
Just heard that my mum was in a car accident.


Aug 14, 2009
She's okay, thank god, but could use some PS healing dust. It was a nasty affair, from the sound of it - I haven't seen the pictures and have no desire to.

She skidded in the rain (despite having just replaced the tires) and hit a tree head-on, and the SUV is in a million pieces. She has shattered collar bone and various other breaks and bruises - arm/ribs/leg, and she'll be healing for a whilst, but she's okay, just shocked - and up to her eyeballs in painkillers..

We've been told that the fact that she was wearing her seatbelt and her airbags deployed probably saved her life. PSers, Please, please wear your seatbelts an have your airbags checked, our family escaped a real tragedy today.
Oh my! Lots of healing dust and prayers for your mom. Sounds like someone was watching out for her!
I'm so glad your mom will be okay, Yssie, but that's quite a scary thing that happened to her today. I'm hoping she makes a speedy recovery!
I'll keep your mom in my thoughts, Yssie! Hoping for a speedy recovery!
Oh, Yssie, I'm so sorry to hear about this. Thank goodness she was buckled up and the airbags deployed - I'm so glad all she's got are breaks/bumps/bruises. *big hugs* to you, and lots of healing dust to your mum.
Yssie I'm so sorry! Good job Mom for being buckled up! Lots of healing dust to Mom!
glad she's okay. :appl: lots of speedy recovery dust for your mom.
I'm so sorry to hear about the accident. Sending lots of healing dust to you mum. I hope that she recovers from her injuries soon.
Oh dear! Glad she's ok... Here's some healing *DUST* for her!!
Oh Yssie! Love, hugs, dust, strength to you and your mom and your family!
Thats always scary, prayers coming your Mom's way.
So glad to hear she will be ok.. sending my thoughts & prayers
Glad she's okay!! Praying for a speedy recovery!
Yssie so sorry to hear about your mom but glad she was buckled up-I hope she recovers well.
What a shock! Definitely praying for a speedy physical and emotional recovery!
She's in my prayers, so glad she is ok.

As someone who wasnt wearing a seatbelt in a car accident and suffered the repercussions of it, I second the disclaimer to make sure you wear your belt everyone! ;))
So glad her injuries were not life-threatening and she will recover Yssie. Prayer and dust your way.
Thank god she will be okay. I'll be praying for her speedy recovery.
Oh, no! I'm so happy to hear she is ok and hope she has a speedy recovery. I'm keeping your mom in my thoughts!
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad she's okay, but we're sending dust and prayers and good thoughts from the Haven house for a speedy and pain-free recovery for your mum.
So glad to hear that all the safety equipment worked and your mom will recover. Prayers that she gets well soon.
So Sorry to hear about your mother's accident! What a scary call that must have been for you.

You must be relieved that she will heal from all her injuries.

<<<DUST>>> for your mom to get well ASAP!!!
prayers outgoing
I am so happy she is OK! But what a scary accident!
Much love to your mum.

She may be a bit shaky about getting in cars for a while. Thank god for seatbelts.
Yssie, LOTS of healing dust and love for your mom.
I'm so glad she's okay - lots of healing dust to her!
Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope you heals quickly and has a complete recovery.

Here is the dust for your mom...

And here is the dust for you so that you also have the strength and healing necessary for you to get through this as well....

Thank goodness she made it through as well as she did!!! Healing dust to her and to you, Yssie, chin up doll. :HUGS: