
Kansas GOP leader says he’s “just giddy”


Jun 27, 2020
...after his party passes draconian anti-trans bill.

The bill bans trans people from using the right bathroom and updating their driver's licenses. He called it "the icing on the cake."

This bill is S.B. 180 – dubbed the “women’s bill of rights” despite not containing any rights for women.

I don't live in Kansas, but this ban is soon headed our way. And maybe yours, too. Kansas merely beat the state, where I reside, by enacting this craziness first. Meanwhile, the state where I reside, does have its own insanity. By going one beyond Florida. It has passed a law (now hung up in the courts) designed to limit or ban gender affirming care for even adults. First, the state rushed to put in an almost total abortion ban; designed solely to keep women in their place. Now, they're pushing a pack of new laws, designed to belittle and restrict others who don’t fit a certain mold. How depressing.

It seems that if you are not a white Christian male – who has a need to dominate others not exactly like you - then you could be in trouble in many parts of the USA. Turning matters over to the states (with strong right-wing leanings) has opened a pandora's box. There have even been some rumblings about repealing the recognition of gay marriages on a national level & again allowing the states to decide what they will and won’t accept. Insanity!!! I don't know if that could be possible. But if the conservative Supreme Court could throw out an almost 50 year old amendment that allowed women nationwide to control their own reproductive health and decisions, I suppose the Powers-That-Be could also turn the clock back on other groups, too. Meanwhile, the current “fad” (among the hateful), seems to be to attack whoever seems to be the most vulnerable to attack. At the moment, this seems to be the trans community.

We are now living in an America that I hardly recognize anymore. My family pedigree (based on the confirmed results so far) says that I have at least 4 direct ancestors that would qualify me to join the DAR. In other words, my family in America goes very far back in all directions. One branch of my family can actually be traced back to the Mayflower. But I'm certainly no conservative!!!

I can't speak for all the generations before me, but there wasn't such hatred & division & attacks on others while I was growing up, nor during my younger adulthood. Or at least not in the "world I knew" where I was taught that everyone had value and was to be respected as individuals. Nor did we have "shooter drills" in schools like kids do now (out of necessity). I find it sad that kids today (and probably of tomorrow) won’t be able to grow up in America knowing the same security (and acceptance of others) that I knew growing up.

Today, I am quite upset that in many states (including the one where we currently live) that I – as a woman – am now considered a second-class citizen to be controlled. Women's lives don't matter in these states ... But women are not alone. Judging from the news lately, it looks all kinds of hatred (and those acting upon this hatred) in America is spreading fast. Laws – like the one linked above – are designed to control and belittle & nothing more. I feel it's sick for those-in-power to take glee by causing others pain.

Okay, I’ve vented. But my venting still won’t stop the downward slide of America. I can't understand the hatred. Therefore, I'm now going to find temporary solace in some chocolate and a glass of red wine. I hope we have a bottle of wine open. But if we don't, I may have to settle for ice tea... I know we do have some chocolate left over from Easter. So, I'll be good to go there.

No more checking the news until tomorrow. There is only so much one can bear in one day. Lately, I dread Mondays because that is usually mass shooter news day after the weekend. Each time one of those mass gun murders happens, our state government seems to loosen the state's gun laws. I'm not even sure if the state has any gun laws anymore. Politicians also routinely raffle off or give away AR-15's to show that guns really aren't a problem. Gun violence is okay, but allowing people to peacefully use the bathroom of the sex they identify with isn't.

Frankly, if the Orange Hate Monger becomes president again, I think I'll unplug the TV and the computer and just stay at home where I won't have to hear the latest news. If he becomes president again, it won't be good news. But I digress.

I really need a piece of chocolate.


Jun 8, 2008
Yup. Everyone should have seen this coming.
Remember when one freedom is taken away from another group it is only a matter of time before they come for your freedom(s). No one will be left unscathed.
FACT. Screen Shot 2023-04-29 at 5.55.34 AM.png


Apr 30, 2005
Sometimes I think these 'haters' are completely unaware they are hating.
Rather, they have been conditioned by their churches/communites to feel they are superior.
Well they don't use the term superior, but come on, it's not far beneath the surface when being convinced you are one of the special ones getting eternal life in heaven while those others burn in hell.

It is this subconscious sense of superiority they are addicted to.
But reason dictates that to be superior, others must be inferior.
Equality would mean the end of their superiority.

Dang, I'd want to live forever too ... if it was real, as in proven by evidence.
The only people who know whether there it's true don't speak up.
Why? They're all ... dead. :doh:

It reminds me of what countries do to get their solders to kill in a war.
They convince them that the others are sub-human.
Hitler equated Jews to rats.

It's much easier to get people hate and kill vermin than to kill their equals.
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Mar 2, 2012
Taking rights away? Oh yes. Clarence Thomas, (that absolute paragon of integrity) said as much in his concurring opinion on Dobbs v Jackson. He stated that he would reconsider and overrule “all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell."

I don't understand why people vote for idiots who want to take this country back in time to the bad old days. And given the Republican penchant for gerrymandering they have had great success in doing so at the state level.


Nov 4, 2018
I'm not religious, but I feel like this is a good way to live your life regardless. At the end of your days, did you spend your time making people's lives better, or worse?



Aug 14, 2009
I'm not religious, but I feel like this is a good way to live your life regardless. At the end of your days, did you spend your time making people's lives better, or worse?


I love this. So evocatively expressed. Thank you for sharing @lala646 ❤️
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