
just checkin my idea

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Mar 31, 2003

i''ve been going out with my girlfriend for almost a year now...and i''m ready to pop the question. we go to school kind of far away...southern illinois and wisconson. she knows that i''m going to do i''m planning on suprising her with my visit, and she will know when she sees me..or knows that i''m there, that it is going to happen...but i''m struggling with how to do it. here are some of my me pick on please:

plan 1: i will call her make sure that she is dressed. this will be easier than it sounds. and then leave a note on her door telling her to take a walk to the river. it isn''t very far away, and she walks there a lot. when she gets there i will have a table with a white table cloth over it with a picnic lunch and a rose and candle...then i will be hiding, watching her walk up to the table, and come up behind her...and get on one knee...and start to talk...i''ll ask when she turns around. then we will enjoy our lunch.

plan 2: this one is simpler...and a lot easier not to mess up. just email her some things to make her happy...stories of the day we met(i do this a lot, so it won''t be weird or suggestive) and different things like that...just to get "US" on her mind. then call her from my cell phone after getting one of her friends to let me in the building. i will talk to her and finally use a very common line that i use, "can i ask you a question?" then walk into her room on one knee and ask her "will you marry me?"

plan 3: get her friends to take her out of her room for a while...then lay a white sheet on the ground, covered in rose petals and candles...with a dictionary sitting in the middle. this dictionary will have all of the words cut out of it...except, be-my-wife-please. she will get back to her room and her friends will let me in shortly after she goes in...then...she will find her room...and the dictionary with a note saying, "this book has all the words i need tonight...i know it by heart, you can even quiz me on it"...then she''ll open it as i walk in and get down on one knee with the ring out...and say..."i''m ready for my quiz"

help me pick one of these please...she''ll love them all i know...i just want to know has the best "awww..factor" i guess. which do you all think is the best?
i like Plan #3 providing that she sees the rose petals and dictionary before she knows you are there. Plan #1 and #2 are good too but then they seem more obvious. You did mention that as soon as she sees you, she'll know right?
Just my opinion...Good Luck!
You better come up with a plan "B" in case the weather is not to your liking here in the Midwest
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