
Lack of diamond/stone knowledge

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Jun 21, 2008
I really hope that this topic does not irritate or offend anyone but i just have to vent about a situation with a friend!

I met my friend who i have not seen for a while, she seems to be obsessed with the idea of getting engaged, even though it is not necessarily a finacial possibility at the moment (her words not mine). Also he has told me that he isn''t quite ready yet another reason why i am concerned. They are both still fairly young she 24 him 21 so i really don''t see the rush and tried to caution her (polietly) about getting obessed with the idea when there is still a while to go. I was a LIW I know what it felt like to be ready before you boyfriend.

Anywho back to the topic ... She has another group of close friends that seem to be getting engaged left,right and center and i think this may be making her feel left out. She was telling me a story about how one of her friends just got engaged to her boyfriend and that he had brought her a pink diamond. I was austonded wow what a lucky girl ect ect. She then proceeded to tell me that the ring only cost $3000 AU

So the following thoughts entered my head, now FI of friend has either 1)lied and told her it was a pink diamond when it wasn''t, 2) she is telling eveyone that it is a pink diamond when it is either a pink cubic zirconia or pink saphire or 3) it is stolen goods.

Right or wrong i said to her, are you sure, really a pink diamond, i am fairly sure that that is waay to cheap, are you sure it isn''t a pink saphire instead??? She isisted in no uncertain terms that i WAS in fact a pink diamond and seem quite cranky at me for suggesting otherwise.

Now my thoughts are with the poor girl with the "pink diamond" i honestly hope for her sake that she is aware that it ISN''T a pink diamond and is just trying to impress her friends or something. But something makes me suspect that she is unaware. Now since i know neither of the people in the couple, it is 100% none of my business whatsoever, but still it makes me go ????? I am just more upset with my friend questioning me, i have spend over a year researching diamonds to make and purchase my engagement ring with my FI so i feel like i do have some knowledge even if it isn''t amazing!

Ok done with rant
How big is the diamond? How light is the hue? What is the clarity? As I'm sure you know, all these answers affect the cost of the stone. I've seen a few pink diamonds that are under the price you've mentioned. Yes they are more expensive than white diamonds but not every single one has to be five figures and above.

As for the cranky comeback, I would be annoyed too. It bugs me, to no end, when people question me or butt their nose into my business, especially if I do not know you.

Not to sound b*tchy, but, as you said, "it is 100% none of my business whatsoever". So why even question it in the first place? If she's lying, he's lying or if it is stolen, who cares? Since they're not your friends, it does not affect you.
you can get irradiated pinks that are really nice and inexpensive.
You can also get real pink diamonds that have huge black chunks in them for relatively cheep....
Date: 2/28/2009 11:19:48 PM
Author: JulieN
you can get irradiated pinks that are really nice and inexpensive.
Ditto Julie and Tuckies, many possibilities.
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