
Jog burn? A little help here please?

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Jun 12, 2008

I have been walking for an hour about 4 days a week for about 3 weeks now.

Yesterday I decided that I would walk for 30 minutes and then try jogging back, jogging and then walking, jogging and then walking until I build up the endurance to jog the full 30 minutes without having to walk.

The problem that I am having is this: The back of my legs burn when I have been jogging for a little bit - like the area between my calf muscle and my ankle - it starts burning and I have to stop. Is this burning sensation normal?

I am overweight so I am assuming I am just too freaking heavy to start jogging and I am putting too much weight on my legs and they can't handle it...

Before I go out walking I do stretch and after the thirty minutes of walking is up, and I start jogging back, I will stop every so often to stretch the back of my legs.

Is this normal? Should I just keep walking for a few weeks more or until I lose weight?

Help? Please!


May 23, 2006
It''s probably normal, your muscles aren''t used to running and need to build up strength. Walking and jogging aren''t the same thing. They use your muscles differently. Just do an easy transition to jogging, when it starts to burn stop jogging and walk. Congrats on your walking schedule.


Jun 12, 2008
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I was thinking it may be normal. I am taking it easy and think I do need to build up to the 30 minutes, so I guess I will continue my routine.

Thanks again for responding!


Jun 20, 2008
I actually get the same burning sensation- like... it feesl SO tight that you can''t even stretch it.

I don''t think it''s because you''re overweight. I do triathlons, run 5+ miles at a time, and consider myself in very good shape, and I still get the sensation. Sometimes I get it and somethings I don''t- I still can''t seem to place what causes it.

Usually when it happens, I have to stop, strecth my calves, and try to keep going. Sometimes it goes away, and sometimes it doesn''t.

It''s really frustrating because I, myself, don''t know what to do to prevent it and it seems to happen at random.

I''m sure that''s not much help for you, but I know exactly what you''re talking about!


Jul 5, 2007
No advice here because I''m a jogging novice, too, but I just wanted to cheer ya on for upping your workout :) I''ve been finding that the pain moves. For the first week or so I had burning, aching legs, and now it''s moved up to my hips - they just ache for the rest of the day.


Jun 12, 2008
Well, I am happy to hear I am not the only one...I''m not happy other people are experiencing a burning pain while running, just happy to know that this is "normal"ish!

Amanda.Rx - That''s what I have to do, stop and stretch every now and then. It does get tight. What''s frustrating is that when I was in high school (ugh - reminiscing) I used to walk for an hour and jog for an hour and NEVER have this burning or tightness...Sure it''s been 14 years...oh mercy, that seems like a while to me...but I would think that it is a weird occurrence since it didn''t happen before? I also thought my shoes weren''t tightened enough, so I tightened them a little more than I did yesterday and it seems to have made the burning more intense.

Elmorton - Thanks! Yeah, I wasn''t sore this morning from yesterday''s jog/walk, but today I felt fatigued and sore right when I came back from it. We''ll see what happens by the end of next week.

I''m thinking that I might need to drink more water/fluids too...we''ll see!


Aug 12, 2005
I get burning pains on the tops of my calves when walking briskly or jogging...and I''ve been a walker/jogger for a couple of years now. It''s not that you''re overweight, I think it''s that your body isn''t used to what you''re currently subjecting it to.

It will get easier the more you do it.
PS, good for you for getting on this healthy kick! Keep it up!


Mar 20, 2003
I can''t offer any advice regarding the burning, but if tightening your shoes didn''t help perhaps you could go to one of those running stores and get fitted for a pair. They can tell if you under or overpronate and all that.

The truth is that running is a high impact sport. My left hip hurts sometimes after a run. We just need to be careful of our joints and ligaments and muscles. Perhaps running on a softer surface would help? What kind of surface are you running on? Sidewalks are the worst, streets are slightly better than sidewalks, and of course trails and grass are the softest.


Sep 16, 2007
I worked with collegiate athletes in undergrad and for those ones who would tighten up during practice we would usually have them warm-up on a bike and then stretch, stretch, stretch. Remember to stretch adequately - which is about 30 "long" seconds at least 3x, more if you are really tight. If the athlete couldn''t bike or had no time to before practice, we would use a heat pack. It sounds like you''re doing the right thing with stretching throughout your workout when you tighten up. Calf muscle stretches against the wall are extremely effective. After you''re done I would recommend icing the affected section to prevent excessive muscle soreness.


Jun 12, 2008
monarch64 - Thank you so much for the support! I am also trying to make a log of all of my meals too. I read somewhere recently, probably on Yahoo, that people are more successful losing weight when they log their food consumption. Sometimes I don''t think I eat a lot, but now I have evidence!

phoenixgirl - Yeah, I thought about the shoe thing this morning and wondered if I have bad shoes or if they don''t fit properly, so I may just look into that - although I think my shoes are good...but who knows?
I have pretty good running shoes that are light and seem to fit right. Hmmm...

IndyGirl22 - Wow...thanks for the advice...and wow, that sure seems like a long time to stretch out, but I will try that tomorrow morning. When I stretch before I go walking int he morning I usually do 15 seconds of each stretch then hit the door to go out walking. I think if I do the 30 second stretch, 3 times, I would think that would help. And yes, I was doing the calf muscle stretches along the way when my legs would start tightening. This is a good stretch even though my calves aren''t tightening?

Thank you so much for your input everyone! I''ll let you know about the stretching tomorrow...


Sep 16, 2007
Date: 7/19/2008 5:58:11 PM
Author: Elegant
monarch64 - Thank you so much for the support! I am also trying to make a log of all of my meals too. I read somewhere recently, probably on Yahoo, that people are more successful losing weight when they log their food consumption. Sometimes I don''t think I eat a lot, but now I have evidence!

phoenixgirl - Yeah, I thought about the shoe thing this morning and wondered if I have bad shoes or if they don''t fit properly, so I may just look into that - although I think my shoes are good...but who knows?
I have pretty good running shoes that are light and seem to fit right. Hmmm...

IndyGirl22 - Wow...thanks for the advice...and wow, that sure seems like a long time to stretch out, but I will try that tomorrow morning. When I stretch before I go walking int he morning I usually do 15 seconds of each stretch then hit the door to go out walking. I think if I do the 30 second stretch, 3 times, I would think that would help. And yes, I was doing the calf muscle stretches along the way when my legs would start tightening. This is a good stretch even though my calves aren''t tightening?

Thank you so much for your input everyone! I''ll let you know about the stretching tomorrow...
Yeah, the biggest problem we had with our athletes was that they would do a quick stretch and think they were ready to go. Most people don''t stretch long enough (myself included before I found out otherwise) simply because they don''t know. Yeah, if the area between your calf and your ankle is burning then calf stretches should help out because that area has your achilles tendon which is attached to your calf. I would stretch, warm-up, then stretch again. I hope it helps! Also, you probably already know this, but everything is literally connected, so if you stretch your hamstrings out well (30x3) then that will help as well.

As for food consumption, I have been using the Fitday site - I''m not sure if I''m allowed to post the link but you can google it and find it easily I''m sure. It''s free and you can enter your foods and they will calculate your calories, fat, protein, etc. It''s not 100% accurate but it helped me to see how much I was burning/eating. It also has places for you to enter in your exercises and your goal weight, etc. and will prepare reports for you. Okay, my promotion of that site is done now haha.


Nov 29, 2004
For your walk/jog rotation how long are you doing the jog part? Maybe try 4 min walk/2 min jog to start for a few weeks then 3/3 and then work up to 2 min walk/ 4 min jog....and go from there. I have a tendency to jog on the balls of my feet instead of going heel-toe (many years of dance, etc) so my calves get a lot of work.


Sep 19, 2004
While stretching is a good thing their is one thing that may help that many people miss:

Proper salt (electrolyte) intake... and I''m not talking about just sodium.

Most people get plenty of sodium from our salty (sodium chloride)diets, but potassium is needed as well; and a potassium shortage causes muscle contractions and cramping on its own.

I found that switching to "light salt" (50% sodium chloride & 50% potassium chloride) greatly minimized a whole variety of muscle issues.

Not saying that is your problem, or even all of your problem. But it is worth a try.



Apr 8, 2008
I would also try eating a banana a day. I am training for a half-marathon and when I was training for a 5K I would cramp really bad in my calves right after running. Eating bananas has helped a lot.


Jul 30, 2008
Date: 7/24/2008 6:21:05 PM
Author: Blair138
I would also try eating a banana a day. I am training for a half-marathon and when I was training for a 5K I would cramp really bad in my calves right after running. Eating bananas has helped a lot.

Congrats for starting a healthier lifestyle! I agree with Blair about the banana. Bananas are rich in potassium, which help strengthen muscles! I eat a banana per day as I am an avid runner. If I skip a banana, I can feel it, especially in my calves.

Try stretching after you complete your walk/jog. Stretching can be neglected by many, but it a vital part of your exercise routine. If your calves are giving you the trouble, don''t forget to stretch them!


Jun 20, 2008
If you''re not a big fan of bananas, most other fruits are rich in potassium, especially oranges... and tomatoes.

Potatoes are great too (but high in calories). There''s also stuff like gatorade (which is also higher in calories).

Potassium is an electrolyte that helps to ward off muscle cramps, but I don''t think it necessarily helps with the burn (if what you''re feeling is what I have experienced). From my experience, cramps are pretty sharp and painful. The burn hurts, but is more annoying than sharp & painful.


Jun 12, 2008
Wow, thanks for all of the replies.

I just bought some bananas and will try that this week. I am also watching my salt intake more as well.

I have been walking again 4 times a week, but last week I was only able to go 3 days because of an upset stomach - not fun - and didn't want to leave the house.

I have been stretching for longer periods and that didn't seem to help me. I am going to do the combo and stretch and eat a banana everyday. My feet start aching too now when I attempt to jog longer that about 2 minutes...what is up with that? I bought a new pair of Nike so I will try my new bananas, ne Nike, and new stretches this week!

Thanks so much for the input!

Oh, and yes, it isn't sharp and painful cramps, it is the annoying burning both in my feet now and the area between the ankle and calve muscle - right below the calve muscle...yes, irritating and annoying it is!


Mar 28, 2008
Its totally normal to feel discomfort when you first start out. Even someone like myself, who is very active, feels pain after a run. I jog often (4-5 x week) and I sometimes have pain in my shins or heels--being heavier will only aggravate this more. When my heels hurt (this is usually after a long run) I soak them in ice water afterwards (1 min in, 2 min out) and then wear slippers (I love to walk barefoot but have been strictly told not to--I'm trying!). By doing a walking, running, walking routine you're getting your body used to the higher impact...the walk/run/walk/run is wonderful for your heart (and legs!
). Congrats on starting and sticking with it because jogging is not easy for many people. Keep at it, even when it might be discouraging. In a few more months it will be so much'll love it.

Keep us posted...

ETA: I am in love w/ your puppy avatar...looks like mine a bit!


Jun 12, 2008
Just a quick update.
I started eating bananas but I bought ones that were pretty ripe, so I ate two total...Sunday and Monday only. This morning I woke up and stretched for 30 seconds. Then I hit the road and did my usual walking for 1/2 the way. Then I stretched, each stretch for 30 seconds, then I began my jog/walk/jog/walk routine - it worked!!! My legs didn''t burn in the back at all...I just felt slight pressure in the shin area, and my feet felt fine too. I think after doing this for a couple of weeks my body is getting used to it a bit more. It took a while, that''s for sure. I think it is endurance too...oh, and my new Nike...they are nice.

So thank you all for your help! It is VERY much appreciated!

Oh, and Bia, thank you for the compliment - my doggie is a Maltese and about 3.5 years old. She has a summer puppy cut right now. I will attach a recent pic of her...I can''t right now because I keep trying to decrease the image size/quality for a smaller file size but it won''t let me, but I will post one as soon as I can!

Again, thanks everybody for your help and support!


Jan 29, 2007
Yay, a new jogger! A couple of years ago I adding jogging to my routine, and I''ve really grown to love it. Those first couple of weeks were really tough, though, so I know what you''re going through!

Here''s a great workout for a new jogger - start by walking for about 5 minutes to warm up. Then alternate walking with jogging - jog for 1 or 2 minutes, then walk for 3 mintues. THen jog again for 2 mintues, walk for 3. You can keep that up for your workout, and then as you get more comfortable with jogging, inrease the intervals so that you''re jogging more.

Eventually, you may want to try jogging for a mile straight, and warming up & cooling down with walking.

Just so you know, it gets easier with time. Also, it does get easier as you drop weight. I started jogging when I went through a divorce some years ago, and at 5''9" I weighed 168, because I put on weight during the divorce. After about a year of jogging 30 mintues 5 days a week, I got down to 138. The pounds really melted off with jogging, and there''s no exercise I''ve found that''s more effective.


Mar 20, 2003
Yay Elegant! You go girl! I''m glad you''re enjoying your Nikes.


Feb 18, 2008
Date: 8/7/2008 10:46:07 AM
Author: vespergirl
Yay, a new jogger! A couple of years ago I adding jogging to my routine, and I''ve really grown to love it. Those first couple of weeks were really tough, though, so I know what you''re going through!

Here''s a great workout for a new jogger - start by walking for about 5 minutes to warm up. Then alternate walking with jogging - jog for 1 or 2 minutes, then walk for 3 mintues. THen jog again for 2 mintues, walk for 3. You can keep that up for your workout, and then as you get more comfortable with jogging, inrease the intervals so that you''re jogging more.

Eventually, you may want to try jogging for a mile straight, and warming up & cooling down with walking.

Just so you know, it gets easier with time. Also, it does get easier as you drop weight. I started jogging when I went through a divorce some years ago, and at 5''9'' I weighed 168, because I put on weight during the divorce. After about a year of jogging 30 mintues 5 days a week, I got down to 138. The pounds really melted off with jogging, and there''s no exercise I''ve found that''s more effective.
That is so true!! When I started to jog I did it to help me lose about 10 pounds. After about 4 months, I had lost 20 pounds and couldn''t stop. I was eating more trying to keep the weight up. I only weighted 97 pounds and friends and family stayed on me because I looked bad. Running was the hardest thing to work up to that I have ever done, but the most results I have ever had.
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