
Judge''s Family Are Murdered

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Jan 26, 2003
I had read that this judge, who had acted against some white supremacists in the past, found two bodies in her home. Yesterday the papers made *NO* mention of the identity of the bodies. Can you imagine the horror of finding her elderly mother's and her husband's bodies? This seems like pure evil to me, and I am not generally prone to using the word "evil", which seems too black and white a term for most situations.

Its awful..... very sad.
Anyway, they have sketches out on people they think are involved. They should catch them before too long.
I will be glad if the killers are caught to insure that they cannot kill again, but it really does nothing to alleviate the suffering that occurred and will continue because of the killings.

Judge Lefkow is quoted In "The New York Times" as having said:

the crimes were particularly cruel because her husband was on crutches after surgery on his Achilles tendon and her 89-year-old mother used a walker.

"They didn't have a chance," The Sun-Times quoted Judge Lefkow saying. "It was just cold-blooded. Who would do this? I'm just furious."

The Lefkows have four daughters, and Mr. Lefkow has a fifth from a prior relationship. The judge said the family, secluded under armed federal guard, has been sobbing and laughing over old memories, heartbroken that he would miss his daughter Helena's summer wedding.

"He had gotten himself a tux to wear to the wedding, and was so looking forward to walking his daughter down the aisle," Judge Lefkow told The Sun-Times. "And now he won't be able to do that. The daughters cry and say, 'I never had a grandfather, and I wanted my children to have a grandfather.' "

Here is a link to the newspaper. The full article can be found by scrolling down to the headline about sketches having been made in an inquiry into a "double killing":

I watched Nancy Grace last night when she was talking about it. It is awful that ppl are so evil.

I read about the BTK killer that was caught and he was a boy scout leader for a while!!! I was shocked, I guess you never know who is living in your neighborhood.
Geez, puts them on the same level as the terrorists - that I think they are. WHat a shame such people exist.

It really saddens me.

Re: BTK killer - I listen to a report *prior* the announcement on one news show. I featured someone who was already privy to who was being charged. He said that his neighbors did not like him & thought he took his job (animal control officer - interesting choice of career considering most serial killers start with cruely to animals) too rigidly. But, it''s a better story to make this guy seem like the congenial guy next door. I simply can not understand the core evil this guy had.
I heard on the radio this morning that a man in Chicago shot himself in the head in a van, leaving a suidide note claiming that he shot Judge Lefkow's elderly mother and husband. Police claim that the note contained details about the crime not made public. This article was in today's "The New York Times" prior to that news.

Here are some excerpts.

"CHICAGO, March 9 - For the 30 years of their marriage, Joan Humphrey Lefkow's husband, Michael, made the morning coffee. He swirled boiling water in the mug to warm it before pouring, then brought it to her in bed. They shared the first cup in silence, and, over the second, plotted another harried day juggling fulltime jobs and four busy daughters.

Now, nine days after finding her husband and mother shot dead in their basement, Ms. Lefkow, a judge on the United States District Court, brews her own coffee, warms her own mug.

For Judge Lefkow, 61, the target of an assassination plot for which a white supremacist was convicted last year, the killings were the ultimate train wreck of what she called the "two paradigms" of her life, ambitious career woman and devoted mother.

A shy Kansas farm girl who was an officer in her high school's Future Homemakers of America chapter, she became the first in her family to finish college and climbed the rarefied ladder of the federal judiciary. She cooked dinner - sometimes four different dishes to accommodate the girls' tastes - every night and read classics aloud in a home that lacked television for many years. At the courthouse, she took the unusual step of splitting her clerk's job so two women with young children could work part time and retain access to the prestigious post, and created a day care center on site so she and others could breast-feed on breaks.

Her chambers were filled with the girls' artwork - and, on days off from school, the girls themselves, playing "court." Once, when sentencing a man for taking bribes to give licenses to unqualified drivers, she admonished him by saying, "I have four children who are out on the highway."

"She's a believer in the balanced life, that life is not all about work, it's about work and it's about family," said Elizabeth Hollander, a close friend of 35 years. "Family is just really important to her, which is why when you want to do something really heinous, you go after her family."

She is stuck at the second stage of grief, anger - at the cruelty of killing two people hobbled by illness and injury, at the assault on what she calls "the linchpin of democracy," at the insecurity her children now face.
"I know that it happens to people every day," she said later. 'Why should I be exempt?'"


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