
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Hello again, all! It sounds like everyone is doing well. Mia, my dreams have been getting weirder lately, too.

Bean, how did the NT scan go?

Pupp, glad to hear everything is a-okay!!

AFM, I'm 6w1d (by my own calculations). Feeling fine, just a little tired and moody. Having to work on my feet all day (I'm a massage therapist) is taxing on my body already, so I'm worried about how I'll do as I get bigger with more symptoms. DH and I are getting a little more excited day by day. I think after the first ultrasound next week, it will start to feel more real.

Is anyone using acupuncture for their morning sickness? I get it sporadically, but I think I'm going to start going weekly to see if I can keep from getting sick.

Hey ladies!! So I have been MIA. I posted last on the TTC thread in June and got my BFP the next cycle. A lot happened at the same time - I got a job (WOOHOO, YES) and started training for it which took up the majority of my time when I wasn't sleeping or avoiding puking desperately. Training is ending soon and things are calming down, so I hope to come around more. It is so nice to see so many of you here! :) I am now 10 weeks, will be 11 on Tuesday. So far, so good aside from my BP. It went up enough that they have me on BP meds. :knockout: I have my NT scan next week (not this coming week). The next milestone after that (aside from crossing into 2nd tri) will be our sex scan (that sounds funny). We're going to a place to have it done at the end of Sept (if for some reason they can't find the sex then we can go back for free). Hope it's okay that I join, is this the right thread? Sorry I am so clueless... :confused:

Congratulations, SarahLovesJS! What great news! :appl: (Is it safe to presume you are "Sarah"?)

And yes, you're at the right thread. Some people join in here right after the BFP, but I like you waited until around 11 weeks in-- you know, when it starts feeling real!

Have you seen or heard the heartbeat yet?
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Travel Goddess|1345425913|3254096 said:
Hello again, all! It sounds like everyone is doing well.... I'm 6w1d (by my own calculations). Feeling fine, just a little tired and moody. Having to work on my feet all day (I'm a massage therapist) is taxing on my body already, so I'm worried about how I'll do as I get bigger with more symptoms. DH and I are getting a little more excited day by day. I think after the first ultrasound next week, it will start to feel more real.

Is anyone using acupuncture for their morning sickness? I get it sporadically, but I think I'm going to start going weekly to see if I can keep from getting sick.

Hi TravelGoddess-- what can I say, I'm impressed that you're still on your feet all day! As a fellow FTM, hopefully sharing my roadmap will help: you probably won't get visibly bigger until the beginning of your second trimester (assuming your eating regimen is on target for the most part). I didn't start showing anything even in the tightest clothes until around week 17, and as of today in week 20 I'm only up 2 pounds so no back pain yet. My experience, however, was extreme exhaustion between weeks 9-12, which then improved a bit.

BTW, if you're going to be on your feet a bit, it might be worth asking your doctor soon whether compression stockings are a good idea from the beginning to prevent varicose veins.

Good luck on the ultrasound next week! Have you been looking at the week by week info on a site babycenter yet?
Oooh, I hadn't even thought about vein issues! I'll be sure to ask my doc about that at my appointment.

Speaking of getting bigger/starting to show, I was talking to a coworker the other day and she asked how far along I was. I said "oh, just 5 or 6 weeks..." She looked at my stomach and said "are you showing already?!" I smoothed my hands over my dress and said "uh, no." What I really wanted to say was, "no, you friggin jackwagon, I'm apparently just fat!" What a moron. But I won't be wearing that dress again anytime soon.....

Congratulations SLJS! We are just a few days apart. We have our next US tomorrow, and I will be 11w on Saturday.

Hey Ladies! Sarah works fine Fleur!! :) We have seen both. I've actually had two ultrasounds already because there was some concern that right before I became pregnant (literally the Sunday before I got my BFP on like Tuesday) I had a CT scan and some pain meds because I was in the ER for a stomach issue. So I was worried about the dye or meds hurting the baby and the doctor did the first one to date and reassure me. The second one I think was just to make sure everything was looking go since my BP has been up off and on so far. My next one is my NT scan next week! :)

Mer that is so exciting, we're so close in time!! :)

Travel Goddess - what a meanie! I'd be mad, too. Seriously..stop touching my stomach. :shock:

My NT scan went well. It looked like a baby on the screen but the pictures we got look... :confused: pretty sure baby has DHs huge nose hehe

I still have not heard from my doctor about the scan though. He is only at my clinic on thursdays... so if I don't hear by noon I'm going to call. Due date is still 3-7-13 ...and my roll over date are now thursdays so I am officially 12 weeks! If all goes well, I will be announcing on Fb this week. A lot of people already know thought because I was SO SICK... but now it can be "official".

Sickness.... Zofran is the best thing ever. I have only been needing to take it about once a day and it just helps me feel so much better. MS has subsided other than that. We went house hunting last Saturday where I went from feeling 90% good to 15% good in less than 2 hours... so it's still there! I had to go home, take Zofran and just sit there until I didn't feel like the world was going to fall out from under me. After the nausea went away I realized I was actually STARVING and scarfed down a bunch of pasta :D

Good news.. we found a house this week and had our offer accepted! Yay! Now we just have an inspection and then if everything goes well, we move in 2 months. My nurse asked me, "What is with you pregnant women? You get pregnant and then decide you have to move right away?!" :bigsmile:


Welcome Sarah!

TG- WOW... some people! I hope you made her feel really uncomfortable. No one should say anything to pregnant women other than to mention they are "looking great". Jeez!

meresal- Let us know how the US goes :)

SLJS- Looks like we may be a bit closer than originally thought. I was measuring 11w2d today... supposed to only be 10w5d.

Everything looked great and we were able to hear the heartbeat, strong @ 162bpm, and she did a second video, once she got the little bean to move around. It was kicking and punching like crazy, so cute.

We will have our NT scan next Tuesday.

Congratulations on the house Bean! So exciting!
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bean|1345717900|3255816 said:
Good news.. we found a house this week and had our offer accepted! Yay! Now we just have an inspection and then if everything goes well, we move in 2 months. My nurse asked me, "What is with you pregnant women? You get pregnant and then decide you have to move right away?!" :bigsmile:

It's societal, not our hormones, I swear! When we began telling people that we were happily expecting, I'd say about 80% asked within the two minutes of sharing the news whether we were going to move to a house. (We live in a pretty fabulous penthouse flat with a rare 1000 sq. ft. private rooftop terrace for outdoor space-- though we will be getting rid of a guest room in favor of a nursery, natch!)

Bean, congratulations on the house! What features does this property have that made you and your husband say to yourselves, "Hey, this is the one!"

We decided to BUILD a house right after finding out we were expecting. lol.

I get sooo behind on this thread!

To everyone: I loved reading about your dreams and hormonal emotions made me feel like I'm not the lone weirdo! I'm jelly of those of you who are buying/building houses! We aren't quite there yet but we are looking for a house to rent.

Mer- Welcome! Did I welcome you already? Can't remember but hi again if I did! Good luck on the NT! I am soooo jealous that you got a video of the baby! I got a video of the heart beat early on and loved to watch it on my phone! I am kicking myself that I didn't take a video of the baby moving in my last 3 ultrasounds! It's so amazing I could watch it all day!

Bean- What a bummer you haven't heard the official word from the NT! I think that may be a good thing though. I've heard if it's bad news the radiologist is called in to scan again and then they call your OBGYN right away. So hopefully he's in no rush because it looked fantastic! Definitely call though! My doc is amazeballs but her staff sucks at calling me back! I always have to call repeatedly but they are always nice when I do!

TravelGoddess- Well you are into your sixth week, how are you feeling? That's when it all went downhill for me :sick: I can't wait for your US next week! It will totally feel more real!

Sarah- YAY!!! Congrats! and Welcome! :appl: I was wondering where you went! That's lame about your BP but I think pregnancy really affects BP and your heart because of all the extra blood volume. Hope it comes back down though. Is it something you will have to monitor the whole pregnancy? Good luck on your NT (if I'm not back on here by then!)

FDL- What's up with you? How's preggo life going?

Where's MLK??? You out there lurking girl? Did you graduate to the other thread?

Hope I didn't miss anyone but it is late and I should be in bed!

AFM- 13 weeks today!

Tons of update but I'll try to not bore you all:

1. NT scan: check! Went well. DH got to see the baby moving and said "You can already tell it's going to be a trouble-maker! Why is it kicking so violently? So young... and already so angry..." I was cracking up! He totally seems more bonded now! We got the results right away which was nice but I'm trying not to worry that the Down Syndrome risk was 1/1,200, I thought it would be way lower than that since I am only 30, but it said negative so I am just not going to freak about it. They also found ABSOLUTELY NO SIGNS OF BLOOD OR ABNORMALITIES in my uterus so I am super duper stoked about that! Doc said I can resume normal activity and I even went for a little jog today and it was great!

2. I am showing a teeny bit. Is anyone else? Am I crazy? Now, I am average build so it probably just looks like a little beer belly to everyone else. I have gained two pounds since pre-pregnancy but I have before and after pics from this week and last and there is a clear difference, especially when my bladder is full! I do think my uterus has gotten bigger because now I have to pee pretty often and I am getting heartburn all the time. The baby's heartbeat also seems to be a little higher on my abdomen.

3. My little sis had her twin baby girls today!!! They were a planned c-section at 38 weeks because of their size and she had really mild gestational diabetes. They were supposed to be fraternal twins because they were in different sacs but they really look exactly alike and each weighed exactly 6lbs 14 oz, and had the exact same height and head circumference as well so the doctors think they may be identical. I am hoping they are testing for it but I haven't heard whether they are planning to or not (I live across the country from them ). So anyway, babies everywhere! I can't wait to visit them!

Okay, bed is calling... I'm sure there wasn't anything else important to talk about!
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Hi Mia!

mia1181|1345792448|3256375 said:
Tons of update but I'll try to not bore you all:

1. NT scan: check! Went well. DH got to see the baby moving and said "You can already tell it's going to be a trouble-maker! Why is it kicking so violently? So young... and already so angry..." I was cracking up! He totally seems more bonded now! We got the results right away which was nice but I'm trying not to worry that the Down Syndrome risk was 1/1,200, I thought it would be way lower than that since I am only 30, but it said negative so I am just not going to freak about it. They also found ABSOLUTELY NO SIGNS OF BLOOD OR ABNORMALITIES in my uterus so I am super duper stoked about that! Doc said I can resume normal activity and I even went for a little jog today and it was great!

2. I am showing a teeny bit. Is anyone else? Am I crazy? Now, I am average build so it probably just looks like a little beer belly to everyone else. I have gained two pounds since pre-pregnancy but I have before and after pics from this week and last and there is a clear difference, especially when my bladder is full! I do think my uterus has gotten bigger because now I have to pee pretty often and I am getting heartburn all the time. The baby's heartbeat also seems to be a little higher on my abdomen.

3. My little sis had her twin baby girls today!!! They were a planned c-section at 38 weeks because of their size and she had really mild gestational diabetes. They were supposed to be fraternal twins because they were in different sacs but they really look exactly alike and each weighed exactly 6lbs 14 oz, and had the exact same height and head circumference as well so the doctors think they may be identical. I am hoping they are testing for it but I haven't heard whether they are planning to or not (I live across the country from them ). So anyway, babies everywhere! I can't wait to visit them!

Okay, bed is calling... I'm sure there wasn't anything else important to talk about!

Taking them point by point:

1. Woooooooo hooooooo! I've been thinking about you quite a bit since you posted about the issue you'd been having, and I must admit, I've been thinking of and sending you a type of "sticky dust" (of more of a placental adhesion nature) these last few weeks and am glad to hear of your great progress! You're braver than I am; after such a scare like the one you've had, I'd probably switch over to nothing but yoga and, well, stay in that lane for the rest of the pregnancy.

2. Showing! Yep, between weeks 6-17, I joked that I looked like my normal self, except at night it looked like I had gone out with friends for margaritas and ate lots of salty chips-n-salsa because of the tiny (but waaaaay noticeable to me) lower abdomen bloat!

3. Congrats to your sister and her twins! Wouldn't that be neat if they're identical? Please update when the news comes whether they're ID or frat.

We know a couple of couples here in SoCal who have had twins, and it's been a surreal-only-in-CA triple blessing for them: not only do they have little blessings #1 and #2, but both sets got agents (!!!) and pretty much fully funded the college fund nest egg by doing commercials, TV, and movies (with their super-strict minutes regulations) before their second birthdays. (I have to admit that when I paired up with a good-looking man and came into it myself with a family history of identical twins on both sides, a small part of me was hoping for twinsies so perhaps college costs would be a non-issue. I'm against school-aged children being actors, but having been on set and seen firsthand how baby/toddler considerations protect the little ones from the issues the older ones face, I'd totally be up for that!)

I did hear back thursday finally. I was told it was negative... I asked if I was going to be getting a range and she said 1-2200 .. which might be lower than Mia's because I'm a smidge younger maybe (28)?

I wonder how they get their calculations??

Mi, imstll here have been reading along just havent found the time to actually post! We have had my sister innlaw from overseas staying with us for 2 weeks (she was very difficult just from a not getting a second to yourself always in your face - I guess good preparation for kiddies) but she is gone now. With that came all the cleaning and preparation. Yay for great nt results. I was 1:1500 I think and the OB was happy with that. The main thing is that the fluid level was low and they saw a nasal bone.

Pupp, how are things going with you? How did the breaking of the news go?

Bean, congrats on great nt results. You can rest easy too. And well done for finding a house so quickly. It seems like tour process over in the us is much more cimplicated than here so I hope it all goes smoothly from here on.

Meresal, best of luck for your nt next week!

Travel goddess and Sarah, welcome to you both, hope you both have happy and smooth pregnancies.

Fleur, I think it's time I mosied my way on over to the big girls thread and join you and all our other graduates.

Sorry if I missed anyone am on my iPhone so trying to do my best to remember everyone!

AFM, 16w4d, wow I can't believe how quickly it is all going. Last vibist to the OB two weeks ago wet well. My placenta is anterior so
He said not to expect to feel anything for a while longer. In saying that though , I now have a belly! It is not that hard yet as I have a little padding but it is definitely noticeable, everyone is saying how big I got inthe last week. I just want it to look like a pregnant bump so people just don't think im fat!

Hey ladies! Hope everyone is feeling good today.

Bean, hope the Zofran is still helping you! When is the inspection on the house?

FDL, you flat sounds amazing! I'd love to see pictures of the outdoor space!

Mia, your DH sounds funny. "so young and already so angry." I was chuckling at that.

AFM, I'm in a mood today. I just found out my mother has been telling everyone she knows about the pregnancy. After we had all agreed we were waiting until after the 1st trimester. We haven't even told DH's family yet! She's a very selfish person and *my* news always quickly becomes *her* news. Anyway, I really wanted to be the one to tell my grandmother but my mother has done that for me. Seriously, we haven't even told some of our closest friends. I'm so angry with her right now. I should have known she would do this. We were going to wait until after our first ultrasound on Tuesday to tell DH's parents but I guess we'll tell them tonight before they hear it from someone else (our families live quite close to each other in a couple of small Iowa towns; in other words, news travels fast). The hormonal bitch inside me wants to call her and say "guess who'll be the last to know the baby's gender? That's right, YOU!"

Also, I'm starting to feel very nauseous. I haven't thrown up yet, but it's like a nagging feeling morning, noon and night. It's getting old, fast. I've made an appointment for acupuncture on Tuesday so hopefully getting back into that will help me. 7w1d today. Time is going soooooo slowly.......

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. Hope your buns are all baking beautifully!

Travel Goddess- We had our inspection friday. It went well. There were a few issues we are asking the seller to take care of (one being a safety hazard) but I don't think we will have any other issues.

I forgot to mention WHY we are moving! FDL- we have a condo right now in a very mix neighborhood. There are million dollar homes and apt buildings. It's a very high density area and extremely "hip". I think if we had put it on the market in the spring time and had time to wait a bit, we could've gotten much more. However, time was really important to us, and having a quick sale, so we priced to sell! I do love our condo- it has very old world details and the most gorgeous chandelier! But, time for change. We are moving to a suburb (7 miles away) and are buying a 3bd 2 ba home. This one really isn't fancy or have bells and whistles but it's well maintained and livable for now (until I remodel the kitchen :lol: ) I can see us being there for 10 years- which is very important to me.

I just figured it would be easier to move right now with four cats instead of next spring with four cats and a newborn :) Because of the time of year there are some very motivated sellers.

I am still on Zofran and I love it. I can get so sick I can hardly move... and it helps so much. I have 4 refills left and will probably need all of them. My sleeping has improved, but waking up in the same position has started hurting my hips and legs- a lot.

This might just be me, but does anyone else check for signs of a MC EVERY time you use the bathroom? I am so very paranoid of being active (ok, if I had the energy) and I expect to see blood every time I use the bathroom. I am a major worrier and I have having a hard time accepting that things "might" be ok. I don't know.. I'm just waiting for something terrible to happen and can't seem to enjoy being pregnant because I don't want to get excited and then MC....

Travel Goddess-

I was going to comment on what your mom did but forgot! My husband AND my mother have been acting like that as well. It really irritates me, it is definitely something YOU should tell people, not your mom. Is this her first grandbaby? Maybe she is just so overly excited... I know that isn't an excuse but the only other reason I can think that someone would do that is that they are bored and have nothing else to talk about. I would honestly be really firm with her and tell her again that what she is doing is not ok. I had to tell DH and my MOM multiple times that it was MY NEWS to share from now on and not theirs. I basically got to tell no one while those two pretty much had a damn plane skywriting it for everyone!

I hope your nausea goes away. Just remember to hydrate! It's tough when you don't feel well but it will help. Otherwise if it gets really bad, I would make an appt to see your doc.

I don't have time for a full post but just had a couple things.

Bean- I still check every time I wipe for blood and I am 17 weeks. I am a worrier though, so I might not be a normal comparison! I have stopped making trips to the bathroom just to check for blood though. It is amazing how you get used to the extra CM.

mlk- So good to "see" you! I am jealous you got to see your little one last appointment. My next u/s is the end of September. I have been thinking it is time to move to the big thread too. I just expected to feel more pregnant at 17 weeks, you know? Glad you are doing well.

just a quick drive-by while I shovel in my lunch.

Travel Goddess, sorry about your mom. Unfortunately my mom is the same and, for that reason, she was pretty much the last to know this time. As soon as I told her, she got on the phone...while we were eating dinner. :rolleyes: I hadn't yet told my sister who lives out of town yet and she even called her. It drives her INSANE that I ask her not to post about my life on facebook. When I was pregnant with DS, we had to make the decision not to call her when I was in labor which really upset her but she has no personal boundaries. I knew if I called, she would show up at the hospital even though we made it clear that we didn't want anyone there. I learned from my SIL because my mom bullied her way into the delivery room when she was in labor. I've struggled with this because my mom's feelings are hurt easily but I've had to work around her over-enthusiastic (aka pushy!) ways.

Bean, I'm a toilet paper stalker too. I'm so paranoid this pregnancy. I actually had random spotting again this weeked for a few hours and it freaked me out. I have the doppler now and can hear the baby's heartbeat (at least I THINK that's what I'm hearing!) so that did offer a bit of reassurance but it just doesn't seem right to see blood of any kind on the toilet paper when you're pregnant!

Quick post... Going to take a nap.

NT scan was today. Saw a nasal bone, and the neck measurement was 1.5mm. They will run those things with my blood test, and let us know our final result.

Other than that, baby looked great. It was asleep when we started, and began to move around for about a second when prompted, and then back to sleep... With it's arm across its face. Ugh, I cannot handle another drama queen/king! Lol
Had the first ultrasound today. Measuring 7w3d. Just like I calculated. Haven't met my doctor yet and won't until late September. That seems kinda weird to me. Feel a little strange about things. Still hasn't sunk in and seeing the black and white picture didn't really change my feelings. I was really hoping I'd get excited after the ultrasound. I'm basically just scared beyond belief.

TG, this is my second, and I didn't feel "good" until my ultrasound last week, at 10w5d.

It is ok to feel that way, and for my doctor, I didn't see her until my visit last week either.

TG, I can see how the picture of the blob doesn't cut it in terms of making this seem real. When you go to the doc at the end of September, you'll hear the heartbeat - that ought to do it! And I hope baby doesn't remind you of his/her existence between now and then with sickness!

...I just realized there are a lot of us here! Late winter/early spring baby boom!

AFM, I'm trucking along at 14w3d. I had an appointment on Wednesday. It went well. My doc said I'm on a 35-40lb *trajectory* and she recommends 20-25lbs. I laughed and told her I gained 65lbs the first time and 45-50lbs the second time, so 35-40lbs would be an improvement! :lol: I'm not terribly concerned about it. I always gain a lot in the first trimester - my all carb/no exercise lifestyle contributes I'm sure! I do have one issue currently - my hands fall asleep every now and then. Doc said that's normal but usually doesn't happen this early and typically gets worse. So, I'll have to keep an eye on that.

I forgot to mention that I got my NT results. Chances of Down Syndrome were 1:3,800. I was happy with this since I'll be over 35 when the baby is born. I get the next part of the blood work in about 2 weeks.

So, I guess I'm officially out of the first trimester but I don't feel ready for the big girl thread yet!

:wavey: I've been meaning to share this because, well, it's kind of ridiculous how "out there" my belly is. This is at 13 weeks. I know the horizontal stripes probably accentuate it a little but really? My belly is happy to be pregnant! :lol: Taking a second look at this pic and it appears my boobs are happy to be pregnant too!


Pupp- You look amazing! What a cute bump! I have a little bump but I don't really look pregnant yet. Are you feeling any movement yet? I was really old threads and some of the second or more time moms were saying they felt movement at 10 weeks! I know what you mean about not being ready for the big time thread yet too. I remember when I first joined this thread I commented to a few "lingerers" about what in the heck they were still doing around these parts after the first trimester. I think this thread was started for those who were really early in the first trimester because they felt really silly talking about whether or not they had any symptoms yet in the thread with ladies who were due any day. Now that I'm in the second trimester I realize that I don't really feel any more pregnant and it doesn't feel any more real. I wonder when I will feel pregnant enough to be in the actual pregnant thread! How did your doc guess your "trajectory?" Is it based on your weight gain so far? I am curious to see what my doc will say about mine. I just kind of feel like it is hard to predict because some women go a while without gaining and then, bam! gain a bunch at the end. At least you have an idea based on your previous pregnancies. And 35-40 doesn't sound bad at all! I know a lot of women who gained 70 lbs and lost all or most of it. Oh and, I need to say dang girl! Those are some low NT results!!!! Especially considering your age, you must have a really healthy baby in there!

FDL- I love that you responded to me point by point! One of my friends and I do that in emails back and forth where we just list and address each topic separately. It's so formal but I love responding like an actual conversation. Don't worry about me exercising too much after bedrest, I promise I am not pushing myself or anything. I have worked out like four times since I have been pregnant and it is very light and easy. It makes me feel really good when I do and I take it really slow but I am usually too tired to work out anyway. I've never really liked regular yoga, which is why I used to practice Bikram (hot) yoga, but I'm definitely not going to risk that. I do occasionally go to pilates but haven't really been in the mood for that either. Anyhoo, I promise I am being really safe with this little shrimp! That is so awesome about twin babies getting acting jobs. I agree with you that I probably wouldn't do it when they were older, but what a great way to start a college fund! My sister is way back in western NY so probably not a lot of jobs there for twins.

Bean- Congrats on the NT results! I wonder how they get the calculations too... Probably way over my head! Well I've had 2 bleeding episodes so I'm probably a little more paranoid than most but I check every.single.time! I was so angry the other night when we went to a trendy restaurant that had a dark restroom because I wouldn't be able to see if the tissue was a little pink! I'm happily blood free for a a couple of weeks now so I am starting to get more relaxed about it! I can't wait until the end when I am checking for a mucus plug or to see if my water broke each time, that will be fun!

MLK- Thanks for checking in! Are you getting maternity clothes yet? I can't wait to get some of those tops that stretch across the belly and are ruched on the sides, only pregnant women wear them so I hope it will help others to know that I am pregnant not just fat!

Travel Goddess- Sorry about your mother telling everyone your news :(. I kind of expected people to do that with my news. I told my parents and siblings not to tell anyone but I think they did anyway. I am 14 weeks along and no one has asked me if they can tell anyone yet and I think it's because they already have! Oh well! I live across the country from anyone they would tell so it doesn't really bother me that much. I just figured if there was bad news they would have to be ones to relay that. Anyway, it's unfortunate but I kind of knew it would happen. I just think of how many times in my life people have said to me "I'm not supposed to tell anyone yet, but guess who's pregnant?!" I think people just get excited and think it's harmless if the person they tell keeps the secret for them. It is totally selfish though.

Meresal- My baby does the same as yours each time we get an US. Every time it lays so still in the beginning and I freak out a little wondering if everything is okay and then it wakes up and goes crazy! I heard in a podcast that I was listening to that there is some evidence that the baby can feel the vibrations of the sound waves in utero so the US may be somewhat disturbing to them (although the expert being interviewed went on to say that US's are generally safe as long as they are done by certified staff and exposure is limited to short periods of time). Anyway, I asked the US tech if all babies do that and she said it was totally random whether the baby would be awake or asleep and more often the baby is asleep because they sleep a lot. I thought it was interesting. I guess our babies just like to come out and play when the camera's on- so-to-speak!


Well this has been a very pregnant weekend for me! I bought my first official maternity purchased and used an unofficial maternity item that I had laying around. My first purchase was yes, a pregnancy pillow! Actually we bought two to try out and we are bringing the Boppy one back because it was kind of thin and didn't really wrap around me. We are keeping the Snoogle. I haven't been sleeping well and waking up with a sore back and hips. I didn't think it could be pregnancy related at first but when I put a pillow under my belly I was much more comfortable. I know it's crazy because it is so early (I'm 14 wks 3 days today) but my beLly was kind of hanging out there and not big enough to rest on the bed so I think it was straining my back. The snoogle fixed it. I do have one critique that there is a seam that kind of rubs on my back but I think it's how the pillow maintains it's shape and it doesn't seem to actually hurt my back or make it sore. I'm going to post more on the other thread about preggo pillows too. My butt does still hurt though. I don't think it has anything to do with sleeping because I sleep on my side, but my tailbone area has been kind of sore lately whether I am walking or sitting. Does anyone have that problem or know what may be causing it?

The other maternity purchase that I happened to have and used this weekend was this little bikini bottom skirt. A few years ago, a client of mine called to ask if we could meet at the beach for our session (I am an ABA therapist and work with kiddos who have autism). I didn't have a child-friendly/appropriate bikini for work so I ran into target and found on the clearance rank this little skirt/bikini bottom thing in a size XS and bought it without trying it on. I get to the client's house and try it on and it is huge and goes up really high on the belly. Confused that I must've gotten the wrong size, I check the size and notice it is XS but maternity! Oops! Well at least it came in handy this weekend when we had friends come to hang at our pool! I didn't feel comfortable in a regular bikini so I wore the maternity bottoms with a tankini top I also had lying around. The only problem is that my butt doesn't exactly fit in the XS anymore but at least it was covered by the skirt!

Well I think I have written enough! The only other thing I wanted to say is that my new fav hobby has been using my doppler to listen for the baby moving. The heartbeat has gotten old so now I just listen for all the little "blip" and "woo" sounds when the baby moves. I still can't believe I can't feel something the size of my fist inside of me. Craziness.

Oh and one more question: Do you guys think I should get an ultrasound before the next routine one at about 20 wks? After the bleeding my doc said I would get one for the NT, then at ~20 wks but then an extra one in between at around ~16wks just to check for bleeding. Well my NT showed no problems and I haven't heard anything from my doc but I'm wondering if she will think it will be necessary since everything seemed to be fine on the last one (i.e. the bleeding wasn't just decreased but completely gone). My gut tells me that everything is fine, but I am wondering if I should ask her to stick with the plan. 95% because I want to see the baby again, but there is that 5% that wonders if I should just get it checked out again. I have an appointment next week and I want to decided whether to push or not before hearing her take. What are your thoughts?

Mia, I have brough quite a few maternity clothes, and am slowly wearing them everyday. I am at the stage where most of my old clothes (except the stretchy ones) are feeling a little snug, but mainly uncomfortable when I sit etc. I have brought a few of those rouched tops, but most are summery and I'm just waiting on the final remnants of winter to go first. Oh I did put one on today and immediately took it off cos it just looked enormous. Great to hear that you have not had any more episodes of bleeding. At 18 weeks tomorrow I still check everytime I use the bathroom too.

Pupp, great picture. You really look preggo, not bloated or anything. I am still waiting to have a definately preggo belly like yours! Although I think my boobs got the same memo yours did. I am already up to my second size of new bras!

Hi to everyone else.

AFM, 18 weeks tomorrow and my morphology scan is in 8 days. I am starting to get worried again like I do before each appointment that something will be wrong. Hopefully when I start feeling some kicks, that will put my mind at ease.

Well my spending has now gone out of control. I have now brought our stroller - the exact one and colour I wanted at $1000 off (yippee), a gym/plamat and bouncer bundle, change table (second hand), set of shelves/drawers and quite a few clothes that I ordered from overseas - for example I got 7 singlet suits for 7 pounds. Here they start at $5 each and are not good quality until you buy better brands.

I went to my first pre natal yoga class the other night, but it was a bit slow for me. I ordered some dvds, including a prenatal pilates, so hopefully that may be more my style at this stage.

My DH has just been headhunted by his old company, so is in the process of resigning from his job which has crazy hours laterly and signing the new contract. The good news is that this new company has a much better vibe and more professional/trained staff and is closer to home, so hopefully is a change for the better.

Does anyone else have to start thinking of booking their babies into high school or is that just a Sydney thing? I literally need to book this bub into high school within the first couple of months and even then a place is not guaranteed (for when they are 12). So we went to a school fair one of them were having on the weekend and it just felt so crazy to think that this bub may end up going there.

Mia, I was *pretty* sure I was feeling movement two weeks ago but I couldn't really tell. Now, at 17 weeks, I'm almost certain I am. It's still nothing consistent though. Oh, and the "trajectory"...I think they break out the weight gain by trimester. At 14 weeks, I had gained 10lbs. They want to see like 2-4 lbs at that point. So, I guess she just did the math and figured I would be closer to 35 or 40lbs. I'm not really worried about it but I would love to only buy one set of maternity pants...which I haven't purchased yet since everything is hideous or ridiculously expensive. :rolleyes:

MLK, where are you buying your clothes? Any online retailers? I'm still walking around with my pants unbuttoned!

Hi all!

For some reason I thought this thread was for people who are only a few weeks pregnant. Glad I checked it out as I think this is where I should have been hanging out these past few months until I feel comfortable moving to the Pregnant PSers thread.

I am currently 16wks with our first kiddo - a girl due in early March. Have been through the gauntlet so have been/and still am very cautious - hasn't completely sunk in that this is actually happening. We have not yet told family and friends - waiting for the 18wk anatomy scan. Have had NT tests and got good results.

Hope to keep on this journey with all of you!

Welcome MLP and congratulations on teh pregnancy and finding out you have a girl!

Just over 15w here, have our monthly appt tomorrow. Just a check-up. Everything is going well so far, so hopefully tomorrow is a good one as well.