
#kroenkecomplaints twitter trending feed will make you LOL


Jul 7, 2004
Esp if you're local to STL. The #kroenkecomplaints hashtag feed on Twitter is f'ing HILARIOUS. I have been laughing my face off for hours.

Yknow, Mr. Kroenke, you're married to a Walton, rolling in dough, you don't even TRY to give a crap about the Rams and own teams elsewhere and didn't want it here to begin with, and the patrons of this city don't want to fund another billionaire's stadium when the current one is perfectly fine and you haven't even paid for that one yet.... Yet you insist on Union labor (TRUE. FACTS.) because it's superior to non-Union labor when you build your unnecessarily plentiful and taxpayer funded Walmart stores, and then refuse your employees within said stores to unionize, that's just one of the many ways you keep STL "underpaid" you snotty POS. You're scared that if they do, they'll make enough money to pay their effing bills. YOU and your family are the reason people are poor. YOU are the reason there's this cycle of poverty. Congratulations! You're part of the problem as to why we're not "rich enough" as a market to support a team you're not even supporting the players of! We vehemently support our other two pro teams, because they give a rip about the city they play in.

Anyway... Enjoy the hell out of that hashtag. The people of STL sure are. :lol:


Jul 7, 2004
Re: #kroenkecomplaints twitter trending feed will make you L

JUST FYI, the St. Louis area has more people than Denver, which is a four-sport city. But facts and common sense apparently are a problem for Mr. Kroenke, who hasn't done much for the Rams or St. Louis along with Carl Icahn who ruined TWA (formerly a huge employer/hub here) and the Lauries (waltons) who tried to destroy the blues for at least one season, and also brought shame to Mizzou with their cheating POS daughter...
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