
Lancaster GTG

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Apr 22, 2004
Calling those in Amishland to see if we can arrange a local GTG. I know you are out there.
Is there absolutely no one from PS in Amish land?
LOL, I wish I lived closer
. It is only Monday morning...I''m sure some other peeps will come out of the woodwork eventually!
Date: 6/25/2007 8:08:44 AM
Author: Love in Bloom
LOL, I wish I lived closer
Me too, I''d love to meet you Chrono!
Date: 6/25/2007 8:15:51 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 6/25/2007 8:08:44 AM
Author: Love in Bloom
LOL, I wish I lived closer
Me too, I''d love to meet you Chrono!
Me three and my Ellen of course!
Date: 6/25/2007 8:18:01 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 6/25/2007 8:15:51 AM
Author: Ellen

Me too, I''d love to meet you Chrono!
Me three and my Ellen of course!
Aw, thanks you. It''s a given I''d love to meet my friend across the pond.

Do you ever see a trip to the states in your future?

sorry for the highjack Chrono
Date: 6/25/2007 8:27:47 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 6/25/2007 8:18:01 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 6/25/2007 8:15:51 AM
Author: Ellen

Me too, I''d love to meet you Chrono!
Me three and my Ellen of course!
Aw, thanks you. It''s a given I''d love to meet my friend across the pond.

Do you ever see a trip to the states in your future?

sorry for the highjack Chrono
You never know....I haven''t been over to the States in some years ( hard to leave all the furries) but I might be able to sometime!
Hi! I think the members closest to Lancaster are in the Philadelphia/ New Jersey area. Would a get together at the King of Prussia mall be feasible?
Date: 6/25/2007 9:17:05 AM
Author: Madam Bijoux
Hi! I think the members closest to Lancaster are in the Philadelphia/ New Jersey area. Would a get together at the King of Prussia mall be feasible?
*Hyerventilating* Oh please don''t tease me!!! I ADORE that mall, but I am far away
Chrono... there is at least one of us out here! I am in York.
KoP is a wee bit too far. Especially when I try to justify that to my hubby.

I need to drive 2 hours away to meet my jewellery friends at the KoP mall. Here, watch the boy and the baby for a few hours while I''m gone.

Somehow, I don''t think that will go over well. I''d love to meet so many of you - Lorelei and Ellen included. I''d love to see Madam B''s collection in person.
And Kaleigh''s stuff too (I think she''s in the Philly area?)

Ooh, Joolskie is in York! That''s certainly doable! Hint: Do you have a digital camera?
Coz everyone is getting on me for not posting my stuff because I don''t have any.

Chrono, I so understand the KoP thing. My husband knows that he will be doing some serious bonding with his children when my best friend and I head off for a "day" at KoP. We always end up coming home late in the evening.

It is much easier for me to justify a trip to, say, the outlets in Lancaster.

And yes, I do have a digital camera. A brand new digital camera as a matter of fact. And I feel it my duty as a PSer to assist with the posting of bling photos. What did you have in mind regarding a GTG? I am always looking for an excuse to head over to Lancaster. You guys have much more in the way of shopping and restaurants then we do here in York.

Also, I''ll throw this out there... the International Gem & Jewelry Show will be at the Timonium Fairgrounds in Maryland this weekend. The fairgrounds are located north of Baltimore off of 83... about 30 minutes from York or an hour from Lancaster. I''m thinking about heading down there on Sunday.
hee hee at a 2 hour drive being too far...!! we were just visiting greg's mom in Bethlehem, PA a few weeks ago (and his dad in Maryland before that!) and we drove 1-4 hours almost every day visiting various people hehehe. also us californian's are used to driving long distances as CA is 8 hours from one end to the other! too bad we just visited PA...i would have loved to come along. have fun!!
I''d love to go to the show in Timonium but I can''t. Hubby doesn''t quite understand my love of sparkly things (plus I need to stop shopping to save up for a trip over the pond
). Still, it doesn''t mean we can''t meet up, right? Ooh, I''ll finally get to meet a PSer in person after all these years. Whoowie!
I'm another Philly person (although originally from Hershey, so I know the Lancaster area well!)... I'd love to do a G2G, but my summer is packed full of weddings and related events, so it would probably be tough for me to coordinate a time with everyone.
KoP would be a lot of fun though!!

Oh, and Chrono, it usually only takes me about 45 mins to get from Lancaster to KoP, so that might sound better in your note to your husband
... unless you are a bit north of the city maybe? But I usually make it from Hershey to KoP in a little over an hour, and pass Lancaster on the way.... although maybe that is saying something about my driving!!
Date: 6/25/2007 12:25:46 PM
Author: Mara
hee hee at a 2 hour drive being too far...!! we were just visiting greg's mom in Bethlehem, PA a few weeks ago (and his dad in Maryland before that!) and we drove 1-4 hours almost every day visiting various people hehehe. also us californian's are used to driving long distances as CA is 8 hours from one end to the other! too bad we just visited PA...i would have loved to come along. have fun!!
Mara, I didn't know you were out this way.... if you were in Bethlehem, we really should have arranged a KoP get together!! We have gotten accustomed to driving longer distances too, since we live in center city and it always takes forever to get out into the 'burbs or to the beach or whatever. Plus with all these weddings this summer... we get super-excited if we manage to get through a weekend without actually having to be in the car half the time! Where else were you in PA, anywhere fun?
Date: 6/25/2007 8:50:35 PM
Author: ephemery1

Date: 6/25/2007 12:25:46 PM
Author: Mara
hee hee at a 2 hour drive being too far...!! we were just visiting greg's mom in Bethlehem, PA a few weeks ago (and his dad in Maryland before that!) and we drove 1-4 hours almost every day visiting various people hehehe. also us californian's are used to driving long distances as CA is 8 hours from one end to the other! too bad we just visited PA...i would have loved to come along. have fun!!
Mara, I didn't know you were out this way.... if you were in Bethlehem, we really should have arranged a KoP get together!! We have gotten accustomed to driving longer distances too, since we live in center city and it always takes forever to get out into the 'burbs or to the beach or whatever. Plus with all these weddings this summer... we get super-excited if we manage to get through a weekend without actually having to be in the car half the time! Where else were you in PA, anywhere fun?
hehe emphem..i didn't even think of a PA get together...we were out there for 10 days total visiting NC, MD and PA and we were driving all over the place visiting so many people....we had some down time too which was nice but it was definitely a busy period. i did get to meet sevens one for lunch on our way out of MD, which was a really fun time (and greg came home with a souvenir drinking mug which he is in love with, simple pleasure!!).

we also went to visit a pair of greg's friends in drexel hill, PA...which we just loved. we have loved their neighborhood and area for years, we visit them every time we are out there, and i had no idea things were so darn affordable out there! i don't know why but we thought that area and those houses were way more than what they actually cost. when the gal told us we were both like 'what?!'. the hubby works in Philly and takes the train in which is right up Greg's alley (he takes the train 4 days a week here) and now we are going 'hmm' and have wheels turning. i keep checking real estate out there near them actually and i have been checking job sites to see what kind of salaries we'd pull in. we are considering maybe leaving CA at some point in the next few years and we just never really thought of the PA area as somewhere we'd consider...til this last trip. plus this is one of greg's oldest friends from college and the two of them are like two peas in a pod, he would be so happy to live near them and their kids. and Greg's mom is an hour away in we'd be close to family and have some friends closeby. his dad is 3 hours away, he has a bunch of friends in NJ, and NYC so darn close? weekends in NYC? omg i would love it. anyway we are just kicking the idea around but it was definitely a fun trip for us with some prospective ideas...hehee.

the real downer for me would be the snow!!!! wah.
I live a few minutes away from Drexel Hill. Hope we can get together next time you visit.
Oooh Mara, I can't recommend the Philly area enough, if you guys are thinking of moving out this way at some point. Especially knowing what a foodie you are... Philly is definitely known for its restaurants!!
We are in love with the city, as are most of our friends... it's just one of those places you get attached to quickly. And like you said, NYC, DC, and various beaches are all within a few hours... there is definitely a huge convenience factor.

We are going to stay in our center city apartment for a couple more years (can't give it up quite yet) and then head out to the 'burbs... preferably somewhere on the Main Line because of the location and school districts. I love how beautiful that area is... the older towns have so much stateliness and character. But there are a lot of affordable places... West Chester can be nice (and surprisingly low taxes!) and a lot of our friends live in some of the developing areas around there and take the train into the city for work. Wage tax in Philly sucks, though, so that's something to consider... it's around 7% I think.

And I bet you'd get used to the snow... we really only get one or two big snows a year, and I always look forward to them! It's kind of fun to have the whole world stop for a day or two and watch everything be blanketed in white. The months of April-November are great though (I
autumn)... and think of the cute new wardrobe you could buy... haha! But we definitely can't compete with California weather, so I'm not even going to try.
DiamondFan has lived both places though, so if you were ever really considering it, she'd probably be the most neutral person to ask!

Anyway, glad you enjoyed your whirlwind East Coast trip!!
You''re on Chrono! We could meet up in Lancaster and talk bling. My jewelry obsession is a recent development. The bling monster was unleashed last year during a search for my 10th wedding anniversary gift. Friends who have known me for a long time usually get a little glassy eyed when I ramble on about how I want to recycle this into a new project or how I want to create the perfect stack for my right hand. LOL!

Mara... East Coast living is GREAT! I grew up just outside NYC, went to college in Baltimore, met my husband while in school and settled near his family in the Baltimore/DC area. I have never lived anywhere without winter or snow. And it is hard for me to imagine living without it! And I am totally with ephemery1... I love autumn. Jeans and sweater weather is great. And the one or two big snows we might get each winter make for cozy times. And there is nothing like coming inside after skiing or playing in the snow with the kids and warming up with some hot cocoa. Or Irish coffee.

Of course, lovely as winter might be... summer is the best. I am counting down the days until our beach vacation next month.

And, I should also point out that with four distinct seasons, it is necessary to have not only different wardrobes but also a variety of handbags. Because you simply cannot use your spring handbag with your winter outfits. Therefore, a trip to KoP must be made for a new winter handbag. This process continues with each change of season.
ha ha ladies, greg keeps mentioning 'entirely new winter wardrobe' as a perk of moving to a colder climate for me...hahhaa. i don't know though, winter clothes are just SO unflattering!!

i am born and bred CA so it would be very hard for me to leave but we are almost sure we will leave in the next few years, it is just a matter of where. cost of living here does not bring you the quality of life that we would want to continue with if we had kids...i don't want to have to continue to work and unfortunately here you just cannot have a high quality life on one income (even if your mate is as high level as a CEO, we hear this story all the time!)...where a 'needs some remodeling' 1700 sq ft house from 1950s on .05 acre is 950k. so anyway we are exploring (that is why we visited NC as well) but the PA area seems to have so many positives that we love here (aka metropolitan suburbs, very large city nearby, train for greg, lots of culture and diversity, good neighborhoods and schools for future children) and that lower cost of living. even the wage tax isn't enough to get us down (though i could see over time you'd be like okay why do i have to pay this?)...! our friends' kids walk home from school, we were so amazed when we heard that lol.

anyhow, we shall see..but it's good to hear you guys really love it!! i may be starting a thread in the future to get more comments from people as we start to consider things more seriously. we are also kicking around the idea of possibly renting our place for 6 months and moving out there to just see what it'd be like before making the actual long-term committment.
Not to threadjack, but I wanted to put in another plug for the Philly area. You will love the seasons -- always something to look forward to. And it is way more affordable than CA all around. There''s pros and cons to every place in the world, but I absolutely love it here. If you have any questions at all about living in the area, feel free to ask!
Lancaster is a bit far, but I might be interested if something does materialize closer to the city...
OK I thought I was done threadjacking, but then I double-checked the Philly wage tax just out of curiosity and discovered it was actually only 4.5% back when I was working a few years ago, now down to 4.3%. Who knows where I came up with 7%!!
So still worse than other major cities... but not quite as bad as I thought.
Just wanted to correct myself!

Mara, keep us posted...

Chrono, now handing your thread back over to its original purpose!
Date: 6/25/2007 8:37:39 PM
Author: ephemery1
I''m another Philly person (although originally from Hershey, so I know the Lancaster area well!)... I''d love to do a G2G, but my summer is packed full of weddings and related events, so it would probably be tough for me to coordinate a time with everyone.
KoP would be a lot of fun though!!

Oh, and Chrono, it usually only takes me about 45 mins to get from Lancaster to KoP, so that might sound better in your note to your husband
... unless you are a bit north of the city maybe? But I usually make it from Hershey to KoP in a little over an hour, and pass Lancaster on the way.... although maybe that is saying something about my driving!!
45 minutes from Lancaster to KoP? Good grief woman! I''d get a speeding ticket for going THAT fast. I used to work in Hershey last year, then switched to Lancaster.

I can''t do Philly or KoP because I am nursing a baby - can''t be gone that long otherwise I either have to lug baby along or find a hideaway spot to pump every 3 hours. Don''t think I can handle that in KoP.
Date: 6/26/2007 9:07:44 AM
Author: Joolskie
You''re on Chrono! We could meet up in Lancaster and talk bling. My jewelry obsession is a recent development. The bling monster was unleashed last year during a search for my 10th wedding anniversary gift. Friends who have known me for a long time usually get a little glassy eyed when I ramble on about how I want to recycle this into a new project or how I want to create the perfect stack for my right hand. LOL!
I''m sure we''ll get along just GREAT! I''d love to talk bling anytime, I don''t mind listening to your recyling projects. Heck, I''ll even give my input on the design.
We just need to coordinate the right day and time.
You could come to NY ...
You could come to NY ...

That''s right! I''m overdue for a trip to NY
Date: 6/27/2007 3:28:42 PM
Author: Chrono

Date: 6/25/2007 8:37:39 PM
Author: ephemery1
I''m another Philly person (although originally from Hershey, so I know the Lancaster area well!)... I''d love to do a G2G, but my summer is packed full of weddings and related events, so it would probably be tough for me to coordinate a time with everyone.
KoP would be a lot of fun though!!

Oh, and Chrono, it usually only takes me about 45 mins to get from Lancaster to KoP, so that might sound better in your note to your husband
... unless you are a bit north of the city maybe? But I usually make it from Hershey to KoP in a little over an hour, and pass Lancaster on the way.... although maybe that is saying something about my driving!!
45 minutes from Lancaster to KoP? Good grief woman! I''d get a speeding ticket for going THAT fast. I used to work in Hershey last year, then switched to Lancaster.

I can''t do Philly or KoP because I am nursing a baby - can''t be gone that long otherwise I either have to lug baby along or find a hideaway spot to pump every 3 hours. Don''t think I can handle that in KoP.
OK well now you made me worried about my driving, so I had to look it up!!
But it really is only 61 miles from Lancaster to KoP, and YahooMaps estimates 59 mins driving time. Since I usually go a BIT over 60mph on the Turnpike, 45 minutes would be about right... which means I''m not really a crazy driver after all!

That is so fun that you used to work in Hershey! If it was related to the med center, you probably know my dad''s businesses!
With traffic and all, it takes me 1 hour from Lancaster to KoP. I still think you are going too fast.
45 minutes will only bring me to Coatesville/Chester.
Date: 6/25/2007 12:25:46 PM
Author: Mara
hee hee at a 2 hour drive being too far...!! we were just visiting greg''s mom in Bethlehem, PA a few weeks ago (and his dad in Maryland before that!) and we drove 1-4 hours almost every day visiting various people hehehe. also us californian''s are used to driving long distances as CA is 8 hours from one end to the other! too bad we just visited PA...i would have loved to come along. have fun!!
Funny to me about 2 hours being too far, too!

I flew from Boston to Philly and then drove 1.5 hours from Philly to Bethlehem to see Mara and Greg when they were here.

Too bad about no-go on the KOP was one I was going to make, too. I''d be willing to meet up there as well....short flight from my area to Philly and then a short hop in the car. I''d do it.
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