
Just proud as punch what hubby wrote for his work


Sep 11, 2012
Eloquent and heartfelt as always. Much joy to both of you. :appl:
What a deeply beautiful sentiment about family, I live in hope that this country will get it's act together like the rest of the world and recognise the diversity of people, of couples, and of families and one day we can celebrate marriage equality for all.
Thank you Chrono.

Arkieb1 yes lets hope, but i suspect with the current leader, we have no hope. we are hoping to see a change in govt to see the next step for ourselves to be recognised as equal citizens.
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. What a wonderful thing to share with your girls too!
Love it!!
Asscherisme and stracci2000

Glad that you liked it... Thanx for the support. :-)
Lovely to read, I'd be proud too! What a great family you have!!
Beautifully written! :appl: :appl: :appl:

(And he's quite handsome, too! :love: :wavey: :dance: )
Thank you for sharing with us. It sounds like you have a wonderful loving family. Your girls are getting to grow up in a home with two parents who love each other and who love their children. That most definitely is a family.
Sound like a great guy with a happy and wonderful loving family... :appl:
Beautifully written! It was so amazing getting to meet you and Mark and your sweet giris a couple of years ago. You are truly a loving family.
Beautiful. Brought a tear to the eye of this jaded old menopausal woman.
Greg, The first thing I noticed was that your husband is seriously adorable. That combined with his moving article - wow - what a guy!
I loved reading your story and getting to know you a little better. Those are two lucky little girls - and not just because Daddy buys them earblings : )
Greg, thank you for sharing your dh's beautifully written and moving story about your life together. It brought (happy) tears to my eyes and your girls are so lucky to have you both as their dads. Mark is right. The world would be a more beautiful place if every family could share this kind of love and joy.
Beautiful! Your girls are so lucky to have such loving parents. Thanks for sharing your hubby's writing!
Aww, beautifully written!
Lovely words about a lovely family. Thanks for sharing.
That gave me goosebumps. Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing.
Well Greg this beautiful story has me in tears. You must be so proud to have this wonderful man in your life. What a beautiful keepsake for your daughters to have. All children should be so lucky to grow up in a home like the one the two of you have created for your girls. I'm so happy for you and your family.
That was beautifully written, and I suspect that in some small way it will contribute to turning the tide.
I'm crying. The commitment that you both have to each other and your girls is beautiful and COURAGEOUS, in the face of this society where people pass judgement on same sex couples forming families and raising children. Thank you for sharing. Your man is a keeper, as are you. ;)
You've made a wonderful family together, I'm happy for you!!! Beautifully written. :appl: :read:
I agree. Family is about having a "heart" (the emotional kind). In the end nothing else really matters.

May you, your partner, and your children have a wonderful life,

Beautiful story. Love is love. Wishing you and your family all the best! :wavey:
Greg you've always written with such heart about your daughters. While reading Mark's words it felt like it was really only confirming what I already knew. They're important words at this time in Aus.
Wow- thank you so much for the love and support. I am truly humbled. :oops: :P

And for those that stated that hubby looks great.....well......... hmmmm.... LOL...
Actually, it made his day.... i showed him the comments... :appl: :appl: :dance: :dance:

We are also more than happy for anyone of you to share the story around.
I know that it may not be some ppls cups of tea, but it may help in the sense of educating on what is happening and what is real.

ONce again, thank you to each and everyone of you that have read and posted on here....truly humbling.
Absolutely wonderful! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Chrono|1440469927|3918794 said:
Eloquent and heartfelt as always. Much joy to both of you. :appl:

I couldn't say it better!

I can see why you are so proud. Congrats on your beautiful family and wishing you many more years of happiness!
what a papa! what a spouse! it's always wonderful when I read or know or meet couples who are in love and have happy families. A true loving and committed relationship is hard to find Greg, I'm happy for you and your spouse and your daughters.. He's a keeper as he sees you as a keeper and both of you love your girls, can't get better than that.

much love and peace.
