
Kids are WIERD!


Dec 16, 2007
OK, so this is where you can share the really strange habits your kids have and we can all laugh at them like the evil parents we are :devil:

Last night after dinner when we were all in the family room relaxing and playing, Hunter decided that the most fun thing to do would be to run in a big circle around the room... for half an hour! Just running running running running like Forrest Gump. WIERD!

Hunter's favourite foods are asparagus, nori (dried seeweed) and tofu... WIERD! And no, we are not asian! Double weird!
haha Dreamer that's pretty funny :cheeky:

Sophia is not very quirky. She has a dry personality like her mom :tongue:

The only weird thing I can think of is that she will eat anything out of a yogurt cup. We have a few empty containers that we wash and reuse to give her things like eggs, smoothies, mac-n-cheese, veggies, etc. If we try to give it to her from a plate she'll refuse. But if we transfer it to a yogurt cup, she'll come running to it.
Oh my gosh, I don't even know where to start!!! My kids are total weirdos!

One of the strange things that my older one does is that every night after her bath, she has to put on new clothes--not pajamas but an actual outfit. She then goes to sleep in it and wears it the next day to school! It's totally bizarre but it really cuts down on our morning routine time so I'm not complaining! She also only wears dresses and skirts. She could eat pasta every day for every meal if we would let her.

My little one is obsessed with bodily functions and the potty but I guess that's normal! Every time she does something in the potty, we all have to look and comment or else she has a fit. They both like to name their poops too! :o She loves to destroy lip balms like chapstick. She'll get hold of one and work her way through it with her fingers. She doesn't eat the stuff, she just likes to dig in and scoop the stuff out and then spread it on herself or anyone who happens to be around! She did it to one of my lipsticks which was not fun!!

I know there are others but these were the first things that popped into my head. I think all kids are weird in their own ways, it's what makes them so endearing! ;))
My toddler is SO weird. He makes me laugh about a hundred times a day.

As I (try to) type this, he's laying across my lap, trying to pick my nose. He thinks it's hilarious. Oh, and when he's throwing a tantrum, he'll press his forehead to the floor and zoom around the room on his knees, wailing. I feel bad for laughing, but I can't help it. He looks like a little human bulldozer.

Re: Hunter liking tofu/seaweed, that's great! So he isn't a picky eater, I take it?
The nori thing isn't weird at all. I don't know one asian kid that doesn't like it. It's crunchy/crispy and salty...something that most kids love.
What is strange about the nori is that he is actually a bit of a picky eater at times. Does not like ketchup, won't eat carrots and many other things that are super duper yummy to many people, like cubes of cheese or cold chicken. But bring out the nori and tofu and he is all over it! I just thought it is funny in light of the other foods he has rejected. Plus I think nori is gross :knockout:
:lol: James is weird too. He will walk around the house kicking his legs out in front of him while saying "kick, kick, kick". Then, he will say "mama kick!" and make me get up to do it with him. He also loves to "dunk" all of his food in "sauce". It doesn't matter what it is. The other day he was dipping raisens in hot mustard :shock: He also thinks it's funny to eat cereal with cold milk.
curlygirl said:
My little one is obsessed with bodily functions and the potty but I guess that's normal! Every time she does something in the potty, we all have to look and comment or else she has a fit. They both like to name their poops too! :o

:lol: :lol: so funny!
I love these!

I don't really think O does anything yet that would be considered weird to other people. But we of course find him hysterical.

One funny thing he does is to pretend like our dog is trying to get him. He will look at the dog, run over to me, shrieking and giggling hysterically and try to climb up my leg. The whole time he keeps looking over his shoulder at the dog, like "Save me, the dog is trying to get me!" Meanwhile our dog is sleeping in the corner.

He's generally a pretty sweet, easy-going kid. When we were visting my BFF, she was sort of shocked as I was kind of a bratty kid. Well I came out of trying to put him down one night, shaking my head. My BFF asked what was so funny and I told her that I was trying to put him to sleep and as part of our routine I sing him one or two lullabys. Well he just didn't want to go to sleep I guess so first he started banging his head against mine and laughing hysterically. Then he starts hitting me on the shoulder. Finally he pulled my hair, at which point I said "Enough, buddy, bedtime" and just put him down. My BFF started laughing and said "Now THAT's the son I was expecting you to have!" He does this often at bedtime.

The thing that is weird to me is that he has this favorite blue dog stuffed animal that he sleeps with. That's not weird. But he has to hold its tail and when he is trying to calm himself down he rubs it against his face and then sniffs it, loudly and deeply like he's doing yoga breaths. The weird thing is I did this exact thing as a kid. I had a favorite animal and would suck my thumb and put the fabric b/w my thumb and my nose and would smell it. He doesn't suck his thumb, but the other thing is exactly the same. EERIE. The first time I saw him do it I was a bit freaked out. I mean, we know we pass down physical traits and even behavior, but to see something that you know came from you was cool AND weird.

Oh and he's obsessed with the dishwasher????? He likes to "put" things away, take the soap container and pretend to pour it in, then close the door. Silly boy.
Dreamer the running thing doesn't sound that weird to me, both my kids (4 & 6) have been known to do that fairly regularly when they have an excess of energy, in particular right before bedtime. I generally just let them go because it wears them out and they don't seem to have a problem winding down when I tell them to stop.
Amelia's weird things

- The need to wear a jacket. In ANY weather. And lately, wanting to wear it indoors. And the sleeves have to be stretched long so she can hold them in her palms.

- Poo denial. She's pooping right in front of me and will say no, she's not. I tell her she's farting like a trooper and she shakes her head and says, No, no noise! *fart fart fart*

- If I do something to one hand, I must do it to the other. If I do "this little piggy" on one foot, I must do it to the other. If she eats grapes, she has to have the "same" in each hand. She's very equal opportunity.

- She hates getting her teeth brushed, but asks for them to be flossed.

- Basically, she's OCD. Any food on her face she can't stand. A speck on her fingers must be cleaned off. The pith on oranges must be taken off before she eats them. She wants to tidy up her room before bed. She tells me when things are dirty. Since TGuy and I are not the most anal people in the world (in fact, quite the opposite), we often wonder if she's our child. It's sad when you have to teach your kid how to be a bit messy. :rolleyes:
TravelingGal said:
Amelia's weird things

- Basically, she's OCD. Any food on her face she can't stand. A speck on her fingers must be cleaned off. The pith on oranges must be taken off before she eats them. She wants to tidy up her room before bed. She tells me when things are dirty. Since TGuy and I are not the most anal people in the world (in fact, quite the opposite), we often wonder if she's our child. It's sad when you have to teach your kid how to be a bit messy. :rolleyes:


These things sometimes go along with toilet training. Did you happen to start that with Amelia? (I can't keep track of how old she is!!!)

AGBF said:
TravelingGal said:
Amelia's weird things

- Basically, she's OCD. Any food on her face she can't stand. A speck on her fingers must be cleaned off. The pith on oranges must be taken off before she eats them. She wants to tidy up her room before bed. She tells me when things are dirty. Since TGuy and I are not the most anal people in the world (in fact, quite the opposite), we often wonder if she's our child. It's sad when you have to teach your kid how to be a bit messy. :rolleyes:


These things sometimes go along with toilet training. Did you happen to start that with Amelia? (I can't keep track of how old she is!!!)

AGBF -- would you please elaborate, because mine have started becoming persnickety about the exact same types of things and are also expressing interest in potty training....
jas said:
AGBF said:
TravelingGal said:
Amelia's weird things

- Basically, she's OCD. Any food on her face she can't stand. A speck on her fingers must be cleaned off. The pith on oranges must be taken off before she eats them. She wants to tidy up her room before bed. She tells me when things are dirty. Since TGuy and I are not the most anal people in the world (in fact, quite the opposite), we often wonder if she's our child. It's sad when you have to teach your kid how to be a bit messy. :rolleyes:


These things sometimes go along with toilet training. Did you happen to start that with Amelia? (I can't keep track of how old she is!!!)

AGBF -- would you please elaborate, because mine have started becoming persnickety about the exact same types of things and are also expressing interest in potty training....

Hi, jas-

My pleasure. Children in the "anal stage" get very interested in their feces. They value them. They think they are part of their bodies (hence the desire some of you have mentioned to name them.) That's why some children want to say elaborate goodbyes to their BM's or "poo-poos" before they can bear to flush them away to oblivion.

At the same time children are aware that their parents do not regard BMs (or poo-poos) as clean and something that a child should dig his hands into. The parents has been giving the child signals that he will be able to be a big boy (or girl) and stay clean and dry and use the toilet and have big boy (or big girl) underpants when he can use the potty.

Using the potty is the first work that a child does. He does it to please his parents. He doesn't really want to have to sit on a potty to "go". It is a lot easer to do it in a diaper. But he gets a lot of praise for being grown up when he does it in on the potty and he wants his parents' love and approval.

As he struggles to give up the pleasure of messing, he often rebels against all mess. Messy cooked carrots at dinner unconconsciously reminds him of messy poo-poo. Things out of order make him want to control them and get them back in order. As T-Gal said, he becomes, "anal" for the first time. That is why kindergarten and nursery school teachers use finger paints!* It allows the child to "mess" in a way that is not emotionally disturbing to him, giving him an outlet for what he really would like to do (play with his feces).

That's a quick précis. I hope it has been helpful.

*Your individual nursery school teacher may not know that that is why she is using finger paints, but the reason that they came to be used in nursery schools in the first place is that psychologically informed educators thought they would be helpful.

AGBF -- thank you! Just the refresher I needed :)

Back to your regularly scheduled thread...after all, we all know my kids aren't weird in the slightest. :Up_to_something:
I have to be honest, Freudian theories kinds crack me up a little. 8) But thanks for sharing Deb, I was not familiar with this particular nuance of the anal stage according to Freud.
Dreamer_D said:
I have to be honest, Freudian theories kinds crack me up a little. 8) But thanks for sharing Deb, I was not familiar with this particular nuance of the anal stage according to Freud.

Laugh if you want. But look back at the postings in this thread. Did you not read about toddlers who valued their "poops" and wanted them praised? Toddlers who named them? Read The Magic Years by Selma Fraiberg for some charming stories about children between birth and five. All of you who are moms. Pediatricians used to recommend that book to everyone back in the old days! It truly will charm you...even if you hate Freud!

I can't think of anything right now that E does weird, but when A was a baby he was really, really fussy and would cry for hours on end due to acid reflux. He was born right before Christmas, and I would listen to Christmas music in the car. For some weird reason, when Jessica Simpson's version of "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" came on the radio, he would immediately fall asleep. It happened on several occasions, so I actually went out and bought the CD and played it whenever he got fussy and it would work every single time. He would be out like a light by the end of the song. I played that stupid song so many times throughout the entire year, I finally threw it away after his reflux issues were gone and he didn't cry anymore. So weird!
AGBF - I'm not close to the potty training stage for now but I found this very interesting! I have no idea how I was when I was going through potty training because we're not big on poop stories in my family, but MIL LOVES to share DH's poops stories, and apparently he asked to be changed quite early. She even says his first word was "dirty". He never was inclined to playing with his poop or that kind of thing. He is still a bit of a neatfreak even now!

I don't really have any weird stories about J yet except maybe the toothbrush thing like Sha... He will scream like a banshee if I try to brush his teeth, but with chew happily on the brush if I give it to him.

This thread remins me of something a friend of mine said recently. She is living with her sister, BIL and 3-year-old niece while she is looking for a job, and the other night her niece went berserk because it absolutely had to be my friend who closed her bedroom door at bedtime, not BIL! My friend said she thinks toddlers come from another world... :loopy:
Interesting Deb!

My kid is 2.5. And unfortunately, she's ALWAYS been a bit anal. Ever since I can remember - way before potty training was even in the picture.

ETA, oh and to answer your question, I have not started potty training yet, but I do ask her if she poo'd and she has sat on it herself a couple of times because she asked, but that's it. We're gearing up for it though.
TravelingGal said:
Amelia's weird things

- The need to wear a jacket. In ANY weather. And lately, wanting to wear it indoors. And the sleeves have to be stretched long so she can hold them in her palms.

- Poo denial. She's pooping right in front of me and will say no, she's not.

- She asks for them to be flossed.

Meena also does these things and the dipping sauce thing. And the followings:

- She walks around the house with a towel or blankie wrapped around herself, saying "cold" even when it's warm.

- She cheers and claps, and makes sure we cheer and clap for her if she poops in the toilet.

- She says "Oh (insert name)" with her hands around her mouth when she calls out to someone.

That's all I can think of for now.