
Kate and the riddle of the missing ring


Oct 2, 2014
I didn't see it, but thanks Rockinruby! How interesting. They don't know if Kate pulled the ring from sale, of course, but I'm not sure who else it would be.

I love to discuss the ring, because in some ways it's beautiful but in some ways it's an odd choice. I mean, diamonds and sapphires - what's not to love? But on the other hand, I think the sapphire is too dark and the proportions of the stone and the halo aren't right, to me. I think the stone is not a very elegant shape - too long, like a lozenge - and somehow the halo doesn't flatter it. Perhaps the diamonds needed to be bigger to suit that beast of a stone! From seeing this ring, I assumed that I didn't like large sapphire halo rings, but some of the PS ladies have huge, stunning large sapphire halos and I really love them. I think for me, the proportions are just all wrong on Kate's. The PS large sapphires I've seen have also been a much, much prettier shade of blue than Kate's. I'd love a PS color-stone expert's opinion on the quality of Kate's sapphire, because my instinct says that it isn't really all that great.

And then there's the ring's history...gulp. I understand the sentiment, but IMHO William got it wrong. The ring is a terrible symbol of betrayal, a loveless marriage, a bitter divorce and an untimely death. But then, I am old enough to remember in full when Charles and Diana got engaged, and all that followed. Perhaps that's the difference. To me, it will always be a token of Diana's unhappiness.

I can just see Kate rocking a 4 or 5-carat WF ACA in a simple platinum setting. She should have had her own ring, and having waited so long, it should have been a knockout! She is a green-eyed brunette and I don't think the blue/pink color palette suits her like it did Diana. I think Kate should have had a diamond set, or something with emerald. I think even ruby would have looked better on her than sapphire. To me, the ring always looks wrong on her because it just doesn't suit her - after all, it was picked to suit someone else: big sapphire for big sapphire eyes, and lots of blue and pink and lavender in Diana's wardrobe, which suited her coloring. Kate looks wonderful in browns and greens. I'd love to know if she genuinely adores her ring or wears it because that's what she was given and it makes William happy. She seems a modern woman who'd prefer a new diamond. Anyway, all this is JMO of course.


Jun 26, 2007
I adore that ring, and I dont care that the color or cut are not ideal~I would totally rock it!
Sapphire is my all time favorite.


Aug 27, 2011
Jambalaya|1454083661|3983565 said:
I didn't see it, but thanks Rockinruby! How interesting. They don't know if Kate pulled the ring from sale, of course, but I'm not sure who else it would be.

I love to discuss the ring, because in some ways it's beautiful but in some ways it's an odd choice. I mean, diamonds and sapphires - what's not to love? But on the other hand, I think the sapphire is too dark and the proportions of the stone and the halo aren't right, to me. I think the stone is not a very elegant shape - too long, like a lozenge - and somehow the halo doesn't flatter it. Perhaps the diamonds needed to be bigger to suit that beast of a stone! From seeing this ring, I assumed that I didn't like large sapphire halo rings, but some of the PS ladies have huge, stunning large sapphire halos and I really love them. I think for me, the proportions are just all wrong on Kate's. The PS large sapphires I've seen have also been a much, much prettier shade of blue than Kate's. I'd love a PS color-stone expert's opinion on the quality of Kate's sapphire, because my instinct says that it isn't really all that great.

And then there's the ring's history...gulp. I understand the sentiment, but IMHO William got it wrong. The ring is a terrible symbol of betrayal, a loveless marriage, a bitter divorce and an untimely death. But then, I am old enough to remember in full when Charles and Diana got engaged, and all that followed. Perhaps that's the difference. To me, it will always be a token of Diana's unhappiness.

I can just see Kate rocking a 4 or 5-carat WF ACA in a simple platinum setting. She should have had her own ring, and having waited so long, it should have been a knockout! She is a green-eyed brunette and I don't think the blue/pink color palette suits her like it did Diana. I think Kate should have had a diamond set, or something with emerald. I think even ruby would have looked better on her than sapphire. To me, the ring always looks wrong on her because it just doesn't suit her - after all, it was picked to suit someone else: big sapphire for big sapphire eyes, and lots of blue and pink and lavender in Diana's wardrobe, which suited her coloring. Kate looks wonderful in browns and greens. I'd love to know if she genuinely adores her ring or wears it because that's what she was given and it makes William happy. She seems a modern woman who'd prefer a new diamond. Anyway, all this is JMO of course.

I agree! I can understand the sentimentality from William's point of view, wanting the ring from his beloved mother to play a part in his relationship but I'm sure Kate would have loved her "own" ring. Camilla was given a gorgeous Art Deco emerald cut ring that had belonged to the Queen Mother. There must be LOADS of Royal jewels which could have been altered to suit!


Apr 30, 2005
I agree it's too dark.

Diana could have chosen anything she wanted.

I would have insisted on a Kashmir sapphire with that silky glow, magical hue and tone that lets you see all blue instead of lots of dead black.
Actually this one's a hair dark for me.



Nov 7, 2004
I feel like some of you, that for myself the sapphire is too dark (and for me too big). I have seen halos that have knocked my socks off but hers does not do much for me.

And second this ring is really associated with Princess Diana. I wouldn't feel like it was "my" ring. What if she wanted an entirely different style, or wanted to restyle the sapphire into a different setting? There is no way she could say that without getting her head chopped off.

Jambalaya I think you are onto something. Complete speculation, maybe she accepted the ring due to the honor and personal significance of it, not that it was her jewelry preference. Maybe she is hoping after a number of years, that she could get a different ring (such as an anniversary ring), and so doesn't want so much emphasis on the Diana ring if/when it changes.


Apr 30, 2005
While I agree the ring is 99.99% associated with Diana, royal gems are not thrown away when someone dies.
For centuries they've been passed down and enjoyed by the living.

I believe the royal family, especially the Queen, resented Di as a renegade.
In contrast she was deeply loved by the public as their "Queen of Hearts".

Given her controversy and high profile and shocking death, perhaps displaying the ring in the Tower with the rest of the royal collection for a generation or three would have been prudent.

Of course none of us will ever know how Kate really feels about the ring.

If any royal had the copies removed from the gift shop I'd guess it was William, not Kate.

Madam Bijoux

Jul 15, 2005
I don't believe that article. I doubt if Kate would have banned the sale of replicas because practically every jeweler in the world makes that ring. Anyone who wants that style can get it. This is mine, from T&Co:




Apr 30, 2005
Madam Bijoux|1454107749|3983771 said:
I don't believe that article. I doubt if Kate would have banned the sale of replicas because practically every jeweler in the world makes that ring. Anyone who wants that style can get it. This is mine, from T&Co:

Beautiful ring! :love:

But I must call a logic fail on, "I doubt if Kate would have banned the sale of replicas because practically every jeweler in the world makes that ring."

The Royal gift shop is not every, or any, jeweler in the world.
It is the Royal gift shop.
That makes it different.
They get to stock, or not, anything they decide based on their theme.

Since other business are not 'Royal gift shops' the Royals have no say about the inventory.

Even if the Royals themselves officially have no say, I'd expect those who run the Royal gift shop are very respectful to the Royal family's wishes.


Feb 28, 2012
Kate really wanted to marry William and waited nine years to do so. I see her as having a mind of her own but also being pretty compliant in regard to going along with what William wants. For me it comes down to the spirit in which the ring was given rather than the often valid reasons by onlookers for why the ring might not have been a suitable choice. William wanted his mother to be remembered on the happy occasion of his engagement and he gave the ring in this spirit. I think it was also received in this spirit. Kate said at the time she would have loved to have met Diana. My guess is she respects the ring rather than loves it. Besides William admitted he knew nothing about jewelry "I'm reliably informed it is a sapphire surrounded by diamonds". It made this ring very convenient. We might think the stone is too dark (Justincutter, who chose a superb sapphire for his wife thought Kate deserved a better color sapphire stone), not modern enough, comes with a negative history but it is an historic and famous ring and I think it is a piece of jewelry that is suited to someone in a very public role. It is large, easily identifiable and always visible when photographed. In that way the detail of the ring becomes less important and seeing the ring in action so to speak is always more meaningful and interesting than observing an item in a museum.

Jambalaya makes some excellent points about what would actually suit Kate as a person. Her coloring and the fact that pre-marriage she would often gravitate to wearing shades of brown (now it's blue), the fact that she's modern and most probably, if given the choice, would have chosen a completely different kind of ring is all true. Kate may wear the ring she was given publicly but I doubt she wears this very large ring privately. A dainty eternity ring made an appearance after the birth of Prince George and perhaps she wears this more often in private.


Oct 2, 2014
Oh, this is so great! I've been dying to discuss this ring for ages - there are so many different aspects to this iconic piece! :appl: :appl:

I remember when it first appeared in 1981, and it didn't look old-fashioned then. It was the era of Joan Collins and big everything - shoulder pads, hair, jewelry. Then I remember when Sarah Ferguson got engaged and her ring was a very similar design but with a ruby. By then practically every woman I know was desperate for a colored stone ring with a diamond halo. They really seemed to be the "in" thing for an engagement ring. Then the minimalist Nineties came along, with Calvin Klein and those black-and-while minimalist ads, and Diana got divorced, and the ring disappeared from view after becoming an increasingly sad symbol over the preceding few years.

Stracci - do you only like it so much for the royal-princessy connections? :lol: I honestly think that the sapphire halo rings on PS are nicer and better quality than the Diana/Kate ring. JMO. But hey, perhaps it looks a lot better in real life.

Snowdrop - yanno, I have a book about the royal jewels (the private collection) and the quality of the diamonds and their cut is variable. Camilla's ring doesn't look to have the best emerald cuts, IMO. I agree that they must have a ton of jewelry that Kate could have chosen from, but, she was so loyal for so long and he did dump her a few times - I just think she should have had a nice new whopper of her own! :lol: But perhaps nice new whoppers aren't very royal.

part gypsy - I'm the same, I wouldn't feel it was "my" ring. Perhaps it does if you wear it for long enough. I guess the sentiment about his mother is sweet, but I just feel that the engagement ring should be about the couple and about the bride in particular, since she has to wear it. I'd love to know if her heart sank when she saw it - mine would have! Or if she genuinely liked/loved it. She was a child when Diana's life was unfolding, and also wasn't born when Diana got engaged, so perhaps the ring has fewer Diana connotations for her than it does for older people. And since it was his mother's ring and he lost her so young and all, I don't think that Kate could really say anything except "I love it - what an honor." I don't think they chop people's heads off anymore though, but I could be wrong! :lol:

Kenny - that is a lovely sapphire indeed. It makes me think what a pity that William, with all his resources, didn't hunt down the best stone, the best this, the best that, and make a whole project out of it. But there's him wanting to include his mother, of course. And we are PSers and can't imagine letting an opportunity slip past to make a fab piece. I guess he doesn't feel the same! Since he didn't spend anything on a ring, I've often wondered if Kate's $75k Cartier Trinity necklace was a piece of engagement jewelry from him, because of the symbolism, or perhaps that fabulous ruby and diamond collar with matching bracelet that she once wore was an engagement gift. I'd love to know! Agree that the Tower was the best place for the ring for a while. Diana's grand-daughter could have worn it as a RHR. I think that would have been more appropriate than saddling Kate with it every day for life. But that's JMO - perhaps she loves it. I'd love to know what she really thinks of it, and the fact we will never know makes it all the more tantalizing!

Madam Bijoux - beautiful ring! But just checking that you do know the replicas in the gift shop are just costume, right? They're not the kind of "replica" that you have. Yours is a beauty!

I found the shop online. They do copy jewelry designs from the queen's private collection. Here is an example - a direct copy of her Williamson brooch with the famous pink Williamson diamond. There are more replicas of her stuff too:

Admittedly, the queen's e-ring is not replica'd in the shop, and since Kate is going to be queen consort, perhaps it was felt inappropriate after all for such a personal piece of jewelry.

Polished, you really make some excellent points. No matter the ring's history or style, it's completely iconic and historic. I can see what you mean about the spirit in which it was given, and agree it's quite possible that Kate respects the ring rather than loves it. Yes, it's certainly a ring for a public high-profile person.

Another thought I had is that giving Kate that ring put Diana firmly back in the public's mind when the engagement came about, and also Kate will be wearing it at all the family gatherings. Both things must have be very uncomfortable for Camilla...a constant reminder of her former rival...


Oct 2, 2014
I wonder what happened to Sarah Ferguson's pretty ruby halo. She hasn't worn it in public since her divorce, I think. I don't see why she shouldn't wear it on her right hand. My friend is 78 and got divorced in 1977, and still wears her big diamond engagement ring a lot on her right hand. Pity to let these pieces go to waste!


Oct 2, 2014
One further point - wouldn't you just love to know if Kate's sapphire was heat-treated or completely natural?


Jun 26, 2007
Jambalaya|1454115376|3983806 said:
Oh, this is so great! I've been dying to discuss this ring for ages - there are so many different aspects to this iconic piece! :appl: :appl:

I remember when it first appeared in 1981, and it didn't look old-fashioned then. It was the era of Joan Collins and big everything - shoulder pads, hair, jewelry. Then I remember when Sarah Ferguson got engaged and her ring was a very similar design but with a ruby. By then practically every woman I know was desperate for a colored stone ring with a diamond halo. They really seemed to be the "in" thing for an engagement ring. Then the minimalist Nineties came along, with Calvin Klein and those black-and-while minimalist ads, and Diana got divorced, and the ring disappeared from view after becoming an increasingly sad symbol over the preceding few years.

Stracci - do you only like it so much for the royal-princessy connections? :lol: I honestly think that the sapphire halo rings on PS are nicer and better quality than the Diana/Kate ring. JMO. But hey, perhaps it looks a lot better in real life.

Snowdrop - yanno, I have a book about the royal jewels (the private collection) and the quality of the diamonds and their cut is variable. Camilla's ring doesn't look to have the best emerald cuts, IMO. I agree that they must have a ton of jewelry that Kate could have chosen from, but, she was so loyal for so long and he did dump her a few times - I just think she should have had a nice new whopper of her own! :lol: But perhaps nice new whoppers aren't very royal.

part gypsy - I'm the same, I wouldn't feel it was "my" ring. Perhaps it does if you wear it for long enough. I guess the sentiment about his mother is sweet, but I just feel that the engagement ring should be about the couple and about the bride in particular, since she has to wear it. I'd love to know if her heart sank when she saw it - mine would have! Or if she genuinely liked/loved it. She was a child when Diana's life was unfolding, and also wasn't born when Diana got engaged, so perhaps the ring has fewer Diana connotations for her than it does for older people. And since it was his mother's ring and he lost her so young and all, I don't think that Kate could really say anything except "I love it - what an honor." I don't think they chop people's heads off anymore though, but I could be wrong! :lol:

Kenny - that is a lovely sapphire indeed. It makes me think what a pity that William, with all his resources, didn't hunt down the best stone, the best this, the best that, and make a whole project out of it. But there's him wanting to include his mother, of course. And we are PSers and can't imagine letting an opportunity slip past to make a fab piece. I guess he doesn't feel the same! Since he didn't spend anything on a ring, I've often wondered if Kate's $75k Cartier Trinity necklace was a piece of engagement jewelry from him, because of the symbolism, or perhaps that fabulous ruby and diamond collar with matching bracelet that she once wore was an engagement gift. I'd love to know! Agree that the Tower was the best place for the ring for a while. Diana's grand-daughter could have worn it as a RHR. I think that would have been more appropriate than saddling Kate with it every day for life. But that's JMO - perhaps she loves it. I'd love to know what she really thinks of it, and the fact we will never know makes it all the more tantalizing!

Madam Bijoux - beautiful ring! But just checking that you do know the replicas in the gift shop are just costume, right? They're not the kind of "replica" that you have. Yours is a beauty!

I found the shop online. They do copy jewelry designs from the queen's private collection. Here is an example - a direct copy of her Williamson brooch with the famous pink Williamson diamond. There are more replicas of her stuff too:

Admittedly, the queen's e-ring is not replica'd in the shop, and since Kate is going to be queen consort, perhaps it was felt inappropriate after all for such a personal piece of jewelry.

Polished, you really make some excellent points. No matter the ring's history or style, it's completely iconic and historic. I can see what you mean about the spirit in which it was given, and agree it's quite possible that Kate respects the ring rather than loves it. Yes, it's certainly a ring for a public high-profile person.

Another thought I had is that giving Kate that ring put Diana firmly back in the public's mind when the engagement came about, and also Kate will be wearing it at all the family gatherings. Both things must have be very uncomfortable for Camilla...a constant reminder of her former rival...

Jambalaya, I have this weird affinity for sapphires. Sapphire is my birthstone, so from a very early age, I've had an obsession with them.
When Diana got this one, I was thrilled for her, and amazed that Kate received it as well.
Here's one of mine.
It's almost 5 ct, and vintage. Yes, it's dark, but I love it!



May 11, 2012
The curious thing is that Americans see the stone as being way too dark yet by British and until recently Australian standards, that sapphire is a perfect "Royal Blue" colour, from memory the stone cost a lot of money (by our standards but not by royal standards) and is unheated Ceylon. If you have ever seen a tray of dark "Royal Blue" sapphires under shop lighting or outside in the sun they are dark but they still flash a beautiful electric blue, I'd guess this one probably would as well.

Having said that I saw the EC ring Dodi gave her just before Diana died being displayed in Harrods and in no way did I believe it would be ostentatious enough for Dodi's family to be an engagement ring. It was very underwhelming IMHO.

I've always thought Camilla was either allowed to choose or Charles gave her to most amazing ring and Diana either intentionally selected a more humble ring (she was supposed to have been presented with trays of rings to choose from) or it was suggested choice wise as something quirky by Charles, who at the best of times seems to have really classic yet oddly quirky taste.


Aug 27, 2011
I seem to remember the Diana ring came from Garrard, which used to be the Queen's jeweller? Other royal ladies, like Sophie and indeed Sarah were also given "new" rings.

Kate must have access to the most amazing collection of jewellery yet she hardly seems to wear any of it. If you compare her with the other young-ish European Royal ladies like Mary of Denmark and Maxima of the Netherlands who are often pictured wearing gorgeous pieces.


Jun 17, 2009
I like the ring and think it looks very pretty on Kate's hand. I never cared for it when Diana wore it, I just didn't like the style of it at the time but somehow Kate gave it new life. She seems to wear it proudly. It would be interesting to know the back story but of course we'll never be privy to that. Who knows, maybe she's just not that into jewelry and it didn't really matter to her what she wore as her ering. Maybe she knew it was really important to William. Maybe she genuinely likes it. I don't really see the ring as a symbol of a failed marriage, I see it as a reminder of a treasured and missed loved one. Maybe that's how this couple sees it too.

I like the ring so much I bought one that is somewhat similar lol! And I know it sounds silly but I do feel a bit regal when I wear it :D

And yeah, I know it's common to see this ring recreated but the issue is that it's the Royal Gift Shop who is selling them, and I do think that's a bit tacky.


Oct 20, 2007
I don't blame whoever decided not to reproduce the ring for the royal gift shop. Yes, the ring has been replicated but there's no sense in offering it there if they, or someone close to them, doesn't want to.

I can't imagine that Kate had absolutely no choice in her ring, or that if she didn't that it wasn't partly by her choice. There are tons of women out there who want to be surprised or who want their future husbands to pick the ring for them. If she'd received a new ring I can only imagine the uproar of the press. The plans for refurbishing their apartment were published, as well they should be since they are partly tax payer funded, and there was a lot in the press about how they were spending millions unnecessarily. And they don't even live there now! These are not celebrities who earn their money through whatever they do, or don't, do for a living. These are heads of state. The queen is well known to have to cut back and make changes that make the royal family more saleable to the public to ensure its future. Reusing a ring is best rather than a new ring worth millions. Kate, whether is was her choice or not, would have been massacred in the press. The royals cannot have whatever they want. They need to make smart choices to preserve themselves.

On a different note, how do we know that Kate really wanted to marry William and waited years to do so? She married into a role which requires her to put others first and smile and look pretty while doing so. A role which requires great self sacrifice. By agreement with the press, the young royals are protected during their university years. A relationship could easily develop under those circumstances which felt easy compared to what came later. She was harassed to the point where the royal family stepped in and asked the press to quit stalking her. Many of us saw photos of Kate trying to drive to work or sitting on a bus and the negative headlines which followed. Kate had all the drawbacks of being famous without the protections often offered with money and fame. Are we sure that she waited years, just wanting to marry William? Or is it possible that both parties wanted to make sure that this was the life for them and they could tolerate the stresses unlike nearly every British royal couple of the previous generation? It's also not odd, in Britain, for couples to date for many years, living together first, and then get married and have a child immediately. Will and Kate very much followed what their generation and peers were doing relationship pattern wise.


Oct 2, 2014
But, Rhea, doesn't William have a private inheritance from his mother's side worth millions? And with that, could have bought Kate a Whiteflash ACA? :D

About the waiting and wanting, I agree with everything you say on that score, but presumably she did really want to marry him (or wouldn't have done so) and she did wait years while they were making sure it was the right thing?

So, why do couples in the UK wait so many years before marrying? Just curious.


Feb 28, 2012
William presented Kate with his mother’s ring while surprising her with a proposal during a holiday in Africa. It’s pretty clear she had no choice with this ring. It may or may not have been her taste but my guess is that she would have felt honoured to receive it. I also agree with your point Rhea that re-gifting an expensive piece of jewelry rather than the extravagance of a new expensive ring would have gone down better with a public that has become increasingly vocal of any perceived extravagances from the royals. And both Kate and William would have been aware of this.

I think you answer your own question Rhea of how we know that Kate rally wanted to marry William and waited years to do so. For the reasons you outline Kate had to be sure she wanted the life of being a royal because with all the privileges and perks there is a corresponding enormous downside. We’ve seen those who couldn’t take the stresses and so did Kate. She knew you’d need a backbone of steel to deal with life as a royal and she knew she had it. I do think the delay with marriage came more from William than Kate. For a woman who had done well at school and university and had excelled at sports it was rather unusual that after university she failed to settle down to any career or meaningful activity in the years between university and marriage. She appeared to live her life being there for William and waiting for him. During her younger days she was given to, not be above, knocking other women who attempted to approach William while they were at nightclubs. In her words, she was darned if she was going to lose William to someone who would have loved him less than herself.

The breaks they took from each were always initiated by William not Kate. William was the one who was in no rush to marry perhaps stemming from having witnessed his parents acrimonious and failed marriage. His innate mistrust of the intrusive media probably also made him rebel again any pressure they put on the couple to marry. Kate, in contrast, coming from a secure and close knit family I think would have loved to have married a bit earlier and started a family earlier.


Oct 20, 2007
Jambalaya|1454212190|3984443 said:
But, Rhea, doesn't William have a private inheritance from his mother's side worth millions? And with that, could have bought Kate a Whiteflash ACA? :D

About the waiting and wanting, I agree with everything you say on that score, but presumably she did really want to marry him (or wouldn't have done so) and she did wait years while they were making sure it was the right thing?

So, why do couples in the UK wait so many years before marrying? Just curious.

I don't know much about the royal family, it'd make sense that he had an inheritance.

With the above post, it made it sound, to me, as though Kate was this poor thing who waited years and years and years for her prince to come along and save, wanting nothing more in her life than to be his wife. And that may be true. Maybe she always bent and conformed to exactly what he wanted to become the perfect wife. Or maybe they were both trying it out, as a joint decision, to see what made sense and if they were prepared for this. I have no idea and clearly she wanted to marry him, she stuck around as Polished pointed out below. But I don't think she was this poor girl just hoping and waiting for her prince to come. She appears to have way to much self-esteem and self-confidence to be that girl, but I suppose it's in my interest to think that as she's an ambassador to the country I call home.

I don't know why British couples have lengthy relationships before marriage. Our Office of National Statistics may have the exact figures. We're a less religious country despite no separation of church and state here and my guess is that has something to do with it. There's no stigma attached to living together first, though there is one attached to get married young. I used to live in Georgia and there was a big to do if a couple was dating more than 2 years because why didn't he already put a ring on it. In Britain most of my husbands and my friends met in university (18 - 21 years old), graduated, got jobs, moved in together after a couple of years and have gotten married over the past couple of years (now 28 - 31 years old). Different countries have different norms. A Finnish friend jokes that the average Finnish couple always announces they are pregnant and then that they're getting married before the baby is born despite having been together for a decade or longer by then.


Oct 20, 2007
Polished|1454213042|3984446 said:
I think you answer your own question Rhea of how we know that Kate rally wanted to marry William and waited years to do so.

I agree, she wanted to marry him. Otherwise she would have bailed. It was the way your first post was phrased, "Kate really wanted to marry William and waited nine years to do so. I see her as having a mind of her own but also being pretty compliant in regard to going along with what William wants." that gave me an image of this being one sided, whether that's what you intended or not. Of course we have no idea what really happened and maybe Kate is this very compliant girl who sat waiting for years for a pretty rock and ceremony. I just dread to think if she is. And as a part of a couple I like to think that couples make joint decisions which work best for them even if no one else has access to how and why they were made.


Feb 28, 2012
I do think Kate had to wait longer than she would have liked before William was ready to make the commitment to marry her. However that doesn't mean I look negatively upon her character. I think she is strong, has personality and qualities that clearly held William's interest. I do think William had issues, not least of which was losing his mother at a young age, that he needed to work through before entering marriage. He also wouldn't have wanted to put a wife through what he witnessed his mother go through after she became a member of the royal family. Kate, on the other hand was game for it, when he was ready she would be.

William at his wedding reception called Kate "his rock". Certainly throughout their long courtship I think Kate proved herself to be a very supportive and loyal companion to William. By nature she appears to be nurturing (by all acounts she is a great mother now). She chose William over a career she could have forged for herself. William is lucky to have this kind of steadfast support particularly with the challenges he is going to face in the future. "Compliance" is not a pejorative word when it comes to fitting in to the royal family. It can come from a place of strength and reflect a deep sense of inner security. Kate has demonstrated she can be compliant and there will be times when she will need to be. There may be many qualities that go into making an individual suited to a royal role but it is one that requires respect. Diana was head strong and rebelled against the Establishment. She refused to fit in. I think Kate has the ability to fit in that ultimately would mean she will go the distance in the long royal life that lies ahead of her.

I get annoyed when I read heavy handed conclusions about Kate based on her past. For instance she is often labeled "lazy", not working hard enough, simply because her public engagements don't appear to be that many. One, she is a young mother spending time with her children. Secondly, it's on record that both her and William intend to focus on fewer charities but do them in more depth. This involves studying up on their causes and putting more of an effort in behind the scenes. Kate would not have acquired a good degree or excelled in sports if she was lazy or lacked discipline. I think people severely underestimate her abilities and her motivation to fulfil a role she clearly wanted. I think both William and Kate are giving thought to how they envisage the monarchy of the future and have already begun to implement some of the changes they wanted to see happen. I think they are shaping up well and I feel optimistic for the future.


Oct 2, 2014
Stracci200 - I just wanted to say that I love your sapphire ring, and thanks for posting. It's lovely! I adore sapphires too, and wish I had a bigger one. Do you wear it much? :wavey:


Oct 2, 2014
Thanks for your reply, Rhea! :wavey:


Oct 2, 2014
Polished|1454242888|3984569 said:
I do think Kate had to wait longer than she would have liked before William was ready to make the commitment to marry her. However that doesn't mean I look negatively upon her character. I think she is strong, has personality and qualities that clearly held William's interest. I do think William had issues, not least of which was losing his mother at a young age, that he needed to work through before entering marriage. He also wouldn't have wanted to put a wife through what he witnessed his mother go through after she became a member of the royal family. Kate, on the other hand was game for it, when he was ready she would be.

William at his wedding reception called Kate "his rock". Certainly throughout their long courtship I think Kate proved herself to be a very supportive and loyal companion to William. By nature she appears to be nurturing (by all acounts she is a great mother now). She chose William over a career she could have forged for herself. William is lucky to have this kind of steadfast support particularly with the challenges he is going to face in the future. "Compliance" is not a pejorative word when it comes to fitting in to the royal family. It can come from a place of strength and reflect a deep sense of inner security. Kate has demonstrated she can be compliant and there will be times when she will need to be. There may be many qualities that go into making an individual suited to a royal role but it is one that requires respect. Diana was head strong and rebelled against the Establishment. She refused to fit in. I think Kate has the ability to fit in that ultimately would mean she will go the distance in the long royal life that lies ahead of her.

I get annoyed when I read heavy handed conclusions about Kate based on her past. For instance she is often labeled "lazy", not working hard enough, simply because her public engagements don't appear to be that many. One, she is a young mother spending time with her children. Secondly, it's on record that both her and William intend to focus on fewer charities but do them in more depth. This involves studying up on their causes and putting more of an effort in behind the scenes. Kate would not have acquired a good degree or excelled in sports if she was lazy or lacked discipline. I think people severely underestimate her abilities and her motivation to fulfil a role she clearly wanted. I think both William and Kate are giving thought to how they envisage the monarchy of the future and have already begun to implement some of the changes they wanted to see happen. I think they are shaping up well and I feel optimistic for the future.

Isn't that really strange, when you consider that her family was Establishment through and through? The very aristocratic Spencers with their Downton-Abbey-esque house and estate. You'd think she'd be all-aboard the Establishment train, whereas Kate seems much more comfortable with it all than Diana ever was. Or, maybe she's not, really, but loves William enough to be part of the Establishment.

The stuff you wrote about Kate seeing off other women and her not losing him to someone who would have loved him less - how do you know she said those things? I'm not challenging you, I'm just really interested to know if it's true. The latter is a bit presumptuous - she doesn't know that another woman would have loved him less!


Jun 26, 2007
Jambalaya|1454251733|3984598 said:
Stracci200 - I just wanted to say that I love your sapphire ring, and thanks for posting. It's lovely! I adore sapphires too, and wish I had a bigger one. Do you wear it much? :wavey:

I wear it about once a month. I have so many rings.....I try to rotate them. I feel bad neglecting some(as if they have feelings..LOL!)


Feb 28, 2012
Isn't that really strange, when you consider that her family was Establishment through and through? The very aristocratic Spencers with their Downton-Abbey-esque house and estate. You'd think she'd be all-aboard the Establishment train, whereas Kate seems much more comfortable with it all than Diana ever was. Or, maybe she's not, really, but loves William enough to be part of the Establishment.

The stuff you wrote about Kate seeing off other women and her not losing him to someone who would have loved him less - how do you know she said those things? I'm not challenging you, I'm just really interested to know if it's true. The latter is a bit presumptuous - she doesn't know that another woman would have loved him less!

I think there were a number of factors that caused Diana's problems. Firstly she married so young and having so much attention and expectations placed on you at the age of 20 would have been difficult to deal with. She also never felt she had had her husband's love and support to do her role or had received the necessary support from the palace to guide her. She had charm and beauty that won her huge popularity but she did rebel. Kate in contrast seems happier to fit in to royal life, although I'm sure there would be aspects of this life that would not be easy to adapt to. There's anecdotal evidence for instance that Kate finds the many changes of clothes required during the day for Christmas tedious. There does appear to be a good argument that a happy, secure upbringing with a close knit family is a better foundation for a life as a royal than any aristocratic, wealthy background could provide.

If Kate did anything it would most likely get out there into the public domain. I think it rings true, particularly her saying that she was not going to lose William to someone who loved him less. I don't think William so much had a roving eye but there were earlier times when I think he was open to other possibilities. Kate singlemindedly wanted him and I think she did know that she would be good for William, the genuine article for the unique difficulties and challenges that would lie ahead for them. There would have been plenty of women who would have happily thrown themselves at William. Many would have been attracted to the glamour and the fame but how many could also have dealt with the downside - the intense scrutiny and criticism that goes with being in the public eye. Then there's the role itself - some of the public engagements you would be required to do would be interesting and stimulating while others could be downright boring. The role requires a strong sense of duty which isn't for everyone.


Oct 2, 2014
Thanks, Polished. Well, they seem very happy now, and that's the main thing. The "fun" about following the royals is that they are a mystery, so we will never know what is really going on with them. Everyone loves a good mystery! Their children are so cute. It'll be fun to watch them grow up.

I agree that not enough of the jewels are worn. The queen's grand-daughters, Beatrice and Eugenie, never wear any of it, which I think is such a pity. In one of my books about royal jewelry it says the queen of the UK has approx one thousand pieces in her private collection. One thousand pieces! I think all the royal ladies should wear them a lot more. But perhaps they don't, for fear of appearing too wealthy, or too frivolous.
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