
ladies...did your ex BF invited you to his wedding?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
if yes,did you go? what did you think of his new bride?.. :bigsmile:
For whatever reason, none of my ex-boyfriends have gotten married. I think I was dating the commitment-phobes...
Glad I got out of that cycle! :appl: :appl: :appl:
I never made contact with my ex's after we broke up, so no....
My ex-bf married a friend of mine! I wasn't invited, even though she wanted me there, because his family didn't think it was apprpriate.

His family also didn't like the thought of me dating him when we were together because I didn't come from a good family - i.e., I came from a middle class divorced family.
Nope. One eloped recently and he is having the wedding at the end of May. My wedding is in October, none of them are invited nor would I want any of them there.
Yes. He was a groomsman in my wedding and DH was a groomsman in his.

eta~ Obviously we went. His new bride doesn't like me much. On their wedding day, with her by his side, he turned to be and said I was beautiful. I could have punched him in the mouth for her sake. But, she decided it was my fault and hasn't spoken to me since. But, every time I see him, he stops to chat with me. (I win. lol)
kama_s|1304098237|2908068 said:
My ex-bf married a friend of mine! I wasn't invited, even though she wanted me there, because his family didn't think it was apprpriate.

His family also didn't like the thought of me dating him when we were together because I didn't come from a good family - i.e., I came from a middle class divorced family.

Wow, glad you didn't end up with that guy!

I wasn't invited to either of my exes' weddings, but they weren't invited to mine, either! I'm not the type to stay friends with my exes, though.

One of my exes who is still single was miffed he wasn't invited to my wedding, but we don't hang out or even talk on a regular basis, so I'm not sure why he thought he'd get an invite.
Ive never gotten an invite, and I haven't stayed in regular contact with any. I have one on my facebook, and he's now randomly in my brother's social circle, so that's a little weird.
Yes, but I'm not going.

She's clearly a better choice for him. I sometimes miss his easy ways and good looks.
Nope, I only have 2 exes so not a lot of opportunity. One is getting married, but we don't talk so I'm 100% sure I'm not getting an invitation. The other isn't dating anyone at the moment so it hasn't come up. DH and I are joining him to watch a hockey game tomorrow. I could see him maybe inviting us to his wedding if his future gf is cool with it. I'm not sure if we'd go.
I have a number of exes :o Only a couple have married, and I have not gone to any of their weddings-even though I still stay in contact with at least 2 of them (just friends on FB). I wouldn't want to be at their wedding(s) either, that would just be plain weird!!!!
I was invited to my DH's ex's wedding. She was invited to mine too. She's a friend.
Yep. My one of my ex's is getting married next month. He is a childhood friend of my boyfriend, and BF got an invite plus one. He called the ex to make sure it was okay if he brings me, and the ex cleared it.

I'm DEFINITELY going. I wouldn't miss that train wreck for the world!

That makes me sound like a terrible person. Well, at least I'll be a terrible person enjoying their open bar, as the ex still owes me $200 from 2004! Ha!
Don't have any ex-boyfriends because I led a protected life. My dad was old-fashioned and protective.
My husband also doesn't have any exes, so this does not come up.
I find this situation VERY hard to imagine and honestly, when I am with my friends who are liberal that way and they have some ex that they are friends with who is around, that I once knew as their significant something, I find it very embarassing to talk to the person now that they are in a completely different position. I guess I just don't adjust easily. I am sure that this will seem wierd to many and there is no judgment of any kind involved--I just find this incomprehensible because it is so far out of my experience and don't know what to do or say. I can't imagine being comfortable during a whole wedding lasting for hours and hours and hours. I was at a wedding of a niece last year and her husband to be' s father had a new wife there as well as her mother and it was unbelievably uncomfortable for me--I had never met these people before but did not know what to say to who, how to address anybody or anything. Although I was glad for the young man's sake that they were both there. I wish REAL exes (that is, divorced people who share children) would find it easier to be civilized to each other for the sake of the children more often.
Inkblot|1304126767|2908369 said:
Yep. My one of my ex's is getting married next month. He is a childhood friend of my boyfriend, and BF got an invite plus one. He called the ex to make sure it was okay if he brings me, and the ex cleared it.

I'm DEFINITELY going. I wouldn't miss that train wreck for the world!

That makes me sound like a terrible person. Well, at least I'll be a terrible person enjoying their open bar, as the ex still owes me $200 from 2004! Ha!
then be sure to drink $200 worth of booze + 7 yrs of interest... ;))
Nope, but he wasn't invited to mine either. His sister, however, is a dear friend, and was one of my bridesmaids.
None of my ex-boyfriends have gotten married, but they certainly were not invited to my wedding. It would have been strange, especially since we aren't good friends. A guy that I had dated very briefly (not long enough to really consider him a boyfriend) in college came to my wedding, but he is now a close friend of DH's and mine, so it wasn't awkward at all.
No but a guy I almost dated is marrying one of my best friends this July and I am a bridesmaid! We are all friends now and I am so glad we never dated!
I only have one ex, and we're on good terms, but he's not married. I would have invited him to my wedding, but my husband didn't want me to.
Nooooooo. Thank goodness. I wouldn't have gone if I had been invited.

We do socialize with one of DH's ex girlfriends, though. They dated for several years back in college, and by the time DH and I met over 15 years had gone by since they broke up and they remained friends that entire time, she married and had kids, and it feels very normal to me to socialize with her. We were at a party in their home once and one of her friends got a bit nasty, though. She said something along the lines of "I see H has a new flavor of the week. How old is this one, 20?" Then she asked me if I always date shorter men. I AM ten years younger and taller than my husband, and as we'd been dating for a couple years at that time the comment didn't bother me, but it was a bit mind boggling that this woman would be giving me the up and down with her eyes and feel the need to act catty towards me--she wasn't even the ex!

NO. Not one of them would've bothered, thank goodness!
I can just imagine this discussion
"Honey, I'd like to invite my ex girlfriend to our wedding"

"What wedding?"