much more painful than the bikini area. I dreaded every appointment. The sad thing is I need at least one more (after 5 plus an extra b/c I fussed about it) and I am so tempted not to make that appointment. I used to think I could handle pain well....
I thought I'd add my $.02 worth. I am at session 6 of 8, and am having my bikini, mustache/chin and bikini done.

The laser on my chin/lip hurts only a little (the least of all 3 areas), but the results are amazing. I wish I would have done it years ago to avoid the embarassment of knowing I was nearly growing a beard (and the hours spent plucking).

For my underarms, it hurt a little more, but again, the results are amazing. Now I only have to shave once a month to get rid of peachfuzz kinds of hairs.

And finally for my bikini, the first 4 sessions were a completely tolerable pain. But the last 2 have been extremely painful as they up the potency of the laser to get the more stubborn hairs. Also, some bikini spots are really painful, and some are just normal painful. I have started to use the numbing creme beforehand, but it doesn't seem to work as well as I'd like. I also had a tattoo...and at this stage with the strong laser to get the worst hairs, its more painful than the tattoo.

Even with that pain, having this procedure done has been TOTALLY worth it for me. I used to be so stressed/embarassed about the hair...and it was so time consuming to maintain myself to be relatively hair free. Laser $ was definitely the best money I spent last year.
Thank you for letting me know. I wonder what results are long term. I would like to do it fro my arms. I have a few dark hairs under my chin that I bleach, but I would love to do it if it works. Has anyone done it more than a year ago and can you tell me the results? I know Tacori said thinner hairs. Just curious if it is worth it. Thanks PS friends!
Go for it! It's awesome. For me, not totally permanent, but very very close. Close enough! I found that it maybe hurt but if anyone has ever had electrolysis...OMG...this is NOTHING...!!!! There are diff types of lasers for diff skin types, but the bottom line is, if the hair is very light, it won't work. The laser attaches to the pigment in the hair...and it must be in the active growing cycle as well..It is BEYOND worth it.
I love my laser lady...she says she sometimes just locks herself in the room and just goes to town on herself LOL...Oh, that didn't sound right LOL...
Skippy, the hairs are lighter too.
I did it once at a spa in Manhattan- what bothered me was- it looked like I blead a little bit, like I saw a few red dots sparatically. BUT my concern they clean or change the end piece of the laser before each use? because it does touch your skin. Its like getting waxed- make sure you go somewhere that uses a new stick EVERY single time they dip in the wax!
Date: 2/28/2007 12:07:22 PM
Author: golden
I did it once at a spa in Manhattan- what bothered me was- it looked like I blead a little bit, like I saw a few red dots sparatically. BUT my concern they clean or change the end piece of the laser before each use? because it does touch your skin. Its like getting waxed- make sure you go somewhere that uses a new stick EVERY single time they dip in the wax!

I got mine done at a med spa and they are very professional. It is like a doctors office. Sounds like you went to a bad place. I never noticed any bleeding either.
Mine is done at a med spa that only does laser and has been around for the longest in town, and maybe once or twice after treatment I''ve gotten little red dots. I just assumed it was a normal reaction to getting zapped since it takes a few hours for the redness to go away, and for me those areas are usually a little tender.
Great topic! I''ve totally been thinking about doing this too, but gotta finish paying off the CR Cards first... but, one day soon, I''ll be able to! I''ve got light skin and dark hair, so I think it''ll work really well for me. How about the cost tho? What have people paid to have it done? How many sessions? What body part? I''d imagine legs are more expensive because there''s more surface area. But, then, bikini area anything tends to be more expensive as well...
i had this done about 6 or 7 years ago. it was a long time ago so i don''t remember the cost. i had my upper lip and underarms done. it didn''t seem to work on my upper lip at all (despite 5 treatments), so i was a little disappointed there. maybe my hair isn''t dark enough there? i am incredibly pleased with my underarm results though. i had dark, coarse hair (tmi, i know) that i had to shave daily. 6 or 7 years later i have a couple dozen (if that) stray hairs on each side that i shave once a week or so. they''re a lot lighter too. one of these days i''ll find a place to go for a few more sessions to get rid of those too. i''ve thought about doing my arms and legs as well, but just haven''t really gotten around to it.
Did my bikini line about 3 or 4 years ago at a cost of $129 per session (it''s way more expensive there now). It took 6 sessions. I did mine through a clinical type place who only use RNs, which are cheaper than MDs but more expensive than "technicians."

a stray hair grows once in a while, but I am still free of hair! First couple of sessions hurt for me, but by the time I got to my 4th, it was painless as there was less hair to zap.

I''d recommend it for the right was the best money I''ve spent in awhile.
I actually did get those little blood marks under my skin faded...but my lady had been doing this FOREVER and she''s awesome...I think sometimes it just happens...Nothing to worry about imo...
Date: 2/28/2007 2:28:38 PM
Author: Becky P
Great topic! I''ve totally been thinking about doing this too, but gotta finish paying off the CR Cards first... but, one day soon, I''ll be able to! I''ve got light skin and dark hair, so I think it''ll work really well for me. How about the cost tho? What have people paid to have it done? How many sessions? What body part? I''d imagine legs are more expensive because there''s more surface area. But, then, bikini area anything tends to be more expensive as well...

If you look at my other thread (AGBF posted the link) I talk about my sessions in detail
For my underarms, I paid about $700 for 5 treatments plus 1 follow-up if needed. Soooo.... about $58 per pit, per session?
That was about a year ago... and done at a "medspa" with nurses rather than technicians.

I figure if you divide that $700 by the number of summers I''ll wear sleeveless tops in peace for the rest of my life, it works out to be a pretty good bargain!!
I think I paid a total of $1200 for chin, upper lip, pits and bikini (and for a total of 8 sessions each area). And I got a deal...something like buy one area get the 2nd (or 3rd?) for free? Here in Atlanta, there are so many of these places competing for business...
Date: 3/1/2007 7:56:52 AM
Author: ephemery1
For my underarms, I paid about $700 for 5 treatments plus 1 follow-up if needed. Soooo.... about $58 per pit, per session?
That was about a year ago... and done at a ''medspa'' with nurses rather than technicians.

I figure if you divide that $700 by the number of summers I''ll wear sleeveless tops in peace for the rest of my life, it works out to be a pretty good bargain!!

Heeeheee, I am an accountant so I like your thinking.

Thanks everyone! When I do it I will come back and post what I think
Date: 2/28/2007 11:31:24 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
If you look at my other thread (AGBF posted the link) I talk about my sessions in detail
Yes, I did and you did. I have been convinced that laser hair removal is possible, but not that it is better than electrolysis. For my needs, I will continue with an electrolygist.

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