
Lady-comp natural BC

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Oct 4, 2006
Has anyone used it or heard about it?
I really want to buy it since I hate the pill.. what do you think?
you can reliably avoid getting pregnant by taking your basal body temperature every morning and charting it on a piece of graph paper, at around day 12 ish you will see a spike in temp at which point you can conceive. so if you are trying to not conceieve, you need to avoid intercourse two days before the spike. this takes full involvement of your partner to avoid misunderstanding. some couples do the temp/charting thing together. take practice too, to see your "pattern"

so, no, you don't need to buy the fancy gadget, all you need is some information, some graph paper, and a 5 dollar BBT. recomended reading: our bodies ourselves.

this worked for me.

edited: holy cr&p that thing is 485 dollars. eckerds anyone?
I have the babycomp but bought it direct from the company for a much lower price as it was reconditioned.

In the 4 years I''ve had it, there''s only been 1 time 2 years ago when it hiccuped - thought I was pregnant for 3 days when I had a fever. I sent it back to Germany for a checkup and they did all that for free.

It''s my alarm clock really as I take my temperature in my sleep and it''s very accurate at predicting my period.

hope that helps?
yes it helps!! thanx! glad to read it works!.. does baby-comp really work in the boy or girl planning?
I stopped taking my BC a month ago and have been doing like LadyK says and charting my basel body temp as well as my cervical position and fluid. After taking my temp and checking the others, i record everything at, its a free website that will tell you everything this little machine is.

I have never read the book LadyK mentioned, but I have read Taking Contol of your Fertility by Toni Weschler, which I loved. They also have a website to use for charting. And i just wanted to throw in, that while ovulation around cycle day 14 may be average, it can be much shorter or longer. Not everyone has the perfect 28 day cycle like we learned in health class.

It may be a little more involved, but its worked so far! HTH!
I''m not familiar with LadyComp, but just wanted to second that you can do this basically for free and yes, it is effective when done correctly. I have a friend who used NFP (temps and charting) for about a year and a half and then got pregnant the very first month they tried.
well I think I''ll read the book and try to do it on my own after I get married..
that way if I get pregnant it won''t be a problem
I''m completely with njc on this one. I read the same book (and loved it), and have charted with fertilityfriend for a while to try to get pregnant. Of course I haven''t yet, but that''s because of my hormone problems rather than a failure with the charting.

My RE is very into the Creighton method ( for trying to conceive (though it can easily be used to try to avoid) and for figuring out what''s wrong with her patients hormonally. She swears by following cervical mucus externally to figure out times when you''re fertile or not, and doesn''t feel like her patients need to do the basal body temping as well. I think combining the two methods works well, since the temping can reassure you that you''re past ovulation time.

One good online resource I found on something just like the Creighton method is here: Between that and TCOYF (the Wechsler book), you should be pretty set for information.

Considering it took over a year off the pill for me to have something approaching a normal cycle, I won''t ever be going back on it again.

Good luck with it all!
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