
Kitties love.............. boxes??

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Sep 30, 2006
I had to count, but I had a total of 8 different kitties (not all at once, of course
) growing up, and NONE of them were into boxes like Maru is.
My kitty loved boxes and shopping bags. She would prefer that the box was upside down while she was inside.
Date: 4/29/2009 1:43:17 PM
Author: fieryred33143
My kitty loved boxes and shopping bags. She would prefer that the box was upside down while she was inside.
Too funny!

We had a few that liked the paper grocery bags.
just chiming in... my kitties LOVE boxes!!! we always have empty pop boxes laying around, they LOVE them
Ours LOVE boxes and bags. Our house looks like a mess (ok, it''s a mess anyway) because of all of the boxes and bags we leave for them to play with. It''s funny because they''ll "fight" over the boxes and bags (one smacks the other on the head until she leaves) even though there are more than enough for the 2 of them. They''re also really into ribbons.
Ours are just like Robbie''s - they love boxes and bags. They will try to fit themselves into boxes that are far to small for them, resulting in what we like to call the "muffin cat" effect - LOL. Oliver, our Ragdoll wannabe is OBSESSED with bags - he absolutely loves to play with paper grocery bags or shopping bags. Such strange animals...

Maru is adorable - that video was darling!!
Date: 4/29/2009 2:08:51 PM
Author: IloveAsschers13
just chiming in... my kitties LOVE boxes!!! we always have empty pop boxes laying around, they LOVE them
The things we do for our furbabies, eh?
Our dog is obsessed with empty plastic water bottles, so we leave 2 or 3 around the apartment at all times (watching him play with them is HILARIOUS!!). Sometimes we forget to pick them up when we have friends over
Date: 4/29/2009 2:57:56 PM
Author: robbie3982
Ours LOVE boxes and bags. Our house looks like a mess (ok, it''s a mess anyway) because of all of the boxes and bags we leave for them to play with. It''s funny because they''ll ''fight'' over the boxes and bags (one smacks the other on the head until she leaves) even though there are more than enough for the 2 of them. They''re also really into ribbons.
LOL!! That''s amazing, you should put a video of it up on youtube. It sounds so funny!
Date: 4/29/2009 3:25:26 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Ours are just like Robbie''s - they love boxes and bags. They will try to fit themselves into boxes that are far to small for them, resulting in what we like to call the ''muffin cat'' effect - LOL.
We had cats that liked sitting in too-small quarters too - boxes, but mostly baskets (no idea why we had so many of those
). It''s just so funny, how is that comfy for them?

Oliver, our Ragdoll wannabe is OBSESSED with bags - he absolutely loves to play with paper grocery bags or shopping bags. Such strange animals...

Maru is adorable - that video was darling!!
Isn''t he funny? I love it! My husband and I couldn''t stop laughing at it last night
They *DO* love boxes! Our boys adore boxes, the best is when they dive into them and surf along the wood floors.

Cute Overload is my second favorite website. They always say kitties need to go to "boxhab" when they get great kitties in boxes pictures!
This one made me laugh out loud! Too funny!

ETA: I watch curious cat video as my lazy a@@ kitty is snoring on the couch...
Date: 4/30/2009 7:22:35 PM
Author: Haven
Cute Overload is my second favorite website. They always say kitties need to go to ''boxhab'' when they get great kitties in boxes pictures!
I know!! Sooooooo cute. I''ve gotten more and more perplexed by it since I never saw it in real life.

This is one of my faves!!!
YES! I love that video, that''s what our boys do!

Boxes are better than bags, too. We came home to find our little guy Geddy (of avatar fame) running around with his head stuck in the handle of a paper bag. He was running around like a wild man shaking the bag back and forth, poor guy was terrified. It absolutely broke my heart. (He must have been having flashbacks to the days when he had to wear that blue e-collar.)

SO, now we only leave out boxes for the kitties.
LOL! Maru=Morty. That''s a great video! :) We had a party at our house where we played this ridiculous game that involved digging through a dishwasher box, so after the party, my cats went nuts trying to get into that box. I probably have a roll of photos all devoted to Morty peering out of boxes.
My 2 cats love to surf too! An old favorite is the bath mat on the tiled bathroom floor, I often find it scrunched up in the corner where they have ''surfed'' it to.

Last night, I was trying to do some sewing, I''d cut out the fabric pieces, and while they were laying on the timber floor with the paper patterns still pinned to them, my small cat kept jumping on them and sliding them across the room every time I looked away. I was terrified she would get pins stuck in her feet!
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